Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 941 Aunt Xiao sets off

Haha, are you talking about Yin Shuai Bai Wuji?

Murong Fu's eyes flashed with light.

He felt that this might be an opportunity to make a fortune.

The big shopkeeper said in surprise: Does the elder know about this?

You know something. Murong Fu said confidently: From now on, if someone sells something cheap, you will buy it for me.

As he spoke, he took out a storage bag, handed it to the shopkeeper, and continued: There are enough 200,000 spirit stones in it.

I'm sure I can buy a lot of good things.

The chief shopkeeper was very puzzled by this, but seeing Murong Fu's expression, it didn't look like he was joking, so he carefully reminded:

Elder, [Blood God Sect] is not like other sects.

There will be no grass growing wherever they pass. By then, there may not be even one out of ten people in this [Dark Sky City].

Even if you buy [Dark Sky City], you won't be able to get your money back within a hundred years.

Murong Fu did not explain much and insisted:

Don't worry!

Then what do you do? What do you want to do? The money I lose is my own.

Seeing Murong Fu's insistence, the big shopkeeper stopped talking nonsense and replied:

Elder, please don't worry, leave this matter to me!

Murong Fu said hmm and said:

Look at the matter of the spirit horse...

The big shopkeeper said: You can also leave this matter to me.

I will buy it back for you this afternoon at the latest.

Seeing this, Murong Fu smiled slightly and said, Okay!

Do your job well, and I, Murong Fu, will never treat you badly.

The big shopkeeper didn't know who Murong Fu was.

But those who can become honorary elders in the [Qingyuan Chamber of Commerce] are naturally not simple things.

If he could really hold onto this thigh, he knew that he would definitely be good in the future.

So he treated Murong Fu with even more respect until he left.

He is still immersed in fantasy about the future.

Big shopkeeper, do you need to report this matter to the headquarters? the waiter reminded thoughtfully.

When the big shopkeeper heard this, he felt that what the other party said was reasonable and praised: Little Dezi, you are smart!

I'll send the news back to headquarters right away.

[Chamber of Commerce] has its own channels for delivering news.

All you need to do is burn a specific piece of yellow paper, and his message will be received in the headquarters.

At this time, Situ Xiaoxiao and Xiao Qing, who had just returned to the headquarters, were collecting news.

Miss, the person in this message seems to be somewhat similar to the person Murong Fu asked us to find.

Situ Xiaoxiao looked at the message Xiao Qing handed over, checked it carefully several times, and said with a smile:

Unexpectedly, this person is in [Daqian Country].

We will bring her back later to give Elder Murong a surprise.

Xiao Qing hummed and said, How virtuous and capable is this boy to make the lady care about him so much?

Seeing this, Situ Xiaoxiao chuckled and said:

Aunt Xiao, you don't seem to like Elder Murong very much!

What good qualities does he have that make people like him? Xiao Qing replied harshly.

As for Murong Fu's advantages, she was much clearer than Situ Xiaoxiao.

Okay... Situ Xiaogang wanted to persuade Xiao Qing not to hate Murong Fu.

The subordinates shouted outside the door:

Miss Report, the big shopkeeper of [Dark Sky City] has just received news that there is an honorary elder named Murong Fu.

I gave him 200,000 spirit stones and asked him to purchase the properties that were being sold at a low price in [Dark Sky City].

Murong Fu? Situ Xiaoxiao covered his face and said happily: Haha, our elder Murong really can't help but talk about it.

I just said a few words to him and he showed up.

Xiao Qing said angrily: Ever since he joined the [Canglan Sword Sect], there has been no news about this guy.

Such a heartless and unjust person deserves to die!

Situ Xiaoxiao curled his lips and explained, Aunt Xiao, don't say that.

Elder Murong, you have just joined the Sword Sect, and you must be busy with a lot of things.

We can't blame him!

Xiao Qing said angrily: That means the young lady is soft-hearted. If it were anyone else, she would have ignored him a long time ago.

Situ Xiaoxiao smiled shyly and immediately changed the topic:

I heard that [Dark Sky City] is the territory of [Tianming Sect]..

Some people from the [Blood God Cult] have been out there recently.

I have given orders to minimize the amount of goods there.

I don't know why he did the opposite?

Xiao Qing naturally understood Murong Fu better than Situ Xiaoxiao.

Knowing the other party's methods and his tendency to never suffer losses, he guessed:

Could it be that he knew some information, so he bought the properties of [Dark Sky City] on a large scale?

This... Situ Xiaoxiao couldn't make up his mind for a moment and said, Aunt Xiao, why don't you go to [Dark Sky City] for a trip?

If he really knows something, maybe this is an opportunity for us [Qingyuan Chamber of Commerce] to get rid of [Da Qian Country].

Shall I go? Xiao Qing almost thought there was something wrong with his ears.

If she wants to go there, wouldn't it be like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth, and then being eaten dry?

The key is, being unable to walk for three days at a time is really cruel.

As he thought about it, Xiao Qing felt a warm current flowing out from the roots of his legs.

Clamp tightly subconsciously.

Yeah! Situ Xiaoxiao replied, It's not convenient for me to leave the headquarters now.

So, I can only let you go once.

If there is really good news, please pass it on to me quickly and I will tell my father.

Xiao Qing knew that this matter was related to the future of [Qingyuan Chamber of Commerce], so he did not dare to neglect it and said softly:

I know, let's go right away!

Situ Xiaoxiao heard that Xiao Qing's tone was wrong, and looked up at Xiao Qing, only to see the other person's face turn red.

As if applying a heavy layer of blush, he said with concern and advice:

Boy, I know you don't like Elder Murong.

I'm going to embarrass you this time.

However, you must not argue with him. After all, he is kind to us [Qingyuan Chamber of Commerce] and to you.

Ah...I know. Xiao Qing quickly used his spiritual power to suppress the restlessness in his heart.

Fearing that Situ Xiaoxiao would see something wrong, he answered cautiously.

Situ Xiaoxiao instructed: We are far away from [Dark Sky City].

Just sit in the [Teleportation Array].

If I remember correctly, there should be a large [Teleportation Array] in [Dark Sky City].

Xiao Qing said: Miss, don't worry about this.

I still know how to get to [Dark Sky City].

Well! Situ Xiaoxiao took out a [storage bag] and said, There are two million spirit stones in it.

If you really have the opportunity, don't hesitate to buy it.

Xiao Qing took the [storage bag] and joked: Miss, these spiritual stones are probably not the dowry you have saved for many years, right?

Situ Xiaoxiao's face turned red and he whispered: It's just one percent of it.

Xiao Qing smiled softly, then quickly said goodbye to Situ Xiaoxiao, and took Situ Xiaoxiao's money to get on the [Teleportation Array].

In a blink of an eye, we arrived at [Dark Sky City].

When he came to the semicolon, he directly revealed his identity and asked: Where is Murong Fu?

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