Xiao...Elder Xiao, why are you here?

After seeing the aloof and slightly cold Xiao Qing, the semicolon shopkeeper was so frightened that he began to speak awkwardly.

He didn't know Murong Fu, but who was Xiao Qing?

She is one of the few elders in the God Transformation Stage in the [Qingyuan Chamber of Commerce].

Even the president would give her a bit of a thumbs down when he saw her.

Xiao Qing did not answer the big shopkeeper's words, but continued to ask: Where is Murong Fu?

Elder Murong...he is in a restaurant in the west of the city. Should I send someone to call him right now?

Xiao Qing glared at the shopkeeper and said:

No need! Just take me there in person!

Okay! The big shopkeeper quickly called the clerk to look at the store.

He personally led Xiao Qing to the restaurant where Murong Fu was.

The two of them had not left for long when Xiao Qing asked, What is Murong Fu doing here?

Elder Murong, he wants to buy some spiritual horses and seems to be rushing to the Tianming Sect.

Xiao Qing suddenly said: That's it.

No wonder this guy doesn't stay at [Canglan Sword Sect] and came here.

[Canglan Sword Sect]? The big shopkeeper said in surprise: You mean, Elder Murong is a disciple of the Sword Sect?

Haha, what? Are you shocked? Xiao Qing said slightly interested.

If her man is capable, she will naturally be happy.

Indeed... indeed! the big shopkeeper said with a bitter smile.

If I had known that Murong Fu was so capable, he would have said whatever he wanted and would have worked harder to flatter him.

Is it the restaurant in front? Xiao Qing asked with disgust as he looked at the simply decorated restaurant in front of him.

The big shopkeeper nodded quickly: Yes, this is it!

Hmph! Xiao Qing said: This guy really has no pursuit at all.

I actually chose this shabby restaurant.

The big shopkeeper laughed innocently and said:

I'm afraid all the big restaurants in [Dark Sky City] are being sold out now.

If we [Qingyuan Chamber of Commerce] can buy one.

I will have my own place in the future.

Xiao Qing's face changed when he heard this, and he reminded: Say what you should say, and don't talk nonsense about what you shouldn't say.

You do whatever Murong Fu asks you to do.

But remember not to let others notice.

Seeing Xiao Qing's unkind tone, the big shopkeeper said in panic:

Elder Xiao, don't worry, my subordinates still know the confidential information.

However, he still didn't say half of the sentence.

I thought to myself: Even if I say it at this time, 80% of the time no one will believe it.

Xiao Qing waved his hand and said: Okay, go ahead!

I'll go and ask myself what happened to Murong Fu.

Okay! Goodbye, Elder Xiao. The big shopkeeper immediately bowed and left.

He didn't dare to breathe heavily until he was several feet away from Xiao Qing.

Thinking about what kind of man can conquer this aloof woman.

When Xiao Qing saw the shopkeeper leaving, the corners of his mouth raised slightly and he decided to tease Murong Fu.

He walked to the front desk of the restaurant and said, Give me a room. It should be on the top floor.

On the top floor? The shopkeeper looked at the sign in his hand and said, That's right, there is another room.

Xiao Qing took the cards in his hand and walked quietly towards the top floor.

As I walked, I listened to the sounds in each room.

[Daru Realm] There is an unwritten rule.

Don't use your spiritual consciousness to observe others easily.

In this way, she would not worry about Murong Fu knowing about her arrival.

What a coincidence.

Next to her room is Murong Fu's residence.

At this time, the sounds of Murong Fu and several women talking could clearly be heard inside.

Hmph, this heartless guy really has a woman accompanying him wherever he goes.

After she entered the room, she immediately listened to the conversation in Murong Fu's room.

It didn't take long to discover that the discussion was nothing more than ways to raise some spiritual pets.

Then, he said a few words of contempt and deliberately made a noise.

Murong Fu'er's power was so developed.

He immediately heard that the person next door was speaking intentionally, and shook his head:

It seems we have disturbed the tenant next door.

The other party seems to be very dissatisfied.

Ye Lingling said angrily: The room is not soundproof, so you can't blame us.

The private house is quiet, why doesn't she go live there?

Hong Nianci didn't want to cause more trouble and said, Forget it, it's almost noon anyway.

I'm going to eat something first to fill my stomach.

Ye Lingling looked at Murong Fu and asked, Senior, are you going?

Murong Fu shook his head and said:

I'm not going!

I consumed too much yesterday and need to recover for a while.

Ye Lingling's cute little face immediately showed a look of disappointment and whispered:

Well, if you get hungry soon, I'll just eat with you.

Murong Fu smiled and said nothing more. He nodded and said, That's fine. You guys can eat more.

After the girls left.

Murong Fu sat cross-legged and began to perform exercises to restore the spiritual power in his body.

His [Nine-grade Xinglong Xuan Gong] technique can now be regarded as a mid-grade Earth-level technique.

The recovery speed of spiritual power is not slow.

However, he couldn't stand the hugeness of his Dantian, and when he recovered, it gave people the feeling of a dry pond being filled with water.


It’s really slow!

At this time, he was eager to have a double practice with others.

In this way, the speed of recovery can be increased by at least thirty times.


Just as he was about to enter meditation, a loud noise from the neighbor next door successfully interrupted him.


Murong Fu curled his lips and cursed softly.

Unexpectedly, as his words fell, there was another louder bang sound coming from the next door.

And this time, it was hit against his wall.

This made Murong Fu, who had always been good-tempered, a little intolerable.

I thought about it and decided to go see who it was.

Dang Dang Dang~

After Murong Fu knocked on the door several times, he found that no one answered at all.

Instead, there were several laughters like silver bells.

Huh? Why does this voice feel a bit familiar?

It can't be...that naughty fox, right?

Dang Dang Dang~

Murong Fu knocked again, but there was still no response.

what happened?

At this time, his mind was filled with confusion, and he felt a sense of vigilance in his heart.

The truth is, it is better to do less than to do more.

Turn around and leave.

Unexpectedly, he just turned around.

There was another bang sound behind him.

Looking back, I saw that the door was already wide open.

Haha, I want to see who is pretending to be a ghost here.

Murong Fu's face turned cold and he slowly walked into the room.

Looking around, he couldn't help but frown.

Except for smelling a fragrance, he saw nothing.

This scent is so familiar! Just as he was thinking about who it was.

A beautiful shadow quickly flew out of the window and pushed him straight onto the bed.

Who! Murong Fu was shocked, but a beautiful face reflected in his eyes.

She couldn't help but said with great joy: Aunt Xiao, it's you!

Call Qing'er! Xiao Qing pinched Murong Fu's nose angrily and said.

Murong Fu didn't care so much. He turned his body over with force, pressed Xiao Qing under him, and said with a smile:

My dear, you miss me so much!

Hearing this, his cheeks immediately turned red with embarrassment and he reminded:

The doors and windows are not closed yet, so there is no sound insulation.

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