Inside the [Qian Palace], a black shadow climbed out of the palace wall, holding a sack in its hand.

In a few breaths, the figure disappeared.

In the Third Prince's Mansion, the night covered the moonlight and the man's face.

Third Prince, please don't forget our agreement.

Don't worry! Everything is ready, he won't wake up again.

Is this person from your house? As he said that, the sack was thrown heavily to the ground.

Qin San looked sideways, and saw the people inside emerged in a panic, shouting: Third Prince, make the decision for me!

Thank you!


Under the hazy moonlight, one could vaguely see a pair of slender hands, shrouded in black clothes.

Kou Dan taps lightly, it looks like blood, bright and red.

A figure crossed the wall again and flew in the direction of [Qian Palace].

At the same time, inside the fifth prince’s mansion.

When Qin Qi and Qin Wu learned about the [Beast Control Center], they all looked solemn and lowered their heads with their own thoughts.

I really didn't expect that Murong Fu would take the [One-horned Devil Tiger] and also destroy Wu Jinghong.

It seems that this eldest brother is going to declare war with the third brother. Qin Qi smiled coldly and said.

Qin Wu was also upset at the moment and regretted that he had not met Murong Fu earlier so that he could have more help.

He sighed softly: Forget it! For today's plan, we still have to think about how to keep my father from sleeping for a long time.

That's right! I have placed spies in the palace, and according to their reports, old man Bian seems to have found a way to control him. Qin Qi's eyes suddenly changed, revealing a hint of calculation.

Sure enough, Qin Wu became furious in an instant and threw the tea cup to the ground: We must not let him succeed.

Don't worry, I have sent spies to investigate, and I will definitely stop them before they do.

Early the next morning, Bian Eryi gave Murong Fu a few words and then took Su Ying to [Qian Palace] for pulse diagnosis.

In the yard, I saw the [One-Horned Demon Tiger] wandering around behind Da Ju's butt, looking fawning.

A big and powerful tiger actually followed a cat with a small dried fish in its mouth.

Murong Fu looked at Da Ju, whose legs and feet were a little weak, and suddenly thought of Su Ying.

There are some similarities between them!

After breakfast, Qin Yi waited in front of the door early and presented a series of treasures and a sheepskin map.

Brother Murong, this is the specific location of the [Purple Bodhi Fruit]. You must be careful in everything.

Thank you, eldest prince. I'll take my leave then. Murong Fu took the map calmly and embarked on the journey with the [One-Horned Demon Tiger] looking refreshed.

Along the way, [One-Horned Demon Tiger] once again turned on its talkative mode: Master, Master! Did you have a girl in your bed last night?

There is a girl on my bed! Daju has been successfully admitted into my harem. As expected, he is following his master, showing off nine times in three days!

At this moment, Murong Fu once again regretted his mistake and even wanted to throw this guy back.

He gave the horse under him a cold look: Shut your mouth! If you yell again, I will cut your waist.

And the [One-Horned Demon Tiger] seemed to have figured him out, becoming more and more bold and ignoring his words.

He continued to mutter: By the way, Master. I exerted a little too much last night. How about you find me a waist to replenish it?

Murong Fu: ...

I'll dig out your waist later and let you mend it!

Soon, he successfully reached the One Hundred Thousand Mountains under the torture of the One-Horned Demon Tiger.

There were even ten thousand [One-horned Devil Tigers] galloping past in his mind at this moment, and all he could think of was: Master, Master!

Arriving at a familiar place again, Murong Fu felt melancholy with several memories.

After a moment of contemplation, he stepped into this ancient deep mountain forest.

Along the way, Murong Fu always felt something was strange. It was too quiet here.

There wasn't even a bird chirping, and the sound of the leaves rustling in the wind was particularly clear here.

Even the sound of water flowing hundreds of miles away can be clearly heard here.

He rode the [One-Horned Demonic Tiger], sat on it and looked at the map, knowing the terrain here clearly.

However, what he didn't know was.

A pair of eyes appeared from behind the trees not far away, staring at him.

When they crossed a creek for the fifth time, Murong Fu suddenly realized something was wrong.

He quickly called out to the [One-Horned Demon Tiger] and observed the surroundings vigilantly.

Did we just pass by here?

[One-horned Demon Tiger] looked at him blankly like a fool: Ah? What? What happened? Gaha?

Forget it! I can't count on anything from you! Murong Fu slapped it on the head, looking like he hated the iron.

Just when he was about to investigate, a hurricane suddenly roared past.

The bamboo forests on both sides were blown rustling, and occasionally a few bamboo leaves fell down.

Be careful! [One-horned Demon Tiger] seemed to have discovered something and slammed into Murong Fu's lower back.

At the same time, the floating bamboo leaves fell on the rocks on the ground.

With a sound of ding!, a white mark was drawn on the rock.

Murong Fu could not help but be speechless: What a tiger! It hit something wrong, but it hit my waist!

Although he was slandering in his mind, the bamboo leaves that came at him so quickly gave him no time to think about it.

The [Lingbo Weibu] under his feet was light and flexible, dodging the bamboo leaves that came towards him one by one.

However, they were in the bamboo forest, and their number was really huge.

In addition, hurricanes struck one after another, trapping him in the bamboo leaf array.

Ouch! [One-horned Demon Tiger] roared.

Master! Come on my back and take you out of here!

After saying that, Murong Fu turned over and dodged, and then landed on the tiger's back.

[One-horned Demon Tiger] opened a pair of huge wings and flapped violently.

He scattered countless incoming bamboo leaves and took the opportunity to rush out.

Soon, they rushed out of the bamboo forest.

Not far away, deep in the bamboo forest, a blue gauze skirt was fluttering, with starry eyes, and a smile on her red lips: Haha, we meet again!

Murong Fu touched the tiger's head with some relief and said softly: At the critical moment, you can still be of some use!

Before he finished speaking, his whole body suddenly rose into the air and flew straight forward.

Seeing that he was about to hit a tree, he spun his body and narrowly escaped.

[One-horned Demon Tiger] felt a little guilty and sharpened his claws on the ground, not daring to raise his head.

It was a little excited just now, and when it braked suddenly, it actually shot its owner out.

Murong Fuzhi had just stabilized his mind when he felt a low roar coming from the bushes behind him on his right. ..

His alarm suddenly went off, and he stared intently, not daring to relax for a moment.

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