Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 968 Goodbye Jing Yuqian

I saw that the bush swayed slightly for a few times, and then stopped again.

The [One-Horned Demon Tiger] also noticed that the tiger's back slowly arched up, making a posture of preparing for battle.

After a long time, there was no movement in the bush, and Murong Fu slowly relaxed.

However, the [One-Horned Demon Tiger] did not change at all, and its pair of red eyes continued to stare.

At this moment, a silver-white shadow jumped out of the bushes and headed straight for Murong Fu.

The [One-Horned Demon Tiger] had quick eyes and quick hands. He stepped in front of him and blocked the shadow.

Murong Fu looked closely and saw that it was a fox, with silver-white hair all over its body.

There was a touch of blood red on his forehead, which was faintly glowing.

A pair of eyes were raised slightly, with a bit of laziness and charm in them.

The most difficult thing to ignore is that there are three fox tails of different colors growing on its back.

Master, this is actually the [Three-tailed Colored Fox].

Murong Fu looked at the fox with shiny fur in front of him, and a glint flashed in his eyes.

Ah! It’s another high-level spiritual beast. It looks like I’m really lucky!

Master, this fox has recognized its owner. It seems that it is controlled by the person behind it.

The sound of the [One-Horned Demon Tiger] made Murong Fu feel a little wary.

This [Hundred Thousand Mountains] is inaccessible, and no one will step here easily.

But now, besides him, there is a second person here.

Just as he was thinking, the [Three-tailed Colored Fox] raised its tail, and jumped towards the [One-Horned Demon Tiger].

Dahu was startled and stretched out his hand to slap him away, but was dodged nimbly.

Immediately, the fox's eyes turned slightly, and it unexpectedly pounced and bit the [One-horned Demon Tiger]'s hind legs.

[One-horned Demon Tiger] was shocked for a moment at this sudden attack, but it still fluttered its wings to avoid it.

The huge body was as dexterous as a civet cat escaping over the wall, dodging the successive attacks.

[Three-tailed Colored Fox] After several unsuccessful attempts, the originally amber eyes were slowly turning into azure.

He looked straight at the [One-Horned Demon Tiger] with a somewhat inexplicable meaning.

Murong Fu was observing from the side, and suddenly felt that something serious was going on and quickly took action to stop it.

But it was too late, the [One-Horned Demon Tiger]'s soul seemed to be drawn away, and it walked towards it step by step.

Not good! Murong Fu secretly said, and directly used [War. Wo Fist Technique] to attack.

At this moment, a voice came from not far away: Be merciful!

Murong Fu felt that the voice was somewhat familiar, so he stopped his offensive and looked over there.

All he saw was a cyan figure rushing into his arms quickly.

He felt the warmth and fragrance in his arms, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

The light hair brushed his cheek, making his heart itch.

Fu Lang, long time no see! Jing Yuqian looked up at him, with tenderness in his eyes and a bit of charming charm.

Murong Fu was stunned for a moment, then hugged the person in his arms tightly, lowered his head and kissed her.

Jing Yuqian also responded quickly, letting out a few heavy gasps between his lips and teeth.

When the two separated, the sun shone down, opening up the two people's bodies, warm and long

Why are you here? Murong Fu asked, somewhat confused.

Jing Yuqian smiled brightly: Haha, I just saw your figure and wanted to tease you with the little fox.

Let me show you, this is my new spiritual beast [Three-tailed Colored Fox]. She pointed to a short distance away and introduced.

You wouldn’t know it until you see it, it’s really shocking!

Her face suddenly turned red, like a ripe apple, making people want to take a bite.

Murong Fu also looked in his direction and couldn't help but be slightly startled.

I saw that the [three-tailed colorful fox] was charming the [one-horned devil tiger], seducing it step by step into the land of gentleness.

The two beasts were already stuck together, with three fluffy tails tightly surrounding the [One-Horned Demon Tiger].

Ah this... Jing Yuqian was a little embarrassed. He didn't expect that his spirit beast would be so proactive.

Murong Fu glanced at the [One-Horned Demon Tiger] sympathetically, then hugged Jing Yuqian:

It's better to experience it yourself! The magnetic voice came to her ears, and the hot and humid breath sprayed out.

Before she could speak, she felt her waist tighten, and then her clothes were faintly visible, her beauty full and straight.

Murong Fu curled his lips slightly, his whole body feeling graceful and soft.

He pressed Jingyu's front against the tree, and kissed her domineeringly and passionately one after another. From her lips, to her heart, to...

The two of them clung to each other, feeling each other's warmth, and neither one was willing to give in first. One person has flying black hair, and the other person is wearing plain clothes and white clothes.

Not far away, a silver-white figure was seen playing happily, swaying and jumping, and three colorful tails were also swaying in the air.

It shows the owner's joyful, relaxed and happy mood.

As night fell, the sounds from both directions slowly stopped.

Fu Lang. Jing Yuqian's slightly hoarse voice called his name softly.

Murong Fu looked like he was full of wine and food, and gently touched her softness.

Under the moonlight, the years are quiet. In front of the flowers and under the moon, the beauty is in my arms.

However, this warm and calm atmosphere was broken by the doctor's roar.

Ouch! The [One-Horned Demon Tiger] screamed with a bit of sadness and anger.

Master! I'm sorry for you, I'm not clean! It wailed in pain and rushed towards Murong Fu.

His body was still a little staggering and his eyes were blurry.

Me! I was actually beaten by a fox...

I'm not alive anymore!

On the other side, the [Three-tailed Colored Fox] had a lazy look on his face, walking slowly from a distance with a T-step.

There was a bloody piece of meat hanging in his mouth.

Jing Yuqian was a little confused and said: Xuehua, what is that in your mouth?

I saw it walking up to the [One-Horned Demon Tiger], with a bit of disdain on its face, and spat the contents of its mouth onto the ground.

This is……

Murong Fu's eyes changed, and he said speechlessly: It should be the waist....

When the [One-Horned Demon Tiger] heard this, he howled again: It! It actually looks down on me!

[Three-tailed Colored Fox] A flash of light flashed through his amber eyes, with a hint of contempt.

On the other side, Murong Fu asked: Where have you been recently?

Jing Yuqian looked a little unnatural, and it took him a long time to speak: I am now practicing with the Fox Fairy Empress.

Fox Fairy Empress?

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