You wouldn’t know if you didn’t look at it, but you would be shocked by this sight.

He clearly felt that a person exactly like him was appearing near the original world.

This is...Yin Yang Sect!

how so? Why would a person exactly like me appear in the original world?

Murong Fu was suddenly confused and looked at this scene blankly, completely stunned.

For a moment, he didn't come back to his senses.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind, and he suddenly thought of the clone in [Yin-Yang Mirror].

That's it. He nodded slightly, feeling convinced.

It turned out that Murong Fu in the original world was the clone that he and Jing Yuqian sent two days ago.

Murong Fu closed his eyes tightly, feeling overjoyed.

It turned out that he was actually able to establish contact with his clone and control him, something he had never tried before.

That's okay. I've been away from the original world for so long, so I just want to take a look through the clone.

This clone has seven powers, and even in the original world, it is one of the best.

In the original world, the clone Murong Fu (hereinafter referred to as Murong Fu) is wandering around in the Yin Yang Sect.

Occasionally, I went to the forest deep in the back mountain. It was still the same as before, without any change.

The forest is lush and green, with a faint mist visible, giving it a sense of paradise.

Murong Fu couldn't help but sigh: This is really a good place.

And he had been thinking about Zhao Min and the others, and was planning to return to Japan's Kyoto to find out.

Suddenly, he heard a strange sound behind him, coming from far and near in his direction.

Getting closer and closer, the sound became clearer.

Murong Fu's expression changed, and he felt a slight pain in his ears, and then there was a ringing in his ears.

He became alert and looked around.

Unexpectedly, the back mountain is quiet and far-reaching, with only a lush forest and no human beings at all.

At this moment, he heard the sound of a flute, melodious and long, which made people intoxicated.

However, Murong Fu's heart was filled with alarm bells. How could the sound of a flute suddenly appear in this forest?

He felt that the voice was extremely abrupt, as if it was guiding something.

Suddenly, the ground began to shake slightly, the mountains and plains began to move, and the surrounding trees rubbed against each other.

The wind was blowing gusts, and the sky was dark, as if it was sinking low.

The rustling sounds echoed densely for a long time, and the entire mountain forest was filled with such sounds.

Murong Fu felt a little chilly in his heart, and his nose could faintly smell the fishy smell, which was also mixed with a special aroma that made people dizzy.

No! It's a group of snakes! He was shocked for a moment and looked over there.

At this time, they had climbed over the mountain in front, running towards them at an extremely fast speed.

Looking up, under the reflection of the sun, the vegetation within a radius of three to five miles has changed color.

The snakes were a mass of darkness, interlaced with green, dark, gray, and golden colors. Their eyes were quenched with silver light, and the scales on their bodies also shone with light.

The hissing sound is like a poisonous arrow being fired, and it can kill a person in an instant.

Murong Fu's eyes changed, he held the [Taiyi Split Light Sword] in his hand and stared at the group of snakes running towards him at high speed.

The sound of the flute stopped, and the snakes stopped ten steps away from him, not moving any further.

Huh? It's interesting! Murong Fu curled up his lips and showed a smile.

Looking at the towering tree to the northwest, there was a lock of hair floating there that had not yet been collected.

As the flute was blown, the snakes were full of movement again. Each one raised its triangular snake head and crawled hissingly.

Driven by the sound of the flute, they slowly narrowed the circle of encirclement, and the smell of blood became stronger and stronger.

Murong Fu lost consciousness and suddenly inhaled a large amount of fishy smell in his nose.

He tilted his head and made a vomit sound, almost dying from the smell.

Suddenly, the dark wind gradually subsided and turned into a warm spring breeze.

What comes with the breeze is not only the fishy smell of snakes, but also a subtle sweetness mixed with it, which smells very comfortable.

Murong Fu smiled slightly and turned his head to avoid the fierce attack of a giant python's tail.

Immediately, it rose into the air again and struck down with the wind from its palm, scattering the group of snakes.

Unexpectedly, the sound of the flute in the distance suddenly changed its tune, from sonorous and powerful at the beginning to gentle and watery.

The group of snakes also changed instantly. Each one stopped in place and began to dance enchantingly.

Murong Fu was stunned, wondering what kind of medicine was being sold in this gourd...

While he was stunned, he saw dozens of colorful little snakes.

The snake twisted its body and glanced at him with watery eyes, looking like it was in heat.

Who is causing trouble here! Murong Fu punched the snake and knocked the snake to the ground.

I heard bursts of laughter like silver bells coming from behind the big tree, with a bit of girlish liveliness and lightness.

Hehehe, brother, I am standing in front of you. You see me a bit like before...

Murong Fu's heart sank, and he jumped forward, heading towards the ancient tree in front of him, spinning to the left and landing.

That's where the sound of the flute came from, and where the woman was.

He wanted to see who was behind this!

However, as soon as he landed, he saw a woman's white and smooth back reflected in his eyes, as well as waterfall-like black hair.

Murong Fu's throat moved. He closed his eyes and reached out to grab the woman.

Unexpectedly, it was all in vain.

The woman looked like a ghost. She ducked and entered the group of snakes in the blink of an eye.

I don’t know who she is, but when the snakes saw her coming, they took the initiative to part ways.

Let them walk by, with their heads raised and spitting out snake letters, looking at her as if they were looking up at a king.

The woman was surrounded by snakes, and she could only see her bare shoulders and long hair blown by the wind, flying in the air.

Hehehe, don't you remember me? The woman's voice was like an elf, her eyes were clear and simple, like an innocent girl. ..

Murong Fu looked at her doubtfully, his eyes evasive, his face slightly red:

Who are you exactly?

Why do you attack me?

what are you up to?

The latter smiled and said nothing, but looked at her steadily, with a beautiful and agile face.

Murong Fu looked at her for a long time and felt that she had a somewhat familiar aura on her body, as if he had known her a long time ago.

Master, have you really forgotten me? The woman slowly walked out of the snake group and stepped on the ground with a pair of jade feet.

She was naked and as white as snow.

Murong Fu had never seen such a battle before, and he quickly said: Girl, put your clothes on first, and then we can talk!

Girl? You call me girl? The woman looked at him with disappointment in her eyes.

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