Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 978 Beiliang Iron Cavalry VS Demonized Japanese Soldiers

Murong Fu was also confused by her reaction, and he said somewhat unconfidently: Girl, should I know you?

The moment he looked at her, he felt that the other person's eyes were slightly familiar.

A trace of loneliness flashed in the woman's eyes, then she smiled and said, Master, I am Xiao Yin, don't you remember me?

Murong Fu raised his eyebrows slightly and said in a shocked tone: Xiao Yin?

You are Xiao Yin! His voice was a little louder, with a look of shock on his face.

He really didn't expect that the naked woman in front of him was the little silver snake that was wrapped around his wrist.

Yes! After I left my master, I practiced here and only transformed into a human form in the past few days.

Just now, when I saw the master, I thought I was wrong, but I didn't expect it was really you.

Hehe, I specially asked my snake friends to play a joke on you...

Xiaoyin was a little excited, her brows were filled with joy, and she kept talking with her little mouth.

Ah... Murong Fu looked at the naked person in front of him and scratched his head in embarrassment.

Immediately, he continued to take out an old piece of clothing and handed it to her, and said, How about you put your clothes on first!

Xiaoyin looked at him, then at herself, and asked blankly: Why do you need to wear clothes?

We snake makers don't have clothes to wear! she said, pointing to the group of snakes not far away.

The snakes were also extremely cooperative, turning their heads one by one and nodding their heads.

Murong Fu was speechless for a while. Looking at this spectacular scene, he felt a deep and indescribable feeling of powerlessness when a scholar meets a soldier.

Finally, he said with a straight face: Xiao Yin, if you don't put it on, I will be angry!

The latter nodded and put the clothes on himself.

By the way, Master! Xiao Yin turned her head to look at him and asked, Didn't you go somewhere else? Why did you come back suddenly?

Murong Fu didn't know how to explain it, so he looked into those clear eyes and said softly: It's a long story, so...

Long story short! Xiao Yin answered hurriedly.

It's okay not to say anything! Murong Fu said angrily.

After hearing this, she lowered her head in disappointment, with a bit of loneliness and loneliness in her eyes.

Okay, I just came back and I don't know much about everything here. Murong Fu gently touched her head.

Master, I have been practicing and am not very familiar with it. I only know that Japan is not very peaceful recently.

Your wife, Zhao Min, may have encountered something difficult.

Over there in Japan... Murong Fu lowered his head and pondered for a moment.

Then he made a decisive decision: Let's go to Japan. I want to see who dares to take advantage of my absence and want to turn this day upside down!

Xiao Yin immediately walked over quickly, jumping up and down behind him: The master is mighty and domineering!

At this moment, outside the Japanese capital, the sun was setting in the west, and the setting sun was like blood.

The dazzling sunshine was mixed with a thrilling crimson, and the blood on the ground dyed the entire earth red.

The red and bloody limbs of thousands of people on the battlefield were dazzling and tragic, desolate and terrifying.

The ground was mixed with dried blood and weapons. The blood flowed unbridled. Corpses were scattered everywhere, and blood flowed into rivers.

On the battlefield filled with gunpowder smoke, waves of war drums sounded again, each one more intense than the other, and the sound was exciting.

Soon, the two parties faced each other in front, and both sides were ready.

On one side is the demonized Obai and 300,000 demonized Japanese soldiers.

On the other side, Zhao Min invited Huogong Tutuo to lead 300,000 Beiliang cavalry.

In terms of strength, the power of demonized demon soldiers is much higher than that of ordinary soldiers, and it does not matter whether they live or die.

Fortunately, the 300,000-yuan Northern Liang cavalry took the Longya rice left by Murong Fu every day, and his bloodline was qualitatively improved.

The strength of the two parties can be said to be evenly matched, which makes this war more intense and cruel.

Obai! You led troops to invade my country of Jiuzhou, don't you take us seriously? Zhao Min scolded loudly.

Opposite him, Obai had a red beard all over his face, and he looked like a arrogant mad dog.

There was billowing black energy leaking from all sides of the body, making it even more weird.

The entire Qing Dynasty has been demonized, and Obai is no exception, and his strength has been enhanced.

Stop talking nonsense, today I want all of you to die thousands of miles away and become my stepping stone to the Qing Dynasty!

After saying that, he waved his hand and saw the flags flying behind the army and the war drums sounding suddenly.

Immediately, 800 cavalrymen charged from the front with a roar, and 500 infantrymen also crossed the left and right flanks, following closely behind.

The war drums on Zhao Min's side also sounded, and eight hundred cavalry sprang out from the left, middle, and right, directly facing him.

The two parties were intertwined in an instant, swords, guns, swords and halberds colliding with each other, blood spilled on the battlefield, and corpses were scattered thousands of miles away.

In just an instant, each living life disappeared, leaving only the dark red and gray sand on the ground.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Zhao Min immediately sent a general, riding a horse and waving a halberd, directly into the battlefield.

He rode forward, waved his hands, and several heads fell to the ground, raising a blood flower in the air, as if he was painting with blood.

But soon, he was surrounded by demon soldiers, and his body was pierced by sword blades. Even though he was seriously injured and his shirt was stained with blood, he still fought bloody.

He wiped the sweat and blood from his forehead with his sleeve, looked up at the shining red, and showed his last smile.

My subordinate Zhao Tianlai is willing to serve his country with his own life and return to China in the next life! In an earth-shattering roar, his life was frozen here.

Zhao Min frowned tightly. Seeing that the situation was not right, he quickly changed his tactics.

Hearing the sudden change of the war drums, the Beiliang cavalry gradually separated into a path that could only allow one person to pass.

A young man in brocade and white robes rode out slowly on a tall white horse.

There is a domineering look hidden between his brows that cannot be ignored, with two long knives behind his back, and his sword-like eyebrows are full of stars.

Although there was a bit of a smile on his face, his eyes were cold and ruthless, instead carrying a compelling sharpness.

Soldiers, charge with me!

As soon as he finished speaking, 100,000 Northern Liang cavalry swarmed out, holding their swords one by one, and rushed towards the demon soldiers on the opposite side.


Ao Bai looked up to the sky and laughed. With a wave of the banner in his hand, tens of thousands of demon soldiers rushed out.

It came like a tidal wave, instantly submerging the river of blood and debris on the ground.

On the battlefield, a Beiliang cavalryman with an arrow stuck in his right arm was fighting bravely with a ferocious face.

But those demon soldiers were already blinded by the killing, and they roared loudly, as if they didn't know the pain.

There were several weapons stuck in his body, and blood even flowed from the corner of his mouth, but he still didn't fall down.

Aobai in the distance stroked his beard and gave a strange smile.

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