Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 979 Ao Bai’s brother Mulima

On the other hand, Zhao Min frowned, feeling that something was wrong.

She narrowed her eyes and looked towards where Obai was. Then his expression changed drastically and he quickly signaled to the drummer.

There was originally a man wearing black cloth standing next to Obai, but at this time he had disappeared. I don't know when he left.

But it was too late, a black figure suddenly appeared behind the young man in white who rushed out earlier!

A pair of dead wood-like claws protruded from under the black cloth, carrying black demonic energy, and clawed directly towards the chest of the boy in white.

Jin Si, be careful behind you! Huo Gong Tutuo also noticed it and immediately reminded loudly.

However, before Jin Si could turn around to avoid it, the man in black inserted his hand into his chest, stirring it up and down inside.

This man's whole body was wrapped in black cloth, and even his face was not exposed, making it impossible to guess his identity.

Ugh! Jin Si felt severe pain spread all over his body instantly, and his whole body was so painful that cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

He endured the pain and used all his strength to stab behind him with the two long knives in his hands.

The latter's expression changed and he was startled. He didn't have time to think about it, so he stepped back and avoided the two long knives.

With a puff sound, a pair of bloody hands were pulled out from Jin Si's chest, and a stream of hot blood rose up.

You're so good, boy! A cruel coldness flashed across the eyes of the man in black, and he spoke in a low and harsh voice.

He had planned to rip out this kid's heart and feast on it, but he almost got hurt, which was really disappointing.

Jin Si, don't fight him. This man has been refined by demonic energy. You are no match for him.

Huo Gong Tutuo looked at the strong demonic energy and black smoke billowing around the man in black, and he had already vaguely guessed the identity of this man.

He couldn't help but feel horrified in his heart, and felt that Obai was completely crazy.

If, if he guessed correctly, the man in black in front of him should be Obai's younger brother, Mulima of Gualjia clan.

It's so cruel that he would even let go of his own brother. Huo Gong Tutuo shook his head slightly.

Zhao Min's eyes changed and he began to think about how to deal with it.

But how could Mulima give up so easily and continue to rush forward and start a fight with Jinsi.

I saw him rising into the air, spinning several times in the air, and a pair of dead branches came towards him like claws, heading straight for his heart.

Although Jin Si was seriously injured, there was no trace of fear on his face as he shot out two long knives through the wind.

Under the sunlight, a dazzling silver light was reflected and stabbed into the opponent's eye socket, neutralizing the fatal blow.

Then, before Mulima could react, he swung out his long sword first, like a silver dragon breaking through the sky.

Quickly and accurately, he slashed at Mulima's left shoulder, and the knife immediately penetrated three points of the flesh.

However, something strange happened. Mulima suddenly pulled out the long knife with both hands, as if she felt no pain.

Jin Si's eyes met his for a moment, and he felt as if the blood in his body had froze, and he froze in place.

The man's eyes were lifeless, lifeless, and simply a pair of dead eyes.

How can this be!

Just as he was stunned, Mulima came behind him in a flash, with a strange light on her face.

He stuck out his tongue excitedly, licked his dry lips, and muttered something.

Pfft! With a sound, Jin Si looked down at his chest in disbelief.

I saw a pair of bloody hands running straight out from behind, and with the sweet blood, it rushed out of the chest.

Soon, he lost all consciousness and fell heavily to the ground, his eyes seemed to pop out.

At this moment, Mulima was holding a bright red heart in her hand, and the heat emanating from it was still faintly visible.

Under the surprised and horrified gazes of Huo Gong Tutuo and Zhao Min, he swallowed the heart in his hand one by one, as if he was feasting.

When the Beiliang cavalry saw this scene, they were all frightened. Their morale was low and they were in disarray.

On the other hand, the demon soldiers were very excited, holding up their weapons and shouting loudly: Okay! Okay! Okay!

Obai looked at the people on the battlefield, stroking his beard with satisfaction, and smiled straight into his eyes: As expected of my brother, he is indeed different from those magic soldiers!

On the battlefield at this moment, the endless battlefield was like a purgatory on earth, filled with the remains of countless soldiers.

The air was filled with the disgusting smell of blood, filled with gunpowder smoke, and filled with swords and guns.

There was a blazing fire in the sky, making the sky and the earth look blood red.

The Beiliang cavalry and the demon soldiers were intertwined, and the sounds of swords and guns clashing with the sounds of corpses falling to the ground alternated constantly.

As we watched, there were fewer and fewer people on the battlefield. The corpses on the ground were piled one on top of another, enough to cover half of a person's calf.

The soldiers, whose faces were covered with blood, were all engaged in a last-ditch struggle, slashing with their swords while roaring like beasts from their throats.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Zhao Min immediately sent his men to re-arrange the formation, and the drums sounded.

I saw soldiers with bows and arrows in hand, quickly coming forward from the rear, filing in, and immediately forming a small formation in front of the formation.

Following the order, countless arrows flew in the sky and rushed straight towards the demon soldiers.

Soon, the situation on the battlefield improved greatly, and the magic soldiers were shot out one by one.

The undaunted Beiliang cavalry quickly pursued the victory, their eyes revealing the determination and perseverance of a fight to the death.

They kept waving bloody weapons in their hands, and countless cavalry fell into the pool of blood.

Behind him, someone quickly came forward with a sword, without any fear or any intention of retreating.

Soon, the sound of fighting and the sound of fighting and iron horses resounded throughout the world, and as far as the eye could see were mountains of corpses and seas of blood, and heroic souls filled the sky.

Along with the shouts of charging into battle, sharp arrows whizzed past the ears, swords clashed, and screams were heard everywhere. ..

Arrows like a rainstorm flew past the armored uniforms, splashing blood and stains were thrown in the air, and heads rolled to the ground one after another, dying with their eyes open.

Mulima, on the other hand, mingled on the battlefield, running rampant and killing.

After just one meeting, he inserted his hand into the person's chest and stirred it continuously.

With a wave of his hand, countless soldiers died.

And a pair of blood-red eyes fearlessly went forward one after another.

As if to express the determination of the soldiers, an increasingly thick smell of blood floated in the air.

The sky was filled with gunpowder smoke, corpses were strewn on the ground, and rivers of blood flowed in the distance.

It's not an option if this continues! Zhao Min, wearing a battle armor, stood on a high place and looked at the battlefield.

There was a murderous look on her face, and she began to plan the next offensive in her heart.

As he watched, Mulima ran rampant among the Northern Liang Iron Cavalry, and in the blink of an eye, he took dozens of lives.

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