Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 993 Rescue Luo Tianxi

In an instant, pure Yang energy burst out and swept across the entire Changbai Mountains.

The sky suddenly changed, and streams of spiritual energy rushed out of Murong Fu's body, hitting the three devil eggs heavily.



Soon, the pure Yang energy dispersed the demonic energy around the three devil eggs and penetrated directly into the devil eggs.

Wei Tuo saw this scene from the side and was stunned in place. It took a long time to recover.

He wanted to rush forward, but was pushed back by the power of pure Yang. He could only watch helplessly as the three devil eggs were knocked down one after another.

No! he yelled, looking at Murong Fu with hatred.

I saw that the latter's figure was dissipating little by little, disappearing in place with the flash of golden light.

A trace of doubt flashed across Wei Tuo's face, and he stared blankly in the direction of Murong Fu with a look of disbelief.

Dead? Are you dead now? He lowered his head silently and muttered to himself.

The great changes in Changbai Mountain immediately aroused Kangxi's vigilance.

Regardless of everything, he rushed over and almost fainted when looking at the scene in front of him.

What happened? He lifted Wei Tuo up from the ground and asked loudly.

Where is Murong Fu? What did he do?

As soon as he finished speaking, a loud noise was heard in the distance, followed by two more identical sounds.

The three devil eggs hit the ground one after another, with slight cracks appearing.

Several pieces of the eggshell were knocked off, and the demonic energy spread out, filling the entire mountain in an instant.

No! Kangxi yelled and rushed forward, trying to repair the magic egg.

But it was too late, everything was a foregone conclusion.

Originally, there were still three days to break out of the shell, but now everything is ruined. Wei Tuo shook his head absentmindedly, his face full of hatred.

Kangxi went crazy and looked around: Where is Murong Fu? Where has he gone?

Wei Tuo's eyes changed, and he spoke with a guilty conscience: Your Majesty, he just blew himself up here to destroy the devil egg. I'm afraid he is dead now.

Huh, dead?

Do you believe what you said? Kangxi sneered, his eyes drifting into the distance.

Your Majesty, you mean he still...

The two looked at each other and saw suspicion in each other's eyes.

Murong Fu, you want to destroy my devil egg, but I can't do what you want!

Let's wait and see, no one can stop my [Qing Kingdom] plan!

Kangxi gritted his teeth and said angrily every word.

On the other side, Murong Fu suddenly stirred and opened his eyes instantly, with a look of shock and uneasiness on his face.

He checked the injuries inside his body and found that they had improved greatly, and most of the spiritual energy in his body had recovered.

Just now, he controlled his clone and blew himself up in Changbai Mountain with pure Yang energy, thus stopping the [Qing Kingdom] conspiracy.

However, a dark color flashed across his eyes.

Although he destroyed the demon egg, he did not completely destroy it. He only delayed it for some time so that it would not be born so quickly.

After this experience, he already knew the tricks of the Qing Kingdom and saw the power of the three devil eggs.

If it is really allowed to develop, I am afraid that the entire [original world] will be destroyed.

Now, he must find a way to go back as soon as possible, and he must not just sit idly by.

Then, as if he remembered something, he slowly sat back on the soft pedal and gently closed his eyes.

Once again, he circulated the spiritual power throughout his body and slowly traveled throughout his body.

In his spiritual world, there is an endless land covered with mist, and he is the only entity.

I saw that this place was a huge piece of land, completely deserted. Only Luo Tianxi was floating in the air at this moment.

She closed her eyes tightly and slowly swayed up and down with the fluctuations in her spiritual world.

With a thought in his mind, Murong Fu transferred it to his side and gently touched her cheek.

He kissed her and said softly: I'm here to save you.

The next moment, a [Purple Bodhi Grass] appeared in his hand, shining with lavender light.

Murong Fu picked it from the Shiwan Mountain and gave the fruit to Empress Qin Yi.

The flowers on it slowly closed petal by petal, like a flower in bud.

Murong Fu recalled Bian Eryi's instructions, and injected spiritual energy into it bit by bit, guiding it to bloom slowly.

Not long after, his face showed a bit of joy, and the [Purple Bodhi Grass] in his hand once again bloomed into blue flowers, glowing with a little golden light.

This time, he was finally able to save Luo Tianxi.

Then, he dropped Luo Tianxi's body from the air to the ground.

Tear off the stamens of the [Purple Bodhi Flower] bit by bit and cover Luo Tianxi's nose.

He memorized the methods in the ancient books and followed them step by step. Luo Tianxi's complexion gradually recovered visibly to the naked eye.

Even his face became rosy little by little, and his eyes trembled slightly.

Murong Fu was overjoyed for a moment and quickly fused the remaining rhizome with the [Vitality Pill] and fed it to Luo Tianxi.

However, when the elixir came to her mouth, she couldn't feed it no matter what.

Luo Tianxi's mouth was closed and he could not swallow the [Vitality Pill] at all.

Seeing that the medicinal effect of the rhizome was gradually dissipating, Murong Fu's eyes changed and he put the elixir into his mouth.

He slowly leaned down, placed his thin lips on the cold red lips, and flexibly opened her mouth with his tongue.

Slowly insert the elixir in your mouth, mixed with a hint of hot breath.

Gulu! Luo Tianxi's throat moved, and the pill slowly entered her body.

Murong Fu also breathed a long sigh of relief: Huh, I finally swallowed it!...

For the rest of the time, just wait for Luo Tianxi to wake up.

Taking advantage of this period of time, Murong Fu looked around at the spiritual world, his expression changing again and again.

He looked at the endless land, and an idea suddenly came to his mind.

It would be a pity to leave such a vast place like this.

With a thought in his mind, a handful of seeds appeared in his hand, as well as a few spiritual herbs that Bian Eryi had given him.

As he waved his hands, the seeds and herbs seemed to be alive, reverberating throughout the spiritual world.

After a while, they took root on the ground one by one, forming a small medicinal garden.

It turns out that it can still be like this! Murong Fu couldn't help but exclaimed, as if he had discovered a new world.

I saw that the spiritual grass and seeds began to take root and sprout rapidly the moment they took root in the ground.

In less than a moment, it had grown to the height of Murong Fu's calf.

In that case, why don't I create a spiritual grass garden here. He thought, and more seeds and spiritual grass flew in the air.

Not long after, they took root on the ground one by one, and green leaves grew like flying.

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