Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 994 Pink Bubbles in the Spiritual World

Murong Fu was in the joy of discovering a new world and didn't even notice that a long shadow appeared behind him.

After he finished tidying up the spiritual grass garden, he suddenly turned his head and met a pair of cold and bright eyes.

Tianxi, you're awake!

Luo Tianxi only felt a little weak, but she was in good spirits and didn't feel any discomfort at all.

She looked at the man in front of her whom she had missed for a long time, her red lips moved slightly, and her eyes moved: Fu Lang, you are here.

Immediately, she flew directly into his arms, sucking in the familiar breath fiercely.

Murong Fu was stunned for a moment, then the smile on his lips grew bigger and bigger.

He didn't expect that the other party would throw himself into his arms so actively, which seemed like he had lost some of his interest.

Tianxi, you...

Just as he was about to speak, a hint of coldness suddenly came from the corner of his lips, mixed with a hint of sweetness.

Luo Tianxi's cheek appeared in front of him, and her hair gently brushed their cheeks with the breeze.

The two of them are sometimes as passionate as fire, and sometimes as light as wind.

He had never seen Luo Tianxi like this before, but it was a little different from before.

After about half a stick of incense, Luo Tianxi felt out of breath and wanted to leave.

But he found that he was imprisoned and could no longer leave.

She felt the deep warmth and love, which was constantly fermenting between the two people.

Soon, Luo Tianxi couldn't bear it any longer, and he stopped panting and raised his eyes slightly.

Murong Fu stretched out his arms, tightly hugged her into his arms, and looked down at her.

Those eyes were bright and crystal clear, like twinkling stars in the night sky, twinkling with water, making people lovable.

Murong Fu slowly smiled, and his tone was a little magnetic: Why stop?

Luo Tianxi felt her face get hot, and she blushed for a moment as she heard her bold move just now.

She buried her head and got into Murong Fu's heart, like a shy kitten, sultry.

I miss you. She couldn't help but say, her face felt hot. Thinking of the passionate kiss just now, her heart beat wildly.

She felt the warmth of the embrace, feeling nostalgic and greedy.

When she wanted to separate, she found that she had already been locked tightly, and before she could speak, warm lips covered her.

For a moment, her mind went blank. She wanted to struggle to escape, but she only felt that her body turned into a puddle of water, and her whole body could not help but tremble slightly.

She tried several times, feeling the domineering and predatory attitude of the other party. She could only close her eyes obediently and reply with the tip of her tongue, green and unfamiliar.

At this moment, she didn't think about anything else. She just instinctively wanted to hug him and feel their bodies tightly together.

The clothes were slowly peeled off one by one, and the two people met each other frankly. The moment their skin touched, they both trembled slightly.

Tianxi, I want...

Luo Tianxi bit her lip lightly and nodded slightly: I want it too!

This sentence instantly caused Murong Fu's reason to run away from home, leaving everything behind.

The woman in front of her has snow-white skin with a little reddish tint, like a cold plum blossom standing proud of the snow in winter, which makes people cherish and fascinate her at the same time.

He pressed against her body, and a few soft moans occasionally escaped from his mouth, which were suppressed yet brisk.

Her chin rested on his shoulder unconsciously, their hands and fingers intertwined, and their whole body was filled with heat and haze.

The entire spiritual world seemed to feel the charm at this time, and a layer of red mist slowly rose up, shrouding the two people in it.

Their bodies overlapped each other, their cheeks were so close that you could even see the fine fluff on their faces and smell each other's breath.

Breathing also became hot and fast, and the lips slowly came together.

Murong Fu could not help but tremble when he saw the misty eyes of the person under him.

Even his face was flushed, and small beads of sweat even appeared on the tip of his nose.

Feeling the passionate love, Luo Tianxi opened her lips slightly involuntarily, revealing the tip of her fresh and moist tongue.

The whole person looked particularly charming in the pink mist, which was completely different from the pure and noble look of the past.

Murong Fu once again couldn't help but lowered his head and took her lips in his mouth, and then gently wrapped around the tip of her tongue.

The two felt each other's body temperature, constantly sinking, and finally fell completely.

The clouds and rain in Wushan talk about Bashan together.

It wasn't until both of them were exhausted that they stopped moving and hugged each other.

Murong Fu's hands were filled with soft snow-white, and he occasionally twisted the red beans on them, slowly twirling and wiping them again...

When the two people woke up, the moment they saw each other's eyes, they hugged each other and kissed again.

It wasn't until Luo Tianxi struggled to beg for mercy that Murong Fu stopped and looked at her with a wicked smile.

Fu Lang, you are so annoying! Luo Tianxi raised her hand shyly and kept touching Murong Fu's chest.

The latter raised his eyebrows, with a gentle smile in his eyes, and raised her chin with his fingers: What? Did you forget who took the initiative first?

Do you want me to think about it for you?

I remember, as soon as I turned around, I saw...

Luo Tianxi quickly covered his mouth and kept saying shyly: Stop talking, stop talking!

At this moment, she wished she could find a place to get in and escape from the person in front of her.

Murong Fu deliberately wanted to tease her, so he leaned over her ear, and his warm breath mixed with water mist sprayed on her ear.

Don't let me say it...

Then just call me good brother and I won't say anything else.

Luo Tianxi's face suddenly turned red, and he couldn't say a word for a long time, hesitating and hesitating.

What? Am I not your good brother? Murong Fu leaned down again, raised his eyes, and exerted force on his hand, bringing with it a burst of wetness.

Luo Tianxi couldn't help but tremble, and he quickly begged for mercy: Good brother, good brother, I was wrong...

Hahaha, it would be great if you were so obedient earlier! As he said, the movements of his hands still did not stop.

I don't know how much time passed, but Luo Tianxi was so tired that she couldn't even lift a finger, and she collapsed in Murong Fu's arms.

Murong Fu licked the corner of his mouth, feeling satisfied that he had eaten everything, and said softly: By the way, now that your original god has been restored, do you want to use the [Demon Lord's Relic] to restore your body?

Luo Tianxi wiped the sweat from his forehead, his voice was slightly hoarse, and he raised his hand with difficulty and shook it.

No, if I want to use the [Demon Lord's Relic] to restore my physical body, I must find a place with sufficient demonic energy.

I'm afraid the demonic energy here won't be enough to support me until I regain my physical body.

Murong Fu nodded and gently rubbed her hair: It's okay, I'll find a solution.

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