Chapter XNUMX Martial King Mountain

“Young Master … this is Fenger.”

The happy color of hawk-eye with a jade hand holding a stunning beauty came to Ye Fantian’s side with a smile.

And that woman is the Young Lady of the Shangguan Aristocratic Family, Shangguan Feng!

After seeing Ye Fantian up close, Shangguan Feng found that Ye Fantian was younger than he thought, even if he could be called young. It is hard to imagine this teenager who has not yet reached adulthood as a child. It turned out that the master who had just confronted that incredible powerhouse was a person.

“Many thanks, Supervisor Wang helped, and the little girl is grateful.”

Seeing Ye Fantian looking at himself, the pretty face of Shang Guanfeng couldn’t help but be a hit, and then quickly moved towards the other side to make a blessing.

Ye Fantian can see, this Shangguan Feng is obviously just an ordinary woman, so her body looks a little softer than ordinary person, but it also adds a lot of women’s softness, especially this lovable body with the eagle In the eyes, I have to say that the two are really a good match.

“Hehe … I know, you guys can never come here for no reason, yes, yes, good eyesight.”

After hearing this, a layer of crimson was again exposed on the face of Shangguan Feng’s powder, apparently quite shy.

“Well … like this, the first time you meet, you have to give someone a gift … well, that’s it.”

Ye Fantian smiled and hehe took a bottle of jade bottle made by Baiyu from his body and handed it to the other party, “Noah, this is the meeting ceremony, nothing else, and you, you guys are gone. “

Hawkeye knows his Young Master quite well. Although the other party is young, he has the splendor that an adult can hardly have. As long as he is his own, he will definitely be quite domineering, and every shot is definitely difficult. Seeking good things.

So he hurried to Shangguanfeng and said gratefully, “Eagle Eye thanks the Young Master for his reward here.”

Ye Fantian said angrily: “Let ’s come, this Young Master is still young, and you have to come down and give me kneels again and again, but I ca n’t stand your hand.”

At this time, the black tiger did not know when he came to Ye Fantian, hehe looked at a few people with a smile, at this time the Emperor Changlong had left, after all, Ye Fantian was quite abrupt at this time, many things I haven’t prepared for it yet, but it will take a while before I can fully prepare for it.

After watching the appearance of Xuan Tiger, both Shangguanfeng and the Eagle Eye couldn’t help but make a respectful expression, and after seeing Ye Fantian’s unhappy expression, Xuan Tiger helplessly said: “You two thousand Do n’t bow down to me, I ’m not as rich as this kid, the poor are alone. If you ca n’t get anything good, you do n’t see me. ”

Ye Fantian sneered and said, “che … a big man, how can you say that you haven’t seen without seeing, you think you are a mosquito.”

This sentence completely stunned the other mysterious tiger, and then glared at Ye Fantian helplessly before crying from his arms to the eagle eye and saying, “No … this is what I found ten years ago. It ’s not a good idea to see that you always use the tail of the Demonic Beast of the Bone Scorpion. The power of this whip is not small, so you better use it carefully. “

Ye Fantian took the long whip in the opponent’s hand, and after playing it a few times, he couldn’t help but lament that the eagle eye was really earned, and the whole whip showed a kind of crystal red, and the top was carved Like dragon scales, the long whip handle is the head of a dragon, will know when you see it, this is not ordinary.

After looking at Xuanhu’s painful face, Ye Fantian hurriedly said to the eagle eye, “Thank you very much, Lord Xuanhu.”

After that, I handed the long whip to Hawkeye, and have been with Ye Fantian for so long. Even though Hawkeye has always been an honest child, it has also changed unknowingly. Hearing Ye Fantian’s words, he hurriedly said, “Many thanks for your gift.”

Xuan Hu’s name is depressed, so depressed that you are dead, you talk about it, you can find a place to play, and come here for Mao? That ’s all when you come here, why did you go to provoke Ye Fantian?

The results of it? Instead of gaining the benefit, I lost a whip for nothing. Although he said he never used it, he knew it was a good thing.

After looking at Xuan Hu’s unhappy look, Ye Fantian hurriedly pulled him out and then said, “That hawk eye, it is still daytime, so say don’t be so indulgent, just entertain at night. “

“Oh ah?”

Eagle Eye first reacted again suddenly, but watching Ye Fantian has gone far and then looking at the Shangguan Feng that has turned into a little tiger, he hurriedly accompanied with a smile: “This It’s a joke … “

“Hmph …… must have been hooking up some unscrupulous women outside, otherwise it would be so good, how did Supervisor Wang know so much about your character?”

No, right?

Eagle Eye suddenly felt like crying without tears …

“Hey … what are you doing to me?”

Ye Fantian looked at Xuan Hu curiously, stroking his chin and asking.

“Oh … I almost forgot, I blame your boy, memory is not good when you are old, and you have provoked me, so that I almost forgot this important major event now …”

After chattering, Ye Fantian finally learned why the poisonous mania didn’t like to talk so much, just because there was such a master who would be annoyed by this girl if he spoke.

“What? Martial King wants to see me?”

Ye Fantian said curiously.

“Well, yes, news from Martial King just now, asking you to go to the mountain.”

When it came to this, the face of the mysterious tiger could not help showing an expression of envy.

“Oh … when?”

I didn’t expect that Ye Fantian’s expression turned out to be so bland. Suddenly, Xuanhu had a strong sense of frustration: “It’s Martial King Mountain … Martial King Mountain, the strongest place in the entire Imperial Court of Imperial Court. It is also the Guardian God mountain of our gale dynasty, you … your kid is so bland. Have a quick rest and set off tomorrow! “

After looking at Xuanhu’s anger in his face, as if he had committed a heinous crime, Ye Fantian’s face suddenly flashed a black line …

The distance between Martial King Mountain and this Imperial Palace is not long. On the contrary, it is a very short distance. After walking about a mile away, Xuanhu took Ye Fantian to a quaint peak.

“It’s here.”

Xuan Hu’s tone was quite emotional.

Looking at this small mountain, Ye Fantian could not help revealing an expression of admiration. Judging from the slightest addition of the little carvings on the peak, the owner of this Martial King mountain is obviously a Those who are fascinated by Martial Dao profound mystery, for that foreign object has reached the level of either water nor fire can approach, this is the state of mind that a true powerhouse in dance can have.

“Be respectful after meeting Wu Supervisor Wang.”

Standing on the stairs below the mountain peak, Xuanhu repeated this sentence.

“Knowing the old man, you won’t be older, and the extent of this trance will become more powerful.”

Xuan Hu really wanted to slap the kid, but after looking at Ye Fantian’s immature appearance, he slowly took a deep breath: “Calm, this kid is just a child, just a child.”

After climbing the stairs set up on the mountain peak, terrifying winds came out immediately, and then Ye Fantian’s eyes suddenly burst slightly, only to see in front of this was a huge training ground, This martial arts field covers an area of ​​at least XNUMX acres and is divided into dozens of places.

At this moment, there were a dozen young people and middle age persons standing on the ground. They were practicing their cultivation technique with concentrated attention completely. They did not have any feelings about the arrival of Ye Fantian.

Looking at these people a little, Ye Fantian was surprised to find that even the worst of them had reached the level of samurai.

“Martial King is one of the core strengths of the Imperial Court. A large number of geniuses are sent here every year, and then they are taught by the discipline of Martial King. If you practice well and work hard, it will definitely be Become the core disciple, because the occasional Supervisor Wang will also appear here to guide them, so training here is something that everyone expects. “

Xuan Hu said with a touch of longing in his tone.

At this time, a young man who was constantly walking on the ground carrying tons of megaliths shouted a sudden roar, and the muscles of the body this week suddenly turned into a sloppy Dragon Snake posture, shaking quickly. stand up.


The huge stone seemed to be a small hill, fiercely shot into the air, but at this time it happened unexpectedly suddenly, it seems that because the energy is not controlled uniformly, so this huge stone suddenly moved towards far Go away.

“Vajra … you asshole.”

After seeing the horrible degree of boulder, many people finally responded, and moved towards this man, shouting and evading.

But at this moment, the stone had begun to fall, and Ye Fantian could not help but twitched the corner of his mouth, because that position seemed to be where he stood.


The five fingers clenched abruptly, and then the robe hu hu rang loudly, and the astral qi burst out from Ye Fantian’s body insanely.

“hmph! ”

Bang …!

With this a groan of Ye Fantian, suddenly there were several traces of terrifying under his feet …

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