Chapter XNUMX At First Seeing Heaven’s Feather

In the horrified eyes of all people, the young man in front of him stood upright with one hand and carried the full megaton of the massive stone with the force of five fingers, and the huge stone fell from mid-air. His strength is much stronger than his original level.

Very terrifying power, much stronger than Vajra. “

Everyone started talking.

“Well … this doesn’t seem to be from Martial King.”

Someone suddenly responded and said.

Regarding such performance, Ye Fantian said that he was quite helpless, and the reaction speed was a bit slow.

After tossing the boulder aside, Ye Fantian said to Xuanhu lightly, “Say, didn’t you want to see me? Why didn’t I find anyone here to ask?”

Xuan Hu suddenly pointed at a strong man and said, “Isn’t that coming?”

Ye Fantian while speaking only found that from the periphery of this martial arts training site, a tall young man was slowly walking towards this side, and an incomparable gigantic giant sword on his body seemed extremely conspicuous.

Wherever this person went, everyone in the room even gave way to him. Obviously, this person’s status in the Martial King Mountain was quite out of the ordinary, but after seeing this guy, Ye Fantian’s face Could not help but reveal a hint of surprised expression, because this person is not Qin Kuang.

“How could it be him.”

Xuan Hu also saw Qin Kuang’s look clearly, so this tone was quite a little surprised.

Ye Fantian’s face doesn’t have the slightest expression, as if there is no pressure on the arrival of this guy, of course, in fact, Ye Fantian really does not have the slightest pressure on Qin Kuang, regardless of the strength or identity of the other party, None of his concerns.

“Ye Fantian …… long time no see!”

After seeing the calm Qin Kuang on his face, Ye Fantian’s heart even had a kind of heavy pressure. This was a pressure from deep inside, especially the kind of blandness on the other side as if it were Jing Zhongyue. The general posture made Ye Fantian’s heart more and more feel that at this time Qin Kuang seemed to have undergone some strange changes.

“Really? I feel like it’s only one day. How long has it been?”

The conversation between the two people immediately caught the attention of everyone present, especially the expression of Vajra that showed admiration: “Ye Fantian, isn’t this the Hunter King this year? I really want to play against this guy what.”

Vajra’s appearance is just a young man of twenty-seven or eighty-years-old, but he has a sloppy gesture, except that the extreme coldness in his eyes has made it impossible to ignore his existence.

“Che … you come here less, but that man has defeated the Big Senior Brother. Do you think your strength can be compared with the Big Senior Brother?”

For such a rebuttal, Vajra really glanced helplessly, but it caused a burst of laughter and scolding.

Here Ye Fantian and Qin Kuang are still looking at each other, and the latter’s face cracked with excitement: “No, to me, the time of this day has been gone for several years. It ’s a difference. The kind of shackles in the past made me truly understand and get rid of after my failure. My mind is calm as if it were the lake. There is nothing that can cause me change. Qin Family ’s After all, I need to rely on myself, and I want to follow the real found mystery on Martial Dao. The three-point Martial King will not be my ultimate goal, not even the Martial King level! “

Having said this, Ye Fantian sneered: “No … you are still wrong. When you deliberately pursue the Supreme realm on Martial Dao, your heart is not as plain as you said, To do nothing is to follow the heart carefully, your heart has not been calm … “

After this remark, not only did Qin Kuang’s face show a surprised expression, even the black tiger on the other side began to think thoughtfully, but after looking at the gestures of these two guys, Ye Fantian suddenly I had the feeling of didn’t know whether to cry or laugh: “Hey Hey Hey … I say you two, I seem to be a guest.”

Qin Mang heard this, suddenly a moment, then some forced a smile and said: “I have to say that you are really difficult to deal with, I’m not as good as you.”

“Yes, yes, when you can say this, it means that your mentality in martial arts has improved a lot once again.”

An old man dressed in a simple and incomparable linen came slowly to the crowd, but after this old man appeared, Ye Fantian and Xuanhu were complexion changed. From the beginning to the present, they didn’t feel old The arrival of man, if it is not for his voice, it is impossible for him to discover the existence of the other party.

“You, you broke through that step, no, it’s not the last step.”

Xuan Hu looked at the old man, and a expression of surprise and envy appeared on his face.

The old man’s white beard fluttered in the wind. Even though he was wearing a simple linen robe, he still looked like an ancient bell. The more he listened, the more he felt the charm and longness …

“I have n’t yet broken through, just a little bit of understanding, hehe, if the breakthrough in life, it would be a torture for me. The endless pursuit is no longer suitable for me, now I just It ’s suitable for planting vegetables and flowers, living in the countryside, and you crazy. I asked you to water, how did you get here? “

After hearing what old man said, Qin Kuang seemed to react, and then nodded respectfully said, “Yes, I’ll go.”

Then Qin Kuang moved towards that Ye Fantian nodded said: “The next time I meet, I must fight with you well, at that time I will definitely become stronger, Ye Fantian, you do n’t want to meet the next time It ’s too weak, and I would feel very uninteresting in that way. “

Ye Fantian lightly saying: “I’m looking forward to it.”

Looking quietly at the back of Qin Kuang, Ye Fantian is quite looking forward to the progress of this Qin Kuang. The other party is also a genius. If it is not for the help of Master Qing Xuanzi, there is absolutely no other party. Such a powerful degree.

“Come on, Asura Takeshi Supervisor Wang is waiting for you, Xuanhu, how about going with me for a while?”

The old man smiled at Hehe and said to Xuanhu.

Xuanhu hearing this did not show the slightest touch of emotion, but instead pointed at the opponent’s nose and cursed loudly: “You old drinker is nothing like this. I came here after smelling the smell of demon god brewing on me. I’m pretty close. Do you think I’ll be fooled? “

The old man waved his hands at Ye Fantian, pointing to a courtyard on the top of the mountain, saying, “There is where Wu Supervisor Wang lives, and you can go by yourself.”

Ye Fantian was slightly nodded, but soon the back voice made Ye Fantian almost fall.

“Are you sure you don’t drink me?”

“No, no!”

“Okay … I seem to have a hundred years of cod here, but I caught it yesterday. Hey, well, I’ll eat it myself.”

“Don’t introduce it, isn’t it the demon god brewing, we feel better when we drink together, come on, you’re welcome …”

Allowing the noise of the two behind, Ye Fantian slowly walked forward in the surprise and admiration of the people around him …

An exquisite pavilion, an azure robe, holding a simple roll, a cup of tea, a pot of wine, a saucer of peanuts …

Everything was perfectly integrated at this time, and after seeing everything in front of her, Ye Fantian felt a touch of emotion called touching.

Although this person is facing his side, Ye Fantian can still feel the extremely natural gesture from the other person’s body. This is the taste of Return to the Natural State after reaching the limit.

The Asura Qishalian, which has been successfully integrated into his body, started to shake slightly at this time, and the feeling was like a returning traveler seeing his relatives.

Naturally, the identity of the person in front of him is also looming.

Ye Fantian respectfully said, “Wu Supervisor Wang!”


The long scroll in his hand was slowly placed on the stone table. A middle-aged man turned his body slowly. Even if the handsome face knew the age of the person, he still could not bear it. Feel like living.

This is a charm that comes out of being completely integrated with nature.

Ordinary charm after reaching the limit!

“Here … come and sit.”

Asura Martial King lightly saying, the soothing feeling in the tone is enough to make Ye Fantian calm down the only excitement in her heart.


With the action of Tian Zhi Yu, a pair of jade urns and cups appeared again on this stone table.

“Hehe … I remember there are a lot of demon gods in your virtual soldiers.”

Ye Fantian’s heart was shocked after hearing the words of Xu Zhibing, but he quickly reacted. He no longer covered up, took the demon god brew from the Ghost Ring, and slowly took the two. The cup is full.

“Eh … good breath. I thought it took me a lot of effort to get a little bit of the demon god, but it was stolen by a bad old fellow, this bag belongs to me, eh , I must hide well. “

Such a domineering behavior, but also so natural, really only such a powerhouse can have such behaviors, but for this kind of unintentional feelings, Ye Fantian has developed a good impression on this … …

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