Ye Fantian’s face turned wild. The voice was echoing in his ears. This was clearly in the memory of Fuhu Paragon. Why can the other person see himself?

Remember this is history. This is the past of nothingness. No one can change it. How did the other party change it?

“This is impossible!”

Ye Fantian roared wildly. i ^

Everything around “hong” was completely silent, all life seemed to be reduced to nothingness, only one golden Buddha’s hand moved towards Ye Fantian and smashed over, the hand of this big Buddha The energy of evolution is immense, and the momentum is against the sky. Although it has a majestic energy, it is more powerful with the powerful cutting power of sword glow. This sharp and violent feeling is enough to penetrate a void.

The traces of the powerful anti-sky start to generate!

“Not good, the strength of this old fellow is very powerful!”

Ye Fantian’s face suddenly changed, his whole body evolved and moved, and immediately began to perform Magical Powers.

“What’s going on? No energy?”

Ye Fantian’s face finally became extremely horrified at this time. He remembered that this is the long river of the memory of the tiger, Paragon. His power cannot be truly reflected and exerted here, especially by the power of the mysterious soul. The words displayed here are even less powerful.

“Dead … Junior, whoever you are, you must die!” Da Huan-zun roared loudly with an expression of disgust.

This guy has obviously changed the memory of this Fuhu Paragon. Otherwise, everything in the memory will not change into nothingness, even the silhouettes of both Fuhu Paragon and Jianglong Paragon are faintly discernible. But there was no sound.

Good terrifying inverse heavenly technique, this guy can even change a person’s history, no, this clearly changes the Strength of Time.

“Not a rule of time, what is this power?”

Seeing that the hand of this huge Buddha is about to tear off the fleshhy body of Ye Fantian, Ye Fantian’s face is suddenly fierce, and he is about to give up this mysterious soul.


Nascent Saint roared angrily, clapping fiercely in the palm of his hand.

Suddenly the entire Divine Kingdom began to resurrect.

The long river of memory in this mysterious soul is under his control, which is clearly his own territory.

My game, my turf, my rules!

This is the principle that Nascent Saint has always followed. When he was furious, he flexed his magical powers, and a huge amount of energy began to be poured into Ye Fantian’s fleshy body. % & * “;

Supreme’s terrifying energy was quickly input into Ye Fantian’s mystic soul.

“Fuhu! Buddha Tiger!”

On Ye Fantian’s body, a divine runes flickered, and then expanded to the extreme. The traces on his face completely disappeared, and then a whistling, slap with his hands, it was a long river condensed by the mighty punches.

“What? How is that possible ?!”

The complexion changed for Da Huan Zun, Ye Fantian’s secret technique, which is clearly the secret technique of Fuhu Paragon. Ye Fantian can be performed, and it is more terrifying than the opponent, which is completely beyond Da Huan Zun’s imagination.

Especially since he hasn’t been in a hurry to check the true face of Ye Fantian, this is totally an act of blunder.

“The Supreme Buddha’s power has changed the memory of this tiger, Paragon, but why can the other party still exert its power? This is completely impossible!”


Two huge handprints collided fiercely, lifted up all obstacles, and began to explode violently in an instant.

At this moment, Heaven Falls and Earth Rends were average.

“Damn junior, I want you to die!” Da Huanzun’s face became quite ugly, and the original coldness became clearer at this time, like a roar of a poisonous snake: “Dare to deal with my disciple Me, you are a courting death. As long as I catch you, I will definitely punish all the women around you, I will suck their essence! “

This cursed grievance came out.

Ye Fantian’s eyes squinted slightly, Scarlet moved slightly, flickered and released, his mouth said coldly: “It depends on whether you have this ability …” “You are courting death!”

Da Huan Zun’s face became more and more ugly. A pair of eyes, like a snake pupil, flickered with sharp and venomous brilliance, and was released fiercely behind him. A statue of Buddha began to form. Buddha’s illusory shadow is showing.

The densely packed illusory shadows of the buddhas moved towards Ye Fantian and killed the past.

“This guy is so clever. Will he be forced to show my secret technique?” Ye Fantian’s heart moved, and he immediately guessed the real purpose of this guy.

But Ye Fantian categorically won’t let the other party know his true means. This time, this is in the realm of Buddha, and this is only the periphery. Heaven knows in this, how powerful is the powerhouse and the methods that are generated in it The horror of this is completely done once the other party knows his true identity.

Even the Fighter Paragon has no way to guarantee himself. The true strength of this great joy Ye Fantian is not yet known, but it is certainly not weaker than that Fighter Paragon. If such a character is truly necessary, If you deal with yourself, even if all the powerhouses of the War God lineage add up, they are not enough to kill each other. Fortunately, this is in the memory of the long river, and the true strength of the opponent is suppressed.


There are infinite magical powers in Ye Fantian’s boxing. He gets too many boxing methods, each of which can be splitting heaven and earth apart. It can be said that the tyrannical can ignore everything, although compared to The fist of his gods is infinitely different, but it is enough to deal with the illusory shadow of these Buddhas.

“The power of the Buddhas, suppress the ten parties!”

Da Huanzun’s face became more and more severe, his hands clasped together, a huge bergamot began to appear, and moved towards Ye Fantian surrounded the life unceasingly.

“Not good ……”

Ye Fantian, a illusory shadow of a Buddha, was suddenly smashed, and suddenly felt that there was pressure all around him, as if the air had begun to form steel columns, and each Buddha finger could support the heavens and the earth, even Ye Fantian. There is no way to resist.

“Using Supreme’s power to change the soul against the sky, completely change the memory of this mysterious soul of Fuhu, but I did not expect that a huge mysterious soul wave was hidden in your body, hindering me. If not, you can There is no need to die, but if you see the Buddha domain, you see what you should not see, you must die, you must die! “

The voice appeared slowly, but this remark also made Ye Fantian secretly rest assured a lot. This Buddha Realm is obviously very important, but it is still out of sight. Otherwise, the other party will not choose at this time. Behead yourself.

Especially the way to change the soul against the sky, that requires a lot of energy.

“Let me see who you are …” The bergamot folded together, squeezing Ye Fantian’s mysterious soul in a moment.

This pressure is too strong, Ye Fantian’s mystic soul is crackling. At this time, he is ready. As long as it is an instant, he will give up the mystic soul and let his Self-destruction. , And then although he lost a mysterious soul, but it is better than let the other grasp.

“Ha Ha Ha … haven’t given up? Boy, your courage is good, but after all, it is my enemy, knowing the existence of the Buddha Realm, even if you are the paragon of the Paragon Realm, but you have to die!”

The mighty voice passed out.

“Damn, it seems that I really have to give up. Although it is only a mysterious soul, it also contains two-thirds of my power …”

If it had to be forced, Ye Fantian really didn’t want to give up. Nascent Saint had just consumed a lot of power. At this time, he consumed so much mystical power. How long does it take to add it back.

“Self-destruction …”

Ye Fantian just wanted to perform Self-destruction to blast his own soul, but the last word had not been spoken yet, and a great power came into being at this time.


Pure and immaculate Buddha power circulated on Ye Fantian’s body. The boundless Buddha power was surging and released infinite pressure. The pair of bergamots were instantly shattered, and then, a trace of Supreme surrounded it. Ye Fantian’s mystic soul, guard it.

It’s a runes, Supreme’s rune, with “Well, what’s the matter?”

“this is……?!”

Da Huanzun’s eyes were about to stare out, with a look of surprise and unbelievable horror in his eyes.

“It turns out to be this treasure, but it exists beyond countless years, beyond this era, beyond the great existence of countless times, rune of the world’s free king Buddha, if I get him, my strength will be Advanced by leaps and bounds, it ’s possible to travel thousands of miles and even grow into a more horrible existence. How can this guy have this divide object on his body ?! ”Da Huan ’s face is full of surprise, but this idea But it was just a fleeting moment, a quick wave of the palm, and a burst of power that was thousands of times stronger than just now began to unfold.

“This guy … isn’t it?”

Feeling this mighty power, Ye Fantian’s scalp was tingling.

The rune of the free king Buddha in this world was obtained by Ye Fantian from this sacred pearl of bright light. Although he knows that the other party is powerful, he doesn’t know what the other party’s role is.

“Hong” The rune of the world’s free king Buddha quickly flowed, fiercely moved towards the body of this great joy and repression.

The repressive dangling of the Buddha’s power hiding the sky and covering the earth, as if it were the waterfall of Supreme, played a rays of light.

“No … why is this power so powerful?” Da Huanzun’s voice suddenly passed out, and Rune just suppressed it on the other side’s body, but he did not expect that the power was so great that the guy’s body collapsed directly. , Turned into nothingness.

“I’m not willing, not willing … The Supreme rune of the world’s free king Buddha is in front of me, but that’s the legendary truth …” The voice continued to pass.

But at the next moment, the helpless dissipation became nothingness.

This time, I am afraid that this guy ’s power has been lost for the most part. In order to resist the Supreme ’s free-running king Buddha rune, this exerting power is enough to allow him to drink a pot, but it has also suffered a lot of damage!

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