“hu ……”

Seeing that everything around it was completely restored, Ye Fantian could not help but sighed, the situation just now was too dangerous.

Looking at this runes river above the void, a hint of hesitation appeared on Ye Fantian’s face:

“The world ’s free king Buddha, this runes also seems to be not simple. In terms of strength, it can directly kill the existence of the great joy. Although this guy’s power is estimated to be less than 80%, it is also arrogant enough! “

This is a good thing for Ye Fantian. Carrying such an ultimate weapon is quite easy for the future, especially for Buddhist Sect, which has greater benefits.

With a slight movement in his heart, Ye Fantian quickly moved around and disappeared here.

“Damn … rune of the world’s free king Buddha, who is it, who is it !!”

The roar and roar was released from a sacred space. This is one golden great hall with Supreme Buddha and illusory shadow on it. The mysteriousness of all kinds forms a holy atmosphere, and the horrible sound is just Was released from this great hall.

In the middle of this great hall, I saw a sacred silhouette roaring madly, lingering around numerous Buddhist Sect marks, each one is like a star, and the murderous aura is extremely clear.

“The King Buddha in the world, this is the Supreme Buddha, exists in countless eras, and even appeared at this time. Unless the Buddha Sect lives, he is a generation with Buddhist veins. This guy must be Buddha Sect, who is it? I want to find you, even if it ’s the same sect that beheaded and killed myself, I have to get it … Damn, since you can come into this Buddha domain, you still need help The memory of Fuhu shows that it is not the Buddha domain. No matter what dimension you are in, Star Domain, I will find you … “

The roaring voice passed out and shattered the sky!

Ye Fantian would not know about the appearance of all of this. His mysterious soul instantly returned to his fleshhy body, only then felt a strong sense of exhaustion began to generate.

This tired feeling comes from the mysterious soul.

At this time, Nascent Saint had a tired expression on his face, and apparently it took a lot of energy to infuse Ye Fantian’s mystic soul.

“Damn, how long does it take to really recover!” Ye Fantian’s face showed a helpless expression.

Mysterious soul, which is different from the energy in the fleshhy body. If you want to cultivate, the speed is still a lot slower. However, Ye Fantian’s mysterious soul is huge, and it rarely happens that it is not enough.

“Buddha, it ’s not simple. It ’s too powerful. This thing ca n’t be passed on. Otherwise, once people in Buddhism know it, it will be completely done. Even if anyone in the War God lineage has no way to escape, big I’m afraid that Huanxizun is just a nobody in the realm of Buddhism, but such a powerhouse is comparable to Old Ancestor. The realm of Buddhism … “

Thinking of the horrible part of it, Ye Fantian couldn’t help but be surprised.

And he even felt that the existence of this Buddha realm was clearly related to the plan of Martial Dao Saint Level powerhouse.

“You have to find Old Ancestor and discuss with him. The current Buddha Realm will not shoot, but it is impossible to know when it will appear!”

Seeing the horror of the Buddha domain, Ye Fantian’s heart started to startle more and more.

One night passed quietly, Ye Fantian’s eyes opened and closed, the scarlet flickered. In the night, he thought a lot.

Slowly walked into their room, the two girls were sleeping at this moment, and the lingering battle at night had made them both very tired.

** Heng Chen, the lovable body is seductive, Ye Fantian’s heart is moved in the exhausted yet beautiful face.

This is her own woman. Menger has not been found. In addition to her relatives, Xuantian Continent also has her own woman. Earth also has her own relatives.

And all this must be guarded.

“Whether it is the Buddha Realm or the Martial Dao Saint, I have to face it, no matter who you are, but even if I die, I will guard them!”

Ye Fantian’s eyes suddenly swelled, incarnation became two Le Mans, like Divine Sword, flashed in this room …

“pa ……”

Going out slowly, at this moment, Ye Fantian’s face has revealed an inconceivable momentum, and the world is confident.

This is Ye Fantian!

Not afraid of everything!

“cough cough cough…”

A cough sounded.

I saw a burly body appearing in Ye Fantian’s sight, and the other person’s face showed a gesture of aspiration as a villain, not who would the fighting demon Buddha be.

After going through the yin and yang cultivation process, this girl not only restored her own cultivation base, but was even more powerful than the original, and has suddenly become an immortal higher-level cultivation base.

At this moment, the pride of that face is obviously a lot of yesterday’s “cultivation”.

“Pa … brother, thank you!”

The big hand slaps on Ye Fantian’s shoulder, fighting with a laugh.

“Do you know?”

Fighting Devil said with a laugh: “Hehe, although Lao Tzu is asleep, he still has some sense. If this time not for your help, Lao Tzu doesn’t know how long it will take to truly embrace the beauty. Here it is! “

“Hmph, it was hard yesterday!”

Ye Fantian looked at this girl with contempt. No matter how I looked at it, I felt that this big man had such a smile and had a wretched feeling.

“Hard and happy …”

The fighting demon Buddha made a “man you know” expression …

“Che …”

Ye Fantian compared fiercely to a middle finger, and after chatting with each other for a while, a long rainbow suddenly passed, and a man with a sledgehammer came slowly.

“Brahma, fighting the devil and Buddha, come to the great hall and discuss things!” The visitor is a powerhouse of the War God lineage.

“Eh …?” Ye Fantian’s heart moved slightly, then he and the fighting demon looked at each other, followed behind each other, and quickly flew over …

In the great hall, there are already full of people at this time. In addition to the powerhouse of War God lineage, there is also the powerhouse of gold Demon Ape Clan.

The night battle emperor and the golden beast are communicating with each other, and frowning seems to be a bit of a trouble.

After seeing the appearance of Ye Fantian and the fighting demon Buddha, he first glanced at it, then took a strange look at the fighting demon Buddha, obviously it was unexpected that the strength of the fighting demon Buddha actually improved so fast, and it reached the immortal level. Higher level.

The big peacock glazed king is the existence of Supreme. The pure essence can be said to be of great benefit to men, and after swallowing the Buddha’s marrow of Fuhu Paragon, the cultivation base will naturally increase rapidly.

“Since it’s all here, let me tell you …” Ye Zhanhuang said slowly.

His eyes were opened and closed, thedivine glow flickered, and his mouth condensed: “This time, our loss is not small, but this is only the first time.Although the loss of Zen this time is great, it is absolutely It ’s not like that, and we have a lot of enemies in the War God lineage. Ask God Paragon is also glare like a tiger watching his prey. This guy is not terrifying. The key is behind the other person, but an old man. Monster, the opposite party is the first generation of asking Paragon, and also among the Heavenly Sects. Once the news of our disappearance of Old Ancestor is passed out, it will inevitably cause a burst of uproar, so it is the most critical thing to find Old Ancestor! “

Ye Fantian gently nodded and could n’t help but said, “It ’s true, but we do n’t have the slightest clue now. Old Ancestor and Battle Saint are very secretive. We have no way to know where they are going. … “This is the point. When both Fighter Paragon and the Battle Saint left, they did not tell their destination. It seems to have foreseen the consequences of this matter. If you are looking for it, then Quite difficult.

“Well, so we need to find someone …”

The unique rough voice of the golden beast came out, and a humming sound passed through the great hall.

“Heaven Paragon … find this person and we will know where they went!”

“Heavenly Paragon?” Many people have curious voices in their mouths, especially Ye Fantian and Doujinbo, who have never heard of this guy at all.

“This person is a ghost, who is unmatched in the entire Paragon domain. This person is proficient in the evolution of the sky and penetrates the heavens and the sky. If this person is willing to take a shot, he will definitely find a clue …

The Night War Emperor said slowly.

“Then let this person do it …”

The fighting demon Buddha said in a hurry.

Ye Fantian smiled slightly:

“I’m afraid it’s not that simple …”

The Night War Emperor gently nodded: “Although this person’s strength is not one of Eight Great Paragons, he is also a super powerhouse who has spent two epochs. We have no intersection between the War God lineage and the other party, so we think To get help from this person is a bit difficult. The character of the other person is very strange. If you want to ask him for help, you need to come up with something that interests him, but this guy has passed too many dimensions. , There is so little interest … “

When it comes to this, the expression of helpless expression on the face of the night war emperor can’t help.

Ye Fantian’s head was also a headache, and it was really troublesome to deal with this ghost.

“What if persecution?”

Asked the fighting demon Buddha unwillingly.

“This person’s cultivation base is not weaker than me, and the immortal Paragon who has been assisted by him is not a minority … If it comes hard, it will definitely cause more friction …” “If you can give a sense of each other What about things of interest? “

A slight smile suddenly appeared on Ye Fantian’s face, and he slowly said …

[Off-topic by the author]: ps: Will I tell you today is the fourth change? Kill me, I do n’t even say … begging for o (s □ t) o

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