“hong long long !”

The sky is roaring. When this mark is truly controlled by Ye Fantian, the sky and the sky finally roar. This is against the sky and earth, and the strongest challenge against the whole sky.

But the roar gradually dissipated.

Holding the mark of the sky in his hand, Ye Fantian expressed expressionless on his face. Looking at this mark, the ancient divine runes on it were continuously released.

The tyrannical power in it carries a profound esoteric wave, and even Ye Fantian cannot understand the meaning in a short time.

For a time, all the powerhouses all widened their eyes, and the ancient breath began to flow.

It was the breath of an immortal Paragon, the breath of ancient times.

Apparently, the immortal Paragon was awakened, and even there was the breath of the constituents of the eight immortal Paragons.

These guys can’t help it now, they are sheltered by Between Heaven and Earth, Ye Fantian’s behavior is no less than a Divine Sword hanging from their heads.

Threatened them.

“hmph! ”

Both Fighter Paragon and Battle Saint are both coldly snorted.


Roaring to the sky, roaring and roaring, two huge illusions behind him appeared.

War God Illusion, the golden ape illusion!

The display of two mighty mights, opened up ten parties, exuded their majesty, and expressed their will!

Both of them are tyrannical. Now they have reached the cultivation base of the four epochs. The energy of Supreme has been shown. It is enough to express their powerful means. It is admonishing all powerhouses. It is best not to mess. move.

The scream of “howling” reappeared again. This sound appeared in the mouth of Wentian Paragon, the last whine of his mysterious soul. The next moment, there was no sound at all.


Question sky Paragon really fell, and for a time, all question sky lineage completely felt that a vast energy in their Bloodline began to dissipate.

Lost the shelter of Old Ancestor, the shelter of this heavenly mark, their Bloodline has become noble and has completely lost the glory of the past. From then on, they will be no different from ordinary races.


Ye Fantian’s body flickered.


One hand, quickly evolved, grabbed away from Ye Fantian’s body.

This palm splitting heaven and earth apart, drives Supreme’s power, and the mark of the sky on him has horrible power. Among these eight immortal Paragons, only they can kill themselves unless there is no other People can take this risk, but now Ye Fantian threatens them. Naturally, some people ca n’t sit still, and especially this mark on Ye Fantian is ancient and precious. It ’s the mark of the sky. Once you get it, you will create a Supreme powerhouse!



“courting death !”

Both the incurable disease and the Battle Saint screamed at the same time, and somebody really dared to shoot.

The momentum of both bodies evolved, and the illusion behind them moved towards that huge palm to kill the past.


Both shots, the opponent directly bombarded began to dissipate.

“hmph ……”

With the passing of coldly snorted, this violent momentum began to dissipate, but everyone knows that Ye Fantian’s goal is quite obvious at this time.

There is a mark of heaven on his body!


Ye Fantian’s silhouette flickered and came to a person.

Night War Emperor!

He smiled and looked at the Night War Emperor, and the hearts of the Night War Emperor began to murmur.

“You … what the hell do you see me!”

Being looked at by a big man like this, even the Emperor of War this night was a bit overwhelmed.


Ye Fantian’s palm started to shoot like lightning, quickly disappearing in the night’s eyebrows!


The expression of astonishment on the face of Warlord Paragon, not only him, but even everyone present at the scene looked at Ye Fantian’s shot in astonishment.

It was a mark, the mark of Supreme, with an ancient and sheltered atmosphere, powerful waves marking the fragmentation of all things and the entire space, not what the mark of the sky would be.

This Ye Fantian actually gave this mark of the sky to the night war emperor? !!

Is this guy crazy? I do n’t want such a good thing, and I gave it to someone else?

But the war fighter Paragon and Battle Saint know, where is this Ye Fantian is not necessary, this is clearly not to see the mark of the sky.

“Roar” Ye Zhuanghuang yelled in surprise, but there was a sharp wave in the cry.

The mark of the heavens entered the fleshhy body of the Night Warrior. For a moment, the terrifying energy of Supreme began to riot quickly, and the boundless energy continuously evolved and moved, dancing wildly.

Above the heavens, the various glows of Divine Gleaming seemed to be roaring and roaring, but there was nothing they could do. This was the end of the boat. Raw rice cooked mature rice.


A wave of mighty power began to unleash.

In the night battle emperor’s body, the energy has once again risen to an extreme.

Three epochs!

This guy even reached the cultivation base of three epochs in an instant, which is the benefit of the mark of the sky.

In the eyebrow, a divine runes flashed, which was the pattern of the mark of the sky, and it disappeared in the next moment.


With a roar, the Bloodline on the Night Warlord’s body shattered, and Supreme’s terror energy began to wave out.


The hostile powerhouses knew it all.


I don’t know who shouted. At this moment, they finally reacted. They didn’t run at this time, and waited until.

The Warlord Paragon is already one of the eight immortal Paragons, and they have an amazing relationship with the Battle Saint. Now the entire War God lineage and gold Demon Ape Clan are solid and no one can break it all.

The current Night War Emperor was once again created for one of the eight Immortal Paragons, which means that the two Ancient Races have three Supreme Immortal Paragons in asylum.

Are they here, are they not courting death?


The war bear smashed one person’s fleshy body and tried to kill those miscellaneous one after another, but there was nothing he could do.

“Wait, our people will ask you one after another for advice!”

Warlord Paragon said slowly in his mouth.

The sound shattered the sky and made all of them, in ones heart trembled.

The Paragon is a Fury of Thunder.

If someone is killed, if their strength is shocking, if it is not the time to return, I am afraid that their Bloodline was really beheaded and killed, although the War God lineage loss at this time is not great, but it is also No small, how can War Paragon easily let go of these guys.

“Boy … you!”

Ye Zhanhuang’s palm slaps heavily on Ye Fantian’s shoulder.

There was a touch of excitement and gratitude on his face.

The eight immortal Paragons have not disappeared, and this time, the entire War God lineage will be the strongest Ancient Race.

This is all thanks to Ye Fantian.

“Oh, it turned out to be the cultivation base of three epochs.”

The golden beast couldn’t help whispered, but this guy was very depressed. Compared with the Emperor of Battle this night, he was a lot behind, especially the other party had the mark of the sky, which was also a great encouragement for him.

“Okay, you’ll be one of Eight Great Paragons in the future, but I’m the first to take you one step.”

The night war emperor said with a laugh, how unflattering the gesture is, but his words are not wrong, and the golden beast will get the inheritance of Battle Saint.

That is, when they discussed with each other, that is, when the energy of the War Emperor was completely stable that night, in a deep space, a pair of eyes slowly opened, with unmatched momentum and Suffocating, the amazing killing intent was slowly released:

“My mark … has been changed! Who is it?”

The sound growled, setting off an endless frenzy.

The entire space is boiling, and it continues to hit everything around it frantically. The huge waves set off seem to break all the space apart.

“Today we have something good to eat!”

Ye Fantian looked at the Paragon fleshy body on the ground. This guy is a nine-winged devil dragon with Dragon Race Bloodline. The reason why he did not devour each other ’s fleshhy body is because this guy is delicious food. The body of the immortal Paragon Level’s powerhouse is naturally delicious, and it is very good.

“That’s true!”

Warlord Paragon is deeply nodded.

At this time, although the losses of their two Ancient Races were not small, they were not fatal, and the gain was even greater.

As the Bloodline began to clean up here, a cauldron began to appear.

Countless priceless and unique rare treasures are constantly being put into the pot.

The galaxy water from the depths of the universe was hauled down and poured into the pot, and the crystal brilliance began to flash out.

Then came countless priceless and unique rare treasures.

With XNUMX years of Vermillion Fruit, snow carp that is hard to find in ancient times, precious glass fruit …

All kinds of Supreme Treasure were added to it, and immediately began to present an incredibly wonderful aroma.

“Hehe … nice good!”

Ye Fantian laughed and hehe divided the body of this nine-winged devil dragon. The precious blood is not only without any fishy smell, but also crystal-like, it is indeed the body of the immortal Paragon. This wonderful feeling is really true. Is pretty good.

“锵锵 clang!”

The fighting demon Buddha prepared a long spear with a handle, used it as a fork, cut a large juicy thigh, and grilled it.

“This time, although things are very noisy, but there is absolutely no pressure, and one of our people has an immortal Paragon sheltered from heaven and earth. Brahma is not inferior to us, I am afraid that in the entire Paragon No one in the domain dares to easily attack us. “

Warlord Paragon said slowly.

“But there are some things that need to be resolved!”

Battle Saint’s eyes narrowed, his killing intent slowly released.

“Debt collection!”

Ye Fantian chewed a piece of barbecue with a big mouth, cold said with a smile …


In the entire space, countless powerful momentums soared into the sky …

That’s boundless killing intent!

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