Cangyue Ancient Castle!

The majestic establishment, moving in succession, is several hundred li, which continues down and evolves from a rare gesture in ancient times, as if a giant dragon was circling. | i ^

This Cangyue old castle is a decent force in this Paragon domain, among which there are countless powerhouses, immortal higher-level powerhouses have risen up, and its Castle Lord is the Cangyue old castle. Guardian God, a cultivation base connecting the heavens through the earth, has reached the immortal Paragon Realm realm of an cultivation base.

The continuous castle of Cangyue can be regarded as the strongest in this field, but today, the castles who were extremely proud at that time are no longer leaving.

Instead, step by step for general vigilance.

Everyone’s face became extremely dignified, just like seeing the disaster coming soon.

“It’s been a few days. Will there really be a strong enemy?”

Among the disciples on alert outside this Cangyue old castle, one of them couldn’t help saying.

The other side rubbed some sore eyes, and some complained.

“Don’t talk, the whole castle is on alert now, where have you got so much nonsense!”

One stared wide-eyed, shouting reproach.

This person is tall and straight, although he is only in his thirties, but the tyrannical energy that has evolved on his body this week has driven the turbulent waves. The divine runes around his body are flashing slightly, slowly setting off the opponent’s cultivation base.

“Captain, I’m not complaining, but at this time, our mission is simply inexplicable, just stay here, we have no goal for this mission!”

The other party was still pursuing his own questions.


Captain’s face was slightly ugly, and he sighed helplessly, looking at the surrounding group, slowly speaking:

“The Paragon domain recently has a powerful force running rampant. They beheaded countless powerhouses, and wherever they went, the opponent’s goal was only one, that is, the master of this power, but the strange thing is that the opponent’s shot has never failed If anyone is to resist, it will not only suppress the owner, but even this Bloodline will be killed and killed! “


With that said, all the powerhouses couldn’t help but be sucked in a cold breath.

“Captain, do you mean … does anyone in our Cangyue castle follow?”

“Castle Lord has given orders and strict vigilance since he returned last time. Soon after, this slaughter started. Obviously, he already knew what happened today!”

“Who the hell? So impudent, do they dare to go against the sky? We not only have the Castle Lord powerhouse in the Cangyue old castle, but also the rest of the Unparalleled Powerhouse. Are they not afraid of death?”

“The combination of the two Ancient Races, the War God lineage, and the gold Demon Ape Clan, and the eight Immortal Paragons. These two Ancient Races occupy three statues. They even dare to ask Heaven Paragon to rank among the eight immortal Paragon’s powerhouses. , What else are you afraid to do? | I ^ “

An old voice passed through.

The other party doesn’t look old, it is about 40 years old, but the other party’s face has a strong sense of exhaustion, which makes the other party’s current age look more prominent.

“Fort Military leader ?!”

The entire group screamed.

This man was wearing a set of god robes, and the breath around him was ancient and deep.

“he came!”

A bitter expression appeared on Can Yuezun’s face, said hoarsely.

Zhu Qiang was all shocked, exclaimed in succession:

“Alert! Alert!”


The blade is out of the sheath, cold glow is shining!

The horrors of horror began to flourish, and everyone saw that in the direction beyond ten thousand meters, one stepped on the ground and slowly moved towards here.

Behind it is a huge black object. This object is about two meters long and small in size, but it has a powerful force. The other party moves in this strong wind. The steps under the foot are very tough and look like Can’t see clearly, but the pair of scarlet and rising snow hair looked particularly dazzling.

“It turned out that it was an honor to be able to die in his hands.”

After seeing this person, this Yue Yuezun’s face suddenly revealed a helpless bitter smile and relief.


A burst of empty sounds appeared, the other party’s seemingly slow pace, but the distance of ten thousand meters was only in the breath, and quickly came to the other party.


Scarlet twinkling, Ye Fantian’s pair of eyes looked at this entire group like stars, a touch of chill was exposed on the corner of his mouth, looking at Can Yuezun, he said lightly:

“are you ready?”

“It seems that I cannot avoid this battle!”

Can Yuezun deserves to be the Unparalleled Powerhouse, his eyes flew into a fighting intent, slowly solemnly.

“If you want to fight, then fight. When you chose to follow Tianzong and Zen to fight against our two Ancient Races, you must prepare for our revenge!”

Ye Fantian’s voice passed slowly, and the sound was cold and bitter.

The original Zen and Tianzong led the entire group to their Ancient Race. The slaughter repressed and tried to snatch the Sanctuary and Blessed Land of the War God lineage, although these guys took advantage of the War God lineage to become the first The eight immortal Paragon events chose to escape, but Ancient Race would not choose to let go of this group of people.

Therefore, during this time, the two Ancient Race people chose to continuously shoot for their own clansman.

Even if they break through the Nine Heavens and break the Nine Heavens, they will avenge their clansman.

“The people in the castle don’t get their hands. This time is my battle. Even if they die, they are not allowed to take revenge!”

Can Yuezun roared loudly.


A young man yelled with anger, his pair of eyes looked at Ye Fantian with hatred, and he could not help but kill Ye Fantian.

If his eyes could kill people, Ye Fantian would have died countless times.

“You resent me?”

Ye Fantian’s eyes glowed with a slight glow of divine glow, slowly said solemnly.

“If my father is dead, I will absolutely not choose to give up!”


Can Yuezun’s voice roared, Ye Fantian in front of him, but he knew the other person’s guts that he couldn’t imagine. The other party even dared to kill Tian Paragon. He never even cared about Tian, ​​would he care about his son? ?

The young man’s eyes shattered, his ears were shaking and his face became pale and abnormal:

“Tell me all. If anyone dares to take revenge after my death, it is not my Cangyue old castle!”

Can Yuezun’s voice was very serious.

Ye Fantian sneered secretly. This guy was right when he said it, but the other party was afraid that his lineage would be cut off.

“I fight with you alone, all this has nothing to do with the people in my castle!”

Ye Fantian gently nodded, and the coffin behind him suddenly moved.


Such as Dayue turned skyward, sinking suddenly, set off a layer of heavy pressure.

“Xuan iron coffin, this is for you!”

Every avenger is carrying a coffin, and everywhere they go, it’s all for them.


A remnant moon is generated, and a clear sea evolves behind the remnant moon, which is an illusion, with infinite Murderous aura, quickly moved towards Ye Fantian.


The boxing fighters are ten ways, the gods Tyrant Fist waved heavily.


The illusion of the blue ocean and the waning moon shattered instantly, forming countless nothingness.


Just a punch, but Yue Yuezun’s face became extremely pale. He looked at Ye Fantian, vomiting blood in his mouth, and his expression was horrified.


Unspeakable remorse spawned madly in my heart.

It should not be the enemy of this War God lineage, otherwise, it would not be such a terrible enemy today.

Ye Fantian’s powerhouse is too terrifying.


The young man made a stern sound.


Ye Fantian turned and left, because Can Yuezun was dead at this time.


Sure enough, Yue Yuezun’s mouth spurted blood again, her eyebrows cracked, and a mysterious soul was crying.

His body slowly walked forward, opened the black iron coffin, and looked at the strongholds of the ancient castle again:

“Do not … be the enemy!”


The coffin closed slowly, looking at Ye Fantian’s leaving back, and Zhu Qiang’s face was full of shock, hatred, unwillingness, and coldness.

The Guardian God of Cangyue Ancient Castle just fell like this!

“This is the last one!”

Ye Fantian looked at the void and slowly spoke.

At this time, the entire Paragon domain has been shrouded by the powerful momentum of the two Ancient Races. Even Zen and Tianzong do not have this qualification to fight against them. However, the existence of this Buddha domain has always been a hurdle in the heart of Ye Fantian. .

“Among the eight immortal Paragons, the Warlord Paragon, Battle Saint, and the Night War Emperor are those of the Ancient Race, and the remaining five, the sleeping dragon Paragon mysterious, are extremely low-key and difficult to find. This dream should not be the other. Bloodline. The magic blade Paragon abyss monster, but arrogant and completely different from Menger, so it should not be the other’s Bloodline, Fengyue Paragon, wicked and spicy, not a good person, so this guy is definitely not a dream Relatives of your son, as for the Emperor Qinghuang, this guy is Supreme’s powerhouse, but according to the search of Paragon and Battle Saint, Menger is not his Bloodline! “

Ye Fantian secretly judged.

“The most likely of these is a big Celestial Emperor!”

His eyes narrowed slightly, and Ye Fantian secretly began to sigh.

If it is really the big Celestial Emperor, this matter is quite troublesome.

“You have to find a chance to visit!”


At this moment, a vast power was quickly displayed. On Ye Fantian’s body, a mark began to appear. This was an ancient mark, but Ye Fantian knew each other because it was a guard mark. …

[Author’s off topic]: ps: I really finished today … I’m sorry, everyone in the group talked with children’s shoes in advance. The readers who were not in the group didn’t know because I locked the computer and didn’t finish writing. But I could n’t retreat.

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