“You silly girl, don’t you know how to dodge it?”

Looking at Goddess Emperor, Ye Fantian couldn’t help but look at this chick, and really wanted to slap fiercely on her ass.

“Impudent … you’re a silly girl!”

Goddess emperor’s beautiful eyes wide open, with a chill, retorted loudly.

“You are too entertaining …”

Looking at the chick’s serious look, Ye Fantian was speechless for a while.

“Shut up!”

The voice of red-clothed suddenly passed out, but she didn’t have the patience to watch these two guys flirt here!

The sharp voice interrupted the conversation between them.


The long blade in his hand locked Goddess’s white and attractive jade neck, coldly said:

“Now, you seal your energy, otherwise I will kill her. I think once she dies, your mighty General Army will not end in any good end!”

Frowning slightly, Ye Fantian’s eyes looked at this chick with a strange color, and there was no speech for a while:

“Self-seal? And then? Let you kill them wantonly? Chick, do you think I’m an idiot?”

While speaking, he took another look at the snake in front of himself and sneered:

“Moreover, I now have this boy in my hand, and I feel that the value of this boy seems to be more important to you than the woman in your hands!”


嗤chi chi…

Energized, this red-clothed even gave away the long blade in his hand again, even to the look of this Goddess emperor’s thorough beheading, there was a trace of Red Seal on the snow white jade neck.

“Ge Laozi, are you threatening Lao Tzu?”

Ye Fantian’s eyes flickered fiercely, and the terrible suffocation was slowly released.

This arrogant breath attracted a strong trembling of the strong, such a momentum, even those ancient gods are a burst of blood rolling, looked at Ye Fantian in astonishment, can not imagine how powerful this is Power can release such violent fluctuations.

“锵锵 clang!”

The red-clothed lovable body trembled, and the long blades in his hands began to look unmanageable.

“Well … what about threatening you? Now that Princess Xuan Princess is in my hands, if you have a little change, she is really dead. I don’t think you want to see her fragrant. ? “


One foot stepped on the ground fiercely, suddenly like a black devil snake winding, quickly cracked into traces, his eyes narrowed, and the scarlet flickered. How could Ye Fantian at this time still return? There is a trace of glory, clearly a great venerable demon:

“Ge Lao Tzu, you dare to threaten Lao Tzu. What I hate most in my life is the threat of others. Ask you again, you can’t let go!”

Killing intent shots, how horrible and wicked is Ye Fantian’s killing intent, not to mention the powerhouse of the same order, even among the eight immortal Paragons, it is rare to compare his existence.

Slayed countless powerhouses, forged the Supreme Martial Dao Intent, and the Earthshaking experience created Ye Fantian’s violent killing intent.

At this time, swimming in the entire space as a matter of fact!

Even how vicious the red-clothed is, but it can’t hold it anymore.


Great Dragon Beast Blade started to shoot.


Blood scattered!


The scream of scream was released from Teng Snake’s body, and one arm was cut off directly, exposing the white bones, and the appearance of blood flying made everyone in the room tremble for a while.

Hunk! fierce person!

This is an extremely ruthless guy, even not playing cards according to common sense.

The timid red-clothed had already begun, and at this time, his heart was shaking to the extreme.


The long blade in her hand could no longer be maintained, and fell directly to the ground, but with the sound of the long blade falling, she reacted again, jade hand waved, the five fingers turned into sharp claw, and fiercely grasped After the Goddess emperor’s jade neck, the pretty face with a mad resentment, screamed:

“You put the snake, otherwise, don’t force me, really don’t force me!”

It is almost about to collapse. The vicious woman’s inner tolerance has reached the extreme. If you try to stimulate again, I am afraid that something will really happen.

“Very good, you are fierce enough, Ge Laozi, you are a wicked woman, I admit defeat!”

Ye Fantian’s voice is not inferior to the sound of natural sound, and when he heard Ye Fantian’s words, the pretty face of red-clothed suddenly showed an expression of excitement and excitement:

“Seal, seal yourself!”

“Don’t seal! We all have to die if we seal!”

Goddess emperor’s pretty face could not help changing, but she was quite aware of the temperament of this group of people, and immediately began to block Ye Fantian’s movements.


A slap in the face fiercely hit the Goddess emperor’s pretty face, the strength was amazing, this red-clothed was completely crazy, and even his master dared to fight, for a while, the age of each and everyone God’s face began to change.

Although they said that regardless of this matter, it does not mean that they are allowed to insult Goddess Emperor. After all, Goddess’ Bloodline and inheritance are the most orthodox existence.

“Shut up, Princess Xuan, if you dare to say one more word, I will abandon you, then strip your clothes and throw them outside, and let everyone see how tempting Princess Xuan’s body is people!”

Enough! Too bad!

“Hurry up! Seal yourself, are you deaf!”

red-clothed screamed again.

After solving this Ye Fantian, everything can be solved. In the future, the entire Bright God domain will become the place under her control. From then on, under one person above ten thousand people is no longer a good yearning.

“Hu … the evils we bring on ourselves are the hardest to bear!”

Ye Fantian’s mouth sneered suddenly.

“What kind of smile are you doing, hurry up and seal yourself!”

Looking at Ye Fantian’s cold smile, the red-clothed shivered again. She vowed that she would not want to see Ye Fantian again. This terrifying guy is like a devil.

“Space … law!”


The silhouette suddenly broke the ordinary space, Ye Fantian came to the other side in less than a breath.

“pa ……”

Ka-cha !

He waved his palm and quickly pinched the opponent’s neck. After a crisp crackling sound, the red-clothed jade neck was instantly broken by him.


The moment everyone finally woke up, Ye Fantian had once again appeared in front of Teng Snake.

Horrified, trembling, scared, unbelievable, timid, resentful, endless hatred …

Many complex emotions have appeared in the beautiful eyes of red-clothed, but at this time her fleshy body has completely fallen, Ye Fantian not only twisted her neck, but also the horrible wild power It completely destroyed all the meridian on its lovable body.

“I’m not willing! Not willing …!”

Among the heavenly spirits, a red-clothed mysterious soul appeared, and she broke through the fleshhy body and tried to run wild.

“Where to go!”

Mu Feng was loudly shouted, quickly applied Magical Powers, grabbed his mysterious soul, and firmly controlled it.

“Well, this time, it seems that the ending has already appeared!”

Several ancient gods slowly looked at each other and sighed.

“Hahahaha … the ending? This is not the ending at all, my father has taken the army outside and you are dead!”

Suddenly at this time, the Teng snake laughed loudly.

Peng peng peng ……

The ground trembled, and the entire great hall was trembling in madness. It was caused by waves of footsteps. Outside, Ye Fantian felt that a mighty power was moving wildly towards this great hall.

Thousands of quantities have created an endless distortion of the surrounding space.

“Army, can you say …?!”

Goddess emperor’s pretty face moved slightly, and finally thought of something ordinary, watching the Teng snake:

“Did he say that the Bright God soldier had been transferred without permission?”

“Ha Ha Ha … Princess Xuan, you are really very smart, yeah, it is the Bright God soldier that is activated, all the military powers in this imperial city are under the control of my father. Now you have no strength and I contend, wait until your people come, I am afraid you have long been my control, now you have no chance to flop, mighty general army? What are you? Can you alone deter tens of thousands of powerhouse? Among them is the immortal Paragon, which has three cultivation bases. You still do n’t let go of this seat and bring that woman over. This seat can also forgive you if you die, otherwise you will be dead!

The corner of Ye Fantian’s mouth was a little cold, faint smile looked at the other side, and slowly said:

“Any tens of thousands?”


The next moment, he dragged the snake slowly and moved away towards the great hall.

“What are you going to do? Let go of this seat, you’re dead, dead!”

The screams kept coming out.

But Ye Fantian moved towards outside without looking back.

Mount hunting, sword hoho, Bright God flag is hunting and hunting, dancing in the wind.

An army of troops really arrived.

“peng! ”


Ye Fantian’s bipedal feet, in the eyes of everyone’s astonishment, the power of their feet is like a dragon elephant stepping on the sky.


Sky roared and roared.

It was just a sound, but it rang through the clouds like a thunderbolt, and the dimness of the sky and the earth began to boil. At this moment, a mighty power began to be released from within the body of Ye Fantian, as if it was a Supreme Demon-like, madly swept out, the remarkable power of mad riots.

“hong long long ……”

The sound of thunderbolt passed out.

At this moment, everyone’s eyes can no longer be removed. All of them looked at the young man and his back, and the infinite momentum reached Peak.

Began to expand like a substance, majestic and imposing like Immemorial Divine Mountain!

What about magnificent army with thousands of men and horses? At this moment when Ye Fantian’s momentum began to evolve, the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses all felt that their breathing began to become sharper, and blood energy was shooting, breaking through the clouds.


One foot stepped on again, but at this moment, his momentum reached a Peak, no, it was more horrible than just now.

All the mounts moved backwards towards the towards. All the soldiers looked at their bodies unbelievably, and began to retreat uncontrollably.

Looking at the emaciated silhouette, all of them started to stagnate for a while.

Although millions of troops … I’ll go!

Domineering! unbelievable!

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