
Above the void, bursts of thunderbolt began to shoot quickly, such tyrannical energy as if roaring and roaring around with countless mad dragons.

The power of one person stood there, but suppressed the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses. No one dared to rush forward. This is domineering. This is tyrannical. The power of Supreme ’s powerhouse is enough to compare with the magnificent army with. Thousands of men and horses!

“Kill him, you must kill him. What are you waiting for? Is it because you are scared that he is alone?”

A middle-aged man in a black golden Divine Armor roared loudly.

This man sits on a huge Mo Qilin with the power of the ordinary armor on his body. The breath is magnificent. You can see at a glance that this is a product with a long history, and the most important thing is the appearance of the other party.

This person looks like that Teng Snake, but compared to Teng Snake’s handsomeness, the other side is more sophisticated and gentle, making people look good at first glance.

This person is not someone else is the father of that snake, Tengdi!

If it wasn’t for knowing who this guy is, even Ye Fantian would have a good opinion of him. In the words and deeds of the other person, he would have a strong sense of confusion and convince people, as if the other person was himself God, your holy, your own king.

His words and deeds must be recognized by himself!

Eye of the Myriad Gods was slowly released. Looking at this Tengdi, Ye Fantian finally knew why there was so strong luck in that Teng snake.

The Tendi in front of him is almost condensed into a World, and the substantive gesture is beyond the imagination of Ye Fantian. In the memory of Ye Fantian, I am afraid that this guy can only be regarded as his only life. A few people.

That strong luck can even be seen with Huang Jin Divine Clan singing and blessing everything, even his destiny has opened up a golden glow, which is a road like a broad and open road, Flashed the golden light of golden.

A god of different ages blessed, served, and even blessed his body, so that his luck could be clearly seen, straight into the sky, with such luck, Ye Fantian is really hard to imagine. Why is there such a terrible existence on this guy.

With such luck, only those immortal old monsters can be qualified to form after reincarnation, and must have done the work of Supreme’s merit to have the opportunity to be protected by the heavens and the earth.

But there is absolutely no sign of reincarnation in this Emperor Tengdi, that is to say, this guy is the first life! Also his beginning and starting point!

“A person, it is absolutely impossible to have such a strong Great Destiny, this is totally unreasonable, unless the person has some kind of mysterious Supreme Treasure!”

Both eyes drew a thought of divide glow Ye Fantian secretly, and the great Great Destiny owned by Tendi also made Ye Fantian understand the reason why Ten snake owns Great Destiny. Obviously, his luck was given to himself. Son part.

“If there was such great luck at the beginning, it would definitely not be just a big villain of the Bright God family. The other party must have encountered great opportunities during this time, and it is precisely because of this that this led to I have had such strong luck in such a short time! “

Ye Fantian was curious about this person, but in the final analysis, this Tengdi did have a strong momentum. Although the faint Emperor Qi was not overbearing, it was not weak!


It seems that this Tengdi’s discourse worked. Although all the soldiers were still carrying a shocking expression, they were gradually replaced by the fighting intent on time.


The Emperor Teng roared again, the sound shattered the sky, shook the mountains, and shook everything into submission.

“Kill! Kill! Kill!”

Three great shouts came out, and at this moment, all the powerhouses, all started crazy!

Totally crazy!

Uncoverable madness!

Their eyes gradually became extremely red, watching Ye Fantian as if they had cast a spell.


With a roar again, this entire group suddenly moved towards Ye Fantian and rushed over.

“Ha Ha Ha, boy, you idiot, do you try to think that you can fight so many powerhouses now? Even if you are stronger than me, but how about that? You are alone, you alone Can power compete with the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses? It doesn’t take a moment, you will become the meat under this mount, and will disappear forever in the Heaven Heaven and Earth. At that time, Xuan Fei, the jian person, It’s still this Majesty’s, and this one is still the strongest ruler of this big Bright God domain! “

Teng snake’s face showed a crazy expression, roaring proudly!

In his opinion, this Ye Fantian is dead. Even if one’s strength is terrifying, it can’t compete with so many powerhouses. The manpower is limited after all.

“This time is troublesome, is it true that this time is really going to be succeeded by this villain?”

The expression of grief and indignation was revealed on Mu Feng’s face, and the long sword in his hand was tightened tightly, alerting the powerhouses in front of him, as if he saw his master had begun to rise, and Ye Fantian was about to die.

There were even a few bright warriors who had begun to move towards Goddess with bad intentions. The emperor looked at it, and the smirk rising from the corner of his mouth was chilling.

“Dead, this kid is scared!”

Just when the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses was about to rush over, Ye Fantian seemed to be stunned, even standing there without the slightest movement.

“Che, this is the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, even if the strength of the other party is no matter how powerful, but it is not the most powerful existence, if it is the powerhouse in the eight immortal Paragon, that’s all, but this But the boy is just an ordinary person, what mighty general army, shit! “” Wait for the next moment, this boy will completely fall away! “” Dare to confront our master, that is courting death, the luck of Lord Teng snake Invincible, how can he imagine it! “

Everyone’s argument came out, and they continued to ridicule Ye Fantian. It seemed that they had seen Ye Fantian about to be suppressed.

And Ye Fantian seems to be really frightened, standing there, motionless!

However, those ancient gods raised their heads slightly and frowned from time to time, seeming to be thinking about something.

Seeing that this magnificent army with thousands of men and horses is about to be killed, the long sword in Mufeng’s hand has been firmly held, and he has made up his mind to take Princess away even if he is dead!

The momentum became more and more violent, everyone looked at Ye Fantian together, seeing that the other party was really going to be suppressed, that proud and brutal laughter passed out, but also at this moment, Ye Fantian’s double Eyes suddenly opened:


Scarlet flashes!


The angry roar sound came out suddenly, and the sound carried a kind of Honda wave, such as the holy sound of Between Heaven and Earth, it seemed to be the roar of the universe, like the first melody in the early period, It seems to be a direct rage from the depths of the universe!

momentum! will! Essence, Qi and Spirit!

All three are fused together, and all the mysteries of various rhythms are fused together to form this angry roar sound!

In this Zen record, the three incarnations of Fa, Bao, and Hua contain infinite energy. What’s more, it is said that the first tune in the beginning of the universe was-!


Behind it, a illusory shadow illusion began to appear, including the gods of Supreme, the war god of heaven, the great Buddha of compassion from Heaven and Earth, the demon, the ancient monster …

Many of them are fused together, but they all carry sacred brilliance and bloodthirsty fluctuations. These illusory shadows are shot in unison, and the illusions are displayed in unison!

! !

Once again, angry roar, but the transmission of this rhythm was not created by Ye Fantian, but created by the illusion and illusory shadow of this respect behind him.

The word “” contains infinite power. With the continuous improvement of Ye Fantian’s mind, his energy is also exuding, just in a flash of time. In the next moment, his whole body has created unlimited Killing, billowing rhythmic waves are just like the impact of a storm.

The world shivered, the mountains and rivers collapsed, the sun and the moon faded, and the space collapsed!

Wherever the music went, it seemed to be sweeping with a doomsday-like mighty force. Everywhere it went, the repression evolved into powder!

The fighters, powerhouses, and powers that came from the fight all felt in front of them. The space was shaking, and then the energy of infinite killing had surged down like a waterfall. With the endless killing of the waterfall, it quickly dangled and set off a giant wave of blue water!

“No …” “si si hiss !!!”

The screams of screams and the screams of warhorses kept appearing at this moment.

But Ye Fantian’s eyes narrowed and moved, the scarlet flashed, and then the palms opened up ten sides, constantly creating a mark, a roar and roar behind him, just like the yellow bell, and released infinitely!


One person stood there, but resisted the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses!

One person is enough!

Why thousands!

At this moment, all the soldiers were shattered by more than half. The magnificent army with thousands of men and horses was almost like a joke. As the blood rain began to fly, and as the smelly wind began to surge, all soldiers They started to tremble.


“Devil, this guy is a devil!”

“Impossible, this guy is terrifying too much, we are not his opponents!”

Tengdi’s face became extremely iron-colored. Looking at the Ye Fantian standing on the great hall like a War God of War God, the resentment in his heart reached the extreme. He could not wait to bite Ye Fantian!

“War God, Supreme’s War God!”

“One person, resistance to the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, what would it not be War God?”

“Broken the mountain and the river, this boy is really against the sky!”

The powerhouses behind Ye Fantian began to tremble.

And the beautiful eyes of Goddess emperor looked at him with surprise, beautiful eyes flowed, with a touch of brilliance …

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