"It's a little unreal!"

Ye Hao's eyes flickered, and his heart was restless.

After joining the martial arts chat group, he simply opened and flew!

Join the martial arts chat group today!

Breaking through the foundation is today!

Becoming a first-class alchemist is today!

Earn more than 80,000 spirit stones is today!

One day after joining a chat group is such a huge improvement, what about a month later?

And a year later?

And in a hundred years?

"The stronger the strength and the more skills, the easier it is to obtain resources in the fairy world, and the easier it is to monopolize the points of the chat group."

Compared with having just joined the chat group before, Ye Hao, who had the strength of the Foundation Building Realm, the realm of a first-grade alchemist, and more than 80,000 spirit stones, was enough to calmly deal with any transaction in the chat group.

Similarly, as long as you have enough points, whether it is to improve the realm of immortal cultivation, or alchemist, or formation master, alchemist, talisman master, etc., all of them are easy.

Promoting a cycle between the two will only make him stronger and stronger.

Ye Hao was extremely excited just thinking about it, and walking to the peak of immortal cultivation seemed to be within reach.

Calm down!

Calm down!

"Now that immortal cultivation has just begun, it is still early to become an immortal ancestor."

Ye Hao breathed a few sighs of relief and forced himself to calm down.

"What gift to buy for Li Xunhuan?"

Ye Hao had a headache.

Li Xunhuan's points allowed him to reach the Foundation Building Realm, so Ye Hao planned to give Li Xunhuan a good gift.

He was only a low-level cultivator of the third layer of Qi cultivation before, and the immortal cultivation treasures he understood were also very ordinary, and there was no good choice.

"Let's go to the Vientiane Tower, where there are not only treasures from several surrounding countries, but also high-level exercises can be purchased."

Ye Hao planned to choose in the store.

Wanxiang Lou means all-encompassing, and it is rumored that there are branches of Wanxiang Lou not only in all the Immortal Cultivation Sects in the Zhao Kingdom, but also in the Fang City controlled by the Immortal Cultivation Sects of several nearby countries.

Not only is the financial strength strong, but the strength is also unfathomable.

Even in Linghe City, it has a transcendent status.

"I wonder what the seniors need?"

As soon as Ye Hao entered the Vientiane Building, a middle-aged man from the eighth floor of refining qi greeted him with a smile.

"Is there that kind of invincible technique of the same rank?"

Ye Hao did not rush to buy the gift, but asked instead.

The Shui Yuan Sutra had been completed, and he needed to change to a higher-level exercise.

Anyway, he can rely on points to cultivate, and he doesn't need to consider the difficulty of cultivating at all.

Since you spend the same points to improve the same realm, why not practice a more powerful exercise?


The middle-aged cultivator was slightly stunned, and couldn't help but reply.

"The Mixed Yuan Golden Body Technique is a very rare body refining technique, which can be cultivated to the middle of the Jiedan Realm, requiring a metallic spiritual root, and the cultivation process is extremely painful, like ten thousand insects eating and biting, pain into the bone marrow."

"However, once trained, you can hard-connect the magic weapon with your bare hands, fight in close combat, and be invincible at the same level."

"Only 100,000 spirit stones."

The middle-aged monk was very patient in his introduction.

He was also not afraid of causing Ye Hao's greedy competition, because the Vientiane Tower not only had a Foundation Building Realm cultivator sitting there, but also had a formation at the level of the Jiedan Realm to protect it.

What's more, in the Zhao Kingdom, no cultivator dared to be an enemy of Wanxiang Lou.

"Bare hand receiver? It is a powerful physical exercise. "

Ye Hao nodded secretly.

He directly cultivated with points, and he was not afraid of the pain of the cultivation process, he also had a metal spiritual root, and the mixed yuan golden body was suitable for him.

"Xuanyuan Heavy Water Technique, Water Attribute Exercise, can condense Xuanyuan Heavy Water, every drop is comparable to a mountain, and can be cultivated to the peak of the Foundation Building Realm."

"There are a total of nine layers of exercises, each of which needs to be transformed once, re-cultivated, and after cultivating to the ninth level, it will transform again, and the mana of the body will be condensed into Xuanyuan heavy water, and the cultivation speed is extremely slow, and it takes a huge amount of resources."

"Only 5,000 spirit stones are needed."

The middle-aged cultivator shook his head secretly.

The reason why Xuanyuan Heavy Water Technique can only be cultivated to the peak of the Foundation Building Realm is because the genius who created this technique, it takes too much time to cultivate the Xuanyuan Heavy Water Technique, there is no time to break through to the Jiedan Realm, and Shouyuan dies of exhaustion.

At that time, there were many strong people who regretted that if this genius cultivated honestly, he would at least be able to break through to the Yuan Infant Realm, and even transform into a god realm.

"Forget it! This exercise is not for me. "

When Ye Hao heard this, he directly vetoed it in his heart.

Every time he cultivates, he transforms once and needs to be re-cultivated, he is not afraid that it will take too much time, but how many points will be wasted by cultivating like this?

"Great freedom Xuanjin sword technique, any spiritual root can be cultivated, practice sword qi protection, do not need any magic weapon, random finger, sword qi bursts, split mountains and rivers, all indestructible, can be a sword immortal, can cultivate to the peak of the Jiedan realm."

"If the understanding is enough, you can even comprehend the art of instantaneous killing, the speed of sword qi exceeds several times or dozens of times that of the voice, slash demons and remove demons, and instantly kill cultivators of the same rank."

"It is rumored that the cultivator who created this technique instantly killed the powerhouse of the Yuan Infant Realm when he was at the peak of the Jiedan Realm."

The middle-aged cultivator was extremely yearning, Dao.

Unfortunately, the requirements for understanding and will are too high, and many cultivators not only fail to practice, but themselves are injured by sword qi.

Some even lost their lives directly because of insufficient understanding.

"This technique requires 500,000 spirit stones, if it weren't for the high difficulty of cultivation and the flaws too great, the price would probably exceed one million spirit stones."

The middle-aged monk explained.

"Aoki domineering technique, wood attribute exercises..."

"Nine Heavens Burning Earth Exercise, Fire Attribute Exercise..."

"Earth Warfare Technique, Earth Attribute Exercises..."


"I want to learn the Xuanjin Sword Technique!"

After listening to the middle-aged cultivator's introduction of the Great Freedom Xuanjin Sword Technique, Ye Hao only had this thought left in his mind, and he was not in the mood to listen to him introduce other exercises at all.

This sword technique can not only be cultivated to the peak of the Jiedan period, but also very powerful, domineering, and handsome!

Ordinary water flow speed can cut steel to a certain extent, and if the mana condensed sword can reach ten times the speed of the sound, or even higher, how terrifying it will be.

With the point upgrade, he can definitely raise the instantaneous killing technique to a very terrifying realm.

Taking the enemy's first rank thousands of miles away is not illusory!

The Jiedan Realm Second Killing Yuan Infant Realm is not delusional, and it is very suitable for a low-key person like him.


Ye Hao reacted abruptly, and couldn't help but burst into a foul sentence in his heart.

Whether it was the 100,000 Spirit Stones Mixed Yuan Golden Body Technique, or the 500,000 Spirit Stones Great Freedom Xuanjin Sword Technique, from beginning to end, he didn't even feel expensive.

Before joining the chat group, he had to calculate the cost of a spirit stone for half a day!

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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