"Low key!"

"Low key!"

Ye Hao continued to recite a few words silently in his heart, constantly reminding himself.

Before the fairy world is invincible, it must not expand.

As long as he is given enough time, he will definitely be able to become the strongest in the fairy world, and anything risky must not be touched.

"I need to think about it before deciding which exercises to buy."

Ye Hao collected his mood and said to the middle-aged cultivator.

He can't get 500,000 spirit stones now.

However, Ye Hao was not worried.

With his speed and success rate in refining Qi Condensation Pills, he would be able to earn enough spirit stones to purchase the Great Freedom Xuanjin Sword Technique in a short period of time.

"Senior, what other orders?"

The middle-aged cultivator's face remained unchanged, and he stood quietly on the side waiting for Ye Hao's orders.

The strong in the world of immortal cultivation are respected.

Even though he was from the Vientiane Tower and had a deep background, he didn't dare to shake his face casually in the face of a Foundation Building Realm cultivator.

Because, if nothing else, his hope of breaking through to the foundation building realm in this life is slim.

Wuxia chat group.

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helmsman Chen: "What kind of congratulatory gifts have you all prepared?" "

Chen Jinnan was extremely embarrassed and entangled.

As the weakest existence in the chat group, there are new group members entering the chat group, and everyone else is saying 'welcome newcomer', and he is 'welcome big guy'. ’

In order to brush the favor of others, he would popularize so many key information in chat groups when Ye Hao first entered the chat group.

This time he entered the world of Xiao Li's flying knife and congratulated Li Xunhuan on his marriage, he wanted to prepare precious treasures.

However, no matter what you choose, you don't feel like the other group members.

The world will help the lord: "@修仙者, Daxian, Chen Jinnan wants to know what gift you have prepared!" Dog Head JPG"

Flower Shifting Palace Master: "@修仙者, Great Immortal, Chen Jinnan wants to know what congratulatory gift you have prepared!" Dog Head JPG"

Great Qin Zulong: "@修仙者, Great Immortal, Chen Jinnan wants to know what gift you have prepared!" Dog Head JPG"

"These dog friends!"

Chen Jinnan's face changed drastically, and he quickly explained.

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helmsman Chen: "Great Immortal, I asked the other group members. "

Li Xunhuan instantly entered the state of voyeurism.

Immortal cultivator: "Two Resident Yan Pills, two Essence Cleansing Pills, and a White Crane Spirit Beast, this is a more popular wedding gift package in the world of Immortal Cultivation." "

Ye Hao said the congratulatory gift he had just purchased in the Vientiane Tower.

He just asked about the hottest wedding gift in the middle-aged cultivator cultivation world, and the middle-aged cultivator recommended him the immortal couple package.


Everyone was stunned!

A popular wedding gift package in the world of immortal cultivation?

Not a gift?

Got three pieces ready?

Strictly speaking, five pieces!

Four elixirs and a spirit beast.

At this moment, a thought rose in the minds of many people!

"Report Daisen! I want to get married too! "

Great Qin Zulong: "Great Immortal, Chen Jinnan wants to know the efficacy of these gifts. "

The world will help the lord: "Great Immortal, Chen Jinnan wants to know the efficacy of these gifts. "

Flower Shifting Palace Master: "Great Immortal, Chen Jinnan wants to know the efficacy of these gifts. "

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helm Chen: "??? "。

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helm Lord: "Great Immortal, I didn't say anything!" Cry·JPG"

Chen Jinnan's face turned dark, bullying honest people, really bullying honest people.

I don't know Chen Jinnan in my life, even if I call it a hero, it is useless!

He is the big man in the Luding Ji world!

As a result, when it came to the chat group, he became a back-pot man.

Li Xunhuan's eyes widened and stopped talking.

The gift prepared by Daisen was too rich.

He wanted to refuse but didn't dare.

Flower Shifting Palace Master: "You dare to say that you don't want to know?" "

Zhaoyue unceremoniously suppressed Chen Jinnan.

Resident Yan Dan!

Although Ye Hao did not introduce the efficacy of the elixir, from the name of the elixir, Zhaoyue could faintly guess a few points.

If it is really as she guessed, when she completes the group task, she will use her points to buy a Resident Yan Dan.

The world will help the lord: "The palace master is right, you dare to say that you don't want to know." "

Great Qin Zulong: "The palace master is right, you dare to say that you don't want to know." "

Heaven and Earth Society Chen General Helm Lord: "Howl · JPG." "

Immortal cultivator: "Staying Yan Dan can make people stay young forever." "

Immortal cultivator: "The Essence Cleansing Pill can wash the muscles and cut the pith, all veins are connected, a hundred diseases are not born, there is a spiritual root that can enter the Qi refining realm, and without a spiritual root, it can directly enter the innate realm." "

Immortal cultivator: "The White Crane Spirit Beast is a flying mount of the Qi Refining Realm, capable of traveling thousands of miles every day. "

The world will help the lord: "Great Immortal, if Chen Jinnan gets married, will you go to participate?" "

If Xiongba only had the idea of getting married before, then at this moment, he wanted to put it into action immediately.

He can not care about Yan Dan.

However, the Essence Cleansing Pill and the flying mount made him salivate.

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helm Chen: "??? "。

How is it him again?

Immortal cultivator: "If he finds someone in love to marry, I will participate." "

Of course, Ye Hao would not refuse.

When everyone adapts to his entry into other worlds, he can even reach certain agreements with certain group members to completely open the permission to enter a certain world.

In this way, he can have multiple safe retreats.

Even if you encounter any danger in the fairy world, you can quickly enter other worlds.

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helmsman Chen: "Thank you Daxian." "

At this moment, Chen Jinnan's face instantly blossomed.

At the same time, the women he once knew appeared in Chen Jinnan's mind one by one.

He has been single for decades, and it is time to find someone to marry with him!

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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