"Don't be afraid, they are all my friends, and you will receive my five friends next."

Li Xunhuan quickly bent down to lift up the iron armor that had collapsed to the ground, and soothed.

He was about to greet his relatives and worship the church, but he lacked skills and could not receive Ye Hao and his group

So, he gave it to his most trusted friend.

"Don't worry, young master."

Tie Chuanjia's body nodded stiffly.

"Brother Li, congratulations on getting married."

At this moment, Xiongba rolled his eyes and handed Li Xunhuan a jade ruyi made of complete Lantian jade, crystal clear without a trace of flaws, which could be called a peerless treasure.

This is his gift and an introduction.

Although Ye Hao introduced his congratulatory gift before, he had not seen the real immortal cultivation treasure.

"Brother Li, congratulations~"

Chen Jinnan followed closely and also took out his own congratulatory gift.

A 200-year-old age.


Yueyue quickly handed the congratulatory gift 'Millennium Ginseng' to Li Xunhuan, and his eyes secretly looked at Ye Hao again.


Without the slightest delay, Huan Zheng also handed his congratulatory gift to Li Xunhuan.

The palace secret medicine, ten pure yang pills, he refined it himself.

Ying Zheng felt that Li Xunhuan just lacked hard qi and was too weak in the face of women.


As if in tacit understanding, everyone turned their eyes to Ye Hao in unison.

What will the treasures of the Immortal Cultivation Realm look like?

"This is the spirit beast bag, there is a spirit crane of the Qi Refining Realm inside, and a drop of blood into the spirit beast bag can control it, enough to carry two people, and it can fly thousands of miles in one day and take you around the world."

Ye Hao did not disturb everyone's appetite, and said and handed a cyan bag full of special runes to Li Xunhuan.

"Zhuyan Dan and Essence Cleansing Pill are both in the storage bag, the blue bottle is Zhuyan Dan, and the white bottle is Essence Cleansing Pill."

"There is also a red envelope inside, there are 1000 spirit stones, spirit stones can assist immortal cultivators in cultivation, containing rich aura, you must pay attention when using cultivation, otherwise, the huge energy will damage your tendons."

Ye Hao then handed a cyan storage bag to Li Xunhuan and instructed.

"Storage bags are used in the same way as spirit beast bags."


The whole room was dead silent!

"Daxian, these gifts are too precious."

Li Xunhuan's body was stiff, his spirit was in a trance, and he did not dare to accept the congratulatory gift.

In his opinion, the value of a Zhuyan Dan is far more than 5,000 points.

As for the other gifts that Ye Hao took out, all of them were immortal cultivation treasures, and the value of any one was probably more than 50,000 points.

"It's not five Immortal Cultivation Treasures, it's eight!"

Everyone looked at the items in Ye Hao's hands in a daze, and their hearts were filled with endless longing.

Two Resident Yan Dan!

Two Essence Cleansing Pills!

Spirit Crane Spirit Beast!

In addition to the congratulatory gift mentioned before, there were more spirit beast bags, storage bags and 1,000 spirit stones.

This is an immortal cultivation treasure that can be bought with 5,000 points?

"The gift was said before, if you don't accept it, how will others be kind to trade in the future?"

"1000 spirit stones is my share of money, and when other people in the chat group get married in the future, I will also wrap a red envelope of 1000 spirit stones."

Ye Hao smiled.

"Thank you Daisen~"

When Li Xunhuan heard this, he bowed deeply and respectfully took the spirit beast bag and storage bag.

He can only remember the kindness of the great immortal to him deeply, and once he has the opportunity, he will definitely go to the soup to repay him.

That's eight Immortal Cultivation Treasures!

Although the points in the chat group can improve strength and improve various skills, they are all related to martial arts.

The value of more than 5,000 points is far less than any immortal cultivation treasure.

"When greeting the relatives, did you tell Shiyin about the Zhuyan Dan sent by the Great Immortal?"

Li Xunhuan is also troubled by happiness.

If he told, he would probably not be able to get out of bed tomorrow tonight.

"Great Immortal, can you tell us about cultivating immortals?"

Ying Zheng couldn't help but ask.

He was too yearning and curious about Xiu Xian.

What is the level of the flying mount of the Refining Realm?

What is a spirit beast bag?

What is a storage bag?

What is a spirit stone?

The eyes of the others were also cast towards Ye Hao in unison, full of longing.

"This is a jade Jane, briefly introducing the information of the Immortal Cultivation World, I uploaded it to the chat group, you can check it yourself."

This was specially purchased by Ye Hao in the Vientiane Building.

[Great Qin Zulong received the Immortal Cultivation Jade Jane. 】

[The World Society helped the Lord receive the Immortal Cultivation Jade Jane. 】

[The Lord of the Invitation Moon Palace received the Immortal Cultivation Jade Jane. 】

【··· 】

Soon, all five people obtained the information in the Immortal Cultivation Jade Jian.

"The realm of cultivating immortals is divided into the Qi Refining Realm, the Foundation Building Realm, the Jiedan Realm, the Yuan Infant Realm, and the Transformation God Realm..."

"The life span of the Qi Refining Realm is similar to that of mortals, and it can control magic weapons, and it can kill the late stage of the Innate Realm in the early stage of Qi refining."

"The lifespan of the Foundation Building Realm is two hundred years, and the strength is no longer something that mortals can compete with."

"The life span of the Jiedan Realm is five hundred years, and the strength has been able to crack the ground and collapse the mountain, and it can easily destroy a city."

"The lifespan of the Yuan Infant Realm is one thousand years..."


Everyone only felt that their heads were buzzing, their bodies were shaking, and they couldn't help but gasp.

Immortal cultivators not only have a long lifespan, but also have incomparably terrifying power.

In the second realm alone, the Foundation Building Realm is already beyond mortals.

A cultivator of the Yuan Infant Realm can have a thousand years of life yuan, so the Transformation God Realm? Fit realm? What about crossing the realm?

How terrifying should an immortal cultivator of this level be?

"How powerful should the Great Immortal be?"

Everyone found that even if they tried their best to imagine, they could not imagine it with their own cognition.

"I must cultivate immortals!"

Everyone in the chat rose an extremely firm idea.

Wuxia has no future.

At the same time, they also understood the preciousness of Ye Hao's gift.

Mortals and immortal cultivators are completely two boundaries, even if the hero of the Great Grandmaster Seventh Heaven is a mortal in the immortal cultivation world.

Don't say that they are just in the martial arts world, that is, they are in the world of immortal cultivation, even if they are emperors, they are martial arts grandmasters, and they may not have the opportunity to contact immortal cultivators in their lives.

Even if they used a gold bounty of ten thousand taels to buy spirit stones, I am afraid that they would not be able to buy a single spirit stone.

Immortal cultivators wouldn't even look at them.

Now that they are just married, the Great Immortal will give them a red envelope of 1,000 spirit stones!

This is still the great immortal is very restrained, hoping that they will be self-reliant, do not bear too much kindness, and maintain a fair deal.

Without this limitation, they simply could not have imagined.

Long Xiaoyun damn it!


At this moment, music sounded in Li Yuan.

The auspicious time has come, and the welcome begins.

"I wonder if I can see Daxian make a move today?"

Everyone did not forget the task of the chat group, and the power to disrupt Li Xunhuan's marriage If Zhaoyue could not resist, Daxian would make a move.

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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