Xiao Li flying knife world.

Today's Baoding City is particularly lively, and all the officials and nobles who have arrived at the merchants and pawns have been shocked by the news.

Li Xunhuan, who used to be a little Li Tanhua, is now marrying his fiancée Lin Shiyin.

This would have been a very ordinary thing.

However, the news was too sudden.

On the day of the wedding, the various forces in Baoding City were notified, and even the decorations and banquets prepared for the wedding were still being prepared in a hurry.

Li Xunhuan seemed to have a temporary intention to get married without any signs.

"Li Xunhuan, you deserve to die!"

"I must kill you!"

"Only when you die, I can get poetry."

In a restaurant not far from Li Yuan, Long Xiaoyun looked like a mad demon, his expression was a little crazy, and his eyes were full of resentment looking in Li Yuan's direction.

Li Xunhuan clearly knew that he liked Lin Shiyin, he was as thin as wood for Lin Shiyin's liver, and Li Xunhuan was not as much as he loved Lin Shiyin.

Li Xunhuan knew that he liked Lin Shiyin, but he turned a blind eye, and planned to marry Lin Shiyin immediately, not treating him as a brother at all.

"How do I kill him?"

Long Xiaoyun was extremely painful.

As Li Xunhuan's righteous brother, he knew very well that Li Xunhuan was powerful, and he was not an opponent at all.

If it is poisoned, what if it hurts Lin Shiyin?

"Group missions seem to be a bit simple!"

At this time, in Li Yuan, Chen Jinnan looked stunned.

Because, Lin Shiyin is also in Li Yuan, the link to welcome relatives is very short, and now they have to worship and become married, and no one has come to stop them.

"Others may not come to stop it, Long Xiaoyun will definitely come."

Yueyue said coldly.

"The auspicious time has come, worship heaven and earth!"

An old housekeeper in Li Yuan looked excited and shouted.

"Shiyin, you can't marry Li Xunhuan, I love you the most, Li Xunhuan is an anti-thief..."

At this moment, the hideous-looking Long Xiaoyun stumbled over and shouted loudly.

"Isn't this Li Xunhuan's righteous brother?"

The wedding guests looked strange.

They seemed to understand why Li Xunhuan was so anxious to get married.


Long Xiaoyun had not finished shouting, and the figure of Yueyue was like a ghost, flying in front of Long Xiaoyun, and directly pumped Long Xiaoyun's palm in the air.


Long Xiaoyun flew directly upside down for several feet, and after his face was swollen for three feet, he rolled his eyes and passed out.

If it weren't for Li Xunhuan's wedding, Zhaoyue would have killed Long Xiaoyun on the spot.

However, Long Xiaoyun didn't live long.

Zhaoyue has already punched the internal force of the ninth layer of the Mingyu Divine Skill into Long Xiaoyun's body, and in three days at most, Long Xiaoyun will die of broken muscles.

"The wedding goes on."

Zhaoyue glanced coldly at the steward who presided over the wedding, and then obediently sat next to Ye Hao, picked up the wine jug on the side and poured wine for Ye Hao, gentle as water.

"What a strong light skill!"

"What a deep internal force!"

Among the guests, Shangguan Jinhong's pupils shrank sharply, and he couldn't help but gasp.

As soon as he didn't react, Long Xiaoyun was stunned by Yueyue

"This woman is definitely my great enemy, and I must investigate her origins or eradicate her directly."

Shangguan Jinhong said darkly.

Everything is predetermined, and if it is not predetermined, it is abolished!

This is one of the life creeds that Shangguan Jinhong believes.

The reason why the Money Gang has been able to win Megatron in just two years is not luck.

Before the establishment of the Money Gang, the origin of every famous person in the rivers and lakes was clearly investigated.

At this time, Shangguan Jinhong was preparing for the creation of the Money Gang on the one hand.

On the one hand, the information of experts on the rivers and lakes is being investigated.

Xiao Li Feidao Li Xunhuan ranked third on the weapon spectrum, only below himself, Shangguan Jinhong naturally had to investigate well.

He didn't expect Li Xunhuan to get married today, so he took the way to attend Li Xunhuan's wedding and get a closer look at Li Xunhuan's strength.

He didn't expect to meet a master who posed a great threat to him at the banquet.

"In addition to this woman, there are four figures in the pavilion, I don't know where they all come from?"

Shangguan Jinhong looked directly at a pavilion blocked by curtains on all sides, and his gaze was deep.

In addition to this woman with unfathomable strength, there are four people who are also arranged by Li Xunhuan in the pavilion alone, and they are definitely not ordinary people.

"Erbai Gaotang!"

"Husband and wife!"

"Send to the cave room!"

Long Xiaoyun, who had passed out, was carried away, and the wedding continued.

"Oh!" , "Oh! "Oh! "······

Suddenly, a sound of armor clashing appeared, deafening.

"Bold Li Xunhuan, you dare to harbor anti-thieves, plot rebellion, and take down Li Xunhuan and this group of anti-thieves for me."

Zhang Zhifu, Wang Tongzhi, Liu Tongju and other officials of Baoding Prefecture, surrounded by groups of soldiers, rushed in from outside Li Yuan, and their eyes revealed a trace of fire.

Li Yuan, which has been passed down for a hundred years, has long made them salivate.

In the past, they didn't have a chance to start, but now Li Xunhuan took the initiative to seek death, so it's no wonder to them.

"Lord Prefect, what do you mean by this?"

Li Xunhuan, who was about to send the bride into the cave room, was very puzzled.

Say he conspired to rebel?

Completely nonsense!

"Are you blind?"

"The two anti-thieves in this pavilion dare to wear dragon robes in broad daylight, are they not anti-thieves?"

Zhang Zhifu suddenly became angry and pointed to the pavilion where Ye Hao and his group were.

He felt that Li Xunhuan despised his intelligence.

"Before your righteous brother Long Xiaoyun reported you, I still didn't believe it."

"However, after Jinyiwei's investigation, the evidence is conclusive!"

"You let the people inside come out, let everyone see how arrogant these anti-thieves are, how they despise the king's law!"

Zhang Zhifu sneered.

The people who had just delivered drinks to the pavilion were two dressed as brocade guards.

Li Xunhuan: "...

Victory and hegemony: "...

"Are you two suspecting that the difficulty of the group task is too low, do you increase the difficulty of the task for me?"

Inviting Yue who was pouring wine for Ye Hao, he glared fiercely at Xiongba and Yingzheng.

The point reward for group missions has been determined, regardless of the difficulty, it is 10,000 points.

It's good now!

These officials of Daming saw two people in dragon robes, and they couldn't stop dying!

She can't kill all the thousands of soldiers who surrounded Li Yuan, right?

"It's just a few thousand soldiers, I'll help you solve it."

Xiongba's face turned dark, and he did not pay any attention to these ordinary soldiers.

"The lord of the male gang also asked his subordinates to show mercy, and these soldiers also acted on orders."

Chen Jinnan hurriedly pleaded, he was afraid that Xiongba would directly kill him.

"Let's go out and see."

Ye Hao put down the wine glass in his hand and looked calm.

No matter who comes today, Li Xunhuan's wedding must proceed normally.


"Very good!"

Shangguan Jinhong smiled, stood up abruptly, and strode towards Wang Zhifu with his head held high.

These people actually wanted to rebel, and he could just use the hands of the imperial court to eradicate all these people.

"Wang Zhifu, in the lower official Jin Hong, and the direct subordinate Inspector Sun is a friend, these anti-thieves are strong, I am willing to help the lord!"

Shangguan Jinhong took out the Zimu Dragon and Phoenix Ring, ready to take the opportunity to kill Ye Hao when the soldiers surrounded and killed them.

"Wang Zhifu, you see that the person at the head, who looks like a fairy wind Dao bone, does not clean the world, must be very good at demagoguery, either the demon of the White Lotus Sect or the demon head of the Demon Sect."

Shangguan Jinhong pointed at Ye Hao with one hand and said viciously.

"Such a person must be executed late, or cramped and shaved bones, and exposed to the sun in Baoding City for ten days, warning the world that there are thieves with two hearts."

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