
Ye Hao stood in the air, and the mana around his body surged like a brilliant sun, covering the light of the sun, moon and stars, and the powerful aura was like a storm of annihilation.

In an instant, the white clouds with a radius of hundreds of miles instantly exploded into nothingness, and the void even appeared distorted, appearing cracks one after another, as if it could collapse at any time, a scene of doom.

The Baoding City below seemed to have encountered a terrible earthquake, the entire city was shaking violently, one house after another could not withstand Ye Hao's terrifying aura and turned into ruins, and the rear city wall also collapsed.

The sky is falling!

Earth Dragon Turnover!

In an instant, there was no complete building in the entire Baoding City, and everyone was in chaos.

"The laws of heaven and earth in Xiao Li's flying knife world are really weak, and the general aura of the Jiedan Realm in the fairy world affects a radius of more than ten miles."

Ye Hao naturally noticed the situation below, if it were not for his control, Baoding City would definitely not only be damaged by buildings, but probably few people in the city would be able to live.


Shangguan Jinhong seemed to be pinched by a duck by the neck, making a strange cry, looking at the scene of destroying the world in front of him, his eyes were empty, and the whole person trembled like a sieve.

What just happened?

He seems to have broken through the Grandmaster Realm and challenged a demon man?

Isn't it a demon?

How did you suddenly become a god?

Didn't you say okay? There are no immortals in the world, all of them are fake.

How come there are really immortals all of a sudden?

Moreover, the other party seems to ask him to fight in the sky?


Surely all of them are fake!

He must be dreaming and hasn't woken up yet!

"Immortals spare their lives! Immortals spare their lives! "

Baoding Prefect and other officials were completely frightened and stupid, and all knelt on the ground, shivering.

The scene in front of them was completely beyond their understanding, as if the figure in the sky could destroy the entire world with just one thought.

Chat groups.

Xiao Li Feidao: "The great immortal is about to collect the magical power, otherwise, the world will be destroyed." "

Li Xunhuan's eyes scanned the surrounding ruins, and at a glance, he actually had a feeling of vicissitudes.

Pifu was angry and blood splattered five steps!

The Son of Heaven was angry and ambushed a million corpses!

Li Xunhuan now has a new understanding, the immortals are angry, the sky is falling, and the sun and the moon are without light!

The only thing that made him happy was that the immortals had some control and did not harm mortals.

Otherwise, Li Xunhuan did not dare to imagine.

In other places, he did not know, the people and animals in Baoding City would definitely turn into oblivion.

The world will help the Lord: "Don't say anything, kneel to the great god." Shivering JPG"

Great Qin Zulong: "Don't say anything, kneel to the Great God." Shivering JPG"

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helm Chen: "Don't say anything, kneel to the great god." Shivering JPG"

Not to mention the ordinary people in Xiao Li's flying knife world, even the people in the chat group were also silent at this time, and their bodies couldn't help but tremble.

This kind of heaven-destroying divine power, they saw it for the first time, so they did not dare to have the slightest idea of resisting.

If it weren't for the only trace of sanity, they would probably have been unable to resist fleeing back to their own world.

At this time, the world of Xiao Li's flying knife is too dangerous!

Who knows if the next moment will be destroyed by the Great Immortal!

Master of the Flower Shifting Palace: "Worship JPG"

Yueyue's whole body felt soft, and felt that the whole person's mind was attracted by the figure on the firmament.

She has an urge to moth to the fire!

Immortal cultivator: "Don't worry, I'll grab it gently." "

Finally, he had the opportunity to experience the power of the Jiedan Realm in advance, how could he come up with a move!


After Ye Hao finished speaking, his right hand raised in the void, aiming at Shangguan Jinhong below, and his palm gently floated down without using any spells.

An extremely slender and white palm appeared in the sky, looking extremely beautiful, but this palm was too big, thousands of zhang in size, no more, no less, just covering the entire Baoding City.

Everyone who saw this scene seemed to have their hearts grabbed by an invisible big hand, for fear that the palm in the sky would suddenly slap and slap Baoding City, which had already turned into ruins, into powder.

The palm seemed to shuttle through time and space, falling in an instant, and under everyone's shocked and terrified expressions, he grabbed the volley and grabbed Shangguan Jinhong on the ground into his palm.


The moment the palm grabbed it, the void instantly shattered, forming a huge black hole that shrouded the sky, swallowing all energy, and the heaven and earth seemed to have lost their sound, light, and time and space.

I don't know how long it took, when the heaven and earth returned to light again, everyone's minds were blank, and they sat on the ground in a trance.

They didn't even die?

"Ding-dong! Challenge mission accomplished! "

"In the battle of the same rank, you haven't made a move, just rely on the momentum to let Shangguan Jinhong, the world's number one master, completely lose his fighting spirit and have a mental breakdown, and it is a move to erase Shangguan Jinhong, let his form be destroyed, reward: 50,000 points."

Listening to the prompt sound of the group system, Ye Hao was extremely happy.

That's 50,000 points!

To upgrade from the first floor of the foundation to the peak of the foundation, a total of 54,000 points are required.

If you add the 10,000 points of Li Xunhuan's wedding mission, he will be able to get 60,000 points this time when he enters the world of Xiao Li's flying knife.

Although it is not enough to be promoted to the Jiedan Realm, it is enough to be promoted to the peak of the Foundation Building Realm.

At this time, the chat group was dead silent!

Is this a gentle scratch?

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