Chat groups.

The world will help the Lord: "This is a gentle grasp?" I believed! I want to learn too! "

Xiongba's pair of tiger eyes revealed a strong awe and longing, and he only felt his blood boiling.

If he has such a strong strength, dominating the world's martial arts, is it not an easy thing?

Even the sword saint's sword twenty-three is not something to fear.

Heaven and Earth Society Chen General Helm Lord: "This is a gentle grasp?" I believed! I want to learn too! "

Chen Jinnan was directly frightened.

Great Qin Zulong: "When will you be able to be as beautiful as the Great Immortal?" A rush of forced kingly qi overwhelmed Xuan. "

Huan Zheng always thought that he could achieve Mount Tai's pressure without changing his face, but when he saw Ye Hao make a move today, his heart couldn't help but beat wildly, and even his legs were trembling uncontrollably.

At the same time, he is also filled with endless yearning for this power.

Flower Shifting Palace Master: "The Great Immortal is too handsome!" "

Xiao Li Feidao: "Some dare not imagine how terrifying and vast the world where the great immortal is located, if it is a battle between two immortals, I am afraid that the sun and stars in the sky will fall." "

Immortal cultivator: "It is still very easy to cultivate hard and reach this level of strength." "

Ye Hao flew down from the firmament, and his breath became flat again, as if he had become a mortal again.

It's just that whether it is the chatting masses, or the other people around them, there is a deep awe in their eyes.

They will never forget what they just saw.

"Wang Zhifu, I don't know if you can give me a face, just don't see my two friends."

Ye Hao cast his gaze at Wang Zhifu, who was pale and needed the support of two soldiers to be able to stand, and smiled.

"Immortal rest assured, today I am here to attend Li Tanhua's wedding, and I don't know anything else."

Wang Zhifu snorted, and said.

Don't say that let him not see what he does, if Ye Hao said to rebel, he was willing to be the first to take the lead in supporting.

"Now that the trouble is solved, let's go ahead with the wedding."

Ye Hao was very satisfied.

With his previous move, no one dared to disrupt Li Xunhuan's wedding, and they all stood in place honestly.

"Ding-dong! Li Xunhuan's wedding is complete! "

"Immortal cultivators make the greatest contribution, rewarding 9,000 points. The master of the Flower Shifting Palace makes a small contribution and is rewarded with 1,000 points. "

At the moment of the end of the wedding, Ye Hao and Yueyue also received a prompt tone from the group system.


After attending Li Xunhuan's wedding, Ye Hao did not stay any longer, and couldn't help but return to the Linghe Sect, his own bamboo house.

"Shangguan Jinhong's challenge mission earned 50,000 points."

"Li Xunhuan's marriage mission earned 9,000 points."

"A total of 59,000 points."

For this trip to the world of Xiao Li's flying knife, Ye Hao was extremely satisfied.

"Next, it's time to refine pills to earn spirit stones and purchase high-level exercises."

Now as long as he purchased a sufficiently advanced technique, Ye Hao would be able to immediately ascend to the peak of the Foundation Building Realm, and in this situation, how could he still sit still.

Flower Shifting Palace Master: "@修仙者, Great Immortal, I want to trade with you and want you to guide me in cultivation." "

[The master of the Shifting Flower Palace sent an exclusive red envelope to the immortal cultivator! ] 】

The world will help the lord: "Do you want the Great Immortal to guide you in cultivation?" I don't even want to debunk you. "

Having returned to the Fengyun World, he had not yet returned to the hero of God from the shocking picture of Ye Hao's shot, looking at the news of the invitation to the moon, he sneered.

This woman is a little pretentious and wants to seduce Daxian!

Damn it!

If only he were a beautiful woman too!

Da Qin Zulong: "I feel that the most important thing we have now is to find a way to get points, and some people should not bring a bad chat group atmosphere." "

Great Qin Zulong: "If the Great Immortal needs a maid to serve, Xu is willing to screen the Great Immortal from the entire Great Qin." "

Great Qin Zulong: "Luna JPG." "

Great Qin Zulong: "Shaoshimei JPG." "

Daqin Zulong: "Xiaomeng JPG." "


After Ying Zheng finished speaking, he posted a series of photos.

The woman in each picture is stunning, like a hundred flowers blooming, each with its own merits.

Master of the Flower Shifting Palace: "??? "

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helm Chen: "??? "

Xiao Li Feidao: "??? "

Who the hell is bringing bad chat group atmosphere?

"No, Daxian's thigh, I must hold it."

Xiongba couldn't sit still when he saw Ying Zheng acting.

He is the strongest person in the chat group except Daxian, and he is the best dog leg of Daxian, and no one can grab it.

[The immortal cultivator received the red envelope from the master of the Shifting Flower Palace. 】

Immortal cultivator: "I have a potion of elixir to refine, and when I finish refining, I will guide you." "

Ye Hao said a word, and went to the Dan Hall to test the alchemist apprentice.

With his realm of a first-grade alchemist, he easily passed the assessment.

"Go to Baitan Pavilion!"

Ye Hao left the Dan Hall and went to Linghe City outside the mountain gate, transforming into the appearance of refining pills in the Baidan Pavilion before.

"Senior, what do you need this time?"

As soon as Ye Hao entered the Baidan Pavilion, Li Chuan and Li Wan'er, who had received Ye Hao before, greeted them warmly and respectfully.

They had already been authorized by the family Foundation Building Realm cultivators to befriend Ye Hao at all costs.

"What pint of Dan Fang do you have?"

Ye Hao asked, saying.

A superb Qi Condensation Pill is worth 50 spirit stones, and it takes 500,000 spirit stones to purchase the Great Freedom Xuanjin Sword Qi, and at least more than 10,000 Qi Condensing Pills must be refined to earn 500,000 spirit stones.

Now that he had the points, Ye Hao planned to purchase a pint of pills that earned more spirit stones and upgrade it to the Perfection Realm.

"This is all the pints of Danfang in our Dange collection."

Without any hesitation, Li Chuan directly handed Ye Hao a jade Jane that recorded a pint of Danfang.

In his eyes, Ye Hao was at least a second-grade top alchemist, and he definitely had more first-grade pills than Baidange.

If you want to befriend this top alchemist, you must be atmospheric.

"Condensing Qi Danfang, Gathering Qi Danfang, Peiyuan Danfang, Essence Cleansing Danfang..."

Ye Hao took the jade Jian and found that there were no restrictions inside, and he directly read all the danfang in the Jade Jane.

There are seventeen kinds of one-pint danfang.

If he buys it, I'm afraid he won't be able to buy it without 100,000 spirit stones.

"This is all white?"

Ye Hao was a little caught off guard.

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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