[Immortal Cultivator].

[Points: 60374.] 】

[Realm: The first floor of the Foundation Building Realm. 】

[Exercise: Shui Yuan Sutra is complete. 】

[Spells: Spring Wind and Rain Technique (366/1000), Gengjin Sword Technique (335/1000), Fire Control Technique (Perfection), True Fire Technique (0/1000). 】

[Alchemist: Yipin (0/10000). 】

[Danfang: Condensing Qi Dan (consummation), Juqi Dan (0/200), Pei Yuan Dan (0/200), Essence Cleansing Dan (0/500)... Tsukuling Pill (0/1000). 】

Ye Hao's gaze turned to the personal page of the chat group and quickly locked a Danfang.

Build a spirit pill!

A top elixir!

If Zhujidan is the divine pill of the disciples of the Immortal Cultivation Sect, then Zhuling Pill is the divine pill of scattered cultivation.

Zhujidan is a second-grade top-notch elixir, and one is worth more than 100,000 spirit stones.

Not to mention scattered cultivation, even many sect disciples, and only those with top talent have the opportunity to obtain the foundation building pill given by the sect.

Otherwise, if you want to obtain the Tsukidan, you can only earn spirit stones to buy by yourself.

However, for cultivators who were only at the peak of the Qi Refining Realm, there were very few people who could earn 100,000 spirit stones.

This is the case for the disciples of the sect, so don't talk about those scattered cultivators.

Therefore, later, a Dan Dao grandmaster developed a simplified version of Tsukidan, and the effect was about 20% of Tsukidan, that is, Tsuki Lingdan.

"Although the name of the Spirit Building Pill is not as good as the Zhu Ji Dan, every time the Spirit Building Pill appears, it will also be instantly emptied, and the price is around 10,000 spirit stones."

"Once I upgrade the refining experience of the Spirit Building Pill to the Perfection Realm, then I will be able to refine the ultimate Spirit Building Pill, and the price may increase a lot."

Thinking of this, Ye Hao no longer hesitated.

"Upgrade the Spirit Building Pill to Perfection."

"Ding-dong! Deducting 1,000 points, congratulations on your successful experience in refining Spirit Pills."

[Danfang: Tsukiling Pill (Completion)


The same as the last time he upgraded the Condensing Qi Pill, at the moment when the system prompt sounded, Ye Hao fell into a wonderful situation again, constantly refining the Spirit Pill.

"Sure enough, it's this feeling again!"

When Ye Hao came back to his senses again, he found that his proficiency in refining spirit pills had also reached an incredible realm, with a 100% success rate.

"How many medicinal herbs do you have in the Hundred Dan Pavilion?"

Ye Hao asked.

"There are eight in total."

Li Chuan endured the excitement in his heart and quickly replied.

Build a spirit pill!

For a cultivator of the late stage of the Qi Refining Realm with ordinary talent like him, Tsukidan was an illusion.

Building Spirit Pill was the elixir he had a glimmer of hope for.

"According to this senior's previous habits, the refining Spirit Building Pill must be sold in the Baidan Pavilion, even if I owe the family a few thousand spirit stones, I will buy a Spirit Building Pill in advance."

Li Chuan's heart was extremely firm.

"Send me all to the alchemy room."

Ye Hao ordered, said.

"Yes ~ senior!"

Li Chuan nodded and said.

As for Li Wan'er on the side, the whole person looked at Ye Hao obsessively.

Although Ye Hao's transformed middle-aged man appearance was very ordinary, in Li Wan'er's eyes, he was the most attractive man she had ever seen.

"I wonder how many spirit building pills can be refined?"

After Ye Hao entered the alchemy room, Li Chuan had no intention of going elsewhere at all, and also stood at the door of the alchemy room like Li Wan'er, waiting for Ye Hao's alchemy to end.

"20 Spirit Pills!"

I don't know how long it took, Ye Hao finished refining the pill and looked at the Zhuling Pill in the storage bag, with a strong smile on his face.

No more, no less, exactly twenty.

The chat group was really powerful, and it did not reduce Ye Hao's Dan success rate because of the improvement of Dan pharmaceutical grade.

The rate of refining the Spirit Building Pill was not lower than that of the Condensing Qi Pill at all.

Moreover, each one is the ultimate elixir.

"All replaced with spirit stones."

Ye Hao directly took out eight Spirit Building Pills and handed them to Li Chuan.

"Eight Spirit Building Pills? All of them are the best elixirs? "

The eyes of both Li Chuan and Li Wan'er were about to pop out, and Li Chuan's hands that took the pill couldn't help but tremble.

"Senior, the ultimate Spirit Building Pill should be equivalent to the three successful effects of Building Foundation Dan, and one should be worth about 20,000 spirit stones."

"I'll get you the Spirit Stone."

Li Chuan carefully put the eight Spirit Building Pills into the jade bottle, and then quickly went to take 160,000 spirit stones and handed them to Ye Hao.

As for the medicinal material money, Li Chuanti did not mention it.

He believed that even if the patriarch and several elders were in the Baidan Pavilion, they would not receive money for medicinal materials.

Spirit building pills can be passed down as family heritage.

In the past, he used to bring medicinal materials and spend spirit stones to invite those alchemists, and they didn't necessarily refine them.

"Moreover, this cooperation is pleasant, and the seniors may come to our Baidan Pavilion in the future."

Looking at Ye Hao's departing back, Li Chuan was a little excited and expectant.

"You personally go and inform the patriarch and ask him to immediately bring the Zhuling Pill back to the clan."

Li Chuan quickly reacted, and ordered Li Wan'er with a serious face.

It is impossible to sell the Spirit Building Pill!

"Sure enough, refining high-grade elixirs is faster to earn spirit stones!"

After leaving the Baidan Pavilion, Ye Hao went to the Lingdan Fang again.

There were only six medicinal materials for building spirit pills in Lingdan Fang, and Ye Hao refined 15 spirit building pills.

"Go to the Vientiane Tower!"

After selling six pills to the Spirit Pill Fang, Ye Hao did not continue refining the Spirit Pill, but went directly to the Vientiane Tower.

Because, he had already been able to gather 500,000 spirit stones to purchase the Great Freedom Xuanjin Sword Technique.

He wants to improve his strength first.

"Senior, a total of 21 Ultimate Spirit Building Pills, I will give you 450,000 spirit stones, if there are Ultimate Spirit Building Pills in the future, I will give this price to seniors."

"Junior Zhao Lingkong."

Ye Hao's luck was good, and he met the middle-aged cultivator who received him last time in the Vientiane Tower.

"This is 50,000 spirit stones, I purchased the Great Freedom Xuanjin Sword Technique."

Ye Hao nodded lightly and threw a storage bag to Zhao Lingkong.

"This is the practice of Jade Jane."

Zhao Lingkong respectfully handed a golden jade Jane to Ye Hao.

Before, he only thought that Ye Hao was just an ordinary Foundation Building Realm cultivator, and after seeing Ye Hao take out so many top-grade Spirit Building Pills, Zhao Lingkong knew that Ye Hao was at least a second-grade alchemist.

"Do you spend 1,000 points to transfer the exercises to be free of Xuanjin Sword Qi?"

When Ye Hao read the contents of the golden jade Jane, the prompt of the group system sounded.


Ye Hao's heart was ecstatic and said.

He originally thought that he needed to transform the exercises on his own.

"Ding-dong! Deduct 1000 points and convert successfully! "

In silence, the mana in Ye Hao's body turned into a golden sword gang, and the comprehension of the Great Freedom Xuanjin Sword Qi also reached the Foundation Building Realm in an instant.

[Immortal Cultivator].

[Points: 58374.] 】

[Realm: The first floor of the Foundation Building Realm. 】

[Exercises: Great Freedom Xuanjin Sword Technique. 】

[Spells: Spring Wind and Rain (366/1000), Gengjin Sword Technique (335/1000), Fire Control Technique (Perfection), True Fire Technique (0/1000), Instant Killing Technique (0/100). 】

[Alchemist: Yipin (0/10000). 】

[Danfang: Condensing Qi Dan (consummation), Juqi Dan (0/200), Pei Yuan Dan (0/200), Essence Cleansing Dan (0/500)... Tsuki Ling Pill (Perfection). 】

"Raise the realm!"

Ye Hao ordered, said.

【Ding-dong! Deduct 2000 points, the second floor of the foundation realm (0/3000). 】

The crisp sound of the system sounded again.

In an instant, Ye Hao's strength rose to the second layer of the Foundation Building Realm.

【Ding-dong! Deduct 3000 points to build the third layer of the foundation realm (0/4000). 】

Build three layers of the Foundation Realm!


With the sound of a prompt, Ye Hao's strength was improving rapidly.

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