Space station navigator: "I lean!" I wouldn't have guessed correctly before, would I? Is this Qin Yu really the child of destiny in this world? "

Although the Great Immortal did not accept Qin Yu as an apprentice, Liu Peiqiang could still see that the Great Immortal still had some appreciation for Qin Yu.

Helping Qin Yu break through to the congenital realm before can also be said to be related to the group mission.

But later, he gave Qin Yu two exercises, as well as immortal cultivation resources, and pointed out Qin Yu's future opportunities, which must have nothing to do with the group mission.

Because group tasks are related to martial arts training.

Xiao Li Feidao: "If Qin Yu is really the child of destiny in this world, isn't it possible for him to become the controller of Hongmeng in the future?" "

Li Xunhuan's virtual projection kept looking around Qin Yu, and his eyes were shocked and suspicious.

Hongmeng controller!

Although I don't know to what extent the powerhouses at this level are against the sky, just a dozen realms above them is enough to explain everything.

Moreover, in the Star World, there is also a Hongmeng controller who has lived for more than a thousand years.

One epoch is 60 quadrillion!

What a terrible, taboo and long time for more than a thousand years.

Can Qin Yu become an existence comparable to this terrifying powerhouse?

The world will help the master: "The son of destiny will not necessarily become the strongest in the world, just like Zhang Sanfeng's apprentice, he will definitely not be as strong as Zhang Sanfeng in the future." "

The world will help the lord: "And Li Xunhuan, if he didn't join the chat group, how could he become the number one in the world with his future commotion?" "

Xiongba obviously couldn't accept that this little fart in front of him would become the supreme existence he needed to look up to in the future.

Even if he joins the chat group and can constantly use points to buy immortal cultivation resources, Xiongba has no confidence in growing to a height comparable to that of Hongmeng's controller.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "I feel that Qin Yu is not simple, when the Great Immortal helped him cultivate, it was extremely painful, Qin Yu actually persevered, other children do not have such great perseverance." "

"Since the Great Immortal is willing to help Qin Yu, it means that there is definitely something shining on Qin Yu."

"Moreover, the Great Immortal said that Qin Yu has a certain talent in refining."

Zhang Sanfeng secretly spoke.

How does Daisen exist?

The merit of being able to 05 be praised by the Great Immortal, that is definitely the top existence in this world.

"Even if Qin Yu is not the son of Destiny in this world, he will definitely become one of the top powerhouses in this world in the future."

"At the same time, he is also one of the top alchemists."

Zhang Sanfeng was extremely affirmative.

Otherwise, how could a person who couldn't even become an immortal make Daxian look at him differently?

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helm Master Chen: "I don't know what level of exercises the Star Technique and Star Immortal Technique are?" "

Chen Jinnan was extremely curious.

Because, in the points mall, he did not find these two immortal cultivation exercises.

Great Qin Zulong: "Great Immortal, Chen Jinnan wants to know what level of exercises are the Star Technique and the Star Immortal Technique?" "

"Finally wait until someone asks this question."

Ying Zheng's face couldn't help but show a smile and curiosity.

He and Zhang Sanfeng's guess was similar, Qin Yu was one of the top powerhouses in the Star World in the future.

In this case, the exercises that the Great Immortal gave to Qin Yu could never be simple.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Great Immortal, Chen Jinnan wants to know what level of exercises are the Star Technique and the Star Immortal Technique?" "

Xiao Li Feidao: "Great Immortal, Chen Jinnan wants to know what level of exercises are the Star Technique and the Star Immortal Technique?" "

The world will help the master: "Great Immortal, Chen Jinnan wants to know what level of exercises are the Star Technique and the Star Immortal Technique?" He also wanted to know what chance Qin Yu had obtained when he was sixteen years old? "

The chance that can make the great immortal specially advised, the hero feels definitely not simple.

Huashan sent Yue to be in charge: "Great Immortal, Chen Jinnan still wants to know if Qin Yu will become the controller of Hongmeng in the future?" "

In an instant, the chat group was flooded.

Heaven and Earth Society Chen General Helm Lord: ".

"I'm a fool!"

Lu Ding Ji World, Chen Jinnan can't wait to slap himself, this is the first time?

Why don't you gain a little memory?

Curious to yourself, why say it?

You can wait for others to ask!

Immortal cultivator: "The Secret of the Stars is an immortal cultivation technique created by observing the evolution of the stars in the universe, which breaks the inherent cultivation system of Jindan and Yuan Ying and creates a special cultivation method. "

Immortal cultivator: "There are a total of six realms in this exercise, nebula, meteor, star core, planet, catastrophe and star, and if you cultivate to the sidereal stage, you can soar to the immortal realm, so if you want to continue to improve your strength, you need to create follow-up exercises yourself." "

Immortal cultivator: "The nebula period corresponds to the golden pill period, it does not turn the innate true qi back into a gaseous state, disperse it outside the body, take the dantian as the heart, the body as a bridge, communicate the universe and the heart, and jointly evolve the nature of the heavenly path"

Ye Hao roughly introduced the cultivation system of the Star Technique.


Everyone in the chat group was dead silent, only feeling their heads buzzing, and their hearts were greatly shocked.

Break the traditional cultivation system and refer to the exercises created by the evolution of the universe?

The person who created this technique is definitely a peerless genius!

A peerless genius far beyond their imagination.

Emperor Hongwu: "Is this a genius?" "

Zhu Yuanzhang's expression was extremely complicated, and his face was shocked and shocked.

The process of condensing the golden pill and breaking the pill into a baby not only appears in the fairy world, but also appears in the star world, which shows that this process is in line with the Avenue of Heaven and Earth.

The person who pioneered the Star Technique Technique obviously knew the original cultivation system.

In this case, a completely new cultivation system was created.

The cultivation system of the Star Secret and the traditional immortal cultivation system can't find any similarity at all!

What kind of talent is this?

Huashan Paiyue was in charge: "Is there such a big gap between us and the geniuses of the top world?" "

Yue Buqun, who was exchanging resources with the Zhendong King, was in a trance, and his heart was extremely lost and shocked.

He felt the dimensionality reduction blow!

He felt that his talent and Lei Wei's talent were completely not on the same level.

The master of the Flower Shifting Palace: "Since the Great Immortal handed over the Star Technique to Qin Yu, this shows that Qin Yu has the ability to create subsequent exercises." "

A wry smile appeared on Yueyue's face.

Lei Wei's talent is already heaven-defying enough, and Qin Yu can continue to continue on the existing exercises, and the talent is definitely still above Lei Wei.

Because, the higher up a new system goes, the more complex and mysterious it is, the rules of heaven and earth are involved, and the mysteries of the universe become more complicated and mysterious.

The world will help the Lord: "The previous words, when the old man did not say." "

Qin Yu has such a talent against the sky, it doesn't matter if he is a son of destiny.

Great Qin Zulong: "Since the Great Immortal has given Qin Yu the Star Technique to cultivate, it not only shows that Qin Yu can create new exercises, but also shows that Qin Yu's cultivation of the Star Technique is more promising than cultivating the traditional immortal cultivation system." "

Great Qin Zulong: "The potential of the Star Technique may be far above the traditional immortal cultivation system. "

Ying Zheng's eyes revealed a strong desire and hesitation.

Qin Yu was able to create the next exercises of the Star Technique, but he was not capable.

Do you want to ask the Great Immortal if you can cultivate the Star Technique?

Graphic designer: "What about the immortality of the stars?" "

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

However, Daxian said that the two exercises of the Star Technique and the Star Immortal Technique are very similar and can be referenced to each other.

Immortal cultivator: "The Star Immortal Technique is a further deduction on top of the Star Immortal Recipe. "

Immortal cultivator: "The Star Immortal Technique is divided into seven realms, Nebula Realm, Meteor Realm, Star Core Realm, Planet Realm, Primordial Realm, Star Realm, and Dark Star Realm. "

Immortal cultivator: "Once you reach the Dark Star Realm, the realm is comparable to the Heavenly Immortal Realm, not subject to three calamities and five calamities, not bound by causal fate, not limited by heaven and earth, have great freedom, gain great freedom, heaven and earth are immortal, and I am immortal." "

Immortal Cultivator: "This Heavenly Immortal Realm is the third realm of the Immortal Dao Realm of my world. "

Ye Hao did not hide it.

Anyway, he can get a high-level deduction card from the points mall every month, and he can make new deductions of the exercises.

Free from three calamities and five calamities!

Unfettered by causal fate!

Not limited by the rules of heaven and earth!

Heaven and earth are immortal, and I am immortal! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The chatting masses trembled and trembled, trembling and shaking.

Immortality, this is the real immortality!

Heaven and earth are decaying, and they can survive, what kind of anti-heaven is this?

Space station navigator: "Shhh! I gasped and gasped, which is also too against the sky. "

"The Star Immortal Technique should be the Immortal Cultivation Technique of Qin Yu World, and the Star Immortal Technique is deduced by the Great Immortal?"

Liu Peiqiang was like being shocked, and he only felt that his body was numb and his whole body trembled.

Great Qin Zulong: "Great Immortal, the true Heavenly Immortal Realm should not be as anti-heavenly as the Dark Star Realm, right?" "

Although Ying Zheng was asking, he could be very sure that the Heavenly Immortal would definitely not be able to reach such a heaven-defying situation as the Dark Star Realm.

Because, the Heavenly Immortal Realm is only the third realm of the Immortal Dao Realm.

Immortal cultivators: "Although the heavenly immortals are immortal, they are bound by the fate of cause and effect, and they are even more bound by the rules of heaven and earth, and some also need to experience three calamities and five calamities." "

The higher the star trick goes, the more it goes against the sky.

The world will help the lord: "Great Immortal, can we use our points to buy Star Immortal Technique cultivation?" "

The hero's eyes are fiery, and his heart is filled with endless desire.

This Star Immortal Technique was the Immortal Dao Technique he dreamed of!

The previous Immortal Dao Exercises such as the True Dragon Nine Transformations, the Golden Crow Nine Transformation Technique, the Nine Phoenix Nirvana Technique, etc., could not be compared with the Star Immortal Technique, and the gap was too big.

The rest of the chat group was also salivating, waiting for Ye Hao's answer.

Immortal cultivator: "Whether it is the Star Technique or the Star Immortal Technique, it is not suitable for you at all." "

Immortal cultivator: "For example, the fourth realm of the Star Recipe, Xingzhou, will form a huge planet in the dantian, which is even bigger than the earth." "

Immortal cultivators: "The most important thing in the cultivation week is the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and it is also the spiritual energy of all things in heaven and earth, so that the planet is filled with heaven and earth spiritual energy, and the deeper the realm, the more spiritual energy is needed." "

Immortal cultivator: "Cultivating the Star Immortal Technique requires more aura. "

With a high-level deduction card, Ye Hao didn't mind if others cultivated the Star Technique, or the Star Immortal Technique.

Unfortunately, this kind of exercise is not suitable for cultivation by people in the low-level world at all.

Not to mention the martial arts world, it is to suck the spiritual energy of the Qiannu Ghost World dry, and it is impossible to cultivate into the planetary realm of the immortal technique of the stars.

Immortal Cultivator: "If any group member earns 100 million points first, and still wants to cultivate the Star Technique or the Star Immortal Technique, I can sell it to you." "

The world will help the Lord: ".

Great Qin Zulong:".

Xiao Li Feidao: ".

The week of the Star Secret will condense a huge planet in the dantian.

Moreover, it is also necessary to fill the planet with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth of all things.

How many spirit stones does this take?


100 billion spirit stones?

It was easier for them to earn 100 million points than to fill the planets of the week with aura.

Master Wing Chun Yip: "I suddenly hope that the world from which newcomers come from in the future will be as advanced as possible. "

Ye Man looked helpless.

Even if they were given the Star Technique and the Star Immortal Technique to cultivate now, they would not dare to cultivate now.

The heaven and earth aura needed is too terrifying.

Even if they exchanged all the points for spirit stones, it would probably not be enough to cultivate the Star Technique.

Moreover, exchanging points for spirit stones, how can they buy other resources to speed up their cultivation.

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "Let's honestly practice ordinary immortal cultivation exercises." "630

This kind of exercise, which requires a huge amount of resources, is not suitable for cultivation by people in the low-level world at all.

Rainbow Cat Shaoxiao: "I don't know if there is that kind of exercise that requires less energy from heaven and earth and goes against the sky?" "

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helmsman Chen: "Do you feel it possible yourself?" "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Let's grow up slowly first, and we'll talk about it later." "

Zhang Sanfeng quickly collected his mood and calmed himself down.

A group of small cultivators who were still struggling in the Qi Refining Realm should consider now how to break through to the Foundation Building Realm faster.

As for becoming an immortal, cultivate the heaven-defying exercises, or wait until the strength is strong, and then slowly consider.

Graphic designer: "Daxian, what was the chance that Qin Yu got at the age of sixteen?" "

Bai Xiaofei took a deep breath and asked another huge curiosity of the chattering masses.

The Star Technique and the Star Immortal Technique are so against the sky, so how extraordinary is it that the Great Immortal makes Qin Yu have to wait for the opportunity?

Immortal cultivator: "It is the crystallization of the life element force of the soul and energy of the life god king after death, and it has half of the soul law and space law that he realized before his death. "

Immortal cultivator: "Above the God King is the realm of Tianzun, and above Tianzun is the Hongmeng controller." "

The life force crystallization of the soul and energy after the death of the Life God King?

Have the soul law and space law that you realized half of your life?

The chatting masses were confused!

If it weren't for the Great Immortal to make a move and let Qin Yu cultivate by himself, whether he could break through to the innate stage when he was sixteen years old was a problem.

The chance to obtain the god king level at such a weak age?

Above the God King is Tianzun, above Tianzun is the strongest in the world, Hongmeng controller!

Xiao Li Feidao: "Is this the child of destiny of the top world?" "

The same child of destiny, why is the gap so large?

Great Qin Zulong: "If nothing else, Qin Yu may be the new Hongmeng controller in the future." "

Qiao Feng, the leader of the gang: "Alas~"

Everyone in the chat was shocked, and no one doubted whether Qin Yu was the son of destiny.

With such talent, such chance, how can these ordinary people live?

Rainbow Cat Young Man: "Qin Yu is the future Hongmeng controller, and the great immortals didn't even accept him as an apprentice!" "

Rainbow Cat smiled wryly.

In the future, I am afraid that the people chatting with the masses will no longer have the courage to mention the matter of letting the Great Immortal accept disciples.

A peerless genius who will become the controller of Hongmeng in the future, the great immortals will not accept them, and they will accept these ordinary people?

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Old Dao now wants to know what kind of immortal is cultivating the Great Immortal?" "

Zhang Sanfeng sighed faintly.

When Daxian first entered the chat group, he said that he had not yet become an immortal.

Now he can easily create the Star Immortal Technique, a heaven-defying technique that can cultivate to the third realm of the Immortal Dao.

Even at a glance, it can be seen that Qin Yu can become the controller of Hongmeng in the future, even if he is such a genius, the great immortal has not accepted him as an apprentice.

The Great Immortal is the Eternal Dipping God!.

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