Star World.

Cloud Villa.

"Brother Qin, don't call me Shangxian, just call me Yue Buqun."

Yue Buqun's expression became extremely mild, and he couldn't wait to directly marry Qin De, the king of Zhendong, as a brother with a different surname.

In this way, when Qin Yu rises, he may be able to hug Qin Yu's thigh.

"Since the chat group can enter Qin Yu's world once, maybe it can enter the second time, and when I come in next time, Qin Yu's strength may be stronger than mine


Yue Buqun secretly calculated in his heart, and soon his face froze.

Qin Yu is now congenitally complete, and his strength is already stronger than him.

The innate period of the Star World is not the innate period of the martial arts world.

The innate period of the Star Great World not only has a lifespan of five hundred years, but also can control magic weapons, and can save lives in the battle of hundreds of thousands of armies or even millions of troops, and the innate great sword qi can kill hundreds of mortals within 100 meters.


Although Zhendong Wang Qin De did not know why Yue Buqun was so enthusiastic, he hesitated and talked with Yue Buqun extremely enthusiastically.

Qin Yu couldn't worship Ye Hao as a teacher, which made him extremely regretful.

However, fortunately, Ye Hao gave Qin Yu the Immortal Cultivation Technique, and also gave the magic weapon opportunity.

Qin Yu is now eight years old and his external achievements are congenitally complete, and his future achievements are even more limitless.

Now Yue Buqun, the immortal, wanted to take the initiative to pull a relationship with him, and he couldn't ask for it.

"Buzz~", "Buzz~", "Buzz~"

At this time, Ye Hao ran the Heavenly Mechanic Technique and sent out one Immortal Jade Jane after another.

What is recorded in the Immortal Cultivation Jade Jane is the new external skill system established by Ye Hao, and he gave these Immortal Cultivation Jade Janes to the external skill masters who deduced it.

If the talent is enough, and the external skill master also has a certain chance, after obtaining the Immortal Cultivation Jade Jane, at least fifty percent hope to become an external skill innate master.

"In the future, after you set foot in the Immortal Cultivation Realm, remember to let the external skill system spread in the Hidden Dragon Continent."

"There are all kinds of martial arts secrets of internal and external skills, you can cultivate by yourself, or you can let them spread in the Hidden Dragon Continent."

Ye Hao handed over the cultivation immortal jade Jian who recorded the secret of martial arts to Qin Yu.

According to Qin Yu's talent, after he obtained the Meteor Tear at the age of sixteen, his strength would be at least comparable to the Yuan Infancy Stage, or even the Cave Void Period, ensuring that the external skill system would be smoothly passed down in the Hidden Dragon Continent without any problem.

"It's Shangxian."

Qin Yu solemnly accepted the Immortal Cultivation Jade Jane.

"This is the Nirvana Pill and Quenching Blood Yuan Pill that are helpful for the cultivation of the demon race, how about exchanging three drops of blood for you?"

Ye Hao took out two pills, walked in front of Xiao Hei, and asked.

This black eagle that Qin Yu picked up in Donglan Mountain, with an extraordinary bloodline, was the descendant of the Peng Clan's super divine beast Dark Electric Peng King Fang Chong, an Immortal Emperor-level powerhouse.

The bloodline has been mutated again, and it has the bloodline of a mutated super-divine beast, even without Qin Yu's help, relying only on his own cultivation, he is also a genius who can soar to the divine realm.

"Maybe it will be able to be used in the future."

Ye Hao said darkly.


Xiao Hei was obviously able to understand Ye Hao's words, and without any hesitation, he agreed.

He could clearly feel the great attraction of the two pills to him, and if he swallowed the refining, he would be able to obtain huge benefits.

Great Qin Zulong: "??? "。

The world will help the Lord: "??? "。

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "??? "。

Flower Transfer Palace Master: "This black eagle is not simple either? "

Many people in the chat group had their faces wrinkled and even a little distorted.

It's excessive!

It's just too much!

The children of destiny of the top world are not only talented beyond imagination, but even the chance is beyond their imagination.

How can this make ordinary people like them cultivate?

Huashan Pai Yue was in charge: "Great Immortal, is this black eagle any different?" "

Yue Buqun, who was chatting hotly with Qin De and was preparing to accept Qin De's eldest son Qin Feng as an apprentice, an agitated spirit, quickly asked Ye Hao.

Since the Great Immortal took a fancy to the bloodline of the Black Eagle, it showed that the bloodline of the Black Eagle was absolutely extraordinary.

Can he also exchange some blood with the Black Hawk with elixirs?

Immortal cultivator: "He is a mutant super divine beast, belonging to one of the top bloodlines in this world, relying only on talent, there is no problem in soaring to the god realm." "

Immortal cultivator: "Moreover, his talent is relatively superior, and the opportunity is enough, there is still no problem in becoming a god king in the future." "

Ye Hao introduced.


Ye Hao waved his hand, and three drops of bright red blood flew out from the black eagle's body.


Black Hawk also quickly swallowed the two pills, and then fell into a deep sleep.

The world will help the lord: "The chance of the god king level is also the chance of the god king level!" "

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "Is this the child of destiny of the top world?" A young eagle around you has the potential to become a god king? "

Heaven and Earth Society Chen General Helm Lord: "I! My chest hurts a little, it's so uncomfortable. "

Guo Jing: "We are all ordinary people, let's not compare with Qin Yu." "

Guo Jing kindly reminded everyone.

Otherwise, the mentality will really explode.

Graphic designer: "We actually have a bigger chance, we met Daisen. "

Space station navigator: "I believe that following the pace of the Great Immortal, we may be able to become an existence comparable to a god king in the future." "

As for the Hongmeng controller, let's fantasize about it when he can really become a god king.

Huashan Paiyue is in charge: "Great opportunity! What a great chance, I also exchanged some blood with Black Hawk. "

Yue Buqun and Qin De said a simple word, and then walked towards the black eagle excitedly and quickly.

Great Qin Zulong: "You don't have a chance." "

Huashan sent Yue to the head: "Even if Black Eagle sleeps, it will not affect me to trade with him." "

"Ding-dong! Mission completion rewards 5 million points. "

At this moment, the prompt of the group system sounded.

"Immortal cultivators get 4.95 million points, and Huashan Paiyue gets 50,000 points."

"Immortal cultivators are chat group administrators, trigger administrator bonus points*2 permissions, and get 9.9 million points."

At the same time, Ye Hao's figure and Yue Buqun's figure also disappeared in the Star World in an instant, returning to the world where they were before the mission.

Huashan Paiyue was in charge: "I'm cracked!" Crying JPG"

Although I don't know what the blood of the mutated super divine beast does, it must have a certain value if it is collected by the great immortals.

For Daxian there is a certain value, to him, it is absolutely the supreme treasure.

Even if he heard that the chat group was awarded 50,000 points, Yue Buqun couldn't be happy.

He missed a trillion!

"Ding-dong! Complete hidden group missions, improve the external skill system of the group mission world, and reward 10 million points. "

"Immortal cultivators get 9.5 million points, and Huashan Paiyue gets 500,000 points."

"Immortal cultivators are chat group administrators, trigger administrator bonus points*2 permissions, and get 19 million points."

The crisp tone of the swarm system sounded again.

Huashan sent Yue to the head: "Hahaha thank Daxian, Daxian is an eternal drop god." "

Yue Buqun's face was still black with regret one second, and the next second, he laughed directly so that his mouth was split.

The reward of 500,000 points is enough to make up for his heartache and soothe his mood.

Da Qin Zulong: "Performing group missions with Daxian is the biggest opportunity!" "

"When will I be able to grab a group mission and perform a group mission with Daimmortal?"

First, Bai Xiaofei and Liu Peiqiang, and now Lian Yue Buqun followed Daxian to perform group missions, and he was also rewarded with more than 500,000 points.

The price of the three-grade primary pill Metamorphosis Pill that Xiongba traded before was only 70,000 points.

"Do I want to try to buy mission cards and randomly trigger group missions?"

Ying Zheng fell into hesitation. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

10,000 points to buy a mission card, you can choose to activate a group mission in your own world, the difficulty is not limited.

At the same time, you can also open random missions, the mission world is not limited, and the difficulty of the task is not limited.

It's almost like a lottery.

It is possible to win the first prize, or it is possible to win the thank you for your patronage.

Da Qin Zulong: "The world will help the master, you can't perform group tasks with other people in the chat group now, do you feel that you trigger more group tasks alone, or do you have more group tasks triggered by everyone in the chat group?" "

Da Qin Zulong: "It won't be long before the rest of the chat group continues to gain points, you look, maybe in ten days and a half month, you will no longer be the strongest in the chat group." "

Da Qin Zulong: "Now the mission card of the points mall is your only hope, shouldn't you give it a try?" "

Yue Zheng decided to let someone else test the water for him.

That's 10,000 points!

If the water is lost, he will be distressed for half a day.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Xiongba, you should recognize the reality, the task card is indeed your only hope now, and the rest of the chat group can wait, you can't wait!" "

Master Wing Chun Yip: "The newest and strongest person in the chat group should be born from Bai Xiaofei, Liu Peiqiang and Yue Buqun, right?" "

The chatting masses discussed the strength and did not put Ye Hao in it.

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "When they finish digesting the immortal cultivation resources purchased by 500,000 points, they may not be far from the Foundation Building Realm." "

Others in the chat group have also joined the camp of stimulating the hegemon.

They also wanted to see what kind of group tasks Xiongba would inspire after spending 10,000 points.

The world of storms.


"It's abominable!"

Xiongba knew very well that the chatting crowd would provoke him again, but he was still extremely angry.

Because, what the chat masses say really has the potential to become a reality.

This is also too heart-wrenching!

The world will help the Lord: "I will give 5,000 points, you will help me out the other half, and I will buy a mission card to activate." "

The world will help the master: "The group task activated by the task card, I will send you a screenshot to see, and when the group task is executed, I will also broadcast it live." "

Xiongba knew that he had no other choice.

Great Qin Zulong: "Yes!" "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "No problem. "

Emperor Hongwu: "Agree!" "

The chattering masses didn't even hesitate and agreed one after another.

There were a total of eighteen people in the chat group, and in addition to Daisen, there were seventeen people.

Xiongba himself gives 5,000 points, and the rest of the people make up 5,000 points, and the average person has more than 300 points.

"Great Immortal Bless, I will definitely let me trigger a group mission with huge harvests."

In the Fengyun world, Xiongba first bowed to the sky before buying a mission card.

"Do you want to activate the task card?"

The prompt of the group system sounds.


"Please choose the activation method, is it a group mission to choose to activate your own world? Or do you choose to start random tasks? "

The group system asked.

"Select Start Random Task."

Xiongba hurriedly said.

If he can trigger a group mission similar to the Star World, it seems that he will not be able to perform the group mission with the Great Immortal.

Because he is divided into dark and evil camps by the chat group, he cannot perform group missions with other group members.

"Ding-dong! You are given a villain mission to help Qin Shi Huang, who has been sleeping for more than 2,000 years and awakened again, gain immortality, and kill all the beings who prevent Qin Shi Huang and the terracotta army from crossing the Great Wall. "

"This mission is rewarded with points based on completion."

The sound of the swarm system is not crisp, but becomes icy.

Xiongba: "??? "。

Help Qin Shi Huang gain immortality?


Great Qin Zulong: "Xiongba, what is the group task you inspired?" Is it a group mission in the world where the group members are located? "

Xiao Li Feidao: "Is it a reward for getting points based on completion, or is it a group task that directly tells the reward points?" "

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helmsman Chen: "I hope it will not be a loss-making group task." "

Master Wing Chun: "Haven't you bought it yet?" "

Although many of the chatting crowds are dissatisfied with Xiongba, this time everyone hopes that Xiongba can trigger a group mission with rich rewards.

In this case, they can also try to buy mission cards to trigger group missions and earn bonus points.

[The World Society helped the Lord send a screenshot. ] 】

[Villain mission: Help Qin Shi Huang, who has been sleeping for more than 2,000 years and awakened again, gain immortality, and kill all the existences that prevent Qin Shi Huang and the Terracotta Army from crossing the Great Wall. ] "】

The world will help the Lord: "Wow! Ying Zheng remembered that he owed me a favor, and the old man immediately let Qin Shi Huang of other worlds live forever. "

Great Qin Zulong:".

Space station navigator: "666, let Xiongba help Qin Shi Huang live forever?" "

Graphic designer: "Qin Shi Huang, who has been sleeping for more than two thousand years, doesn't it mean that the timeline where the mission world is located is at least the twentieth century, not the Republic of China, or the modern era?" (Okay)

Gang leader Qiao Feng: "This is a villain mission, how did Qin Shihuang of the mission world become a villain?" "

The chat group is all a little funny and a little puzzled.

Emperor Hongwu: "I wonder if the world where this group mission is located is very powerful?" "

Rainbow Cat Shaoxiao: "As long as you honestly perform the group mission, don't have other ideas, even the group mission of the top world is within the ability of the group members, and there is not much danger." "

Great Qin Zulong: "Xiongba is brave once, think about the consequences of the last group mission." "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Even if you know how powerful the world is, you can't change anything, it's better to enter the group world directly." "

The chatting masses were agitated.

The World Society will help the master: "Great Immortal, I request to deduce the situation of this group mission world. "

Xiongba did not hesitate to deny the agitation of the group members.

Although looking for Daxian to deduce the world situation of the mission, ninety percent of the reward points go to Daxian.

However, knowing the situation in the world of group missions, he was at least slightly relieved.

Otherwise, if you really listen to the ghost talk of Zhang Sanfeng and these people, you will enter the mission world without knowing anything, and maybe a small accident will make him overturn.

Immortal cultivators: "In the Republic of China in 1947, there are demons and monsters, rare beasts, gods and immortals, and witchcraft spells, but the world level is not high. "

Immortal cultivator: "Within the scope of the mission, if thermal weapons are not considered, there is no single person whose combat power exceeds the innate realm." "

Immortal Cultivator: "However, there are thousands of undead armies. "

Immortal Cultivator: "Your luck is good. "

Ye Hao just used the Heavenly Mechanic Technique to deduce and gain insight into the situation in the mission world.

The world where the mummy's Dragon Emperor returns.

The Qin Shi Huang in the mission is the Dragon Emperor.

Ninety percent of the group mission reward belongs to himself, and Ye Hao must provide Xiongba with some more intelligence.

The world will help the Lord: "Thank you Daxian!" "

[The world will help the Lord open the live broadcast room! ] 】

"Next, the old man shows the fake operation!"

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