The mummy's Dragon Emperor returns to the world.

Outside the Great Wall.


A white pillar of light descended from the sky, and the figure of the hero quickly walked out of it.

"Invisibility Talisman!"

Xiongba quickly uses a talisman seal to hide his figure.

He needs to hide in the shadows and take a good look at his surroundings.

"Which one is Qin Shi Huang?"

"It doesn't look like it!"

"I lean! Don't tell me that those aliens are so-called decency? "

"There is a three-headed western dragon flying over, maybe Qin Shihuang is sitting on him, I see two figures on the three-headed black dragon."

Chatting with mass people is also the goal of quickly finding group tasks.

"Ying Zheng, it seems that Qin Shihuang of this world is a hybrid dragon! Even the dragon can't become a dragon. "

Xiongba saw the three-headed black dragon descend on a huge stone statue, turning into a middle-aged man wearing armor, with a cold face and domineering, with a look of disdain, and said.

Ying Zheng: ".

What can he say!

He was also confused!

"Wake up!"

At this moment, the Dragon Emperor on the huge stone statue pulled out the sword on his body and plunged straight into the sky, and the domineering and majestic voice resounded through the firmament.


The ground shook, and one underground passage after another was opened.

Tens of thousands, the military appearance is clean, and the imposing terracotta army stepped out in unison from the underground passage, and the ground was shaken.

Although it is only a terracotta army, through the imposing military array of these terracotta warriors, it can still be seen how elite and invincible the Qin army that unified the six countries back then.

"This is an army of death, they seem to have a curse on them, if they cross the Great Wall, they will completely turn into undead and have certain undead attributes."

793 "With such an undead army, if in ancient times, it might have been able to dominate the world, but unfortunately, it is now the Republic of China." "

Zhang Sanfeng's virtual projection carefully perceived the terracotta warriors one by one, and shook his head slightly.

Under the attack of the modern army, these undead armies will turn into powder even if they do not die, and it is not known when they will be able to recover.

The Dragon Emperor of the Mummy Dragon Emperor returned to the world, obviously did not know the situation in the world at this time, and thought that the world was similar to the original Great Qin.

"Not to mention the rest, this Qin Shi Huang is domineering and majestic enough, making me feel the coercion of the emperor."

Bai Xiaofei's virtual projection circled the Dragon Emperor, constantly looking.

I also used the chat group to shoot a video, intending to wait for the group task to end and find a way to play it out for his girlfriend.

Qin Shi Huang from different worlds does have a lot of commemorative value.

"This task should be very simple for Xiongba, I don't feel a strong person."

Ip Man was about to move.

If the reward for completing the group mission can exceed 10,000 points, he also buys a mission card and tries to open a random group mission.

"Gang Lord, aren't you going to do it now?"

Guo Jing glanced at the enemies of the Dragon Emperor, except for a few barbarians, there were two women with special energy on their bodies, and their strength was also very ordinary.

"No rush!"

The hero is extremely calm.

The thousands of undead that Daisen said have not yet appeared.

If he destroyed these barbarians and ants now, the rewards he would get would definitely be very rare.

"Hahaha, that woman really started to act."

Xiongba looked at a middle-aged woman with special energy on her body, walked into the Great Wall, stood in an altar-like place, and began to cast spells, and couldn't help laughing.

It must have been this woman who unleashed thousands of undead.

"Wait for this day to wake up, when the world is corrupt and chaotic, the rule of law will be restored!"

"Xu must regain the world, never because of his own troubles, Xu Zhaoer, etc., prestige and justice to the world, and wait for Xuan, cross the Great Wall, and live forever."

"Capture the city, kill without mercy!"

The majestic and cold voice of the Dragon Emperor was also inspiring the army.


At this moment, the ground near the Great Wall collapsed, and countless skeleton undead rushed out of it.

"Kill me!"

"Change the arrow array!"

The skeleton undead under the command of a skeleton undead named Guo Ming launched a crowd attack on the terracotta army, and the dragon emperor also commanded the terracotta army to go out of battle.

Chat masses: ".

"I originally thought there would be an earth-shattering battle, how did it turn into a battle of cold weapons mixed with hot weapons?"

"If the two sides are not fighting with the terracotta army and the skeleton undead, it can be regarded as a big war of ordinary people."

Liu Peiqiang was extremely disappointed.

Although the majesty and domineering of the Dragon Emperor impressed him, his strength was still too weak.

Even if the Dragon Emperor crosses the Great Wall with the Terracotta Army and lives forever, they may not be able to defeat the Republic of China army.

He clearly saw some skeletons strafed by machine gun fire into a pile of debris, and apparently could not stand up even if they were not dead.

If you fight with the regular army, strafed by heavy machine guns, bombarded by artillery, and crushed by tanks, the terracotta army simply has no ability to fight back.

"This side of the world is not simple, that woman named Ziyuan, who sacrificed her and her daughter's immortality, actually brought so many skeleton undead back to life, it is obvious that there is a powerful force intervening."

Zhang Sanfeng analyzed, said.

It can only be said that the group task of the hero is simple, and it does not mean that the mummy dragon emperor returns to the world and is a place where the hero can do whatever he wants.

"There are hells, hells, gods, demons in this world, and although they are not powerful, there are still many types of special creatures."

Ye Hao's virtual projection also appeared in the live broadcast room, and at the same time, one of his Yuan Gods also landed in the world of the tomb of the mummy Dragon Emperor.

Intercepted the origin of the underworld, such as hell, hell, and the underworld, and also captured some gods and demons for research.

"I'm too lazy to watch them fight, the old man is going to make a move."

When Xiongba saw Ye Hao's figure also appear, his spirit was immediately shocked, and the imperial sword flew above the two armies, and took out a black mist, eerie, palm-sized banner from the storage bag.

"Royal sword flight, there is an immortal flying with imperial sword in the sky?"

As Xiongba revealed his figure, whether it was the people on the Dragon Emperor side or the people on the Ziyuan side, they all looked at the sky with solemn expressions.

"Hahaha Qin Shi Huang, the old man is here to help you."

"100,000 soul flags for me!"

The male black hair flew and he laughed maniacally.

The black soul banner in his hand instantly became larger, and in an instant, it became a hundred zhang in size, and all the undead soul flags rose a trace of fear the moment they knew about the 100,000 soul flags.

Under the urging of the majestic mana, the 100,000 soul flags glowed with a faint black light, as if a black hole began to devour the souls of the skeleton undead.

"The old man's 100,000 soul flags just need 100,000 undead, just use you to make up the numbers."

A group of skeleton undead with similar strength to ordinary people, facing the 100,000 soul flags, did not have any resistance at all, and they were all swallowed by the 100,000 soul flags in an instant.

Thousands of skeleton undead were devoured by 100,000 soul flags in a moment's effort.

For a while, the black light of 100,000 soul flags flourished, causing the wind and clouds to change color, and the heavens and the earth became obviously dark.

"Why are you helping Qin Shi Huang, once he crosses the Great Wall, he will become an immortal monster and bring great disasters to the world."

Ziyuan looked at the skeleton undead who were taken away by the 100,000 soul flags, and couldn't help but question Xiongba.

"Fengshen legs!"

A cold light flashed in Xiongba's eyes, and his dense legs descended from the sky.

Not only kicked Ziyuan burst, but also kicked all the other people who blocked the Dragon Emperor and the army of terracotta warriors from crossing the immortal life.

The souls of these people were also included in the 100,000 soul flags by him.

It is said that it is so bright and majestic, she has lived for more than 2,000 years, and she has never seen this woman from the aster save the world.

It's just that he has a feud with the Dragon Emperor and doesn't want the Dragon Emperor to be resurrected.

Otherwise, there are so many immortal monsters in this world, and I haven't seen her to kill them.

"One hundred thousand soul flags to kill me!"

Xiongba waved the 100,000 soul flags in his hand, and with a loud shout, thousands of black ghosts flew out from the 100,000 soul flags, covering the sky and exuding a terrifying eerie aura.

Not to mention machine guns, even tanks, cannons hit these black ghosts, and they cannot do the slightest damage to them.

"Qin Shi Huang, what do you think of my 100,000 soul flags?"

Xiongba turned his gaze to the Dragon Emperor and asked.

"This is an artifact."

The Dragon Emperor looked at Xiongba with a jealous expression, and his eyes were also full of longing for the 100,000 soul flags.

Xiongba can easily collect thousands of undead under the Great Wall into 100,000 soul flags, and obey his control.

It can also take away the revenants of the terracotta warriors for their control.

If there was no army of terracotta warriors and horses, there was no hope of him alone to dominate the world and re-establish the Great Qin Empire.

If he also possessed 100,000 soul flags, he could let the undead of the Great Qin soldiers break free from the shackles of the terracotta army and directly fight for him in the state of the undead.

Then Daqin's army will be invincible.

"Will you worship me as your righteous father?"

"If you worship me as your righteous father, I will pass on the refining method of your 100,000 soul flags."

"Moreover, I will pass on your method of cultivating immortals, so that you can not only be immortal, but also have great power."

Xiongba brushed his beard, smiled, and prescribed his own conditions.

When he becomes the righteous father of the Dragon Emperor, how can he fight with him to see the victory of the chat group? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

He is the righteous father of Qin Shi Huang in another world, which is about the same as he is the righteous father of Ying Zheng.

Ye Hao:"".

Hero, you are a real show!

Chatting masses: "??? "。

Ying Zheng: "??? "。。

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