Chat groups.

Heaven and Earth Society Chen General Helm Lord: "666, I can't imagine that Xiongba still has such ambitions, and he actually wants to be the righteous father of Qin Shi Huang." "

Master Wing Chun Yip: "That's excessive!" If Qin Shi Huang of the mission world really agrees, won't Xiongba have another identity, Qin Shi Huang's righteous father, which makes Qin Shi Huang in our chat group embarrassed? "

Xiao Li Feidao: "It is worthy of being a villain, and what he does is always beyond the cognition of ordinary people." "

Great Qin Zulong: "Shameless! The bully is so shameless, I have never seen such a brazen person. "

Ying Zheng's face was livid, and his face was bruised.

If it comes to disgusting people, he is willing to claim dominance as the first person.

First, the Qin Shi Huang Corpse Museum was established, and now he wants to accept Qin Shi Huang, who returned to the world as his righteous son.

Although there is no damage to him, it is indeed evil ~ heart to him.

He can imagine that when he quarrels with Xiongba in the future, Xiongba will definitely say something about his identity as the righteous father of Qin Shi Huang.

Maybe he will shout that he is unfilial.

As soon as he thought of such a picture, Ying Zheng felt his scalp numb.

The world will help the lord: "Old man, this is the opportunity to give Qin Shi Huang to change his life against the sky, without the help of the old man, even if Qin Shi Huang crosses the Great Wall, he will be suppressed by the army of thermal weapons." "

The hero speaks righteously, with a righteous and awe-inspiring face.

"You're fighting for me!"

Ying Zheng looked at the Dragon Emperor of the mummy world, and his heart was very nervous.

If the Dragon Emperor of the mummy world is really tempted by Xiongba and recognizes Xiongba, the righteous father, I am afraid that he will often be disgusted by Xiongba in the future.

"If you help Xuan, Xu can make you a Great Qin State Master, under one person and above ten thousand people."

The Dragon Emperor forcibly endured his anger and opened his own chips.

If it weren't for the great strength and strange means of the hegemon, he would have ordered the army to attack the hegemon.

"Times are different, you should see the power of the weapons in the hands of those barbarians just now."

"At this time, the Kyushu Kingdom already has millions of troops, and their weapons are more powerful than those barbarian weapons."

"You can fight those troops first, and then consider my advice."

Xiongba's face remained unchanged, and a cold light flashed in the depths of his eyes.

This Qin Shi Huang is too ignorant.

When the group task is completed, if the other party does not recognize him as the righteous father, don't blame him for using violent means.

"Wait for the decay, cross the Great Wall, and live forever!"

The Dragon Emperor did not have any hesitation, and commanded the army of terracotta warriors and horses to quickly cross the Great Wall.

As long as they cross the Great Wall, the terracotta warriors will be free from the curse of the Aster Garden, and all of them will become undead.

"Boom!" , "Boom! "Boom! "

Thousands of terracotta army marched in neat steps, golden iron horses, swallowing mountains and rivers, quickly crossing the Great Wall.

As they crossed the Great Wall, the stone figurines on the terracotta warriors fell off, revealing figures that were pitch black and filled with a strange and eerie atmosphere.

As long as you don't kill the souls of these undead, you can't kill these undead armies.

"How do you think about it?"

As the Terracotta Army and the Dragon Emperor both crossed the Great Wall, the breath of the heavenly and human realm on the hero was also released, making the wind and clouds change color and everything was silent.

To his left, the magic weapon of the Foundation Building Realm swallowed terrifying mana, like a fierce beast, choosing people to eat.

To his right, the 100,000 soul flags rose to the wind, turning into a hundred-square-foot black banner again, faintly visible to thousands of undead, ready to destroy everything at any time.

"Xiongba, you have alarmed the gods of the mission world."

Ye Hao shook his head slightly and reminded.

Although the chat group will cover the heavenly machine and breath of the group members, the hero takes the initiative to release the breath of his own heavenly and human realm.

In the mummy world, the Heavenly and Human Realm is a very powerful force.

Not to mention a warrior.

The surging qi and blood formed a red blood column that rushed straight into the sky.

These qi and blood are a huge nemesis for the weak undead, just to the yang.

However, for the powerful undead, it is a great supplement.

For the gods and demons of the mummy world, it is also a great supplement. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


Xiongba controlled the flying sword, instantly cut off the head of the Dragon Emperor, and held it in his hand.

"Go back immediately!"

Xiongba hurriedly communicated with the chat group.


In an instant, the figure of the hero disappeared into the mummy world.

The world will help the Lord: "Thank you Daxian, kneel to Daxian!" "

After discovering that he had successfully returned to the Fengyun World, Xiongba quickly thanked Ye Hao.

"Ding-dong! Mission completion will reward 500,000 points. "

At this moment, the prompt of the group system sounded.

[The World Society will help the Lord send a red envelope to the immortal cultivator. 】

Xiongba did not pause and issued 450,000 points to Ye Hao.

[The immortal cultivator received the red envelope. 】

Ye Hao also did not have any politeness.

This is the agreement he made with the chat crowd before, as long as he deduces the mission world of the heavenly machine, he will be able to get ninety percent of the reward points.

The world will help the Lord: "Unfortunately, Qin Shi Huang does not know how to lift, if he recognizes the old man as a righteous father, the old man will not only teach him the three points of returning to the vitality and Xuanwu true skills, but also teach him the true skills of the five elements." "

The world will help the lord: "Hehe is not only beheaded by the old man now, but when he encounters the army of the Republic of China, I am afraid he is also vulnerable." "

Xiongba sneered.

Da Qin Zulong: "Xiongba, you are very good. "

Da Qin Zulong: "You'd better pray that the random mission opened by Xu is not a group mission in your world, otherwise, hehe"

Murderous intent surged in Ying Zheng's eyes.

Da Qin Zulong: "Everyone should try the task card to open random tasks right away, right?" "

Daqin Zulong: "As long as it is a group mission that triggers the dominating world, invite Xu to participate in the group mission together, do not want the point reward, and also buy half of the points of the mission card." "

Since Xiongba wanted to be the sixth elder so much, he asked Xiongba to join the chat group, and the news of obtaining the method of cultivating immortals spread throughout the Fengyun World.

Let him completely hide in the shadows, surrounded and hunted down by all forces in the world.

"Ding-dong! The world will help the master upload the head of the undead Qin Shi Huang, this item is a non-martial arts commodity, the chat group will not buy it, and you can hang it at any price and sell it in the miscellaneous goods area. "

At this moment, a prompt from the group system sounded.

[The World Society helped the Lord send a screenshot. ] 】

[The head of the undead Qin Shi Huang: 1 trillion points, this head contains the secret of immortality. ] 】

The world will help the master: "What do you think of this product?" "

He wants to hang this head in the points mall forever.

Let every chat group member enter the points mall to see this sky-high Qin Shi Huang's head.

The world will help the lord: "Great Qin Zulong, hasn't Your Majesty always wanted to live forever?" It's better to buy this head directly. "

The world will help the lord: "Qin Shi Huang of the mission world just now, he has three heads, you can completely attach this immortal head to your shoulder and become a two-headed Qin Shi Huang, saying that he must be immortal." "

Great Qin Zulong:".

Chat masses: "Four.

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