Bright Sword World.

"What about people?"

"Why are all the people gone?"

In the military conference hall, the headmaster was pale and looked at the conference room tremblingly, as if he had seen a ghost.

In the previous conference hall, there were dozens of figures.

In the blink of an eye, these dozens of figures disappeared out of thin air.

If it weren't for the fact that I secretly pinched myself, I felt a huge pain.

He probably thought it was an illusion.

All of his generals disappeared.

Did he encounter a ghost?

Or meet the immortals?

"Why are the people gone?"

"What about General Yang? And General Liu? Go find it, find it for me! "

"Ghost! General Ma disappeared directly! "

"What the hell is going on? What about my subordinates? Why is it all gone? "

In addition to the principal, the heads of the other generals were all in shock and shock.

All of their generals disappeared.

Without these generals, they would lose control of their armies and their rule would collapse in an instant.

Moreover, there are still so many devils in the territory of Kyushu Country.

These generals have all disappeared, who will command the army to fight the devils?

This panic and panic lasted for about a quarter of an hour, and under the surprised looks of these responsible persons, these generals reappeared.

"What the hell is going on?"

This is something that all those in charge are extremely concerned about.

"A great god summoned us over and let us lead troops to attack Fuso."

"This great god directly threw millions of ghosts into the eighteen-layer hell, and now there are no ghosts in Kyushu."

"Don't say anything, we're ready to fight."

Except for the Eighth Route Army, the generals in charge of the other leaders only briefly introduced what happened, and then quickly rushed to their own troops.

They quickly summoned their staff officers to discuss how to better complete the task of the Great God.

Compared to the Great Immortal, their person in charge is not worth mentioning at all.

"Buzz~", "Buzz~", "Buzz~"

Soon, when Ye Hao's appointed time arrived, millions of Kyushu troops were directly moved by him to the surroundings of Fusang in an instant.

Moreover, all of these people's hands were exchanged by Ye Hao for Fuso's weapons.

With the blessing of Ye Hao's Divine Meditation Technique, these millions of Jiuzhou troops did not panic, but looked around extremely calmly.


"Whoever can move, let me move everything."

Li Yunlong commanded the new group of soldiers, extremely excited, and said.

Fuso is much more developed than Kyushu Country, and if they move all their factories back to Kyushu Country, they can definitely greatly increase the heritage of Kyushu Country.

Other armies were also frantically attacking Fuso.

Especially after the Air Force and Navy accepted Fuso's weapons, they continued to bombard Fuso.

In order to fulfill the great immortal's command and get more contributions, their purpose is simple.

They just plainly told everyone in Fuso that they had come to destroy Fuso.

"What's going on? What the hell is going on? Why was even the royal palace attacked? "

Inside a bomb shelter, Emperor Fuso turned livid and said.

The entire capital was bombarded by unknown enemies, causing Fuso to suffer heavy losses.

This is an unprecedented humiliation for Fuso.

In Kyushu Country, they are invincible.

Internationally, they are on an equal footing with the Western powers.

In the future, Fuso will definitely become the most powerful country in the world.

As a result, what a shame it is to be beaten to the mainland?

"Find out! It's the army of Kyushu Country! "

"They had an army of millions to kill Fuso, and they declared that they would destroy Fuso and execute all nobles and officials."

The head of intelligence hurriedly prayed.

"What about our army?"

"And the Guards Division?"

Emperor Fuso looked hideous and roared hysterically.

The Fuso army was invincible in Kyushu, although it did not destroy Kyushu within three months.

However, it has successfully occupied most of the territory of Kyushu.

It won't be long before Kyushu becomes the territory of Fuso.

He would also become Fuso's greatest emperor.

However, now he was told that millions of troops from the Kyushu Kingdom had entered Fuso.

He even declared that he wanted to kill all the nobles, how could he endure this?

Because, royalty is also nobility.

"Your Majesty, whether it is the Guards Division, or the Army, Air Force and Navy, all of them cannot be contacted."

"We couldn't even contact a single Fuso soldier."

"It's as if all the Fuso soldiers have disappeared."

The army chief of Fuso looked shocked and said in a hoarse voice.


It's so weird!

He felt something great terror enveloping Fuso.

"What do we do now?"

All the high-ranking Fuso officials felt the weirdness and horror of things.

Without an army, how can they resist the millions of troops of Kyushu Country?

Moreover, these Kyushu armies did what they said, and wherever they attacked, nobles and officials were all killed.

Even the Eighth Route Army, which treated prisoners favorably, did not show any mercy.

"According to the intelligence on the front line, the army of Kyushu Country is simply not afraid of death, and in the face of the temporarily recruited troops in various places, the generals of the Kyushu Kingdom are all in the lead, and all the temporarily recruited troops are on the verge of collapse."

With Ye Hao's help, even if Fuso was besieged by millions of Kyushu troops, the communication system and intelligence system were still intact, and the situation in various places could be known at the first time.

Even more efficient than usual.

"No matter what weirdness and conspiracy, the empire will never fail!"

After determining that the Kyushu national army would not only destroy Fuso, but also kill all Fuso nobles and officials, the Fuso high-level achieved unprecedented unity in an instant.

Even if all the ordinary people of Fuso are killed, they will never retreat.

"I want to deliver an important speech to the people of Fuso!"

Emperor Fuso looked fierce.

Even if there are gods to help Kyushu Country, Fuso will not be defeated.

Because, at this time, he was also the deity of Fuso, the incarnation of the god of Fuso.

As long as he gives an order, tens of millions of Fuso people will be willing to die for him.

"It's finally started!"

Above Fuso, Ye Hao saw the actions of Emperor Fuso, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but outline a smile.

Most of the people of Fuso were brainwashed into fanatical extremists, and they were even more respectful of the Emperor Fuso.

Not to mention that the emperor asked them to take up arms to slow down the attack of the Kyushu army, or let them commit suicide, I am afraid that tens of thousands of people will obey the emperor's orders.

"Daxian is going to earn over this time, at least the reward of tens of millions of points is 0........"

Li Xunhuan looked at the frenzied, fierce, and vicious Fuso who fell into fanaticism, fierceness, and viciousness at the instigation of Emperor Fuso, with a look of envy. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Because, after these Fuso people responded to the call of Emperor Fuso, they became soldiers.

At the same time, they also become 1 point for the group mission reward.

"I wonder if the Great Immortal will get more than 100 million points?"

Chen Jinnan couldn't help swallowing spit, only feeling dry mouth.

Daisen is also a chat group administrator and has the privilege of bonus points*2.

As long as you kill 50 million Fuso soldiers, you can get a reward of 100 million points.

What a horrific figure is that?

"If the high-level mission cards can trigger similar group missions, it is a high-level mission card with 1 million points, which can also be purchased."

Yue Buqun was extremely eager.

He may not be able to do such a big deal as Daxian and control the entire Fusang Kingdom in the palm of his hand.

However, with his current strength, combined with the weapons of the world of science and technology, he is confident that he can kill more than a million Fuso soldiers in one day.

"Emperor Fuso, as a reward, you will become the first evil demon to be beaten into the eighteenth level of hell and never be able to surpass life!"

After Emperor Fuso's speech ended and tens of millions of Fuso soldiers began to build positions in Fuso, Ye Hao knew it was time to do it himself.

"Six realms of reincarnation!"


Ye Hao was powerful, and an underground mansion that was even a hundred times larger than the Earth of the Bright Sword World appeared.

As Ye Hao's strength improved, the prefecture of the Bright Sword World was even more advanced than the prefecture of the Qiannu Ghost World.

"Fireball technique!"

At this moment, Ye Hao flicked his fingers, and a lilac fireball was ejected by him.


The chatting crowd had been watching Ye Hao's movements, watching a lilac fireball that Ye Hao ejected, and they were all slightly stunned.

This is one of the simplest five-element spells.

What did Daisen do with such a simple spell?


The next moment, the lilac fireball turned into a sea of fire in the sky, completely shrouding Fuso.

"Drip!" , "Drip! "Drip! "

A 0.4 drop of lilac, like a raindrop, fell from the sky, densely, and fell on the body of every Fuso soldier.

In an instant, the bodies of these Fuso soldiers turned into ashes, and their souls were taken away by the prefecture and thrown into the eighteenth layer of hell.

"Ah! This is the wrath of the gods, all those who fought for the emperor, all died, and the emperor must be the embodiment of the devil. "

"Tenjin, I didn't participate in the battle, I didn't participate in the battle, don't kill me."

"This must be the god of Kyushu Country, I have long said that you can't attack Kyushu Country, you have to attack Kyushu Country, and now you are all dead, right?" Please God forgive me for my lowly me. "

"Hahaha dead, all dead! Fuso is gone! "

At this moment, all the remaining Fuso people who did not die had empty eyes, looking at the sea of fire in the sky with a shocked expression.

"Is this a god?"

The generals of the Kyushu Kingdom looked at the sea of fire in the sky in awe at this time, trembling.

The Great God is simply boundless, and his mana is endless.

Burning tens of millions of Fuso soldiers to ashes in an instant, what a terrifying divine power?

"From today onwards, there will be no more Fuso Kingdom, who approves? Who dares to be right? "

Ye Hao's voice sounded clearly in the ears of every Fusang person.

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