"Swoosh~", "Swish~", "Swish~"

In an instant, another endless heavenly fire descended, and everything that did not open his mouth in favor turned into ashes again.

"Great God spare your life!"

"God spare your life!"

"Fuso is the most evil country under the sky, I have long wanted to let it perish, thank you for the help of the great god, so that I can no longer be a Fuso person."

The rest of the Fuso people were all silent and kept bowing.

"Shangxian Shenwei!"

"Great God's magic power is boundless!"

"Great Immortal God is powerful!"

And the millions of Kyushu troops in the territory of Fusang looked extremely fanatical, looking at Ye Hao's gaze like a god, and shouted one after another.

Fuso became a thing of the past with the wave of the Great God's hand, how heaven-defying and powerful.

"Fuso will be the territory of our Kyushu Kingdom in the future?"

Li Yunlong was in a trance, and some felt unreal.

Just today, the devils also surrounded and suppressed them, causing heavy losses to the troops.

In the blink of an eye, the army of ghosts was not only completely destroyed, but even the country of Fuso became a thing of the past.

Even Fuso Island became the territory of Kyushu Country.

"The world pattern will change drastically in the future."

Chu Yunfei's eyes on the side were scorching and flashing with essence.

The appearance of the great god has completely changed everyone's perception of the world, and it turns out that in their world, there are still gods with boundless magic power and vast powers.

And this powerful deity was on the side of their Kyushu Kingdom.

In the future, let alone the countries around Kyushu Country, that is, Western powers such as Bald Eagle and Sunset Country, they will face Kyushu Country 08 head lower.

"Either way, the state is going to rise throughout."

Chu Yunfei was excited, and said.

As a soldier, there is nothing more gratifying than seeing your country flourish.

According to Daisen's previous promise, in addition to Fuso, even Maple Leaf, Siam, Annan and other countries will reward the generals who participated.

In other words, all of these territories will become the territory of Kyushu Country.

"Don't rejoice too early, in this case, I'm afraid Kyushu Country will also become the target of everyone."

Ding Wei and Kong Jie also walked over with an excited face, Ding Wei converged the smile on his face, a little worried, and said.

It is impossible for the gods to keep an eye on earthly affairs.

Otherwise, it would not have been possible not to appear in the world for so long.

When the gods leave, the world still depends on ordinary people like them.

"The Great Immortal wants to reward us with the territories of Fuso, Maple Leaf, Siam and other countries, how huge is the sum of so many territories?"

"Not to mention the bald eagle, even the territory of the polar bear is far from comparable to the Kyushu country."

"With such a large population and such a large territory, other countries may feel a great threat, and they will even join forces to weaken Kyushu."

Ding Wei analyzed, said.

"Afraid of what? Just fight with them! "

"With the weapon production base of Fuso, even if the eight-nation coalition army comes a few more times, I will be able to fight them back."

Kong Jie was unimpressed and said.

The gap between the weapons of Kyushu Country and Fuso was so big before, they did not flinch, let alone now.

"This is the territory that the great god rewards us, how can we spit out the meat in our mouths?"

Li Yunlong didn't care at all.

He was also afraid that the devil was gone, and there would be no battle in the future.

If countries such as Bald Eagle and Sunset Country really dare to send large armies to attack, he will let these people come and go.

"You say, the great god gave us the territories of Maple Leaf, Siam, Annam, and other countries, what will happen to the people on these territories?"

Chu Yunfei looked strange and said.

These territories are not ownerless.

"Who knows?"

At this time, the other generals of Kyushu Kingdom were also discussing this issue and looked at each other.

"The bald eagle is a free country, and the people on these territories will give it to the bald eagle."

Ye Hao's heart moved, and all the populations of Maple Leaf, Siam and other countries were directly moved to the territory of the bald eagle.

"For the sake of world peace, there is no need for steel."

At the same time, in the Bright Sword World, except for the Kyushu Kingdom, everything with iron in other countries turned into fine iron and flew into the territory of the Kyushu Country.

Since then, other countries have not been able to make guns and cannons, they just want to make a fruit knife and can't find a little iron.

"I don't know if there will be a chance to come to the Bright Sword World in the future, so if that's the case, let's do more things."

Ye Hao let the artificial intelligence little star he obtained in the Star World leave an artificial intelligence for Kyushu Country.

It contains advanced technology that can travel in space.

If Kyushu has the ability to dominate the world in the future, artificial intelligence will provide them with certain scientific and technological help.


Ye Hao's magical power takes the earth as the core, and lays a spirit gathering array in the solar system, concentrating the cosmic energy in the solar system to the Kyushu country on the earth.


Then, Ye Hao instantly opened the eight veins of all the Kyushu people in the Bright Sword World, and the caves in their bodies, raising them to the martial arts grandmaster realm.

At the same time, a piece of exercises was printed in everyone's mind, a catalog of the gods of war from the rainy and cloudy world.

Once someone can break through to the Heaven and Human Realm, they will be able to shatter the void and soar to the Earth Mansion.

The space of the prefecture that Ye Hao condensed in the Bright Sword World was a hundred times larger than the earth, except that the core of the prefecture needed to maintain the cycle of life and death of the earth.

Most of the space of the Earth Mansion is empty, and even if everyone on the earth enters it, it will seem extremely empty.

Moreover, the rules of the prefecture are also high enough, and it is enough to swallow the energy of the universe, which is enough to give birth to a warrior comparable to the level of the Convergence Realm.

"Maple Leaf Country returns to the Whampoa Army."

"Kyushu country returned to the Eighth Route Army."

"Siam returns to the Gui Army."

"Annan returned to the Jin Sui Army."

Then, Ye Hao began to divide the territory.

"Heavenly Mechanics!"

Ye Hao probed the future of the Bright Sword World and found that there were no problems in the prefecture, so he did not continue to deduce.

The prefecture is the real card that truly guarantees the eternal prosperity of Kyushu Country.

The priesthood of the prefecture must be a Kyushu person. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Under Ye Hao's influence, the probability of giving birth to scientific and technological geniuses and martial arts geniuses in Kyushu Country will be more than a thousand times that of other countries.

When Ye Hao finished these things, the time for the group task also came, and Ye Hao and the chatting masses also left the Bright Sword World in an instant.

"Dingdong, mission completed, you kill 65.23 million Fuso soldiers and reward 65.23 million points."

"Ding-dong! Complete hidden missions and destroy Fuso and reward 5 million points. "

"Ding-dong! Complete hidden missions, Wubu the world, and reward 1 million points. "

At the same time, the prompt tone of the group system also sounds.

"Ding-dong! Immortal cultivators are chat group administrators, trigger administrator bonus points*2 permissions, and you get 142.47 million points. "

Xiao Li Feidao: "Daxian, how many points did you get?" More than 100 million? "

Huashan Paiyue is in charge: "Curiosity +1." "

Master Wing Chun: "Curiosity +2." "

Space station navigator: "Curiosity +3." "

[The immortal cultivator sent a screenshot.] 】

Graphic designer: "My eyes will be blinded, more than 140 million points!" "

In the corpse brother world, Bai Xiaofei's whole person was stunned, and his head was dizzy.

This number is too scary.

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "I don't know if I can get so many points in my life." "

Guo Jing: "It's really a number that makes people tremble. "

Princess Changping: "Worship JPG. "

The chatter looked at the numbers on the screenshot, only to feel that their eyes were staring at Venus and their heads were blank.

More than 140 million points!

It's terrifying!

【Administrator: Immortal Cultivator】

[Points: 190.63 million.] 】

[Realm: Early Planetary Realm (0/50 million). 】

[Exercise: Star Immortal Technique.] 】

And Ye Hao's gaze at this time was also on his personal page, looking at the points above, a strong smile appeared on his face.

"Raise the realm!"

Ye Hao communication chat group.

"Ding-dong! Deduct 50 million points, mid-planetary realm (0/70 million). "


Mid-Planetary Realm!

"Keep improving!"

Ye Hao ordered.

"Ding-dong! Deduct 70 million points, late planetary realm (0/100 million). "


Late Planetary Realm!

At this time, the planets in Ye Hao's dantian, the spiritual energy of all things in heaven and earth above had already formed a dense mist, and the entire planet changed color and green, full of endless vitality.

Even if ordinary beings are not proficient in any cultivation methods, surviving on the planets within Ye Hao's Dantian can easily reach the Jiedan realm.

The lilac flames that pervaded around Planet 440 became darker in color and became more terrifying.

Without any magical powers, a wisp of Star True Fire could burn a Fusion Realm cultivator.

The planet's inner nucleus is becoming hotter and hotter, transforming into the sun's eukaryote.

Once the star core in the planet becomes the sun eucore, Ye Hao will also step into another realm, the Primordial Realm.

"It takes 100 million points to ascend to the peak of the Planet Realm in the late stage of the Planet Realm?"

However, after Ye Hao saw the points needed for the next upgrade, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but tremble a few times.

Fortunately, with the chat group upgraded, it became much easier to earn points.

Otherwise, relying on the efficiency of obtaining points before upgrading and obtaining 100 million points is simply a desperate number.

【Administrator: Immortal Cultivator】

[Points: 70.63 million. 】

[Realm: Late Planetary Realm (0/100 million). 】

[Exercise: Star Immortal Technique.] 】

[Divine powers: Instant Killing Dafa (330,000/1 million), Six Reincarnation Techniques (320,000/1 million). 】

[Alchemist: Six Grades (Synchronized with the Realm). 】

[Heavenly Mechanic: Sanpin (54/1 million). 】

[Formation Master: Sanpin (64/1 million). 】

[Fu Shi: Sanpin (570,000/1 million). 】

[Alchemist: Four Grades (5.6 million/10 million). 】

[Royal Beast Master: Sanpin (890,000/1 million). 】

However, when Ye Hao threw himself into the data on his personal page, his face looked much better.

Whether it is a magical spell or an auxiliary system, they will automatically improve with the evolution of the planet.

Especially after he controlled the Star True Fire, the realm of the alchemist improved the most rapidly.

Not only did he become a fourth-grade alchemist, but he was not even far from becoming a fifth-grade alchemist.

Immortal Cultivator: "I still have a high-level crossing card, I don't know what chance I can get?" "

Ye Hao was looking forward to it.

The chatting masses who were immersed in Ye Hao's acquisition of horror reward points, looked at Ye Hao's news, and their faces instantly distorted.

They haven't digested the huge impact of 140 million points, and now they are going to suffer a critical hit?

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