Shifting Flower Palace Lord: "High-level crossing card, crossing the world randomly, must cross to a place of chance, the great immortal may be able to obtain the opportunity to improve his strength." "

Huashan sent Yue in charge: "I wish Daxian a supreme opportunity." "

"Permissions are such a good thing!"

Yue Buqun looked envious and longing.

Daxian now not only has several special permissions for chat group administrators, but now even the points mall has special permissions.

The benefits these special permissions brought to Daxian made him salivate and drool for three thousand zhang.

"I must also find a way to get special permissions for chat groups."

Yue Buqun was vicious and said.

Once he is able to obtain special permissions for chat groups, he can quickly rise in chat groups.

He will become the strongest in the chat group under the Great Immortal.

Space Station Navigator: "If the world traversed by the advanced crossing card is useful to the Great Immortal, then how advanced will the world traverse be?" "

Space station navigator: "I'm afraid it's much more advanced than Qin Yu's world." "

Liu Peiqiang is very affirmative.

Space Station Navigator: "I wonder if the advanced crossing card can bring others into the traversal world together?" "

Liu Peiqiang very much wants to enter the advanced world to see.

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helm Lord: "The Hongmeng masters of Qin Yu's world have lived for more than a thousand Yanji, so in a world that is more advanced than Qin Yu's world, how powerful should the strong one be and how long has he lived?" "

Chen Jinnan felt that his imagination was too narrow to imagine it at all.

Graphic designer: "I'm afraid it's a terrifying world full of gods and demons, and there are many fairy Buddhas like dogs." "

The chatting masses were all extremely curious about the world that the advanced crossing card might open.

The power of advanced mission cards, they have deeply experienced.

The power of the high-level crossing card is probably beyond their imagination.

"I have now broken through to the late stage of the Planetary Realm, enough to kill cultivators at the peak of the Combined Body Realm, my doppelganger puppets, and magic weapons cannot keep up with my realm."

Ye Hao did not immediately use the Advanced Crossing Card.

Although the advanced crossing card will definitely cross to the land of chance, it means that the possibility of danger is too small.

However, Ye Hao felt that it was better to be careful.

He planned to let his doppelganger enter the traversing world, and the body would temporarily stay in the cave mansion of the Blue Blood Sword World.

"Fortunately, I obtained the inheritance of the Star Secret in the Star World, and there are many precious spars in it, which are enough to refine magic weapons below the Immortal Dao."

This time, Ye Hao didn't need to worry about not having spirit stones.

Ye Hao let his doppelgänger puppet, the vest Ye Chen, enter the fairy world again, and did not go to the headquarters of the Wanxiang Building again.

Instead, head to Taiyi Gate, which is located hundreds of millions of miles away.

Whether it is the Kingdom of Zhao or the territory where the Great Shang Empire is located, there is a unified title, Taiyi Continent.

As the name suggests, it is named after the etheric gate.

Taiyimon is an Immortal Dao sect, a super sect that once gave birth to immortals.

Ye Hao did not go to Taiyimen to trade with Taiyimen.

It is because there is a trading market near Taiyi Gate, Duobaoxuan.

No one knew what Duo Baoxuan's background was, only Immortal Dao-level sects or forces were qualified to let them settle in.

Duo Bao Xuan never forced to settle in, the sect was willing, and they chose a location nearby to establish Duo Bao Xuan.

If the sect is not willing, they will not have the slightest nostalgia.

"Upgrade the Instant Killing Dafa!"

The Zhao Kingdom where Ye Hao is located is too far away from the Taiyi Gate, or the information jade Jian he purchased at the headquarters of the Vientiane Building, and found the information about the Taiyi Gate.

In order to allow himself to reach the Taiyi Gate faster, Ye Hao chose to improve the Instant Killing Dafa.

"Ding-dong! Deduct 670,000 points, upgrade successfully! Instant Killing Dafa (0/10 million. )"

"Keep improving."

Ye Hao pondered and continued.

The Instantaneous Killing Method involves top rules such as time rules, space rules, etc., and the higher he upgrades, the deeper his comprehension of these top rules.

If you control space shifting, teleportation, time acceleration, etc., it will be much more convenient to rush in the future.

"Ding-dong! Deduct 10 million points and upgrade successfully! Instantaneous Killing Dafa (0/100 million. )"

After the upgrade was successful, Ye Hao rushed towards the Taiyi Gate.

Anyway, it was just a doppelganger puppet at the level of the God Realm, and Ye Hao didn't care, and he was in a hurry along the way completely through the Instant Killing Dafa.

"It is worthy of the Immortal Dao Sect."

Very lucky, Ye Hao reached his destination safely along the way and saw that Taiyimen was recruiting disciples.

The basic standard, a cultivator of the Jiedan Realm within two hundred years old.

In other words, only those who break through to the Jiedan Realm within the age of two hundred are eligible to become outer disciples of the Taiyi Sect.

Jiedan Realm cultivators who are more than two hundred years old will not accept any of them.

"Duo Bao Xuan!"

Ye Hao glanced at it a few times and went to the Taiyi Immortal City, which was controlled by the Taiyi Gate.

Duo Baoxuan was stationed in Taiyi Immortal City.

On the surface, Duo Baoxuan looked like a hundred-zhang-sized pavilion, but the inside was completely a cave space, which was even larger than the space of the earth.

There were thousands of monks inside, most of them from the Taiyi Gate.

"Buy three seven-rank spirit sword magic weapons, and three seven-rank doppelganger puppets."

Ye Hao walked to the seven-pin commodity area and said. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Only the magic weapon of the Tribulation Realm level, as well as the doppelgänger puppet, can allow Ye Hao's doppelganger to exert its true strength.

"'I pay with this spiritual material.'"

Ye Hao said and took out a few pieces of superb spar from the Star Great World.

"These spiritual materials are very rare! The old man has never seen it. "

"However, it can be determined that this is at least a seventh-grade spirit material."

The person in charge of trading with Ye Hao, Ye Hao could faintly feel that the other party should be a cultivator who crossed the Tribulation Realm.

"A hundred pieces of this spiritual material."

This Tribulation Realm cultivator directly took out three seven-rank magic weapon spirit swords, and three seven-rank doppelganger puppets were placed in front of Ye Hao.


Ye Hao took out 100 top-grade spirit crystals, and then sent the magic weapon and the doppelganger puppet to the body.

As for whether Duo Baoxuan's people would find anything from the extreme spar, Ye Hao was not worried.

The big deal is that his doppelganger was killed.

Anyway, there are no treasures on his doppelganger.

"In the future, I will live in Taiyi Immortal City."

Ye Hao's doppelganger found an inn in Taiyi Immortal City to live in (the money is good), and he planned to familiarize himself with it for a while and then buy a cave mansion in Taiyi Immortal City.

As for his original identity in the Zhao Guo Linghe Sect, Ye Hao no longer cared.

"Use the Advanced Traversal Card."

After Ye Hao quickly refined the three doppelganger puppets and three magic weapons, he communicated with the chat group.

"Do you use advanced crossing cards?"

The prompt tone of the group system sounded in Ye Hao's ears.


Ye Hao replied.


Ye Hao directly let a doppelganger puppet enter the traversing world with a seven-rank magic weapon.

【Ding-dong! Immortal cultivators start live streaming. 】

【Ding-dong! Xiao Li Feidao entered the live broadcast room! 】

【Ding-dong! Great Qin Zulong entered the live broadcast room! 】

【Ding-dong! Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist priest entered the live broadcast room! 】

The chatting masses have always been curious about what kind of top world Ye Hao will enter, and the moment they saw Ye Hao open the live broadcast, there was no hesitation, and everyone instantly entered the live broadcast room.

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