Perfect big world.


A silent figure descended.

"Is this a barbarian tribe?"

"I can feel the incomparably rich heaven and earth energy of this world, and it is definitely a high-level world."

"Didn't you say that it came to the land of chance? What's the chance here? "

"This barbarian tribe doesn't seem to have any strong people."

The virtual projection of the chatting masses hurriedly entered the stone village, carefully perceiving the situation in the stone village, and was very confused.

"Who is Your Excellency?"

At this moment, the people in the stone village also noticed Ye Hao's figure and looked at Ye Hao vigilantly.

Not long ago, the four major clans of the Purple Mountain Clan, the Thunder Clan, the Luofu Daze and the Golden Wolf Tribe besieged Shicun.

If it weren't for the strength of their sacrificial spirit Willow God, maybe the stone village would have been destroyed.

Now they are extremely wary of outsiders.

"Is it the perfect world?"

Ye Hao looked at the people in the stone village, as well as a willow tree in the stone village with a diameter of more than ten meters thick, only a scorched black trunk, and a green willow branch, running the Heavenly Mechanic Technique, and instantly insight into some information.

"This person is dangerous."

A divine thought sounded in the ears of everyone in Shicun.

At this time, Liu Shen was still in the Nirvana period, extremely weak, and she found that she couldn't sense any of Ye Hao's breath at all.

As for how Ye Hao appeared in Shicun, she didn't even notice it.

Today, for her, it may be a catastrophe.


The faces of everyone in Shicun changed drastically, and there was a trace of panic in their eyes.

Especially the head of Shimura, he knew how terrifying the sacrificial spirit of Shicun was.

Now even the sacrificial spirits think that the young man who suddenly appeared is dangerous, so how powerful is this young man?

"Don't worry, I just happened to be here."

480 Ye Hao smiled slightly.

"You're really not a bad person?"

A child who looked to be about four years old, with long black and silky hair and big and bright eyes, looked at Ye Hao very curiously.

"I'm here looking for opportunity."

Ye Hao's gaze turned to the depths of the Primordial Mountain Range, where four fierce beasts were fighting fiercely.

He originally thought that the chance of the high-level crossing card was to come to Shicun.

Now I found that there was another opportunity.

"This relic is mine."

A poor and boundless one, standing up to the sky, not knowing how many miles high, towered into the clouds.

His eyes were blue and faint, like two lakes embedded in the sky dome, with a diameter of several miles, and the murderous aura was terrifying.


What responded to him was a huge iron rod, thick as a pillar supporting the sky, sweeping across, the wind howling, the mountains and rocks flying, and the clouds and mist.

The owner of the iron rod is a golden body with three eyes on his head.

In another direction, a small red bird appears, the body is a Suzaku.

He had a shocking battle with another terrifying fierce bird, the Sky Devouring Sparrow.

The sky-swallowing sparrow is too big, its figure is pressed all over the sky, one wing crosses, like a hundred thousand mountains pressing, a pair of eyes like two rounds of blood moons, fierce temper, making people's souls tremble.

The four fierce beasts are fighting fiercely, as if they have come to the opening of the sky, one moment away from the fire, the other moment dark clouds, the other iron rod across the sky...

They were fighting for a cube, a piece of crystal white bone.

When Zhu Wei and Suzaku were fighting, they also cared about the ordinary creatures around them and tried to protect them from harm.

And where the Sky Swallowing Sparrow and Poor Qi are, blood is drifting, and even take the initiative to launch a beast tide to slaughter the creatures around (AICD).

"The inheritance of the Supreme Hall!"

"The Six Reincarnation Heavenly Skills and the Ten Fierce Treasure Art Cursive Sword Technique correspond to my Six Reincarnation Techniques and the Instant Killing Dafa."

"It's related to me!"

Ye Hao's eyes lit up, and his figure instantly disappeared in place.

"Instantaneous Killing Dafa!"

Ye Hao was powerful, and the sword qi turned into two true fires burst out, instantly cutting off the heads of Poor Qi and Heaven Devouring Sparrow.

At the same time, the Yuan God who ran the six reincarnation techniques to capture the two fierce beasts.

"Sure enough, it's chance!"

Ye Hao grabbed the crystalline jade-like bone block, and his face couldn't help but show a smile.

Suzaku, Zhu Ji: "??? "。

The hair and feathers on the bodies of the two fierce beasts of Suzaku and Zhu Wei all stood upside down, and a terrifying cold aura enveloped them.

Poor Qi and Heaven Swallowing Sparrow are powerhouses of the same level as them!

The pinnacle of His Holiness Realm!

If the gods do not come out, the world is invincible!

However, such two powerful ferocious beasts were killed by this mysterious person in an instant.

What is this realm?

True God Realm?

Celestial God Realm?

Or is it more terrifying?

"Don't be nervous, see the person who has a share."

Ye Hao grabbed the bodies of Poor Qi and Heaven Swallowing Sparrow and flew towards Shicun.

"Let's keep up."

Suzaku hesitated and quickly followed.

He knew that direction, in that stone village, there was a mysterious sacrificial spirit, at least a true god-level powerhouse.


Zhu Wei scratched his head, gritted his teeth, and followed.

Since this mysterious powerhouse who appeared was able to kill him in seconds and did not kill him, it means that he no longer intends to kill him.

Moreover, since such a strong man is willing to share the mountain treasure with him, it should not be a lie to him.

"Can I go in and sit?"

Ye Hao flew back to Shicun again.

Compared to the mountain treasure, Willow God is definitely a bigger treasure. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Although the memory may still be far from being restored, but leaking a little thing casually is also a big gain for Ye Hao now.

"Come in~"

The village chief of Shicun looked at Ye Hao dumbfounded, as if he was looking at a god, hesitated, and nodded.

The two terrifying ferocious beasts were instantly killed by each other, and the mountain treasure seemed to have reached each other's hands.

The other party is so strong and so polite, it should not be a bad person.

"This mountain treasure is the inheritance of the Supreme Hall, and it needs to urge six spells at the same time to be able to open."

Ye Hao said, taking out a treasure bone from Poor Qi's body, taking out a treasure bone from the Heaven Swallowing Sparrow's body, and reading the treasure art on it.

At the same time, from the Yuan God of the two, he read four true god-level treasure arts, and he used the six reincarnation techniques to control these six treasure arts, which acted on the mountain treasure.

Suddenly, it was shining brightly, very dazzling, and flowing a brilliant rain of light.

The white bone block of the hexahedron made a crisp click, and it opened.

On one side is a lid that automatically detaches from the bones, revealing the interior.

Among them, there are several animal skins, very old, with stains of dried blood, I don't know how many years they have existed.

Birds of Treasure!

Bi Fang Treasure Technique!

The Treasure of the Mighty!

Every treasure art is at least the treasure art of pure-blooded ferocious beasts.

However, what Ye Hao liked the most was the six reincarnation heavenly skills and cursive sword techniques.

"Senior, what's in this?"

Not only Suzaku and Zhu were extremely curious, but the projections of the chatting masses also surrounded one after another.

"The Six Realms of Reincarnation Heavenly Gong should be the exercises created by the Six Realms of Reincarnation Immortal King."

"The cursive sword technique, the ten fierce treasure techniques, are also the three major sword techniques, representing the ultimate attack and are known as invincible techniques."

"As for other treasure arts, any cultivation to Dacheng can reach the Heavenly God level."

Ye Hao briefly introduced.

"Cursive sword technique? Ten Fierce Treasures! "

Zhu Wei and Suzaku both jumped up, their expressions were extremely excited, and their eyes were fiery as a large number of silver metal pages in Ye Hao's hand.

There are patterns and mysterious symbols on the metal paper, and it is exuding sword qi, which is too fierce and indestructible, cutting off the tangible body.

"Great Immortal, what is the Ten Fierce Treasure Art?"

The chatting crowd looked at Zhu Wei and Suzaku, who were extremely excited, extremely curious.

Although the Great Immortal easily killed a level master with Zhu Qi, Suzaku, Poor Qi and Heaven Swallowing Sparrow.

But, for the chatting masses, it's simply powerful and terrifying.

It was much stronger than the thousand-year-old dryad they had seen in the Qiannu Ghost World, the 10,000-year-old Great Demon.

"Daoist, can you tell me about the Ten Fierce Treasure Art?"

A divine thought rang in everyone's ears.

It's Willow!

Cursive sword techniques, ten fierce treasure techniques, six reincarnation immortal kings, these words made her feel extremely familiar, as if they existed in her long-ago memory.

"The so-called Ten Fierce Treasure Art refers to the talent divine art of the Ancient Ten Fierce Murderers, they have strange bloodlines, and once they break out terrifying, they all have their own hole cards and skills."

"They are special existences, once they are irresistible, the quasi-immortal king can fight with the immortal king, and the immortal king can fight with one enemy and ten."

"The ten murderers include Kunpeng, True Dragon, True Phoenix, Thunder Emperor, Celestial Horned Ant, Qilin, Clam, Nine Ghost Monster, Nine-Leaf Sword Grass, and Fighting God Stone."

Ye Hao introduced while setting up an oven and grilling the Sky Devouring Sparrow with the real fire of the stars.

The chatting masses did not feel anything, and Zhu Wei and Suzaku silently noted down the race of the Taikoo Ten Murderers.

This is definitely one of the best secrets in heaven and earth.

"What realm is the Immortal King?"

Suzaku first showed a little sympathy, and then glanced at the Sky Swallowing Sparrow that began to fill the aroma with a little saliva, and couldn't help but ask.

Although he is the peak of His Holiness and has a certain inheritance, there is no record of the Immortal King.

"What level of powerhouse is the Immortal King in the Upper Realm?"

Zhu Wei was very concerned and said.

He was very aware of the limitations of the eight lower realms, and if he wanted to reach a higher realm, he had to go to the upper realm.

"The immortal king has reached true immortality, immortality in the flesh, immortality in the yuanshin, and if someone pronounces his real name, it will be perceived by them, and there will be a vision manifestation."

"They can step on the river of time, travel through the past and the future, ignore the power of the years, and some immortal kings can even make small-scale modifications in the river of time.

Ye Hao introduced.

"There is no longer a intact Immortal King in the Upper Realm, not even an intact True Immortal, and the Supreme can be dominant. e"

"The Immortal King is not far from you, just ten realms."

Suzaku, Suzaku: ".

Just ten realms?

Ten, is this a lot?

It's outrageous!.

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