"I'm still very interested in the treasures of this world."

Ye Hao did not have the leisure to let Liu Shen guess and directly explained his requirements.

"It just so happens that there are also six reincarnation heavenly skills and cursive sword techniques here, and we can exchange heavenly gong treasure techniques."

For Ye Hao, it is only one day to enter the perfect world, and he can make as many benefits as he can.

As long as Liu Shen can give him a Ten Fierce Treasure Art level treasure art, he will definitely make a profit.

Willow: ".

"I don't have a lot of memories to recover, and at present there are only my own cultivation treasure arts, the True Phoenix Treasure Art and the sacrificial spirit cultivation system I created."

Liu Shen quickly returned to his indifference and said.

As for the treasure arts below the level of the Ten Fierce Treasure Arts, Liu Shen did not mention them at all.

In her eyes, Ye Hao could be a supreme immortal king whose strength was even stronger than when she was at her peak.

In addition to the treasure art of the Ten Fierce Treasure Art level, there are also treasure arts above the Ten Fierce Treasure Art level, and other treasure arts may not be of any use to the strong people of this level.

"Brother Dao's kindness, I will definitely repay it as soon as possible."

Liu Shen said and handed the Liu God Method, True Phoenix Treasure Technique, and Spirit Sacrifice Method to Ye Hao.

The value of the Willow God Method and the True Phoenix Treasure Art is also comparable to the Six Reincarnation Heavenly Skills and the Cursive Sword Technique.

And the Star Immortal Technique that Ye Hao gave her before, as well as the six reincarnation techniques, the spirit sacrifice method was simply not comparable.

Although the Star Immortal Technique and the Six Realms of Reincarnation Technique are not at a high level, the value contained in these two is even greater for Liu Shen than the value of gathering the Ten Fierce Treasure Technique.

"No rush!"

Ye Hao quickly browsed the three magical treasures transmitted by Liu Shen, his face was calm, but his heart was happy.

"One-two-zero" six reincarnation heavenly skills!

Ten fierce treasures, cursive sword techniques!

Willow God Law!

Spirit Sacrifice!

Ten Fierce Treasure Art, True Phoenix Treasure Art!

There are a total of five kinds of heavenly skill treasure arts that have reached the level of the Immortal King!

"Moreover, points can improve these heavenly skills."

For this time, the harvest of the high-level crossing card has far exceeded Ye Hao's expectations.

Although the cultivation system of Perfect Great World and the cultivation system of Immortal World are different.

However, the treasure art of the Ten Fierce Treasure Art level is absolutely supreme in the fairy world.

"I don't know which side of the world my brother comes from?"

Liu Shen couldn't help but ask.

Ye Hao said that he was very interested in the treasures of this world, in other words, Ye Hao was not a creature of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

"Immortal Domain?"

Willow voiced his guess.

The Immortal Domain is one of the top big worlds among the heavens and realms, and some of the top immortal kings are even the Mighty Heavens and Ten Thousand Worlds.

"I'm not from the Immortal Domain."

Ye Hao shook his head.

"The other world I come from is different from the other world you know."

Ye Hao didn't explain much.

"I give Daoist friends a piece of advice, whether it is your current strength, or when your strength recovers to the peak, don't explore the secrets of the ultimate ancient land, your strength is too weak, it is completely to die."

Ye Hao is also looking forward to entering the Perfect World next time, and he will be able to meet Liu Shen.

With the Willow God background and means, in fact, as long as it is restored to the Supreme Realm, it is absolutely an invincible existence in the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands.

At that time, he could completely find Liu Shen and let Liu Shen take him to explore the opportunity of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths together.

With the strength of Liu Shen and his plot advantage, he can almost wipe out the opportunities of nine days and ten lands.

If the willow god is still like the plot, entering the depths of the realm sea through the primordial gate, and then entering the ultimate ancient land through the dark cage, it is simply a head.

Whether it was the Willow God or the other Immortal Kings of the Great Realm, they didn't know how terrifying the Ultimate Ancient Land was.


Everyone who was still trading supreme treasures with Liu Shen in the heat of their eyes all gasped.

"The strength of the Immortal King giant is still too weak? What kind of terrifying place is this ultimate ancient land? "

The chatting masses, as well as the moment Zhu Wei and Suzaku saw the willow god's body, they knew what a taboo and terrifying existence the willow god was.

Now such a terrifying powerhouse, exploring the secrets of the ultimate ancient land, turned out to be sent to death.

It's just scary.


Zhu Wei and Suzaku all looked terrified and couldn't help swallowing their spit.

Fortunately, the horror of the Ultimate Ancient Land brought them more shock.

And for Zhu Wei and Suzaku, the Ultimate Ancient Land is a forbidden place in their world.

Even the Immortal King giants who were ten realms higher than them to explore the Ultimate Ancient Land were all sent to death.

What kind of taboo is that for them?

If one day, the horror in the Ultimate Ancient Land came out and descended on their world, wouldn't they even know how to die?

"Who the hell is this?"

Zhu Wei and Suzaku subconsciously cast their gazes at Ye Hao, their eyes filled with endless admiration.

This is definitely a powerful person who surpasses the Willow God!

"Brother Dao knows the secret of the Ultimate Ancient Land?"

Liu Shen, a peerless beauty with a beautiful and peerless demeanor, looked at Ye Hao again with a shocked face at this time.

What secrets are hidden in the ultimate ancient land, this is the secret pursued by countless supreme immortal kings.

Whether it is the Immortal King of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, or the Immortal King of the Exotic Land, or the Immortal King of the Immortal Domain, after the strength reaches a certain level, all of them can't help but step into the realm sea.

Among them, the top and oldest group of immortal kings, they even went deep into the realm sea, wanting to reach the end of the realm sea and set foot in the ultimate ancient land.

All Immortal Kings knew that the Ultimate Ancient Land had huge secrets, and might even contain the secret of becoming an emperor.

However, what exactly is the secret, no immortal king can say.

"A little bit better."

Ye Hao nodded gently.

"I wonder if brother can tell?"

Willow asked.

"If I tell you, I'm afraid you'll fall in no time."

Ye Hao shook his head.

He has a chat group to cover up the atmosphere of heaven, and in the perfect world, there are no taboos.

Willow can't do it.

If she knew the secret of the Ultimate Ancient Land, the names of the Four Dark Quasi-Immortal Emperors and the Corpse Immortal Emperors, she would definitely be perceived by the Quasi-Immortal Emperors.

"Senior, you talk, let's go to the side to understand the cursive sword technique."

Zhu Wei and Suzaku originally wanted to know what the secret was, but after hearing Ye Hao's words, their hearts jumped wildly.

Liu Shen is a peerless powerhouse at the level of the former Immortal King giant!

Just knowing what secrets the Ultimate Ancient Land has, the willow god will fall immediately.

Not to mention the two of them.

"Is this the world of the strong?"

The chatting crowd looked at each other with shocked expressions.

Immortal King level powerhouses, as long as they pronounce their real names, will be perceived by them, and there will be visions manifestation.

And this ultimate ancient land is even more terrifying, even a strong person of the level of Liu Shen will fall directly after knowing the secret.

"It definitely involves the strong above the Immortal King."

Xiongba is extremely sure, Dao.

He felt that there was a fire inside him, a flame like magma that suppressed and boiled.

First the Star World, and now the Perfect World, the top powerhouses in it all refreshed his cognition.

He longed more and more to become such a taboo powerhouse. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"I don't know what the Ultimate Ancient Land is?"

Bai Xiaofei was curious and said.

What secrets are hidden in this place, and why does a powerful person like Liu Shen want to explore?

Why did Willow God fall immediately when he only knew the secret of the Ultimate Ancient Land?

"This is the world of the strong!"

"Completely beyond our understanding."

Zhang Sanfeng also let out a long sigh.

His path of cultivation was still far away.

"I know!"

Willow said quietly.

She was originally just a little skeptical, but now that she listened to Ye Hao's words, she was already very sure that there was an emperor in the ultimate ancient land.

Otherwise, with her peak strength, at least she would not die immediately because of a secret.

"You don't know!"

Ye Hao looked serious and said.

In addition to the nameless quasi-immortal emperor who was besieged and died before, I am afraid that there are many top immortal kings, and even the strong people who have reached the emperor light immortal king, they all think that there is an emperor in the ultimate ancient land.

They did guess right!

At the same time, they guessed wrong!

The Ultimate Ancient Land did have emperors, but the number of emperors far exceeded their imagination.

Willow: "??? "。

"The realm system of your world is divided, there is still a realm above the immortal king, such as the emperor you mentioned, there is a realm above the emperor."

"And your so-called ordinary immortal kings, supreme immortal kings, immortal king giants, immortal king supreme giants, and emperor light immortal kings, all belong to the immortal king level."

Ye Hao introduced.

"The Ultimate Ancient Land has four existences that you think emperors, and there is also an existence with a higher realm, and the latter has a physical condition."

"However, there are no problems with the other four."

"Once you break through to their level, if you don't join them, you will be besieged and die..."

"The emperor who left footprints in the boundary sea was besieged and died by them without joining them."

Ye Hao could only introduce it vaguely.

"Four emperors, and a terrifying powerhouse above the emperor?"

Liu Shen's face changed drastically, his expression was stunned, and his eyes revealed a trace of shock.

She finally understood why Ye Hao said that if she went to explore the Ultimate Ancient Land, it would be completely sent to death.

The horror of the Ultimate Ancient Land far exceeded the expectations of any immortal king, and the Ultimate Ancient Land did indeed hide the secret of becoming an emperor.

However, this secret was not qualified to touch by the Immortal King at all.

Moreover, even an unknown quasi-immortal emperor was killed by the other party because he did not join the camp of the Ultimate Ancient Land.

A strong person at the Immortal King level entering the Ultimate Ancient Land is probably a small ant, and he can't make any waves at all.

"When you are an Immortal King Giant, can you kill the alliance of four Immortal King Giant powerhouses?"

Ye Hao asked.

Willow: ".

When she was a fairy king giant, she could suppress at most one immortal king giant, and she couldn't kill the other party.

As for the alliance of killing the four Immortal King giant powerhouses?

If she really had such a powerful combat power, at the end of the Immortal Ancient Era, she would not have killed nine in and nine out in a foreign land.

Instead, the exotic blood of the killing flowed like a river, and even with her alone, he was able to reverse the disadvantage of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

The higher the realm, the smaller the gap in combat power between the same ranks.

This truth, Liu Shen is very clear.

"If you don't explore the ultimate ancient land, even if an emperor is born in the future, they will either repeat the old path of the footprints of the emperor or join the ultimate ancient land."

"If it goes on like this, the camp of the Ultimate Ancient Land will only become stronger and stronger."

Willow felt a deep weakness.

Even without considering the corpse immortal emperor above the quasi-immortal emperor, the existence of the four dark quasi-immortal emperors pressed her chest breathlessly.

If you want to win and kill the four Dark Quasi-Immortal Emperors, how many powerhouses of the same rank are needed?

And as long as one quasi-immortal emperor is born, it will attract the prying eyes of four dark quasi-immortal emperors.

No matter what this quasi-immortal emperor chosen, all of them could not break the game.

If you join the Ultimate Ancient Land, it will only make the Ultimate Ancient Land stronger.

However, if he did not join the Ultimate Ancient Land, he would face the siege of the four Dark Quasi-Immortal Emperors.

A quasi-immortal emperor who has just broken through, facing four dark quasi-immortal emperors who don't know how many eras exist, I am afraid that there is only one end, fall.

Every strong person who breaks through to the Quasi-Immortal Emperor is nothing more than a Tianjiao among hundreds of eras and an invincible person in the same rank.

There may be strong and weak differences between quasi-immortal emperors, but if they want to kill each other one-on-one, I am afraid that they will not be able to do it at all.

Not to mention that in the face of the siege of the four quasi-immortal emperors, it was simply difficult to kill each other.

"Don't worry, the 0.8 Child of Destiny of your world has been born."

"His talent is unparalleled in the ages, born for cultivation, came in response to calamity, and has been extremely brilliant in his life, creating endless legends."

Ye Hao couldn't help but glance at it, staring at the four-year-old Ara Tianti who was constantly drooling over the Heaven-Swallowing Sparrow.

If it weren't for Barren Tianti, I'm afraid there would be no Ye Hei and human traffickers behind.

"I lean! Is it a Qin Yu again? "

Liu Shen and the others may not have reacted, and the chattering masses instantly understood.

This four-year-old child is the child of destiny of the perfect world.

He will calm the darkness of the Ultimate Ancient Land and become an unimaginable powerhouse.

"Liu Shen used to be a powerhouse at the level of the Immortal King giant, and as a result, he went to a village comparable to a barbarian tribe to make a sacrifice, this feeling is too familiar."

Yue Buqun's envious and jealous face was contorted.

Qin Yu was still a mortal, and he obtained a black eagle with the bloodline of a super mutant divine beast.

After that, he obtained the life element power crystallization of the soul and energy of the life god king after death, and had the soul law and space law that he realized before his death.

And before Ara Tianti was born, an Immortal King giant-level powerhouse chose to live in Stone Village Nirvana.

It is certain that Liu Shen must have given great help in the future growth of Ara Tianti.

Even Liu Shen may be the future master of Ara Tianti.


Liu Shen also reacted at this time, looking at Ara Tianti dumbfounded.

This four-year-old child who is still drinking milk, will the future calm the darkness of the ultimate ancient land?

Even when he was in the realm of the quasi-immortal emperor, he was able to kill four dark quasi-immortal emperors with one enemy and four.

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