"If you want to contribute to the pacification of the Ultimate Ancient Land in the future, you must reach the realm of the emperor."

"And every emperor who currently exists, they are not the pioneer of a system, or the founder or pioneer of a system."

"What is needed now is time for you."

Ye Hao reminded.

With the talent of Liu Shen, let alone break through to the realm of the quasi-immortal emperor, there is no problem in breaking through to the realm of the immortal emperor.

Even in the final finale, the willow god reached the realm of sacrifice.

"You don't have much time, just over two million years left before that battle, or even faster."

Because, Ye Hao planned to pass on his harvest in the Perfect Great World this time, as well as the Six Reincarnation Techniques and the Star Immortal Technique, to Ara Tianti.

As the son of destiny in the perfect world, the chance of Ara Tianti can also be called against the sky.

In addition to the three supreme treasure techniques he mastered, there were also ten fierce treasure techniques, three major sword techniques, immortal scriptures, primordial true understanding, and other treasure art exercises such as his self-cultivation of the Great Method, and Ye Hao was also very hungry.

Now to give Ara Tianti these treasure arts exercises, it is completely for investment.

By the next time he enters the Perfect World, Ara Tianti may have already obtained several Ten Fierce Treasure Arts.

At that time, it happened to let Ara Tianti repay the kindness.

"Brother Dao has become an emperor? Has even reached the realm of the emperor? "

Liu Shen looked at Ye Hao in disbelief.

Ye Hao not only knew the method of breaking through to the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, but even knew the time for the Desolate Heaven Di to calm the Ultimate Ancient Land.

What kind of magical means is this?

"More than two million years!"

Liu Shen felt a huge pressure in his heart, and at the same time, there was a huge shock.

She was not sure whether she would be able to break through to the Quasi-Immortal Emperor in two million years.

And the four-year-old drinking baby next to her not only broke through to the quasi-immortal emperor in more than two million years.

Even broke through to the realm of the Immortal Emperor.

This talent is amazing.

"I'm not an immortal yet."

Ye Hao shook his head slightly.

Yanagina, Suzaku, Suzaku: ".

Chat masses: ".

We believe you are a ghost!

"Brother Dao, since you don't want to say it, then don't say it."

Liu Shen did not continue to ask.

Because, Ye Hao has already helped her too much.

Especially Ye Hao clearly told her that the road to break through to the realm of the quasi-immortal emperor was too kind. 10

She didn't know how to repay Ye Hao's kindness.

Moreover, Ye Hao also helped her end the weakest stage of the Nirvana period ahead of schedule, allowing her to quickly have the strength to protect herself in nine days and ten lands.

With such strength, it would be much easier for her to return to her peak strength next.

"The Sky Swallowing Sparrow is ripe, everyone try my craft."

Ye Hao said as he refined the impurities in the body of the Heaven-Swallowing Sparrow, and then divided the Heaven-Swallowing Sparrow into pieces and distributed them to everyone in Shicun.

[The immortal cultivator sent a red envelope. 】

[Great Qin Zulong received the red envelope. 】

[The World Society helped the Lord receive the red envelope. 】

[Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist received a red envelope. 】

The chatting masses hurriedly received red envelopes as quickly as they could in their lives.

Roasted sky-swallowing sparrow meat!

Although I don't know which realm of the Venerable Heaven Swallowing Sparrow corresponds to.

However, they can be very sure that the gap with them is huge.

Every bite of Devouring Heavenly Sparrow meat is a supreme treasure meat for them, and they can get unimaginable benefits by eating it.

Great Qin Zulong: "Thank you to the Great Immortal, kneel to the Great Immortal!" "

In the Daqin world, Huan Zheng looked at the hundreds of catties of Heaven-Swallowing Sparrow barbecue in front of him, and his face was intoxicated.

He just sniffed, and the mana in his body was growing.

If you take a bite, it's unimaginable.

If he eats these Heaven-Devouring Sparrow roasts and digests the energy in them, he may be able to break through to the Foundation Building Realm.

The world will help the Lord: "Thank you to the great immortal, the great immortal has mercy, kneel to the great immortal!" "

Heaven and Earth Society's Chief Helmsman Chen: "Thank you to the Great Immortal, the Great Immortal God Mighty, the Great Immortal is merciful, and the five bodies are thrown to the ground!" "

Huashan sent Yue to the head: "Great Immortal has worked hard, thank you for the kindness of Great Immortal." "

In addition to Ye Hao alone gave Yueyue thousands of catties of Heaven-Swallowing Sparrow barbecue, and the red envelopes he sent in the chat group, everyone was able to get hundreds of catties of Heaven-Swallowing Sparrow barbecue.

Immortal cultivator: "If you feel that the taste is not satisfactory, you can add your own seasoning." "

Ye Hao said a word in the chat group, and then turned his gaze to Liu Shen again.

This time, the harvest of treasures and exercises in the Perfect Great World made Ye Hao extremely satisfied, and even excited.

However, he did not obtain any magic weapons.

Although he had purchased three seven-rank magic weapons in Duo Bao Xuan in Taiyi Immortal City, it was too low-level.

The chatting masses subconsciously compared with Qin Yu, Huangtiandi and others, Ye Hao couldn't help but compare.

When Qin Yu was in the mortal world, those immortal weapons, Ye Hao didn't say anything.

However, Qin Yu has the space artifact refined by the God King Jiang Lan, Jiang Lan Realm.

Not only is it a blessing, but it also has the ability to accelerate time.

The chance of Desolate Heavenly Di is not worse than Qin Yu, or the second realm of the Perfect Great World, he obtained a broken Immortal King-level magic weapon small tower.

And he is about to become an immortal, let alone have an immortal weapon, he has not even seen an immortal weapon.

How poor and sad is this?

"Daoist friends have now recovered some strength, how about we go together and explore some opportunities in the eight domains of the Nether?"

Ye Hao sent out an invitation.

According to his speculation, Liu Shen's current combat power has at least reached the level of the Void Dao, that is, the Sect Master level of the Upper Realm.

The Liu God of this level of strength is absolutely an invincible existence in the Nether Eight Domains.

With Willow God together, he might be able to obtain one or two immortal artifacts of the Perfect Great World.

"For Brother Dao, this Nether Eight Realms doesn't seem to have any chance."

In the eyes of Liu Shen, Ye Hao was at least a quasi-immortal emperor-level powerhouse.

The Nether Eight Domains say that the good point is the lower boundary, and the difficult point is actually a cage.

For ordinary people, there are indeed many opportunities against the sky in the Nether Eight Domains.

However, for a strong person of Ye Hao's level, it was definitely a very ordinary chance.


Liu Shen seemed to think of something, and his heart was a little messy.

She thought of Ye Hao's fiery gaze that had looked at her before.

Could it be that the reason why Ye Hao invited her to explore chance together was just to find an excuse to be alone with her?

"Me! How can you not go? "

Ye Hao's face remained unchanged, and his heart seemed to have 100,000 grass and mud horses galloping past.

He was kind enough to open his mouth and use the Six Reincarnation Heavenly Skills and the Cursive Sword Technique and the Liu God Trading Technique Treasure Technique.

He was embarrassed to ask Willow God directly for willow branches.

After all, the willow branch is the body of the willow god.

"I also have some interest in the magic weapons of this world."

Ye Hao took the initiative to say.

"In the battle at the end of the Immortal Ancient Era, the Immortal Dao powerhouses of the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands were almost cut off, and I am afraid that there is no single Immortal King Weapon intact."

Liu Shen said with a little sadness.

Even the owner of the magic weapon died in battle, and I am afraid that the magic weapon would have been shattered long ago.

As for the lower-level magic weapon, Liu Shen did not say anything at all.

After all, the treasures and exercises that Ye Hao obtained before were all at the Immortal King level.

Now Ye Hao is interested in the magic weapons of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, and he must also give Ye Hao some Immortal King-level magic weapons.

Ye Hao:"".

Not to mention the Immortal King Weapon, it is an Immortal Weapon, even a Supreme Magic Weapon, a Hidden Realm level Magic Weapon, a Magic Weapon that cuts my Realm, he doesn't mind.

"Going or not?"

Ye Hao was too lazy to talk nonsense with Liu Shen, and if the other party was unwilling, he would try his luck himself.

It's just a big deal to lose a doppelganger.

"Then I'll accompany Brother Dao."

Liu Shen hesitated and nodded slightly.

"That Daoist friend leads the way in front, and then the Daoist friend will make a move, no matter how many magic weapons you get, you will repay all your kindness."

Ye Hao said with a slight smile.

His strength is also to suppress the little minions such as Heaven Swallowing Sparrow and Poor Qi.

If he wanted to obtain the Heavenly Wilderness of Kunpeng's Nest, or the small tower of the Baiduan Mountain Range, he was not sure at all. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

If Liu Shen made a move, it might be different.

Willow: ".

"Brother Dao, don't do this, this will only make me feel uneasy."

Willow shook his head repeatedly.

Even if he gave Ye Hao all the eight domains of the Nether, it would not be enough to repay Ye Hao's kindness.

Ye Hao asked her to repay the kindness so simply, and she was a little panicked in her heart.

"Then let's go to Kunpeng's nest first."

Ye Hao was helpless, so he could only retreat.


Willow nodded slightly.

Liu Shen used to be an immortal king giant, and Ye Hao had the aura of a chat group to cover it, and the two easily came to Kunpeng's nest.

A huge dry cliff, more magnificent than the Ancient Magic Mountain, there is an ancient bird's nest on the cliff wall, simple and unpretentious, without runes or divine light.

However, there were wisps of chaotic qi falling, and the scene was terrifying!

"Lord Ancestral Sacrifice Spirit, are you still alive? It's so good. "

However, just when Ye Hao and Liu Shen wanted to enter the Kunpeng's nest, a simple and unpretentious halberd shrouded in a thick chaotic mist appeared in front of the two through the void.

One of the ten great weapons of the Taikoo Dynasty, the Heavenly Desolate Halberd.

It was also Ye Hao's goal at this time.

At this time, the Heavenly Desolate Halberd Halberd blade was dim, and it was even broken into three, and there was a huge damage to the body.


Ye Hao suddenly reacted.

Whether it was the Heavenly Desolate Halberd, or the Small Tower, or other top-notch magic weapons in the Perfect World, they actually had their own consciousness.

If he took these powerful magic weapons with him, they could see through the void, or even be attacked by these magic weapons, he would be miserable.

Before he had the strength to refine these magic weapons, these magic weapons were a huge destabilizing factor.

"I also just finished nirvana and temporarily recovered a little memory."

Liu Shen obviously also knew the Heavenly Desolate Halberd.

"This Daoist brother has some interest in Kunpeng's nest, so I will accompany him to take a look."

Yanagi introduced.

"Brother Dao?"

The Divine Thoughts of the Heavenly Desolate Halberd looked at Ye Hao, both shocked and gossipy.

The reason why he found that a strong person broke into the Kunpeng nest was because he discovered the existence of the willow god.

And he didn't find Ye Hao at all.

The Heavenly Desolate Halberd is not a Nirvana regeneration, he is just interrupted, the origin is damaged, and to a certain extent, he still has a certain immortal Dao combat power.

"I've never heard of the ancestral sacrifice spirit having a Taoist couple, this won't be the ancestor sacrificial spirit Taoist, right?"

Although the Heavenly Desolate Halberd was gossiping madly in his heart, he did not dare to show anything on his lips.

The ancestral sacrifice spirit was in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, and it was an immortal king giant that was comparable to the Endless Immortal King and the Six Realms Reincarnation Immortal King.

His mistress Kunpeng was also just a junior in front of the ancestral sacrifice spirit.

The strength gap between the two is even more different.

"I've seen adults!"

The Heavenly Desolate Halberd hurriedly saluted.

"Since adults want to watch the Kunpeng's nest, I will lead the way."

Tianhuang Halberd was a little enthusiastic.

Without external help, he may not be able to recover in this life.

Whether it was Liu Shen helping him, or this mysterious young man helping him, he might be able to become the Immortal Dao weapon that deterred the Taikoo back then.

"This is the place where the master fell, and at the end of the Immortal Ancient Era, she fought with the foreign powerhouse and was already severely damaged."

"After returning, I was attacked by several thieves from the Immortal Temple, and I was under the Immortal Curse."

"In the end, the master couldn't suppress the Immortal Folding Curse, and the old injuries of the Immortal Ancient War were destroyed here!"

The Heavenly Desolate Halberd directly took Ye Hao and Liu Shen to the most core area of Kunpeng's nest, which was also the place where Kunpeng sat down.

His voice was filled with cold killing intent.

The female Kunpeng fought for the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands that year, but as a result, she was attacked by several shameless true immortals in the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands.

Otherwise, his master has a chance of surviving.

"Several little masters have also fallen, and the strong people in the foreign lands are too ferocious."

After staying in the place where the female Kunpeng was sitting for a while, the Heavenly Desolate Halberd took Ye Hao and Liu Shen to another secret place.

On a huge stone there were five golden eggs, large and formidable, with black markings on them.

The five Kunpeng eggs were either pierced or shattered, and they were already broken, and although there was chaotic qi, they had long been lifeless.

"Brother Dao, can they still be resurrected?"

Liu Shen looked carefully and found that the Kunpeng eggs had all been destroyed, and he had no way to help them regain their vitality again.

However, Liu Shen turned his gaze to Ye Hao with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

She used to be just an immortal king giant, and her realm was too low to be very normal.

Ye Hao is not 363 same.

Ye Hao's strength must be far above him.

Moreover, Ye Hao gave her a forbidden magical power, the Six Reincarnation Techniques.

A forbidden technique that can control the cycle of life and death.

She also didn't pray for Ye Hao to personally resurrect these Kunpengzi, she just wanted to know if the realm above the Immortal King could do it.

If it can be done, when she reaches such a state, she can resurrect these Kunpengzi.

"As long as the strength is strong enough, not to mention resurrecting a few Kunpeng eggs, it is also an easy thing to resurrect the creatures of one world."

Ye Hao introduced.

The transcendent realm of the perfect big world is incomparably against the sky, and in this special field, all the avenues are like a stream of water, and a thought can be evaporated.

Destiny, creation, cause and effect, heavenly path, etc., are just the weakest bubbles, and they collapse before they reach out and touch them.

Here there is no time, no sense of space, beyond the so-called eternity, the Tao, the great world, all time and space, outside the universe, beyond chaos, everywhere.

From ancient times to the present, and then to the future, they can be dissipated in the thought of beings based on this field, caused by the light of their eyes, exhausted all, and reproduced everything.

"Can I resurrect these Kunpengzi?"

Ye Hao looked at a few Kunpeng eggs, a little uncertain.

If it was in the world where the chatting masses were, Ye Hao could resurrect anyone at this time.

Even if this person has been dead for thousands of years, Ye Hao can resurrect him through the Six Reincarnation Techniques.

However, the world he is in now is a perfect world.

The higher the level of the world, the stronger and more perfect the rules of heaven and earth, and the resurrection of living beings who have completely died touches too many taboos.

"I'll try!"

After thinking that the powerful magic weapons of the Perfect Great World all had their own thoughts, Ye Hao was no longer prepared to obtain powerful magic weapons from the Perfect Great World this time.

Therefore, he planned to experiment with the level of the six reincarnation techniques under his control.

Even if it fails, at most, his doppelganger will be destroyed.

"Oh~", "Om~"

Liu Shen and the Heavenly Desolate Halberd hurriedly retreated and watched from afar.

This is a forbidden realm that even the Immortal King cannot touch.

"Swoosh~", "Swish~", "Swish~"

The virtual projection of the chatting masses also gathered around instantly, wanting to watch Ye Hao exert his magical powers up close.

The chatting masses are no longer the frogs at the bottom of the well of the past.

They are also very aware that the rules of heaven and earth in different worlds are different in strength and weakness, and generally the stronger the world, the stronger the rules of heaven and earth.

Some things that are easy to do in the ordinary world are difficult in the top world.

It's like resurrecting Kunpengzi, and immortal giants like Liu Shen can't do it.

If Liu Shen enters the mythical world where Gao Yao is located, he can definitely easily travel through time and space, and resurrect whoever he wants.

"Six realms of reincarnation!"

Ye Hao ran the six reincarnation techniques, harnessed the art of returning the yang, summoned the art, the art of life and death, and other magical powers, shrouding the five Kunpeng eggs in it.

The area where the Kunpeng egg is located becomes extremely blurred, regular fragments fly, and a long river of time emerges.

At the same time, there was an endless terrifying chaotic thunder explosion, as if to destroy this piece of heaven and earth.

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