
With the operation of Ye Hao's divine power, a prefecture shrouded in only five Kunpeng eggs appeared, constantly carrying out the cycle of life and death, looking for the true spirit of the five Kunpeng eggs from the long river of time and space.

"Lord Ancestral Sacrifice Spirit, who is this adult?"

The Heavenly Desolate Halberd Divine Thought looked at Ye Hao's location from a distance, and the entire black halberd was trembling.

He had a feeling that if he dared to get close to Ye Hao, he would definitely be shattered by the Chaos Thunder Explosion.

However, the place that frightened him the most was the place where the five Kunpeng eggs were shrouded, and he felt as if he had seen the legendary reincarnation of the earth.

Although the Heavenly Desolate Halberd was only a true immortal magic weapon, his master, the female Kunpeng, was one of the ten fierce men.

Once the ten murderers are irresistible, the quasi-immortal king can fight with the immortal king, and even the immortal king is jealous.

To some extent, the ten murderers with the body of the Immortal King are completely able to be on an equal footing with the real Immortal King.

Therefore, the Heavenly Desolate Halberd had also visited the Six Reincarnation Immortal Kings with the female Kunpeng, and had seen the Six Reincarnation Immortal Kings perform the Six Reincarnation Heavenly Skills and the Six Reincarnation Dafa.

The Six Realms of Reincarnation Immortal King even demonstrated these supreme methods through the Six Realms of Reincarnation Disc of the Immortal King Weapon, but the Heavenly Desolate Halberd did not have the feeling it has now.




This is the feeling of the heavenly desolate halberd!

He found that with his strength, he couldn't see the situation inside the underground mansion clearly, and once his divine mind approached, there was a great terror that could collapse at any time.

"I don't know, Brother Dao and I only met today."

Willow's expression was solemn and complex.

After seeing Ye Hao perform the Six Reincarnation Techniques, she became more and more aware of the anti-heavenly nature of this forbidden magical power that Ye Hao gave her.

That is, the five Kunpeng eggs have been dead for too long, if the five Kunpeng eggs have just fallen, or even as long as the shattered Yuan God True Spirit is still there, the six reincarnation techniques can instantly revive it.

"There may be deeper forbidden powers."

Willow God secretly guessed.

Because, Ye Hao's casting of this forbidden divine technique will definitely attract terrifying heavenly punishment, and even many strange powers that are difficult to pry.

As a result, although the Chaos Thunder continued to explode now, it did not cause any damage to Ye Hao.

If it were her, I am afraid that she would have been punished unimaginably at this time, and even hit hard.

"This should be the supreme divine power that the Great Immortal can condense the Earth Mansion?"

The virtual projection of everyone in the chat group gathered around Ye Hao, constantly looking at the prefecture where Ye Hao condensed.

Unfortunately, their realm is too low to see anything at all.

"Even if we can sense the magical powers of the Great Immortals, we can't comprehend them! Our realm is too low. "

Xiongba can be sure that if the difference between the realm and the strength of the Great Immortal is not too far, watching the Great Immortal exert supreme magical powers to revive Kunpengzi will definitely be able to obtain unimaginable benefits.

"Look more, when we are strong enough, we may be able to recall some of today's experiences, and we can definitely gain a huge harvest."

Zhang Sanfeng stared at Ye Hao's condensed mansion, trying his best to sense the fluctuations of the rules around him.

The virtual projection of the live broadcast room allows them to truly perceive the situation of the perfect world.

It was even possible to observe the six reincarnation techniques that Ye Hao had performed up close.

"If you can't look at it, you will be affected by the reincarnation of the prefecture if you look at it again."

After about a dozen breaths, as Ye Hao continued to increase his magical power, all the chatters turned pale and gasped.

They withdrew from the first perspective one after another, not daring to truly experience the reincarnation of the prefecture.

Although it is only a virtual projection to watch the reincarnation of the earth, the real touch is transmitted to their essence.

They all feel that they are sucked into the reincarnation of the hell, and life and death are not controlled.

If you continue to watch, this terrifying feeling will become their memory and cause them some damage.

Chat people can only exit the virtual projection and watch the live broadcast through the chat group in the same way that ordinary people watch the live broadcast.

"It doesn't seem to be a problem."

Finding that it did not cause any changes, Ye Hao directly urged the mana to the extreme, wanting to forcibly summon several Kunpengzi's true spirits from the long river of time and space.

As long as he summons a wisp of true spirit, he will be able to resurrect five Kunpeng eggs.

Otherwise, even if he gives life to five Kunpeng eggs, he will recreate five Kunpeng eggs.

Instead of resurrecting the original five Kunpengzi.

"It seems to be a lot easier than I thought."

Soon, Ye Hao vaguely perceived a disordered time and space through the Six Realms of Reincarnation.

He faintly seemed to see a picture of time and space, and the seriously injured and dying female Kunpeng knew that she would definitely die, and used various taboo means to revive the five Kunpeng eggs.

Unfortunately, all of the efforts of the female Kunpeng are in vain.

Not to mention that she has been seriously injured and dying, even if her strength is at the peak, I am afraid it will be difficult to do it.

Because this involves not only the way of life and death, but also the way of time and space.

Once the female Kunpeng touches this taboo, the avenue will drop unimaginable heavenly punishment.

If it weren't for the female Kunpeng desperately trying to resurrect Kunpengzi, she might still be able to hold on for a while under the torture of the Immortal Folding Curse.

"Found it.!"

For people in the perfect big world, once they do taboo things, they will inevitably lead to unknown horrors.

For Ye Hao, in the case of the chat group covering the heavenly machine and breath, there is no need to consider the punishment of the avenue.

"Buzz~", "Buzz~", "Buzz~"

Five golden crystals, not as big as a small fingernail, were summoned by Ye Hao from the long river of time and space along with the flying of the secret power of time and space.

"Then it's simple."

Ye Hao ran the Divine Soul Technique and quickly repaired the five shattered true spirits.

"The five little masters were really saved!"

After discovering that the true spirits of the five Kunpengzi had been repaired, the Heavenly Desolate Halberd was extremely excited and said.

Because, as long as the true spirit is complete, even with his strength, he has a certain degree of certainty to resurrect the five Kunpengzi.

"Sure enough!"

Willow didn't have any surprises.

This mysterious Dao brother was indeed a supreme powerhouse above the Immortal King.

"Could it be that this Dao brother has been hiding his existence all along, waiting for others to break through to the emperor, and then joining forces to kill the ultimate ancient land together?"

Liu Shen thought of the Star Immortal Technique that Ye Hao had given him before.

As long as you cultivate the Star Immortal Technique to the Dark Star Realm, you will not be bound by the fate of cause and effect, not limited by heaven and earth, and you will have great freedom and freedom.

"If you cultivate the Star Immortal Technique to the Dark Star Realm, will you be able to avoid being perceived by other emperors?"

The more Liu Shen analyzed, the more he felt that his analysis made sense.

"Lord Ancestor Sacrifice Spirit, the five Kunpengzi have all been resurrected!"

"When they grow up, they will definitely become the new pillars of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths."

The sudden excitement of the Heavenly Desolate Halberd made Liu Shen come back to his senses.

The original five Kunpeng eggs were either pierced or shattered and broken.

Although there is chaos, it has long been lifeless.

The current five Kunpeng eggs are like a round of golden sun, exuding terrifying life energy.

You can even see small kunpeng in it.

These little Kunpeng are all powerful and terrifying, not to mention the ancient relics, that is, pure-blooded fierce beasts, and the cubs of ancient fierce beasts are also extremely weak in front of them.

"Big brother, aren't we dead?"

"We should have been resurrected!"

"Could it be this senior? I wonder what realm he has reached? I am afraid that I have already surpassed my mother. "

"Has Mother also fallen?"

"Woo-woo, mother is dead."

Although the five little Kunpeng have not yet hatched, their spiritual intelligence has long been complete.

If according to the age of human beings, at this time, their oldest ones are already thousands of years old, and the youngest ones are hundreds of years old.

The reason why they were not born early was to lay a deeper foundation.

The goal of every Kunpeng Zi is to become a new ten murderers in the future.

If you want to become a true ten fierce, bloodline, talent, root bone, etc., all of which are indispensable.

It is not even possible to give birth to a complete Ten Fierce Treasure Art.

Otherwise, they may be able to break through to the true fairy realm in the future.

However, it is probably impossible to rival the Immortal King.

"Several little masters, it was this adult who saved you, hurry up and thank you."

The Heavenly Desolate Halberd looked at the five Kunpengzi with great excitement, if he were a real creature, I am afraid that he would have already burst into tears.

Five incomparably familiar figures, as well as a familiar soul breath.

The five Kunpengzi were actually resurrected.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, the Heavenly Desolate Halberd would not have been able to believe that there was such a strong person in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

"Thank you, my lord!"

The five true spirits of Kunpeng flew out of the Kunpeng egg and bowed down towards Ye Haoqi.

After experiencing the last years of Immortal Ancient Arts, they were no longer carefree children at the beginning.

At the end of the Immortal Ancient Era, although they had not yet hatched, they had already given birth to a complete spiritual intelligence.

Even the true spirit will temporarily break away from the Kunpeng egg and come into contact with the outside world.

Their strength is not enough to participate in the war with the foreign land, but their identity is to allow them to contact the news of the war.

Immortal kings and true immortals of the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands fell one after another under the siege of the powerful people of the foreign land.

In order to cut the grass and remove the roots, even the heirs of the Immortal King and the True Immortal did not let go. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Needless to say, the talent of the ten fierce heirs will not be able to reach the level of ten fierce opponents of the Immortal King in the future.

At least there is a great hope of becoming a true fairyland powerhouse.

"You're welcome."

Ye Hao had a faint smile on his face and waved for them to get up.

In the process of resurrecting Kunpengzi, he not only obtained the Kunpeng Treasure Art.

He even saw the process of Kunpeng Treasure Art, which made him gain a lot.

Even the Kunpeng treasure art has been introduced, which can evolve the two forms of Kunpeng and Peng, and the palm yin and yang are derived.

"Cursive sword technique! True Phoenix Treasure Art! Together with the Kunpeng Treasure Technique, the Ten Fierce Treasure Technique, I have already obtained three. "

Although he could not obtain the powerful magic weapon of the Perfect Great World, the harvest of the magic spell this time was far beyond Ye Hao's expectations.

"The grace of reinvention of adults, we five brothers and sisters remember in our hearts."

"Whatever the future dictates, I will do so later."

The eldest of the five Kunpengzi, Kunyu bowed deeply towards Ye Hao.

Ye Hao not only gave them their lives back, but also gave them the opportunity to avenge their parents.

"What's going on? Why do I feel my heart throbbing? "

At this time, among the eight domains of the Nether, under the Immortal Mountain, under the Five Elements Mountain, a figure who did not know how long it had been suppressed suddenly opened his eyes.

This is a creature with hair scattered with hair, trapped by the five element divine chains, skinny as wood, and full of hair as yellow as weeds.


The youngest son of the female Kunpeng.

At that time, the other five Kunpengzi were directly wiped out by the foreign powerhouse, and Kunpengzi was also seriously injured and had a big problem with itself.

In order to restore this sixth son, the female Kunpeng sealed it in Chaos for millions of years.

Although this Kunpeng Zi obtained a special chance, devoured a heavenly material and earth treasure in chaos, and obtained an immortal body.

It has also practiced a special method, and has practiced the main body and this body.

However, the power of the Upper Realm Three Thousand Dao Prefecture against the descendants of the ten murderers was too strong.

The main body of the six sons of Kunpeng was suppressed at the foot of the Five Elements Mountain.

"Why do I feel the throbbing of my blood?"

In the Sin Prefecture of Three Thousand Dao Prefecture, in a small sect called Kunmen, an ordinary old man suddenly changed his complexion and looked shocked.

He is the second son of Kunpeng.

The main body of the six sons of Kunpeng was suppressed under the Five Elements Mountain, and his perception was not clear enough.

Although he is the second body of the sixth son of Kunpeng, his strength has also reached the level of the sect leader, and relying on the special bloodline connection, he senses the breath of his blood relatives.

"Father and mother, have long fallen."

"Could it be that any of my five older siblings have also been brought back to life?"

Kunpeng Liuzzi's second body has surprises and worries.

He was afraid it was a trap.

The reason why the main body suppressed by the Five Elements Mountain has not been killed is because of the special method he practiced.

Once the main body is killed, all the power of the main body will be attributed to the secondary body, and the secondary body will become stronger.

In the same way, if the second body is killed, the main body will also gain earth-shattering creation.

However, at this time, the main body has already been suppressed under the Five Elements Mountain, if he dies this second body.

Even if the main body obtains earth-shattering creation and its strength increases again, I am afraid that he will not be able to get out of the Five Elements Mountain.

The Five Elements Mountain is not an ordinary true immortal magic weapon, it began before the opening of the heavens, was born in chaos, and the mountain body has given birth to many innate gods and demons.

Even if the current strength is not the peak, it is not something that the current Kunpeng Liuzi can compete with.

"But what if it's really my brother and sister?"

Even he, the Kunpengzi who has the main body and the second body, the main body was suppressed by death, and the second body was hiding in the Sin State and did not dare to appear, let alone the newly born Kunpengzi.

Once discovered, it will become the target of countless forces hunting.

Kunpengzi may not only contain Kunpeng Treasure Art, one of the ten fierce treasure arts.

And Kunpeng's bloodline is simply a supreme treasure.

"In the Nether?"

The second body of Kunpeng Liuzi relies on his special perception to find his possible blood relatives.

As a result, (Zhao Li's) found that this particular perception may be in the Nether.

"I'll go to the Nether to take a look!"

The second body of Kunpeng Liuzi has always had a plan to save the main body, and naturally masters a secret path to the Nether.

"In Kunpeng's nest?"

After entering the Nether, the perception of the second body of Kunpeng's sixth son became clearer, and even locked the position.

"Another little master is also here!"

Heavenly Desolate Halberd was suddenly surprised and said.

It instantly cut through the void and led the six sons of Kunpeng into Kunpeng's nest.

"Big brother, big sister, second brother, third brother, second sister, are you all right?"

After the second body of Kunpeng's sixth son entered Kunpeng's nest, the whole person was stunned.

Originally, in his expectations, if an older brother or sister could survive, it would already be a great opportunity.

Because, back then, his brother and sister were attacked and killed by an exotic immortal powerhouse.

Even with his mother's protection, it was cut off and escalated, and the true spirit collapsed.

"Sixth brother, it was this adult who resurrected us."

Kunyu was also very surprised to see Kunpeng Liuzzi, and quickly introduced Kunpeng Liuzi.

"Thank you, my lord!"

"The kindness of the adults, I will remember them in my heart, and in the future, the Kunpeng family will obey the instructions of the adults."

Kunpeng's sixth son Kunyuan looked shocked, and then quickly bowed to Ye Hao.

Although he is unruly and lawless, he is full of endless gratitude for the resurrected Ye Hao.

"No need to repay the kindness later."

"Right now."

"It just so happens that your sixth brother is here, and it is enough to ensure your safety."

Ye Hao glanced at the few minutes left in the chat group and quickly said.

"In return, Kunpeng's nest will be given to me."

Ye Hao said, directly using the instantaneous killing method to cut the void, stripping the Kunpeng nest from the void and collecting it into the Blue Blood Sword World.

Kunpeng's nest is a cave mansion of ten fierces, and there must be a lot of treasures.


The next moment, Ye Hao's figure also disappeared directly in place.

The place where the Kunpeng's nest was originally located became empty.

Kunpengzi: "??? "。。

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