The world will help the lord: "Ying Zheng, are you afraid that you are daydreaming?" "

Xiongba's face changed drastically, and he subconsciously refuted.

How could Ying Zheng, who was only a cultivator at the level of the Qi Refining Realm before, skip the Foundation Building Realm and directly break through to the Jiedan Realm?

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Is there anything special about this Yun Dynasty cultivation method~?" "

Qiao Feng, the leader of the Gang Gang: "Even if you directly break through to the Jiedan Realm, I'm afraid there will be a huge hidden danger, right?" "

Emperor Hongwu: "Your Majesty, what is going on in this dynasty?" "

While urging Ying Zheng to introduce the Yun Dynasty, the chatting masses entered the miscellaneous goods area of the points mall to inquire about the goods of the Yun Dynasty.

If Ying Zheng really succeeds in establishing the Yun Dynasty, and, without too many side effects, the strength directly breaks through to the Jiedan Realm, and the impact on the chat group will be subversive.

At present, the chat group does not even have a foundation building realm.

Without considering the Great Immortal, Ying Zheng's breakthrough to the Jiedan Realm will be completely crushed for the strength of the rest of the chat group.

Great Qin Zulong: "Transform and cultivate new exercises, the human emperor seals the divine art!" "

Ying Zheng did not hide it.

As long as the chatting masses spend a little effort to look in the points mall, they will definitely be able to find goods related to Yun Chao.

Immortal cultivator: "The way of the Yun Dynasty is suitable for your cultivation." "

Immortal cultivator: "In my world, although there are many emperors who have established the Yun Dynasty, after their Yun Dynasty grows to a certain extent, it will be suppressed by various forces, or even destroyed. "

To establish the Yun Dynasty, it is necessary to collect the fortune of the world.

Even if other Immortal Cultivation sects are allowed to exist within the Yun Dynasty, they must choose to submit to the Yun Dynasty.

Even these Immortal Cultivation Sects had to obey the orders of the Yun Dynasty.

In this case, there was a natural contradiction between the Yun Dynasty and the Immortal Cultivation Sect.

The moment the General Yun Dynasty was established, it became a natural mortal enemy with the surrounding Immortal Cultivation Sects.

Most of the Yun Dynasty had just been established, and it was destroyed by the Immortal Cultivation Sect.

Like Taiyizhou, where the Taiyi Gate is located, the establishment of any Yun Dynasty must be approved by the Taiyi Gate.

Moreover, each expansion must also be approved by Taiyimen.

Otherwise, it will usher in the thunderous blow of Taiyimen.

Immortal Cultivator: "If you can dominate the world, there should be no problem in raising the strength realm to the Jiedan realm." "

There was no obstacle to the establishment of the Yun dynasty.

In the world of Daqin, Daqin is already invincible in the world.

Ying Zheng was easily able to collect the luck of the Great Qin World.

With the luck of the Great Qin World, he can indeed raise the strength of Ying Zheng to the level of the Jiedan Realm.

Great Qin Zulong: "Thank you for your guidance." "

After establishing the Yun Dynasty, he became the lord of the Yun Dynasty, and everything was bound to the Yun Dynasty.

Winning is a deliberate choice.

He wanted to regret it, and he didn't have any chance.

However, now with Ye Hao's affirmation, Ying Zheng's heart became more and more firm, and he was more sure that his choice was not wrong.

"Human Emperor Sealing Divine Technique?"

The chatting masses originally had some doubts about Ying Zheng's words, but after seeing Ye Hao's words, they no longer had any doubts.

Everyone entered the points mall one after another to check the introduction of the Human Emperor Sealing Divine Technique.

[Human Emperor Sealing Divine Art: The method of cultivation of the Yun Dynasty, establishing the Yun Dynasty, collecting the luck of heaven, earth, and people, all the luck of heaven and earth, gathering the power of all sentient beings, sealing the gods of the world, for the way of heaven, the emperor of the ancients, the mouth of the heavenly constitution, in a word, moving mountains and reclaiming the sea, guiding the way into rivers]

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "No wonder! No wonder! After establishing the Yun Dynasty, you will gain a certain amount of Heavenly Dao authority. "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "With the authority of the Heavenly Dao, it is naturally easy to improve your strength. "

Zhang Sanfeng looked shocked and sighed.

"The world where the Great Immortal is located is worthy of the world of immortal cultivation, and I don't know what kind of talent the emperor actually created such an earth-shattering exercise."

"However, success is also the top world, and defeat is also the top world."

Zhang Sanfeng also saw the drawbacks of the Yun Dynasty.

How important is luck?

Especially after seeing Qin Yu, the son of Heavenly Destiny in the Great World of Stars, and Ara Tianti, the son of Heavenly Destiny in the Perfect Great World, Zhang Sanfeng had a deeper understanding of the importance of luck.

The Yun Dynasty, on the other hand, is to collect the fortune of the world.

In other words, the territory in which the Yun Dynasty was established did not allow any forces to break away from the control of the Yun Dynasty.

In this case, the place where any top Immortal Cultivation sect is located is the forbidden place of the Yun Dynasty.

If the Yun Dynasty wants to become stronger, in addition to being strong itself, it also needs to continue to expand externally.

The larger the territory of the Yun Dynasty, the more Immortal Cultivation Sect was destroyed or suppressed.

In this case, some powerful Immortal Cultivation Sects found that a Yun Dynasty appeared near the territory where they were located, and they would definitely destroy it without hesitation.

There can be no compromise between the two sides.

How arrogant an immortal cultivator is, how could he allow a future dynasty that wants to rule him to be established around him?

Otherwise, the Yun Dynasty may usher in a prosperous era after decades of development, the national fortune will become extremely prosperous, and the strength of the Lord of the Yun Dynasty will also be greatly improved.

And for powerful immortal cultivators, retreat for hundreds of years is a very normal thing.

After hundreds of years, or even thousands of years, it is normal that the strength has not improved much.

Therefore, when the Immortal Cultivation Sect is stronger than the Yun Dynasty, it will desperately suppress.

Even if they can't suppress the Lord of the Yun Dynasty, they will cast all kinds of magic powers within the Yun Dynasty, making the Yun Dynasty full of natural and man-made disasters.

Many powerful Yun Dynasties were attacked by the Immortal Cultivation Sect like this, and the Lord of the Yun Dynasty was swallowed up by Qi Luck and died.

The world will help the lord: "The treasure you use to collect the luck of the world must be the dragon vein of my world!" "

Xiongba's face was as gloomy as water, and his heart was resentful and fiery.

If you want to establish the Yun Dynasty, one of the keys is to have a supreme treasure that can collect the luck of the world.

The dragon vein of the Fengyun World has been nourished by thousands of years of Shenzhou Qi Luck, and it only needs to be practiced a little, which definitely meets the requirements of carrying the Qi Luck of Heaven and Earth.

"The old man also wants to establish the Yun Dynasty!"

Xiongba is also a very eye-catching place of the emperor's divine sealing technique, which can quickly improve his strength.

Originally, he wanted to become the supreme martial arts and dominate the world's martial arts.

Although the name of the martial arts supreme is different from that of the emperor, it is only the difference in name.

The Martial Arts Supreme is also fully in line with the requirements of the Human Emperor Divine Sealing Technique.

"Moreover, the old man's world is even more advanced than the world of Yingzheng, and if the old man dominates the world, his strength will definitely be able to reach the Jiedan realm, and the realm will definitely be higher than Yingzheng."

When Xiongba thought of this, his face became more and more gloomy.

Points are required to purchase the Son of Heaven Sealing Technique!

Points are also required to buy treasures that collect the luck of the world!

If the dragon vein of the Fengyun world is still there, he can save a lot of points!

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Chen: "In our world, no force can stop us from establishing the Yun Dynasty. "

Tianxia will be the chief helmsman of Chen: "Doesn't it mean that each of us is suitable for establishing the Yun Dynasty?" (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Chen Jinnan was also very moved.

He was already invincible in the Luding world, and the Daming he established was also invincible in the world.

Although he did not let Daming expand unbridled.

However, at this time, Daming's influence had spread throughout the Luding Ji world.

Wherever the Daming messenger arrived, the king of the country needed to send a prince to greet him, even if he did not personally greet him.

Because, before this, there were more than twenty dynasties that were easily destroyed by Daming.

Emperor Hongwu: "If you rule the world, you may be able to obtain most of the authority of the Heavenly Dao, and you will definitely be able to obtain unimaginable benefits." "

Emperor Hongwu: "The only troublesome thing is that we can establish the Yun Dynasty without other forces to block it, and it will be much easier to unify the world." "

Emperor Hongwu: "Similarly, when we unify the world, how can we grow the Yun Dynasty faster?" "

Emperor Hongwu: "The fastest way to increase qi luck, but expand externally!" "

Others may still be hesitant to establish the Yun Dynasty, but Zhu Yuanzhang did not hesitate to make the same choice with Ying Zheng after carefully reading the introduction of the Emperor Sealing Divine Technique.

The Human Emperor Divine Sealing Technique is the most suitable method for emperor cultivation.

The Yun Dynasty system is also the most suitable cultivation path for emperors.

Space station navigator: "Hehe, I can give you an idea." "

Space station navigator: "What you call unification of the world is just the unification of the earth." "

Space station navigator: "You can continue to expand to the starry sky, transforming the moon, Mars, Jupiter and other planets into living planets." "

Although Liu Peiqiang was shocked by the cultivation method of the Yun Dynasty, he did not intend to establish the Yun Dynasty.

Because he knew that he was not the material to be an emperor.

"It's not that with the Human Emperor Divine Sealing Technique, anyone is suitable for establishing the Yun Dynasty."

Ask for flowers

Liu Peiqiang has a clear understanding of himself now.

Honestly cultivate the Nine Turns Golden Crow Technique, reach the Jiedan Realm as soon as possible, and solve the sun crisis.

As for the Human Emperor Sealing Divine Technique, a person who does not have the heart of an emperor, even if he cultivates the Human Emperor Sealing Divine Technique, he cannot fit with the exercises.

Early and early will one day be eaten back by luck.

Graphic designer: "I also give you an idea, cloning technology in my world has matured. "

Graphic designer: "If the living planet you modified lacks life, maybe you can try cloning." "

Bai Xiaofei just shook his head even at the thought of cultivating the Emperor Sealing Divine Technique, and he had to become an emperor.

If it were only ten days and a half month, he might be willing to experience it.

However, once the law of fortune is embarked, there is no turning back.

Great Qin Zulong: "Bai Xiaofei, it's a pity that you don't establish the Yun Dynasty. "

In Huan Zheng's view, Bai Xiaofei's world is even more suitable for establishing the Yun Dynasty than Xia Houwei's world.

Because, Bai Xiaofei's world has many life planets, the territory is incomparably vast, and there are countless lives, and the innate conditions are too good.

If the Yun Dynasty established by Bai Xiaofei dominates the universe, I am afraid that its strength will reach a very terrifying level.

Rainbow Cat Shaoxiao: "That is to say, when His Majesty finishes the Taishan Sealing Zen tomorrow, the strength may reach the Jiedan realm?" "

Rainbow Cat has no interest in establishing the Yun Dynasty.

However, when he thought that Ying Zheng's strength was about to reach the Jiedan Realm, his mentality collapsed a little.

Everyone was originally in the Qi Refining Realm!

Even if someone breaks through, it is a breakthrough to the foundation building realm.

For some of the chatting masses to break through to the foundation building realm, Rainbow Cat has already been mentally prepared.

It's different now!

The chat group has not yet given birth to a foundation building realm, and as a result, a Jiedan realm has directly emerged.

Although there was a huge gap in strength among chat group members before, Xiongba was able to easily kill many other group members in seconds.

However, this gap has not yet made the chat masses feel out of reach.

When Xiongba joins the chat group, his strength reaches the late stage of the Great Master, and it is completely acceptable that the strength is stronger than them.

Many people in the chat group have great confidence in surpassing the heroes in the future.

However, now a Jiedan Realm suddenly appeared, and the meaning was completely different.

The improvement of the strength of the Foundation Building Realm is definitely much slower than that of the Qi Refining Realm, and they must first cultivate to the peak of the Qi Refining Realm, and then break through to the Foundation Building Realm.

And how long does it take for them to break through from the first layer of the Foundation Building Realm to the peak of the Foundation Building Realm?

With such a long time, the fortune dynasty of the victorious government will definitely become stronger, the national fortune will become more prosperous, and the strength of the victorious government will definitely become stronger.

What if they hadn't broken through to the Jiedan Realm, and Ying Zheng had broken through to the Transformation God Realm, how sad would it be?

From this moment on, the strength of the chat masses will be completely opened, and it is even possible that this gap will become larger and larger.

Master Wing Chun Yip: "Daimy, is there any other way to cultivate quickly other than the method of the Yun Dynasty?" "

Once the strength between the members of the chat group is completely opened, I am afraid that there is little hope of catching up in the future.

In particular, as long as the luck of the dynasty is enough, the strength can be continuously improved.

Immortal cultivators: "The speed of the improvement of the Demon Dao is extremely fast, and many Demon Dao masters can compete with immortal cultivators who have cultivated for hundreds or even thousands of years in only a few decades. "

Master Wing Chun Yip: "Great Immortal, the methods of the Demon Dao master are too cruel. "

Ye Man subconsciously shook his head.

He had seen the cultivation methods related to the Demon Dao in the Points Mall, either sacrificing living souls or devouring mortal blood, and the means were extremely cruel.

This does not suit him at all.

Immortal cultivators: "Those who cultivate demons are not necessarily bad people, and cultivating demons can also be the right way." "

Master Wing Chun: "??? "。

The world will help the Lord: "??? "。

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "??? "。

Can the magic path still be the right way?

Immortal cultivator: "You can kill devils, these devils do all kinds of evil in Kyushu Country." "

Immortal cultivator: "Killing life is protecting life, and cutting karma is not beheading people!" "

Immortal cultivator: "You can completely kill hundreds of thousands of devils in the territory of Kyushu Country, I think you should have no psychological burden." "

Chatting masses: "??? "。

Can you also operate the spoon like this?.

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