Huashan Pai Yue was in charge: "The idea of the Great Immortal is good, for every bad person we kill, we can save a few ordinary people." "

Huashan Paiyue was in charge: "The more bad people we kill, the more ordinary people we save." "

Before Ye Man could answer, Yue Buqun was extremely excited.

Since Ye Hao uploaded the immortal cultivation resources to the points mall, the main entertainment method for the chat masses is to watch the introduction of the immortal cultivation products in the miscellaneous goods.

Yue Buqun naturally also saw some records about the Demon Dao Exercises, and the cultivation speed of those Demon Dao Exercises was extremely fast.

Only need to kill, only need to be ruthless, and even only need the blood and soul of ordinary people to quickly improve their strength.

However, he is a gentleman's sword, a dignified and upright gentleman.

Although he really wanted to cultivate a magic skill and speed up his cultivation.

However, relying on strong willpower, and a trace of fear of being classified into the dark and evil camp of the chat group and becoming a villain like a tyrant, he did not practice magic skills.

Only when I dreamed back at midnight, I occasionally looked at the magic skills in the points mall in a daze.

"It's too biased for me to think, of course you can't kill ordinary people."

"What if you kill a disciple of the Sun Moon God Sect?"

Yue Buqun's eyes flashed with a faint cold light.

The Sun Moon God Sect has tens of thousands of Demon Sect disciples, and if he kills these people, with their blood and living souls, he can definitely improve his strength a lot.

The world will help the Lord: "The old man regrets it!" When he entered Chen Jinnan's world to suppress the Qing Dynasty before, and entered A Jiu's world to suppress the Qing Dynasty, why didn't he think of cultivating demonic skills! "

Xiongba looked annoyed, and his teeth were clattering.

At that time, hundreds of thousands of Eight Banner soldiers died at their hands.

If he could have thought at that time that he would have broken through to the Foundation Building Realm by killing bad people and cultivating the Demon Dao.

The world will help the lord: "And when helping Qin Shihuang cross the Great Wall, those tens of thousands of undead can also be used to cultivate magic skills." "

The "six-seven-three" hero couldn't wait to slap himself a few times.

He remembered that there were 100,000 soul flags, a magic weapon that suppressed the undead.

Why didn't you think of using the Demon Dao Technique to absorb these undead spirits and become a part of your own power?

Master Wing Chun Yip: "Thank you Tai Shan! The Great Immortal is really a god man, kneeling to the Great Immortal! "

Ye Man was stunned at first, and soon his expression became extremely excited.

For cultivating demonic skills with devils, he did not have any psychological burden.

The things that the devil does can no longer be called human.

Is there anything more perfect than using the blood and living souls of these ghost soldiers to improve their strength, and then kill more ghosts?

This is definitely a quick way to improve your strength.

Maybe the speed of improving strength is not as fast as that of Yingzheng, but it is definitely faster than the rest of the chat group.

"Am I using those Mongolian soldiers to practice magic skills?"

In the Condor World, Guo Jing fell into hesitation.

If he was also like Ip Man, he not only needed to practice demonic skills, but also needed to cultivate with blood and living souls, which was somewhat contrary to his morality.

However, thinking of the brutality and bloodthirst of the Mongols, Guo Jing hesitated again.

Anyway, he will eventually kill the Mongol soldiers, and if he uses the souls of these Mongolian soldiers to refine a magic weapon that is double cultivation with his life, it seems that it is not unacceptable.

"Old Dao may be able to double cultivate the Demon Dao!"

In the Heavenly World, Zhang Sanfeng only hesitated and made a decision.

As long as he doesn't fall into the demonic path and remains true to himself, there is nothing to practice demonic skills.

Just like martial arts cheats, there is no distinction between good and evil, and the only evil ones are those who use martial arts.

The cultivation method of demonic skills is indeed cruel and bloody.

However, if the demonic skills slaughter the most vicious people, then the way of cultivating the demonic skills may be much easier to accept.

Because, in Zhang Sanfeng's eyes, if some people who commit great crimes kill them with a knife, it is really too cheap for them.

They must be sentenced to death.

"Yin and Yang are the avenue, and the righteous path and the demon path are also the avenue, maybe practicing the righteous path exercises and the demonic path exercises at the same time is more in line with my avenue."

Zhang Sanfeng thought of his Taijiquan mysteries, and each move contained Taiji-style yin and yang changes.

Aren't the righteous path exercises and the magic path exercises also a manifestation of yin and yang?

"If some of the people chatting with each other have established the Yun Dynasty and some have cultivated the Demon Dao, what should I do?"

In the world of rainbow cats and blue rabbits, rainbow cats look extremely entangled and struggling.

He was still a little unable to accept the practice of demonic skills.

Space station navigator: "Great Immortal, besides establishing the Yun Dynasty and cultivating the Demon Dao, are there any other ways to quickly cultivate?" "

Liu Peiqiang was a little helpless.

He is now cultivating the Nine Turns Golden Crow Technique, and he definitely can't practice magic skills anymore.

Immortal cultivator: "There are indeed many cultivation methods that are rapidly growing strength, but there are no small hidden dangers in these cultivation methods. "

Immortal cultivators: "For example, the way of faith, such as the way of alien beasts, such as the way of bloodline, etc., if you search carefully, you can search for all kinds of cultivation methods that quickly improve your strength." "

The fairy world does not know how many billions of years of evolution, the fairy civilization has developed extremely brilliantly.

As long as you can think of immortal cultivation methods, you can almost find them in the fairy world.

Space station navigator: "It seems that I can buy more Golden Crow Bloodlines to speed up the cultivation speed of the Nine Turns Golden Crow Technique." "

Liu Peiqiang quickly checked various cultivation methods, and finally chose the bloodline path to assist in the cultivation of the Nine Turns Golden Crow Technique.

Immortal Cultivator: "Actually, you have already obtained the method to speed up your cultivation. "

Immortal cultivator: "Many of you not only have a high status in your respective worlds, but even have great power, and have obtained a lot of luck in your respective worlds. "

Immortal Cultivator: "These qi lucks can speed up your cultivation speed. "

Immortal cultivator: "Otherwise, even with various cultivation resources, your cultivation speed will not be so fast." "

"Even if the earliest heroes who joined the chat group, Li Xunhuan and others, they only joined the chat group for a few months."

"In just a few months, some people's strength has reached the late stage of refining qi."

"This cultivation speed is much faster in the Immortal World than those geniuses with a single spiritual root."

As Ye Hao's strength improved, his magical spells increased, and he was also able to gain insight into more heavenly machines and truths.

Immortal cultivator: "The reason why my world rejects the method of cultivation of the Fortune Dynasty is also because the luck of heaven and earth is not infinite, and the method of cultivation of Qi Luck is too against the sky, and too much luck is required. "

Immortal cultivators: "If the Fortune Dynasty occupies too much Qi Luck, it will affect the Qi Luck of other Immortal Cultivation Sects, and even invisibly plunder the Qi Luck of other Immortal Cultivation Sects." "

No matter what world it is, before it is strong to a certain extent, luck is extremely important.

Luck is strong, and there are no taboos.

Qi luck declines, and even some top powerhouses will suffer bad luck.

The world will help the Lord: "What path of cultivation do you plan to take?" "

Xiongba was also hesitant at this time.

It seems that he can establish the Yun Dynasty.

He also seems to be very suitable for cultivating the Demon Dao.

He wanted to see the cultivation path chosen by the chat masses, and then refer to it.

Master Wing Chun Ye: "I have decided to cultivate the Demon Dao at the same time, so I will use the Devil Soldier to cultivate the Demon Dao." "

Ip Man world, Ip Man not only did this, but also began to do it.

He had even started to purchase cultivation resources for cultivating the Demon Dao in the Points Mall.

Soul Eater!

Soul Eater!

This is a set of complementary exercises and magic weapons, life and life double cultivation, quickly improve strength by devouring living souls.

You only need to devour a million living souls to be able to set foot in the foundation building realm.

And in Ip Man's world, there is definitely no shortage of a million murderous ghost soldiers.

"Moreover, when entering the mission world in the future, there should be no shortage of murderous existences similar to ghosts."

Ip Man was not worried that after killing the ghost soldiers, there would not be enough targets for him to continue cultivating the Demon Dao.

Huashan sent Yue to the head: "I also plan to cultivate the Demon Dao and kill the most evil people." "

If Yue Buqun usually said this, he would definitely be ridiculed as a hypocrite.

However, at this time, everyone in the chat was thinking about what cultivation path to choose and speed up their cultivation speed.

Because, from the moment Ying Zheng chose to establish the Yun Dynasty, the chattering masses knew very well that if they continued to stick to the rules, the gap between their strength and that of Ying Zheng would become extremely huge.

From now on, the strength realm of everyone in the chat group will be divided into two waves.

A wave of people who cultivate immortals step by step, their strength is steady and steady, if they add enough immortal cultivation resources, their strength will improve in the world of immortals, and they can also be called peerless geniuses.

However, compared to the group members who chose to establish the Yun Dynasty and cultivate the Demon Dao, the cultivation speed was like a turtle crawling.

After Ying Zheng established the Yun Dynasty, the realm of strength is likely to reach the Jiedan realm.

Like Ye Man's cultivation of the Demon Dao, with enough ghost soldiers for him to cultivate the Demon Dao, I am afraid that he will soon be able to set foot in the Foundation Building Realm.

Emperor Hongwu: "We choose to establish the Yun Dynasty." "

Zhu Yuanzhang was determined and did not waver because of other cultivation paths.

He was similar to Ying Zheng, and they both believed that the Yun Dynasty was the most suitable cultivation path for them.

Moreover, with their strength, in a very short time, they will be able to dominate the world.

Although their world is far inferior to the fairy world, if they gather the luck of their own world, they may get a special opportunity.

Emperor Hongwu: "Great Immortal, can you help us deduce the fate of the heavenly machine?" "

Emperor Hongwu: "The world we are in should be an ordinary world, right?" "

Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly remembered something and quickly asked Ye Hao.

He also joined the chat group for a long time, and he also learned the history of Daming through history books.

Whether it is the death of Empress Ma or the death of Prince Zhu Biao, he can easily reverse it.

Even not long ago, he healed Empress Ma and successfully triggered a hidden group mission.

"I entered the chat group with Xia Houwei and Bai Xiaofei after the chat group was upgraded." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"The world these two people are in is extraordinary, so is the world we are in really an ordinary martial arts world?"

Zhu Yuanzhang has been investigating the situation in his world for a period of time, and even he flew his own sword and secretly toured the world of clouds.

As a result, he found that the world of the rain was similar to the world of most of the group members of the chat group, and there were no demons and monsters.

Therefore, he wants to use the benefits of each newcomer to help deduce the fate of the heavenly machine and confirm the situation of his world.

Otherwise, he is still a little uneasy.

After all, whether it is the Qiannu Ghost World or the Corpse Brother World, compared with the rain and clouds world, all of them are extremely special...

Immortal cultivator: "Your world is not ordinary. "

Emperor Hongwu: "??? "。

Great Qin Zulong: "??? "。

Master of the Flower Shifting Palace: "??? "。

During this period, when Zhu Yuanzhang was exploring his own world situation, he sometimes broadcast live in chat groups.

Some of the chat masses, even if they did not watch Zhu Yuanzhang's live broadcast, knew the situation of the cloudy world through the chat records.

The world boundary of the rainy cloud world is obviously inferior to the wind and cloud world, and even the Daqin world is somewhat inferior.

Because, the great grandmaster powerhouses of the rainy and cloud-turning world are far less than the Great Qin world.

Emperor Hongwu: "Great Immortal, there won't be immortal old monsters in my world, right?" "

Zhu Yuanzhang only felt that his scalp was numb, his hair was sweaty and upside down, and he even subconsciously scanned the shadows around him, as if he wanted to find the hidden figure in it.

During this period, he was somewhat high-profile.

It even allowed some people to see him flying with his sword.

If in the rainy and cloudy world, there is an old monster similar to the Fengyun World Emperor Shitian and laughing three times, maybe he has become the prey in the eyes of these old monsters.

Immortal Cultivator: "Your world is more special than the world of domination." "


After the Fengtian Temple, Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Ye Hao's words, and suddenly felt cold, as if there was an icy cold cool air suddenly swept over, making him can't help but shiver.

The world of clouds is more special than the world of storms?

"Could it be that there are old monsters that have lived for more than 10,000 years?"

"It's impossible that there are immortal cultivators in our world? Or prefectures, right? "

Zhu Yuanzhang's forehead broke out in cold sweat.

No matter what kind of speculation, his current situation is extremely dangerous.

He, an ordinary emperor, suddenly learned to fly with a sword, and his appearance became much younger.

Coupled with this time, he did not deliberately cover up the news.

Once discovered by an unknown powerhouse, he will definitely know what kind of opportunity he has obtained.

Under these circumstances, his current situation can be described as extremely dangerous.

You can even lose your life at any time.


"In the absence of a sure world, we should keep a low profile."

Zhu Yuanzhang was extremely annoyed and frightened.

If, for this reason, he puts himself in danger, it is simply a huge mistake.

"I don't know what is special about Zhu Yuanzhang's world?"

The chatting masses are also extremely curious.

Immortal cultivator: "I once said before that the Heavenly Human Realm is also known as the Shattered Void Realm. "

Immortal cultivator: "In some special worlds, once you reach the realm of heaven and man, you can break the void and soar to a higher level of the world. "

Immortal cultivator: "The world where Zhu Yuanzhang is located is such a special world. "

Ye Hao also did not hang everyone's appetite, and said the particularity of Zhu Yuanzhang's world.

The world will help the Lord: "What? Zhu Yuanzhang's world was able to shatter the void, that is, there was an existence similar to the immortal world in his world? "

Xiao Li Feidao: "I don't know what kind of world is the world after shattering the void?" "

Graphic designer: "Do you say that there is a possibility that in the world after shattering the void, the weakest strength is the 4.9 level of the Heavenly and Human Realm." "

Flower Shifting Palace Master: "If His Majesty Hongwu's world can shatter the void, then the world is definitely not simple. "

Flower Shifting Palace Master: "Even if the ascending world is not full of powerhouses in the Heavenly and Human Realm, I am afraid that there are a large number of Heavenly and Human Realm powerhouses, as well as powerhouses above the Heavenly and Human Realm. "

The chattering masses were shocked and curious again.

A world that can soar!

It's certainly not easy!

Moreover, an ascension world that can accommodate a large number of Heavenly and Human Realm powerhouses is probably not a simple world.

Emperor Hongwu: "Great Immortal, can these people who have shattered the void still be able to return to the Nether?" "

Zhu Yuanzhang first breathed a sigh of relief, and then was extremely nervous.

If the person who shattered the void was still able to intervene in the Nether, or even return to the Nether from the Upper Realm, then it would be an absolute disaster for him.

Immortal Cultivator: "At present, in the upper realm, no one has enough strength to return to the lower realm. "

In the rainy and cloudy world, the broken void is like cultivating immortals, just like a legendary existence, as if illusory.

On the one hand, it was because most of those who shattered the void immediately broke the void and flew to the upper realm after reaching the realm of heaven and man.

There are simply no words left.

Even if someone saw others shattering the void, as time passed, the shattered void gradually became a legend.

In addition, people who have broken the void cannot manifest themselves in the Nether, nor can they communicate with the Nether.

In this case, the broken void has become a myth and legend.

Emperor Hongwu: "It's good that no one can return from the Upper Realm." "

Zhu Yuanzhang breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he was safe now.

Emperor Hongwu: "Great Immortal, I don't know what the Upper Realm looks like?" "

Zhu Yuanzhang was extremely curious.

The chatting masses were also shocked, and they all waited for Ye Hao's answer.

Shattered the world after the Void Ascension!

It's so curious!.

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