The world will help the master: "The old man feels that the upper realm must be wider and bigger than the earth, maybe even wider than Xia Houwei's world." "

Huashan Pai Yue was in charge: "It is very certain that the upper realm must be as strong as a cloud, rich in resources, and has many creations, and the upper realm may be the legendary immortal realm to some extent." "

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helm Master Chen: "However, the strength should be limited, after all, no one in the upper realm can return to the lower realm." "

The chatting masses have been in contact with the big world of stars and the perfect world, and their vision is completely different.

Qiao Feng, the gang leader: "It can't be said that the strength is limited, it may also be that the rules of heaven and earth are strong, maybe there are strong people in the upper realm who exceed several realms of the heaven and man realm." "

Qiao Feng obviously disagreed with Chen Jinnan's speculation.

The upper realm of the cloud-turning world is definitely not as strong as the immortal realm of the Star Great World, or the upper realm of the Perfect Great World, the three thousand Daozhou states.

However, for most people in chat groups, it is definitely a dangerous world.

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "If His Majesty Hong Wu cultivates the martial arts realm to the realm of heaven and man, won't he also soar to the upper realm?" "

"If the Immortal Cultivation Realm is strong to a certain extent, it won't also fly to the Upper Realm, right?"

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Gao Yao's words, extremely entangled.

If it was just the martial arts realm reaching the Heavenly and Human Realm, it would be shattered and the void would fly to the upper realm, and he could still accept it.

Because, he can completely suppress the martial arts realm, and even not cultivate the martial arts realm.

However, you can't do it without cultivating immortals.

Moreover, he also intends to establish the Yun Dynasty, although he cannot control the entire world at once.

However, even if the Daming Dynasty is transformed into the Yun Dynasty, his strength may reach the Foundation Building Realm.

In case the Foundation Building Realm flew directly to the Upper Realm, he would be miserable.

Once he ascended to the Upper Realm, he completely severed his connection with Daming Qi Luck.

If you can't contact Daming Qi Luck for a while, you will definitely be backlashed.

Even if the Foundation Building Realm does not soar, what about the Jiedan Realm?

The strength of the Jiedan Realm is far stronger than the Heaven and Human Realm, and with a random blow, I am afraid that it will be able to break the void.

"Maybe I can only rely on the heavenly machine and breath of the 12-day group to cover up, and try not to break out beyond the combat power of the heavenly and human realm."

Zhu Yuanzhang said darkly.

This is perhaps the safest approach.

Princess Changping: "You guys say that the so-called upper realm is only the upper realm of His Majesty Hongwu's world, or the upper realm of many lower realms?" "

Everyone in the chat voiced their guesses.

However, Ah Jiu's words made the chattering crowd slightly stunned.

Daxian did not say that the rain and clouds world is a world where there are multiple life planets, that is to say, the rainy cloud world is likely to have only one upper and lower realm.

As the emperor, Zhu Yuanzhang did not even know about the Shattered Void.

This shows that in the rainy and cloudy world, the powerhouses who break the void are very rare.

That is, it is very likely that most of the life in the upper realm is itself in the upper realm.

Great Qin Zulong: "Doesn't that mean that in addition to the existence of martial arts systems in the upper realm, there may also be other cultivation systems. "

The Nether Realm of the Cloud World can only be shattered by reaching the Heavenly and Human Realm.

In other words, the upper realm can carry the cultivation of the strong people of the Heaven and Man Realm, and even allow people to cultivate to the realm above the Heaven and Man Realm.

Then the strength realm of the upper realm is much higher.

And the Upper Realm itself may have given birth to countless native life.

In this case, the upper realm of the rainy cloud world is likely to be similar to the Qiannu Ghost World, not only with martial arts, but also with demons and ghosts.

After all, in such a high-level world, there will definitely be many extraordinary beasts.

It is also possible that these exotic beasts will embark on the path of cultivation.

Xiao Li Feidao: "There may be another situation, there are no creatures in the upper realm itself, and all living beings are ascended in the lower realm." "

"If that's the case, ascending to the Upper Realm isn't necessarily a good thing."

Li Xunhuan shook his head slightly.

According to the understanding of the Shattered Void in the rainy and cloudy world, I am afraid that there will not be many strong people who have broken the void in a hundred years.

In this case, how many people can the Nether Realm fly to the Upper Realm?

Moreover, the upper realm can't always be smaller than the lower realm, right?

Even if the upper and lower realms were the same size and as powerful as the earth, with only these ascenders, how sparse the population of the upper realm would be.

Li Xunhuan didn't know if others could endure it, and it was definitely not a very good world for him.

Space station navigator: "If Li Xunhuan's guess is true, then the Shattered Void Flying to the Upper Realm is really not a good thing for some people." "

If the Upper Realm is really a place that can only cultivate and can be called a no-man's land, then it is really a huge test for the Ascension.

Ten years without communication, with the mood of these ascension people can still bear.

But what about twenty, thirty, a hundred years?

If for a hundred years, you can't see anyone, nor any living beings, and you live alone in the Upper Realm, absolutely lonely.

If the mind is slightly weaker, it is possible to collapse.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "However, for most of the Ascension Void Breakers, at least they can continue to improve their strength, no matter what environment the Upper Realm is, I am afraid they can accept it." "

Zhang Sanfeng put himself in his shoes and said his guess.

If it were him, even if he knew that the ascending upper realm was a deserted world, or even a silent world similar to the moon, he would probably ascend.

This is the pursuit and desire of the Tao.

Since there is not much news about the Shattered Void in the Rainy Cloud World, in this case, there are still people who can cultivate to the Heaven and Human Realm and Shatte the Void.

Then these strong people who can shatter the void, unless those who have the opportunity to go against the sky, the other ascension people are probably all extremely firm seekers of the Dao.

As long as they can seek the Dao, continue to improve the realm, and pursue the Heavenly Dao, I am afraid that most of the ascended people will be able to accept the harsh environment of the upper realm.

Graphic designer: "Since the Upper Realm can accommodate the powerhouses of the Heaven and Human Realm, and even allow them to continue to cultivate, the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi of the Upper Realm must be extremely rich. "

Graphic designer: "The possibility of no native life in the upper realm is very small, and I am afraid that there are many powerful beings. "

In Bai Xiaofei's view, the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi was like another source of life.

If it was just a thin aura, perhaps the upper realm would be like the moon, without any life.

However, the current Upper Realm can at least carry the cultivation of the Heaven and Human Realm powerhouses.

Although he didn't know how powerful the Upper Realm was, at least the Upper Realm should be able to meet the realm of cultivation above the Heaven and Human Realm, right?

Otherwise, this upper realm is too low-level.

Immortal Cultivator: "The Upper Realm is indeed a special world. "

Last time, in order to complete the group mission of the Star World, Ye Hao collected the martial arts secrets of the world where the chat masses were.

In order to collect more and stronger martial arts secrets, Ye Hao's Yuan God must also enter the upper realm of the rainy cloud-turning world.

Unfortunately, the cultivation system of the Upper Realm had deviated from the martial arts system, and he simply could not collect suitable top-notch martial arts secrets.


The chatting crowd instantly quieted down, waiting for Ye Hao's continued introduction.

Although the chatter masses entered the Star Great World through the live broadcast room, even when they were perfecting the Great World, they also mentioned the terms of the Eight Domains of the Nether Realm and the Three Thousand Dao States of the Upper Realm through the communication between the Great Immortal and the Willow God.

However, whether it was the Great Immortal, or the Liu Shen of the Perfect Great World, they did not introduce the situation of the Eight Nether Realms and the Upper Realm Three Thousand Dao Prefectures in much detail.

Now this upper realm is the world where the group members live. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"If the Upper Realm is really rich in resources and there are no strong people, the old man may be able to trade with Zhu Yuanzhang."

"With the strength of the old man's current mid-realm of the Heaven and Human Realm, he will definitely be able to shatter the void."

"When the old man collects the resources, and then teleports to Zhu Yuanzhang through the chat group, the old man can return to his own world again."

The hero's mind is full of thoughts, and all kinds of plans arise in his mind.

Although Ye Hao has not yet introduced what the situation of the upper realm is.

However, one thing is incomparably certain, there is at least a ninety percent possibility in the upper realm, which is higher than the Fengyun World.

There are even many strong people above the Heaven and Human Realm.

In such a high-level world, there must be abundant cultivation resources.

"If Zhu Yuanzhang is in the upper realm, not only is there abundant resources, but there are also many living beings."

"I may be able to join forces with Zhu Yuanzhang to attack the Upper Realm, and use the resources and creatures of the Upper Realm to increase the luck of the Fortune Dynasty."

Yingzheng also gave birth to similar ideas to hegemons.

In order for Mount Tai to seal Zen and establish the Yun Dynasty, he had already sent the army of Daqin to suppress the entire Daqin world.

All the dynasties that did not submit to Daqin have been completely destroyed by him.

He had almost mastered the entire Daqin world.

If the Daqin world wants to quickly increase its luck, on the one hand, it is natural to make Daqin's national fortune more prosperous.

On the other hand, it can be done by constantly expanding its territory.

Previously, Liu Peiqiang's suggestion of expanding into the starry sky of the universe is indeed an idea.

However, the process is too slow.

If you expand into other worlds, it is different.

If his strength is upgraded to the Jiedan Realm, with his strength, no matter what world he enters, he can bring back a large number of people and resources.

Although Daqin dominates the world, most of the earth's territory is barren.

Not to mention the current population of Daqin, that is, the population of Daqin is ten times or twenty times more, and the Daqin world can still be completely digested.

"I wonder if those former Ascensions have fallen?"

Zhang Sanfeng is extremely interested in those who ascend.

Every powerhouse of the Shattered Void is a leader of an era, with great talent and martial arts talent at the top.

If you exchange cultivation paths with these people, you will definitely gain greatly.

However, at present, according to his powerhouse in the ordinary Heavenly and Human Realm, his life expectancy is only more than two hundred years.

In a world at the level of the rainy cloud-turning world, cultivating to the Heaven and Human Realm, I am afraid that many ascended people are no longer young.

Immortal Cultivator: "It's just that the Upper Realm is different from what you imagined. "

Immortal cultivator: "The cultivation civilization of the upper realm is indeed much more brilliant than that of the lower realm, but for the ascended, 043 is extremely cruel and extremely dark. "

The situation in the upper realm of the rainy cloud world made Ye Hao think of the situation of the Ascension World, and the two were very similar.

The world will help the Lord: "??? "。

Xiao Li Feidao: "??? "。

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helm Chen: "??? "。

Princess Changping: "Great Immortal, how can the Upper Realm be cruel?" Dark? "

The chatting masses were all stunned.

Even if the Upper Realm does not have any life and is a lonely planet, it cannot be said to be cruel to the powerhouses of the Heaven and Human Realm, let alone darkness.

Immortal cultivator: "You should have seen the evolution of the earth. "

Immortal cultivator: "When did humans appear?" When did other species appear? "

Ye Hao shook his head slightly.

Immortal cultivator: "When the Upper Realm was just born, it was not humans who were born first, but various ancient beings, and they were called gods and demons. "

Immortal cultivator: "These gods and demons are born in the realm above the realm of heaven and man, and you can understand them as sixth-order martial artists. "

Immortal cultivator: "These innate gods and demons are not only congenital strength and top talent, but also have a congenital lifespan of 100,000 years. "

The chat group looked at Ye Hao's words, and all had a very good premonition.

The world will help the lord: "The gods and demons of the upper realm are naturally sixth-order martial artists, and they are a big realm higher than the heavenly and human realm?" "

The face of the male bully is directly distorted, extremely ugly and jealous.

He has been cultivating for decades, and coupled with the chance of chat groups, now the martial arts realm is only in the middle of the Heavenly and Human Realm.

These gods and demons are good, and they are sixth-order martial artists as soon as they are born, which is one realm higher than his current realm.

This is a sixth-order realm!

If you don't join the chat group, I am afraid that you may not be able to break through to the realm of heaven and man in this life.

And the Heavenly Human Realm is only a fifth-order.

The most outrageous thing is that these gods and demons are extremely talented, and even have a life span of 100,000 years!

100,000 years!

Emperor Shi Genius has been in the area for nearly two thousand years, and his realm has almost reached the peak of the Fengyun World.

The talent of these gods and demons must be far above Emperor Shi Tian.

Moreover, they still had 100,000 years of cultivation time.

Once they cultivate for a hundred thousand years, what a terrifying height their strength will reach.

What's more, it's just that the innate lifespan is 100,000 years, and with their realm breakthrough, their lifespan may be extended.

These top-notch talents, and they are also gods and demons of innate sixth-order martial artists, they have cultivated for hundreds of thousands of years, what terrifying height will their strength reach? .

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