Chat groups.

Everyone was extremely shocked and shocked, and Zhu Yuanzhang's expression was mixed with a thick fear.

At this moment, they finally understood why the Great Immortal said that the Upper Realm was cruel and incomparably dark.

In order to break the boundaries of the world, the emperor-level gods and demons of the upper realm can be called unscrupulous, and the endless creatures of the upper realm are nourished.

The entire Upper Realm is full of killing and cruelty.

Emperor Hongwu: "Great Immortal, those emperor-level gods and demons won't break the shackles of the world, right?" "

Zhu Yuanzhang was extremely worried.

Once these emperor-level gods and demons break the shackles of the world, they may break through the rules of heaven and earth and affect the Nether.

Compared to the upper boundary, the lower realm is too weak.

Not to mention the emperor-level gods and demons, that is, the king-level gods and demons, and even an ordinary true dragon can destroy the Nether.

Immortal cultivator: "It still won't be in a short time." "

According to Ye Hao's Heavenly Technique, in about five hundred years, those emperor-level gods and demons will gradually master a trace of the power to break through the shackles of the world.

Thus began to influence the development of the Nether.

"That's good!"

"That's good!"

The rain turned over the cloudy world, and the look of horror on Zhu Yuanzhang's face instantly disappeared for most of the time, and his face was excited and happy.

As long as he was given enough time, he would be able to dominate the Nether.

With the blessing of the Yun Dynasty, he may also be able to break through to the Jiedan Realm.

Then he can use the technology of other group member worlds, as well as the cultivation resources of the Points Mall, to quickly develop the Nether.

Moreover, the chat group will also invite other group members, and he may be able to find a way to quickly expand the national movement in the world of other group members.

Rainbow Cat Young Man: "Great Immortal, with the speed of these gods and demons killing madly, I'm afraid there aren't many creatures in the upper realm, right?" "

The dragon clan's Dragon Pool will sacrifice hundreds of millions of living beings in blood every once in a while.

Every hundred thousand years, the True Demon Emperor would create a Demon Tribulation, causing terrifying damage to the entire Upper Realm.

In order to obtain enough power of faith, the True Buddha Emperor even personally took action to transform believers.

With the strength of the True Buddha Emperor Emperor-level gods and demons, and the eighth-order warriors, there are probably hundreds of millions of creatures that cross every year.

Immortal cultivator: "Like the True Blood Emperor, in order to make his bloodline race stronger and stronger, he will carry out a certain protection. "

Immortal cultivators: "Like the True Buddha Emperor, although he transforms believers and makes them lose themselves, it does not affect their reproduction." "

Immortal Cultivator: "There have been several killings in the Upper Realm that have led to the extinction of most living beings, but these demon gods only need to wait for thousands of years for the Upper Realm to flourish again. "

Thoughts like Rainbow Cat that are worried that the creatures of the Upper Realm will be exterminated can only say that he is too simple.

The Upper Realm Demon 573 God still knows how to develop sustainably.

Even if they wantonly slaughter living beings in order to try some kind of experiment, they will let the Upper Realm develop quietly for a while.

For these immortal emperor-level gods and demons, they only need to wait quietly for a while.

They will have a fertile experimental field again.

Graphic designer: "Those ascenders in the Nether, are there still alive?" "

Bai Xiaofei was very suspicious that the Nether Ascension might have been completely wiped out.

The world will help the master: "It's a pity that the upper realm is too powerful, otherwise, it will be the best place to cultivate the Demon Dao." "

Xiongba originally planned to join forces with Zhu Yuanzhang to sneak up on the Upper Realm together.

Now that he knew the horror of the Upper Realm, Xiongba completely cut off this idea.

Because, a seemingly ordinary demon he killed, maybe there was a hidden power of the True Blood Emperor in his body.

Or maybe this ordinary demon has already been taken away by the Soul Emperor.

Moreover, in the special situation of the upper realm, after he entered the upper realm, the probability that he would casually encounter a creature stronger than him may be more than ninety percent.

If he really enters the Upper Realm, his reaction may be slower and he will be killed.

Huashan Paiyue is in charge: "Yes, there will be opportunities in the future." "

Yue Buqun was extremely affirmative.

When their strength is stronger than that of the emperor-level gods and demons, the emperor-level gods and demons are the best nutrients for them to cultivate the demon path.

Xiao Li Feidao: "Unfortunately, the Nether and Upper Realms are not in the same space, otherwise, we may be able to trigger a group mission." "

According to the law of group triggering group tasks in the past, the living environment of the upper realm is so cruel and dark that it can trigger group tasks almost 100%.

"Ding-dong! Post special group missions to shatter the void. "

At this moment, a crisp sound sounded from the group system.

"Mission introduction: In the lower realm of the world where Emperor Hongwu is located, only a few people know the secret of the true secret of the broken void, and even some are uncertain."

"Mission Requirements: Tell the people of the Nether the secret of the Shattered Void."

"The mission can invite two group members to participate, the higher the completion of the task, the richer the reward, the more contribution, the richer the reward."

At the moment when the voice of the group system sounded, the chat crowd entered the task sign-in page as quickly as possible and listened carefully to the introduction of the group task.

At the same time, they also stared intently at the task page, ready to grab the task at any time.

Xiao Li Feidao: "This punch in the face is also too fast, I just said that it will not trigger the group task, and as a result, the chat group directly publishes a group task." "

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helmsman Chen: "I haven't grabbed a group mission yet, so it's my turn, right?" "

Qiao Feng, the leader of the gang: "I have never grabbed the group of people (BDAE) affairs." "

Guo Jing: "+1. "

Just from the introduction of the group task, the chat masses can deduce that this time the group task is definitely a group task with incomparably rich rewards.

Moreover, after completing the Shattered Void mission, it may trigger the group mission.

If it can trigger group missions related to the upper realm, then the reward points must be even more terrifying.

"Ding-dong! Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist priest grabbed the group task. "

Relying on the sky world, Zhang Sanfeng listened to the prompt tone of the group system, slightly stunned, and then looked ecstatic.

The Shattered Void Mission is definitely a mission with great rewards.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Immortal cultivator, great immortal, do you participate in this group mission?" "

Zhang Sanfeng did not have any hesitation and chose to contact Ye Hao.

Completing the Shattered Void mission this time has a great chance of triggering group missions related to the Upper Realm.

If he dared to perform group tasks alone, I am afraid that it would be difficult to complete group tasks related to the Upper Realm.

Immortal cultivator: "Yes." "

Ye Hao also felt that the group task actively released by the chat group this time was a point that could get many rewards.

Points can improve your strength.

All group tasks that can earn points, Ye Hao is not refused.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Thank you Daxian." "

With Ye Hao's joining, Zhang Sanfeng completely relaxed his heart.

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helm Chen: "Abominable! When will I be able to grab a group mission? "

Princess Changping: "I also want to grab the group mission and perform the group mission with Daxian." "

Graphic designer: "Zhang Zhenren will also experience the joy of performing group tasks with Daxian this time. "

Space station navigator: "I feel that just by shattering the void mission, Daxian may be able to brush a high evaluation and get a huge number of point rewards." "

The chatting masses were endlessly envious and jealous of Zhang Sanfeng for grabbing the group task.

Whether it was Liu Peiqiang and Bai Xiaofei, or Yue Buqun, these three people who performed group missions with Daxian all actually proved the great benefits of performing group missions with Daxian.

Emperor Hongwu: "We are the emperor of the Nether, if Daxian and Zhang Zhenren have any orders, we will definitely do so." "

Zhu Yuanzhang did not expect Zhang Sanfeng to invite him to participate directly in the group mission.

He intends to learn Bai Xiaofei's pattern.

The group mission of the corpse brother world was grabbed by Liu Peiqiang, but because when performing the group mission, Bai Xiaofei participated together.

As a result, when the group task was triggered again, Bai Xiaofei also received the group notification and was fortunate to participate in the new group mission.

If he had also been accompanying Ye Hao and Zhang Sanfeng on group missions, the group mission reward of Shattered Void would definitely not have him.

However, in case a new group mission is triggered, he may have a chance to participate in it.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "That troubles Emperor Hongwu." "

Zhang Sanfeng naturally would not refuse.

Being able to trigger the group mission again was entirely his guess.

Even if the group task is not triggered again, it is quite normal.

Therefore, this time the group mission of shattering the void, he must make as much contribution as possible.

In this way, when the chat group posts the reward, he can also get more reward points.

Emperor Hongwu: "That's it." "

"With the presence of the Great Immortal, it will definitely be able to trigger a new group mission."

Zhu Yuanzhang was filled with endless confidence in Ye Hao.

The world will help the lord: "Emperor Hongwu, can you let the old man enter your world and see." "

Huashan Paiyue is in charge: "+1." "

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helmsman Chen: "I have not yet entered the world with a high plane, let me see and see." "

The chat group naturally also knew Zhu Yuanzhang's thoughts, and they also wanted to enter the world of clouds and see if they could participate in it when the group task was triggered again.

Emperor Hongwu: "Don't worry, I will definitely broadcast it to everyone." "

Zhu Yuanzhang did not hesitate to reject everyone's ideas.

Whether he can participate in the group task that is triggered again, it is not certain, how can he let others participate in it and get a piece of the pie?

Master Wing Chun Yip: "It seems that there is no chance to rub the group mission this time, and I plan to start refining the magic weapon Soul Devouring Flag." "

Master Wing Chun Yip: "I have found a suitable target, a devil's united, almost four thousand people, enough to initially quench the Soul Devouring Flag. "

Ip Man World, Ip Man did not entangle again after seeing Zhu Yuanzhang refuse the rest of the chat group to enter the pre-rainy clouds world. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Instead, he took the magic path resources he purchased from the Points Mall and began to rush to his destination.

A big change in chat groups has arrived.

Although he will continue to watch the Shattered Void Mission performed by Daxian and Zhang Zhenren.

However, most of his energy will be spent on improving his strength.

"I will kill a million ghost soldiers in a month."

Ip Man set himself a goal.

Tomorrow, the government will seal Taishan and establish the Yun Dynasty.

If nothing else, Ying Zheng will break through to the Jiedan Realm.

As long as the establishment of the Yun Dynasty is successful, Zhu Yuanzhang will definitely follow, or at least break through to the foundation building realm.

By that time, the realm of refining qi realm was already a very weak existence in the chat group.

Great Qin Zulong: "Emperor Hongwu, the pattern is not good!" Go and prepare for tomorrow's Tarzan consecration. "

Zhu Yuanzhang did not agree to open the world permission, they did not have the ability to enter the rainy clouds world.

"You also need to carefully comb through it to confirm whether there are any hidden dangers in tomorrow's Taishan Sealing Zen."

The imperial sword flew and once again inspected the situation in various parts of the Daqin world.

He had originally guessed that he had a certain hope of breaking through to the Jiedan Realm.

Now that there is a personal account from the Great Immortal, he will definitely break through to the Jiedan Realm.

As soon as he thought that he would soon become a powerhouse in the Jiedan Realm, Ying Zheng's heart was extremely hot.

"Even the most ordinary Jiedan Realm powerhouse has a lifespan of five hundred years, and as the realm improves, there is even hope of having a thousand-year lifespan."

As he joined the chat group for more and more time, Yingzheng did not expect to use other means to make himself immortal.

Even the Sacred Heart Recipe in the Points Mall, this divine skill that can make people immortal, he did not buy it.

Having seen the vastness of the Great World of Stars and the Great World of Perfection, Ying Zheng also understood that only those with strong strength could truly live forever.

Cultivating immortals to establish the Yun Dynasty is his best path to immortality.

Huashan sent Yue in charge: "Your Majesty and Brother Ye have worked so hard, Yue also needs to struggle, and plans to go down the mountain for Tianxing Dao." "

Yue Buqun's gaze was already on the Sun Moon God Sect.

He will also start cultivating the Immortal Demon Dao.

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "Do you want to roll it like this?" "

Princess Changping: "You have all chosen the method of improving your strength, do I establish the Yun Dynasty, or cultivate the Demon Dao?" "

Xiao Li Feidao: "I suddenly feel so urgent!" I also have to think hard about how to choose my future cultivation path. "

At this time, the chatting masses were no longer in the mood to persuade Zhu Yuanzhang to open the group world and let them enter the world of clouds.

The most important thing for them now is to choose a suitable cultivation path for themselves and let themselves rise quickly.

However, the actions of the chatting masses did not affect Ye Hao, Zhang Sanfeng and Zhu Yuanzhang.

Ye Hao and Zhang Sanfeng both focused on the group task.

And Zhu Yuanzhang had already determined his own path of cultivation and established the Yun Dynasty.

So, now is the time to seize the opportunity to earn points.

In this way, he would be able to purchase better immortal cultivation resources and lay a good foundation for his Yun Dynasty.

"Ding-dong! The group mission begins! "

After about a quarter of an hour, the prompt tone of the group system sounded in Ye Hao's ears.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Great Immortal, I will go out first and enter the world of Hongwu Emperor." "

In the Heavenly World, Zhang Sanfeng didn't even bring the Sword Saint, so he directly entered the Rainy Cloud World.

His plan this time did not need the help of the Sword Saint.

Immortal cultivator: "I'll arrive later." "

In the world of the blue blood sword, Ye Hao glanced at Tian Yan, who had slept in the past, put on his magic robe, and entered the world of rain and clouds.

Like the Great World of Xianxia, the Great World of Stars, and the Great World of Perfection, these top worlds full of danger, he sent doppelgangers into them.

The world is different.

Not to mention the lower realm of the rainy and cloudy world, it is the upper realm of the rainy cloud-turning world, and he can also be destroyed with a snap of his fingers.

Naturally, there is no danger.

In this case, Ye Hao naturally went out to complete the group task.

"Ding-dong! Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist priest enters the mission world. "

"Ding-dong! Immortal cultivators enter the quest world. "

Two white pillars of light descended into the rainy cloud-turning world, and Zhu Yuanzhang was in the imperial city.

"Meet Daxian, meet Zhang Zhenren."

Zhu Yuanzhang bowed to Ye Hao, and then also took the initiative to greet Zhang Sanfeng.

Although the chat group they are in is a martial arts chat group.

However, all the group members are immortal cultivators.

The identity of the emperor is in the chat group, and there is nothing special at all.

Moreover, there are now four emperors in the chat group, and they have long become ordinary.

[Emperor Hongwu opened the live broadcast room. 】

At the same time, Zhu Yuanzhang also hurriedly opened the live broadcast room.

[The space station navigator enters the live broadcast room. 】

[Da Qin Zulong entered the live broadcast room. ] 】

[Master Wing Chun enters the live broadcast room. 】

Although the chatting masses are busy with their own affairs, they still pay a trace of attention to the situation of the group task.

They all want to know how this group mission will end?

"Action plan, you will arrange it."

"If there is anything to add later, I will give some supplements."

Ye Hao gave the task initiative to Zhang Sanfeng.

His strength is too strong, and it is only a matter of mind to complete the group mission, and it is difficult to trigger a new group mission.

"Thank you Daxian!"

Zhang Sanfeng quickly thanked him.

Whether it was in the eyes of Bai Xiaofei before or in the eyes of Zhang Sanfeng, Ye Hao's behavior was completely for them to behave well and make more contributions in the group mission.

Otherwise, the Great Immortals will directly complete the group mission, and even if they can get points, I am afraid that they will only get a small part of the points.

"I wonder what plan Zhang Sanfeng has prepared?"

The chatting masses were extremely curious.

Zhang Sanfeng often does not play cards according to the routine, and the miserable fate of the sword saint of the Fengyun World began when he was deceived by Zhang Sanfeng.

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