"Your Majesty, I wonder if you have any information about the top experts in the Nether Realm?"

"Who else is the number one expert in the world?"

Zhang Sanfeng went straight to the point.

"This is the information of the top ten masters of the black list on the rivers and lakes."

"This is the information of the White Dao master."

Zhu Yuanzhang directly took out the various information collected by Jin Yiwei from the storage bag.

"If there is anyone who is the number one master in the world, it should be the magician Pang Ban."

If it was before joining the chat group, Zhu Yuanzhang might not be very clear about the magic master Pang Ban.

However, after joining the chat group and becoming an immortal cultivator, Zhu Yuanzhang also felt that he had the ability to subdue the master of the rainy cloud-turning world.

Therefore, he took the initiative to investigate the crowd of experts in the cloud-turning world

"This person's identity is very mysterious, I only know that he is a great master of the Demon Dao, his means are ruthless, the city is deep, and he has been in the world for sixty years-, and no one can beat him."

"However, Pang Ban always had some regrets and failed to break through the emotional barrier, and when challenging the martial arts holy land Cihang Jingzhai, he fell in love with Yan Jingan, the lord of Zhai, at the request of Yan Jingan, and retired to martial arts for twenty years."

"Even if Pang Ban has not been born for more than ten years, he is still a top figure above the black and white paths, and is revered by the underworld like a god, and feared by the white way."

Zhu Yuanzhangzai introduced carefully.

He was not only cooperating with Zhang Sanfeng, but also showing Ye Hao's ability.

"It is indeed a Demon Dao Grand Master."

After obtaining a large amount of information from Zhu Yuanzhang about the magic master Pang Ban, Zhang Sanfeng used the Heavenly Mechanic to confirm the truth of Zhu Yuanzhang's words.

As a result, the Heavenly Machine showed that the magician Pang Ban was evil by nature, like the incarnation of a demon.

"Daxian, I'll go and capture Pang Ban first."

After Zhang Sanfeng finished speaking, after using the Heavenly Mechanic Technique to roughly deduce the identity of the magician Pang Ban, the imperial sword flew and flew over quickly.

The world will help the master: "The old man has already guessed Zhang Sanfeng's plan, and he definitely intends to help Pang Ban break the void. "

Overwhelming affirmation.

The group mission is a Shattered Void mission, and the task requirement is to let the people in the Nether know that the Shattered Void is real.

What could be more real than letting everyone in the Nether see with their own eyes someone shattering the void?

Xiao Li Feidao: "Poor Sword Saint!" "

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helm Master Chen: "Poor Sword Saint! "

Huashan Pai Yue was in charge: "Poor Sword Saint! "

The chatting masses looked at Xiongba's words, and the corners of their mouths couldn't help twitching a few times.

They were similar to Xiongba's guess, and this magician Pang Ban was definitely the second sword saint.

"I wonder what kind of expression Magician Pang Ban will have when he knows that he is about to be forcibly shattered into the void?"

The chat masses are extremely looking forward to.

"Hmph! I really don't know how Zhu Yuanzhang seized the world? "

"He actually added his mystery with this little trick."

At this time, in the Magician's Palace, Pang Ban looked at the information about the Ming Dynasty, and couldn't help but snort coldly.

His master, Demon Sect Meng Chixing, was Kublai Khan's master.

As a disciple of Meng Chixing, Pang Ban naturally did not have a good impression of Zhu Yuanzhang, who took away the world of the Yuan Dynasty.

"Also flying with the sword?"

"Still cultivating immortals?"

The information in the hands of the magician Pang Ban impressively wrote a lot of information about Zhu Yuanzhang.

Especially during this period, the mysterious events that happened to Zhu Yuanzhang.

"It's still a little close, my Dao Heart Seed Demon Dafa can reach a new level, and I can reappear."

The age of the magician Pang Ban was close to a hundred years old, but his appearance looked only thirty years, and his appearance was almost evilly handsome.

His skin was crystal clear and shimmering with dazzling luster, his purple and red gold dress was spotless, he wore a long silver cloak that could reach the ground, and a three-inch wide belt was tied around his waist, revealing a section full of precious stones, shining in the sun, and his temperament was like a profound mountain.

"When I go out of the mountain again, it will be the time when the Ming Dynasty collapses and the Great Yuan is revived."

The magician Pang Ban is extremely confident.

His long black and shiny hair, split in the middle, hanging on the shoulders that are much broader than ordinary people on both sides, no wind automatically, his eyes are radiant, like lightning, hiding an almost demon charm, and the whole person is full of human palpitations.

Magician Pang Ban is very clear about his strength, he is definitely the number one master in the world, and under the whole world, no one is his opponent.

As for the news that Zhu Yuanzhang became an immortal and was still able to fly with a sword, the magician Pang Ban did not believe it at all.

Is there a god in this world, will he not know?

In the eyes of the magician Pang Ban, Zhu Yuanzhang is a mud leg, although he is a hero, but that's all.

He is not only the master of the Magic Master Palace, but the master is also the Demon Sect Meng Chixing, and he knows too many secrets of heaven and earth.

"Shattered Void!"

Others may think that the Shattered Void is just a legend, but the magician Pang Ban knows very well that the Shattered Void is real.

His master, Demon Sect Meng Chixing, had fought against a strong man who shattered the void.

"Are you the Sorcerer Pang Ban?"

At this moment, the magician Pang Ban suddenly heard an inquiry.

"How is that possible?"

Magician Pang Ban's face changed drastically, and his expression looked at Zhang Sanfeng in the sky with a flying sword.

Zhang Sanfeng was not only able to approach him silently, but also able to fly with a sword, could it be an immortal cultivator?

"Could it be that the information about Zhu Yuanzhang is true, and Zhu Yuanzhang was accepted as an apprentice by this immortal cultivator?"

Magician Pang Ban only felt extremely absurd.

"That's not right!"

"Maybe it's a special cultivation method that allows this Daoist priest to fly with a sword."

The inheritance of the Magic Master Palace is the top inheritance in the world, and his master Demon Sect Meng Chixing said that if there really is an immortal, then it must be broken into the void to be able to see it.

The Taoist priest in front of him, who didn't know how to appear in front of him, definitely couldn't be an immortal.

"It's the magician Pang Ban!"

Without waiting for the magician Pang Ban to answer, Zhang Sanfeng had already appeared behind the mage Pang Ban and suppressed it with one move.

Although the magician Pang Ban is in the Nether Realm of the rainy world, he can be called one of the strongest.

However, in the face of Zhang Sanfeng, who had successfully broken through to the Heaven and Human Realm and reached the ninth layer of Qi refining, there was no way to fight back at all.


"How can there be such a strong person?"

Magician Pang Ban found that he could not sense his internal strength, and he didn't even have the strength to move a finger, even with his city government, he was a little flustered at this time.

"Lao Dao knows that you have always wanted to break the void, so I intend to help you."

Zhang Sanfeng held the magician Pang Ban who was sealed by him in one hand, and flew towards the imperial city with his sword.

Magic Master Pang Ban's strength has reached the peak of the Great Grandmaster, only one Creation Pill is needed, and more than ninety percent of the possibility of breaking through to the Heaven and Human Realm.

"Don't panic, you must be calm!"

Magician Pang Ban forced himself to calm down and began to concentrate his energy to try to break the seal in his body.

As for what Zhang Sanfeng said, helping him to break the void, he didn't believe it at all.

How could there be such a good thing under the sun?

His magician Pang Ban is not a seven-year-old child.

"Great Immortal, I plan to take a picture of the Sorcerer's Pang Ban Shattering the Void through the Shadow Stone, and then use the Shadow Stone to play it in this world."

After Zhang Sanfeng captured the magician Pang Ban, he told Ye Hao the plan he had prepared.

The Lingering Stone is a special magic weapon that records images and sounds in the fairy world, and can also be played.

Similar to the world of technology cameras plus projectors.

"You just do it."

Ye Hao didn't care at all and said.

He was not worried at all that Zhang Sanfeng had contributed too much, resulting in fewer points when the chat group posted rewards.

For him, the degree of tasks that this kind of group members can do is at most hundreds of thousands of points, and he can't look at it at all.

He has now upgraded the realm of strength, but in hundreds of millions.

"It is worthy of being the strongest in the world, and his mentality is indeed very good."

"Before, Lao Dao thought that you had a ninety percent chance of breaking through to the Heavenly Human Realm, but now Lao Dao can be sure that you can break through to the Heavenly Human Realm one hundred percent."

With Ye Hao's words, Zhang Sanfeng no longer had any scruples and began to act boldly.

"What kind of seal is this, why can't I break it?"

Magician Pang Ban completely ignored Zhang Sanfeng's words, just glanced at Ye Hao and Zhu Yuanzhang and continued to try various means to break through Zhang Sanfeng's seal.

Unfortunately, the seal on his body did not move.

"This is the two-pin pill medicine creation pill, which can help you break through to the realm of heaven and earth."

Zhang Sanfeng smiled faintly and directly punched a pill into the body of the magician Pang Ban.

At the same time, he is also unlocking the seal on the body of the magician Pang Ban.

"What kind of elixir is this?"

Magician Pang Ban thought it was a poisonous pill, and subconsciously shielded the power of the creation pill.

However, the Creation Pill was a second-grade cultivation elixir, and its energy was not stopped by the magic master Pang Ban at all.

Magician Pang Ban originally thought that he would be highly poisonous, but found that his body was better than ever.

Moreover, his qi and blood became more full of vitality, his internal force was growing rapidly, and his spirit became more and more active.

At the same time, his sense of the nature of heaven and earth has also become much clearer.

"Did I really break through to the Heaven and Human Realm?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

After about a quarter of an hour, the magician Pang Ban sensed his power, some ecstasy, and some disbelief.

What Zhang Sanfeng said turned out to be true?

This Taoist priest who was able to subdue him with one move before, why did he help him so much?


At this moment, the magician Pang Ban felt the repulsive force of the void, and a void channel formed in his body.

Shattered Void!

He had really reached the realm of shattered void.

"However, what is your purpose, this time, I really thank you."

"If one day, we can still see each other, I will definitely let you know how powerful the magician is Pompian."

Magician Pang Ban said coldly.

Since his debut, he has never been so embarrassed or panicked as today.

This was the first time he felt that life and death were out of control.

Now, though, it's different.

He was immediately able to shatter the void and soar to a higher level of the world, and even to the immortal realm.

Magician Pang Ban believes that with his talent, even if he soars to a higher level of the world, he can quickly rise and become one of the top powerhouses.

By that time, if Zhang Sanfeng was still alive, he had already liquidated the cause and effect with Zhang Sanfeng.

"Pang Ban, you are so self-sufficient."

"There's some information about the Upper Realm here."

Zhang Sanfeng's face remained unchanged, and he used the photo stone to photograph the process of the magic master Pang Ban's ascension.

At the same time, he threw a Immortal Cultivation Jade Jane at the Magician Pang Ban, which recorded Ye Hao's introduction to the world realm of the rain and clouds.

"A god and demon born of a sixth-order martial artist?"

"Immortal, reaching the strongest True Dragon Emperor in the world? True Blood Emperor? True Demon Emperor? "

"The True Dragon Emperor has millions of children and children, at least in the Heavenly Human Realm?"

"The Upper Realm is not the Immortal Realm at all, but a hell, which is extremely cold and dark."

After the magician Pang Ban found that Xiu Immortal Jade Jian was not in any danger, he couldn't help but read the information inside.

And then the color changed dramatically.

This is the Ascending Immortal Realm, this is simply soaring to hell!


Magician Pang Ban still wanted to say something, but he felt that everything was upside down, the space was turning, and his eyes were blurry.

When his vision was clear, he found himself landing in a bloody barren mountain.

"The information that the Taoist priest gave me may be false, what is the situation in the upper realm, I still personally confirm it."

Although the magician Pang Ban still had some doubts about the authenticity of the information in the Immortal Jade Jian.

However, when acting, it is still cautious.

"Father, I have found a handsome human being, and I will marry him as my fifth concubine and sixth."

At this moment, a hundred-foot-long black dragon descended from the sky and landed in front of the magician Pang Ban in surprise.


This black dragon turned into a burly woman two meters tall, dark skin, strong muscles, and a neutral appearance.

"The strength is not bad, with the strength of the Heavenly Human Realm."

A thousand zhang long, even bigger, like a black dragon in a mountain turned into a burly middle-aged man one zhang tall, glanced at the magician Pang Ban, and nodded with satisfaction.

The burly middle-aged man is the Dragon King of the nearby Blackwater River.

The burly woman is the eighty-second princess of the Black Water River, and the daughter of the Black Water Dragon King's top talent and strength.


Magician Pang Ban did not hesitate without any hesitation, pulled out his legs and ran.

The aura emitted by these two black dragons turned into figures was much more powerful than him.

He is not an opponent at all.

"Xianggong, what are you running?"

"We'll go to the cave room now."

The Princess of the Blackwater River directly held down the magician Pang Ban, and then pressed it in the creaking nest and flew towards the direction of the Blackwater River.

"If you don't want to follow me, I won't force it."

"I'll hand you over to my twelfth brother, you look so handsome, he must like it."

Magician Pang Ban: "Nine."

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