The world is cloudy.

"I wonder if Pang Ban has safely ascended to the Upper Realm?"

"With the scheming city that Pang Ban just showed, even if he doesn't believe the information Zhang Zhenren told him, he should maintain a certain degree of caution, I feel that there may be little problem."

"It's impossible that Pang Ban just flew to the Upper Realm and died in the mouth of a demon beast, right?"

"I have a feeling that what happened to Pang Ban is definitely not too good."

In the live broadcast room, the chatting masses wanted to watch the upper realm through the passage of the broken void.

Unfortunately, the live broadcast room was opened by Zhu Yuanzhang, and the chat masses could only watch within the scope of Zhu Yuanzhang's activities.

"It's a pity!"

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the disappearing Pang Ban and secretly shook his head.

He had originally planned to take Pang Ban.

Now that Pang Ban has shattered the void to the Upper Realm, the cruelty and darkness of the Upper Realm, Pang Ban may not be able to hold out the moment when he attacked the Upper Realm.

"Anyway, you yourself want to shatter the void, just as you intended!"

After Zhang Sanfeng sent the magician Pang Ban to the Upper Realm, he did not pay attention to Pang Ban again.

"Daxian, I'll go prepare first."

Zhang Sanfeng said as the imperial sword flew and flew over Jinling City, injecting mana into the Lingering Stone.


Then, the picture of the broken void is projected on the sky.

[Sorcerer Pang Ban shattered the void and flew to the Upper Realm! ] 】

On the screen, there is also a line of huge gold font added by Zhang Sanfeng, shining.

The process of Shattering the Void in Pang Ban added up to less than three minutes, and after Zhang Sanfeng finished playing, he quickly flew to Suzhou City, Hangzhou City, Yangzhou City and other densely populated cities.

Zhang "077" Sanfeng followed the pattern of playing the Lingering Stone over Jinling City, and it was also above these cities that the image of the sorcerer's Pang Ban shattered void was projected into the sky.

After that, Zhang Sanfeng flew to the Nujiao Gang, Cihang Jingzhai, Zunxinmen, Evil Spirit Gate and other martial arts factions.

Above these sects, the picture of the shattered void of the mage Pang Bang was also projected.

"The territory outside Daming cannot be spared."

Zhang Sanfeng quickly flew to the Ottoman Empire, the Kingdom of England, the Kingdom of Fusang and other major dynasties in the world.

When Zhang Sanfeng spent several hours flying back to Jinling City again, the entire Nether Realm of the Rain and Cloud World had already exploded.

"Strength to a certain extent, can you shatter the void and soar to the upper realm? Is the Upper Realm an Immortal Realm? "

"It turns out that our world still has the immortal realm, and I must also cultivate hard and soar to the upper realm as soon as possible."

"I can't imagine that the strength of the Sorcerer Pang Ban is so terrifying that it actually soars to the Upper Realm, and the Sorcerer Pang Ban may be able to become an immortal."

"It is worthy of being a god-level existence that coerces black and white, and the magician Pang Ban will become a myth and a legend."

"Hateful! Why didn't I know earlier that my strength was strong enough to be able to break through the Su Void? Otherwise, I would not have reached the Grandmaster Realm and relaxed my cultivation. "

Whether it is within or outside Daming, whether it is people who practice martial arts or ordinary people, they all fall into a huge sensation and frenzy.

Practicing martial arts was actually able to soar to the upper realm!

How extraordinary this is!

This is simply the daylight rise of myths and legends.

The magician is a fairy!

If they can reach the strength of the Sorcerer Pang Ban, will they also be able to ascend to the Upper Realm and become immortals?

"Magician Ponban! I'm not as good as you! "

Zunxinmen, the thief Chi Zunxin looked at the sky, his spirit was in a trance, and he lost his mind for a long time.

He was seven feet tall, tall and powerful, with long hair hanging down his shoulders, a black robe, eyes like torches, and a face full of dirt, like a hard brush, but at this time he was a little decadent.

He and the Sorcerer Pang Ban are both people in the Demon Dao, but the struggle between the two factions continues.

All along, the two sides have been on par.

However, after seeing the Sorcerer Pang Ban Shattered Void and ascending to the Upper Realm, Chi Zunxin was dealt a heavy blow.

Originally, he thought that the strength of himself and the magician Pang Ban was not much different.

Now it seems that the gap between the two of them has already opened.

The strength of the mage Pang Ban not only reached a higher level, but he even found the mystery of shattering the void.

"Pang Ban, I will definitely compete with you in the Upper Realm again."

Chi Zunxin converged his negative emotions, and the whole person became scrappy and fiery inside.

Shattered Void!

Ascend to the Upper Realm!

Become an immortal and become a god!

These past legends have all become true, and he is also the goal of finding his future life.

He, Chi Zunxin, will also ascend in the day.

"I can't imagine that Sorcerer Pang Ban has such a realm?"

Nu Jiao Gang, on Dongting Lake, the rain sword wave turned over the clouds at this time, and he was also looking at the sky stunned.

He has no handsome appearance, no extraordinary birth, and does not know much about the broken void.

He really didn't expect that when he reached a certain realm in martial arts, he would be able to shatter the void and soar in the day.

This is simply a mythical reproduction.

"I don't know what the scenery of the Upper Realm is?"

At this moment, a trace of ambition also rose in the heart of the waves.

In the future, he will also go to the Upper Realm to take a look and see what the gods, Buddhas, and demons look like.

"Hahaha Shattered Void! It turns out that the highest realm of bushido is to shatter the void and soar to the upper realm. "

"God may be the god of the upper realm, and I, Urban VI, must fly to the upper realm to worship God."

"The gods are definitely in the upper realm, if I ascend to the upper realm, will I become a new god? Eternal immortality? "

"The Lord must also be in the Upper Realm, and I will go to the Upper Realm to worship the Lord!"

At the same time, all forces outside Daming were also caught in endless excitement and fanaticism.

Upper bound!

It turns out that the world they are in has a higher world.

This upper realm is definitely the abode of the gods, and there are many gods.

If they can ascend to the upper realm, even if they cannot become gods, I am afraid that they will be able to see the gods they believe in, become believers who follow the gods, and be eternal and immortal.

"Be sure to find the martial arts secret code cultivated by Demon Pang Ban!"

At this moment, not only the masters of all parties in Daming set their sights on the Magic Palace, but even the forces outside Daming also mobilized their forces one after another, wanting to find the inheritance of the Magic Master Pang Ban.

This is a peerless divine skill that can fly to the upper realm.

If they received the inheritance of the Magic Master Pang Ban, even if they could not cultivate, it would be only for reference, which would greatly increase their hope of flying to the Upper Realm.

"It is worthy of being Zhang Zhenren, and he easily spread the influence of the Sorcerer's Pang Ban Shattered Void to the entire Nether."

Chen Jinnan looked envious and jealous.

With these contributions as a basis, when the group task is released, Zhang Sanfeng will definitely be able to get a lot of point rewards.

"Alas~ These people who are immersed in the broken void and fly to the Upper Realm, if they know the true situation of the Upper Realm, I don't know if they still have the courage to soar to the Upper Realm?"

Li Xunhuan sighed lightly, looking at the frenzied princes and nobles, peddlers, pawns, and people in Jinling City, and couldn't help but shake his head.

If you fly to the Upper Realm in other worlds, there may be a real hope of becoming an immortal and a god.

However, to ascend to the upper realm in the rainy world is simply to fly into hell.

Even if the talent of every ascended person is top-notch, the strength of ascending to the upper realm is also heavenly and human realm.

However, their hope of survival is probably less than one in ten.

"Do you really think it's easy to cultivate to the Heavenly Human Realm?"

"Even if these people know that cultivating to the Heaven and Human Realm can shatter the void and work harder for cultivation, cultivation requires talent."

"In the cultivation environment of the Nether Realm, even if the whole people practice martial arts, not necessarily one of the million people will be able to break through to the Heaven and Human Realm."

Xiongba sneered.

He is now the strength of the Heavenly Human Realm, and he knows very well how powerful the Heavenly Human Realm is.

The Heavenly Human Realm can easily kill a martial artist at the peak of the Great Grandmaster in seconds.

In the Fengyun World, all sects and factions know that above the Great Master, there is also the Heaven and Human Realm. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

As a result, the people in his era who broke through to the realm of heaven and man by themselves were only nameless.

The level of the Nether Realm of the Stormy Cloud World is much lower than that of the Wind and Cloud World.

Although because of the pursuit of shattering the void, flying to the upper realm, becoming immortals and gods, they are even more fanatical about martial arts, so that they will work extremely hard to cultivate.

However, the world is cruel and real.

No talent, no chance, just work hard, let alone break through to the heavenly and human realm, I am afraid that even the innate realm will not reach.

"I'm curious to know now what Daisen will do next?"

Liu Peiqiang was extremely curious and expectant.

Zhang Sanfeng's operation is only the limit of the group members, far from being comparable to the Great Immortal.

"Do you have anything else to add?"

Ye Hao saw Zhang Sanfeng fly back to Jinling again and asked.

The duration of the group task is only one day.

Zhang Sanfeng has used up four or five hours.....

The rest of the time allowed him to complete group tasks easily.

However, whether a new group task can be triggered, Ye Hao cannot guarantee.

"The Great Immortal is gone!"

Zhang Sanfeng hesitated and shook his head.

He also wanted to let the people of the lower realm of the rainy world see the situation in the upper realm, let them see the situation of the magic master Pang Ban flying to the upper realm, and let them know more about the broken void.

Unfortunately, his strength is not strong enough.

His current martial arts realm has also reached the realm of heaven and man, and he can also soar to the upper realm.

It's just that after he ascended to the Upper Realm, he couldn't guarantee his safety at all.

Although he can purchase the attack talisman seal of the foundation building realm level, or even the attack talisman seal of the Jiedan realm level in the points mall.

However, if he did, he would invest too many points.

With his strength, he couldn't do anything in the Upper Realm, and he couldn't add much to himself.

In this case, Zhang Sanfeng naturally chose to give up entering the Upper Realm.

"If that's the case, I'll add something."

Ye Hao smiled lightly.


Ye Hao gently grabbed and captured the rules of heaven and earth in the rainy and cloudy world.

"Swoosh~", "Swish~", "Swish~"

Then Ye Hao punched these heaven and earth rules into the bodies of all the masters of the Great Grandmaster level outside of Daming.

At the same time, in the territory of Daming, all the great grandmaster-level masters who did not commit evils also obtained a rule of heaven and earth.

"Boom!" , "Boom! "Boom! "

Then white rays of light rushed from the Nether to the sky, across the sky.

In the white light, all of them were grandmaster-level masters who had obtained the rules of heaven and earth.

Under Ye Hao's influence, everyone in the Nether, and even every living being, could see the figures in these white lights.

"Hahaha, I realized!"

"My Juhe has realized the unity of heaven and man, and I, Kikukiro, will also fly today."

Fusang Guo, a sword master at the early stage level of a great grandmaster, only felt that his understanding exploded after obtaining the rules of heaven and earth given by Ye Hao, and his strength was growing rapidly.

With a few breaths, he reached the edge of the Heavenly and Human Realm, and he could break the void at any time.

"Great God, have you heard the voice of Urban VI? Praise be to the great Lord! "

Vatican, inside the Papal Palace, Pope Urban VI looked frenzied, and the whole person fell into madness.

Kikukiro of the Fuso Kingdom may feel that his inspiration has exploded, so his strength will break through from the early stage of the Great Grandmaster to the realm of the Supreme Great Master in just a few breaths.

The Pope doesn't think so.

His body has long been aging, his qi and blood have decayed, not to mention the burst of inspiration, even if he has fallen into a state of epiphany, his strength cannot be improved.

As a result, he was also in a few breaths, from the strength of the mid-level level of the Great Grandmaster, straight to 0.0 to the realm that could shatter the void at any time.

"I, Urban VI, have received God's oracle, and I will soon break the void, ascend to the upper realm, and go to accompany God."

The Pope's voice spread throughout the Vatican under the internal force of terror.

He will become the greatest pope of all time.

"Me! How did my strength skyrocket so quickly? Since breaking through to the Great Master, it has been difficult to improve a trace of strength, how can I see the ascension of the Magic Master Pang Spot today, I feel that I can also shatter the void? "

"Epiphany! I'm definitely having an epiphany! Seeing the sight of the magician Pang Speckle ascending, I had an epiphany about the mystery of shattering the void. "

"Hahaha, I don't care, I will also break the void today, and become an immortal and a god."

"Heaven's way is unfair! Why are all those who have reached the Shattered Void Realm all famous devils, and why is there not a single master in the White Dao who has reached the Shattered Void? "

"Could it be that the Demon Dao is the real Dao?"

The entire Nether Realm fell into a huge noise again because of Ye Hao's intervention.

This time, there were enough dozens of people to reach the realm of shattered void, and they could soar to the upper realm at any time.

In particular, the people in the rivers and lakes of Daming fell into great doubt and shock.

All the famous Demon Dao masters have all realized the mystery of shattering the void.

And like the rainy sword waves rolling over the clouds, these righteous path masters such as Yan Jingan, the head of Cihang Jingzhai, did not move at all.


Just when the forces of the Nether Realm were shaken, ripples rippled in the sky, and the scene in the picture was the scene after the magic master Pang Ban soared.

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