"Why did the scene of the Sorcerer Pang Ban ascending appear in the sky above the Nu Jiao Gang, it is clear that the place where the Sorcerer Pang Ban shattered the void is Jinling City."

"Moreover, how can there be so many people shattering the void at the same time this time, and even we can see other Ascensions thousands of miles away?"

"I feel that a pair of invisible big hands are manipulating all this, otherwise, why didn't the person who shattered the void before have such a shocking vision?"

"What nonsense are you! I just want to see now whether after the magician Pang Ban ascended to the upper realm, he was ranked in the immortal class and immortalized! "

Shattering the Nether Realm of the Void World, although the forces of all parties suspected the anomaly of the vision.

However, as the picture of the Sorcerer Pang Ban ascending to the Upper Realm appeared in the sky, everyone stared intently at the sky.

They now only want to know what happened after the Sorcerer Pang Ban shattered the void.

What kind of world did the magician Pang Ban fly into and what kind of benefits he obtained.

Soon, a blood-red mountain that was almost ten thousand feet tall appeared in the picture on the void, and the sorcerer's broken void appeared in this mountain.

"Magician Pang Ban is really careful enough."

All the masters who knew the magic Pang Ban looked at the Mage Pang Ban who quickly converged his breath and carefully walked in the mountain peak, all of them secretly admired.

Magician Pang Ban is a shattered void!

I am afraid that its strength has reached a new height, coupled with the joy of flying to the upper realm, I am afraid that ordinary people have already flown in the upper realm.

As a result, Pang Ban was like a thief who sneaked into the palace, cautious and cautious at every step, as if the next step was an abyss.

"The Sorcerer's Pang Ban Heart is so extraordinary."

At this moment, the magic master Pang Ban received admiration and admiration from all forces in the Netherworld.

"Me! There are dragons! There are two huge black dragons in the sky! "

"It's worthy of the Upper Realm, there is a real dragon! There must also be gods and spirits in the Upper Realm. "

"Could it be that these two black dragons are here to pick up Pang Ban to the Heavenly Court?"

"The old man will soon ascend to the upper realm, and the old man must taste the taste of dragon meat in the future."

The two black dragons that suddenly appeared in the image instantly replaced the protagonists of the magician Pang Ban.

Everyone stared intently at the two black dragons, again in awe and ecstasy.

The upper 15 realms were indeed as they guessed, there were true dragons and phoenixes, and there were immortal Buddhas.

Master Wing Chun Yip: "This magician Pang Ba is a bit miserable!" Just ascended and encountered the dragon clan? "

For the dragon clan of the rainy world, Ip Man was deeply impressed.

Magician Pang Ban is top-notch in appearance and temperament, and belongs to the existence of a beautiful man.

Now that I encounter the dragon clan, isn't that magician Pang Ban a sheep in the mouth of the tiger?

Great Qin Zulong: "It is worthy of the upper realm, it is so dangerous, the position of the broken void to the upper realm should be random, and they can even encounter two true dragons." "

"I wonder if the Nether people in Zhu Yuanzhang's world know what happened to Sorcerer Pang Ban next, will their mentality explode?"

Ying Zheng also stared at the live broadcast room with a gossipy face.

He knew the moment was coming.

The Nether Realm of the Cloudy World, those who have not reached the Shattered Void, whether their mentality will explode, and the government cannot be determined.

Those masters who are about to shatter the void will definitely be hit critically.

Space station navigator: "Are there any under eighteen in the group?" Please automatically exit the live room. Funny jpg. "

Graphic designer: "Calm down! Everyone calm! Maybe it was the magician Pang Ban who took the peach blossom luck, married the dragon Bai Fumei, and directly walked to the peak of life. "

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "You said that if these two black dragons were male, would something happen?" "

Heaven and Earth Society Chen General Helm Lord: "Senior brother, you are also too dirty. "

Xiahou Swordsman: "The Upper Realm is really dangerous, casually encounter two true dragons who are at least in the Heavenly and Human Realm." "

The people in the rainy world still don't know what might happen next, and they think that the magician Pang Ban encountered some kind of anti-heavenly opportunity.

And the chatting masses already knew the situation in the upper realm, and they were already very unoptimistic about the next fate of the magician Pang Ban.

If you are unlucky, the magician Pang Ban may be directly devoured by two black dragons.

The number one master in the world in the Nether Realm, who has just flown to the Upper Realm, has become the food of the True Dragon of the Upper Realm?

If you're lucky, one of the two black dragons is a female true dragon.

In this case, the magician Pang Ban still has a chance to live.

If the magic master Pang Ban's means are superb enough, maybe he can turn over against the wind, eat soft rice hard, and rely on the resources of the dragon family to rise quickly.

However, no matter what the case is, the magician Pang Ban, who was once mighty in the world and above the black and white realms, will no longer have the courage that was once invincible.

"Father, I have found a handsome human being, and I will marry him as my fifty-sixth concubine."

In the eyes of the chattering masses full of gossip, under the expectant and excited gazes of everyone in the Netherworld, a black dragon turned into a burly woman, staring at the magician Pang Ban with hot eyes.

That gaze was filled with endless possessiveness and hunger.

Everyone wondered if there would be any discordant picture if it weren't for a black dragon in the sky.


The next moment, everyone saw the magician Pang Ban like a frightened rabbit, pulling out his legs and running.

The mage Pang Ban ran fast, but the burly woman transformed by the black dragon ran faster.

Not only did he easily grab the magician Pang Spot, but he also clamped the Magic Pang Ban under his armpit, as if holding a chicken.

Everyone could feel the horror and helplessness of the mage Pang Ban, as well as the annoyance and tremor.

Magician Pang Ban, the first strong person in the Nether Realm, and the invincible person who has coerced the world for sixty years, may become a concubine of a black dragon.

The most terrifying thing is the concubine of the fifty-sixth room.

"Pang Ban!"

Cihang Jingzhai, Yan Jing'an looked at the magician Pang Ban who was caught under the armpit by the burly woman with an extremely complicated expression.

At that time, she fell in love with the magic master Pang Ban, the head of all evils in the world, and asked the magic master Pang Ban to retire to martial arts for twenty years.

The magician Pang Ban obviously liked her too, and he really disappeared from here.

Although all these years have passed, her feelings for the magician Pang Ban have gradually faded.

However, her feelings for the magician Pang Ban are always different from those for other people.

For the magician Pang Ban to ascend to the Upper Realm, Yan Jingan was happy.

As long as the Demon Pang Ban exists in the Nether for one day, Bai Dao will not be able to compete with the Demon Dao.

And the magic Pang Ban flew to the upper realm, whether it was for the lower realm or for the mage Pang Ban, all of them were the best choices.

It's just a scene that happened in front of him, which almost made Yan Jingan's eyes pop out.

Magician Pang Spot!

It can be called the first person in the ancient and modern Demon Gate!

This peerless demon head, after ascending to the upper realm, did not usher in a higher peak of life, but became the concubine of a burly black dragon.

She is also a concubine of the fifty-sixth room.

"Magician Pang Ban actually had such an encounter?"

On the Dongting Lake, the waves looked at the hall magician Pang Ban who was actually caught under his armpit, like a child, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching a few times.

Especially after hearing the words of the burly woman and the magician Pang Ban who turned into a black dragon, his eyelids jumped wildly.

Or a cave room with a burly woman right away?

Or will it be given to the burly woman's twelfth brother?

The magician Pang Ban was in the hands of the burly woman, and there was no way to fight back.

And beside the burly woman, there is an even bigger burly figure turned into a black dragon, and the strength is probably even stronger.

Magician Pang Ban wants to break free by strength, and it is almost impossible.

In this case, the magician Pang Ban may only have to choose one of the two.

Master Wing Chun Yip: "If I'm not mistaken, this is an image from a few hours ago, which means that the magic master Pang Pang may have made a choice between the two. "

Huashan Pai Yue was in charge: "For the magician Pang Ban, this encounter may be good, at least it will not cost his life." "

Although Yue Buqun also felt that the burly woman was a little ugly, she was too burly.

But, as a man who dares to be in the palace.

If he faced the same choice as the magic master Pang Ban, he would definitely choose to become the fifty-sixth room concubine of the burly woman.

As long as he coaxes the burly woman, he may be able to obtain a lot of resources from the dragon clan.

The Dragon Clan is backed by the True Dragon Emperor and is one of the top races in the Upper Realm.

If you become a burly woman's concubine, you can also be considered to have a dragon background, and your life safety is at least guaranteed.

As for the cave room, as long as you endure it, you can still hold on.

Rainbow Cat Shaoxiao: "Do you say that the magic master Pang Ban will make a third choice?" "

The world will help the master: "Rainbow cat, you are too tender!" As a mature man, the old man can clearly tell you that no matter how amazing the magician Pang Pin's scheme is and meets such fiery eyes, the final outcome is already doomed. "

Xiongba knew very well that the burly woman probably only had one thought in her mind now.

As for the third choice made by the magician Pang Ban, it was also after the matter was over.

Graphic designer: "Ten breaths of distressed magician. "

Guo Jing: "I don't know the previous Ascensions, how did they survive in the Upper Realm?" "

Although the chatting masses knew that the ending of the magic master Pang Ban must not be good.

However, he did not expect that the fate of the magic master Pang Ban would be so subversive.

The first powerhouse in the Nether Realm will become a burly woman's concubine, and she will be ranked fifty-six.

That is to say, there are at least fifty-five more competitors for the Magic Pang Ban.

"Magician Pang Ban's luck is really bad, as soon as he flew to the Upper Realm, he actually encountered such an evil black dragon, if I flew to the Upper Realm, I would definitely not be so unlucky."

"That's right! Magician Pang Ban's luck is too bad, if he were to change to someone else, he would definitely not have such an encounter. "

"It must be that Sorcerer Pang Ban usually does too many bad things, so he will encounter such unlucky things after ascending to the Upper Realm."

"I feel that the luck of the magic master Pang Ban is good, although that burly woman is not beautiful enough, but she has strength and is a real dragon, it is not a shame to be a concubine for her."

Fuso Sword Saint Juki Lang, Pope Urban VI and other people who were about to break the void, watching the encounter of the magician Pang Ban, the excited and excited look on their faces instantly froze.

However, the men quickly calmed down.

The Magic Master Pang Ban is just an example.

They will definitely not be as unlucky as the magic master Pang Ban.

After they ascended to the Upper Realm, they definitely had an incomparably bright future.

"I'm going to soar!"

Fuso, the sword saint Kikukiro was kneeling around thousands of Fuso people, and at this time, the sword saint Kikukiro was the embodiment of the gods in their eyes.

Although the experience of the magician Pang Ban scared them.

However, the Sword Saint Kikumulo is their Fuso people, and with the protection of the Fuso God, they will definitely soar to the prosperous area of the Upper Realm and rise rapidly.

"Another person is going to ascend!"

Fuso Sword Saint Kiku Muro instantly became the focus of everyone's attention in the Nether.

The eyes of the chatting masses also turned to Kikukiro.

The world will help the master: "The old man gambles 1,000 points, and Kikukiro's experience will definitely not be better than that of Pang Ban." "

Xiao Li Feidao: "I bet you're right." "

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helmsman Chen: "It's hard to say, maybe Kikumulang's experience is better, but I don't bet." "

The master of the Flower Shifting Palace: "I bet 10,000 points, and Kikukiro ended up absolutely miserable." "

"Pang Ban is so unlucky to be so careful, this Kikumulang does not know the situation in the upper realm at all, after flying to the upper realm, as long as it is noticed by other creatures, I am afraid that he will definitely die."

The invitation to the moon is extremely affirmative.

Graphic designer: "Can I bet against you with 1 point?" "

The world will help the Lord: ".

Master of the Flower Shifting Palace: ".

Huashan Pai Yue was in charge: "This Ascension of Fusang, the iron is cold." "

Yue Buqun was very sure when he saw that Jumulang had actually soared into a huge towering ancient tree.

In such a dense ancient forest, there must be monster beasts.

Emperor Hongwu: "It must be cold!" Dare to fly in the forest. "

The chatting crowd instantly sentenced Kikukiro to death.

"Hahaha Sword Saint flew to a good place, the forest is dense, it is very easy to hide his identity, and it is not as easy to be discovered as the barren mountain."

"The upper realm is the immortal realm, how can the ascended people be as unlucky as the magician Pang Ban?"

"I just said, the magic master Pang Ban was just an accident."

"I can't wait to ascend, I feel like I will be able to shatter the void in a quarter of an hour at most."

Seeing Kikukiro successfully ascend to the Upper Realm, the entire Fuso fell into a carnival.

And the other people who reached the standard of Shattered Void looked much better, and their hearts were also relieved.


The next moment, in the picture, Kikumulo, who was flying 697 lines, directly exploded into a blood mist.

"Bah! It turned out to be just a heavenly and human realm, and it turned out to be so weak. "

A figure with three horns, resembling a human, covered with black scales, with evil eyes, surrounded by black demonic qi, flew from a cave dozens of miles away.

He opened his mouth and swallowed the blood mist that Kikumulo turned into into his abdomen, very dissatisfied.

Just now Kikukiro was blasted, it was his hand.


There was a dead silence!

The chatting masses looked calm, while everyone in the Nether Realm of the rainy cloud world was all stunned and looked shocked.

He's dead!

Kikukiro, the Ascension, was killed in an instant, and even the blood mist was devoured by a terrifying monster.

Was Kikukiro an accident again?

"There are Ascension again!"

Immediately after, a knight in the Kingdom of England, dressed in silver armor, like a holy knight, flew to the upper realm.


The English knight didn't even have time to observe the situation in the upper realm when he felt a dark shadow falling.

Then he was trampled to pieces.

As the picture on the void flowed, everyone also saw the murderer of the English knight.

It is a hundred-zhang-tall, Tyrannosaurus rex-shaped Yalong with golden scales and a huge snake tail.

This Yalong clan is like stepping on a worm, and does not care about the English knights who are trampled to death by him.

"Looks like I'm lucky."

The master of the Xiaoyao Gate did not fly directly outside a black city.

With the lessons of the previous three Ascensions, Mo Yixian did not enter the black city, but instantly hid, ready to secretly observe the city for a few days.

When he understood the situation, he decided whether to enter the city and learn more about the situation in the upper realm.

"Good luck, there is an ascension."

At this moment, a child who looked only eight or nine years old appeared behind Mo Yixian out of thin air, separated a blood-colored soul, and directly drilled into Mo Yixian's body.

Under the terrified and horrified gazes of everyone in the Netherworld, Mo Yixian was taken away by the Soul Emperor.

The fifth Ascension ascended to the battlefield of the Dragon Clan and the Buddha Clan, and was directly stirred into powder by the aftermath of the battle.

The sixth Ascension, swallowed by a large purple bird that fell from the sky, instantly swallowed into its belly.

The seventh ascender, the place where he ascended was close to a seventh-order top demon beast, was directly caught performing soul search techniques, and turned into an idiot.

A series of ten Ascensions, except for the magician Pang Ban who survived, all the others died tragically.


Pope Urban VI, the third-ranked poisoner Qianluo on the black list, and others who had not yet ascended, all turned pale and their bodies trembled.

One is an accident!

Two are accidents!

Is it an accident that ten in a row?

"This is not Ascension, this is Hell! I don't want to soar! "

Under the shocked gazes of countless people, in the white light, an ancient monk of Tianzhu directly abolished his cultivation.

In an instant, the Nether Realm of the rainy world fell silent and became depressed.

Where exactly are these Ascensions ascending?

What about the Immortal Realm?.

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