No matter how shocked and skeptical the people of the Nether were, Ascension continued.

It's just that at this time, everyone has no previous fanaticism and expectations for shattering the void and ascending to the upper realm.

Only endless fear and horror.

Shouldn't the upper realm be birds singing?

Shouldn't it be sacred and peaceful?

Shouldn't it be full of fairy and auspicious?

"Look, the place where Shan Yuru soared is the territory of human beings, and this time it will not die, right?"

Shan Yuru is the disciple grandson of the bloody junior sister Fu Yaohong, nicknamed the Jade Armband, not only has her martial arts reached the realm of the world's top level masters, but her tonic technique has also reached the pinnacle of the realm.

At the same time, she is also the leader of the Heavenly Mandate Sect.

Originally, for this demon path master, martial arts people were very afraid.

At this time, seeing Shan Yuru soaring to a safe place, not only the Demon Dao masters cheered, but even the martial arts people of the White Dao Sect such as Cihang Jingzhai couldn't help but show a smile on their faces.

Even if they saw the miserable experience of those who shattered the void before and flew to the upper realm, whether it was the demon path or the martial arts people of the white path, they were still full of illusions about the shattered void.

It was really because of the beautiful fantasy of shattering the void, flying to the upper realm, and becoming an immortal and a god, which had too deep an impact on them.

"I'm not dead?"

Shan Yuru was wearing a wide-sleeved robe that reached the ground, the jade belt was fresh, and her black hair was lined with snow-skinned white clothes, and she looked around trembling at this time, extremely happy.

The tragic experience of those who ascended many before, which brought her too much shock.

She was still hesitating whether to abolish her cultivation and give up the opportunity to shatter the void.

As a result, she directly shattered the void.

In this case, she did not dare to abolish Xiu Wei at all.

It is very dangerous for the strength of the Heavenly and Human Realm to soar to the upper realm, and if you abolish the cultivation to ascend to the upper realm, it is simply no different from sending to death.

"Welcome to the Upper Realm, you are very lucky to have descended to the human realm, and even appeared near the Dayu tribe."

At this moment, an old man with white hair and a wrinkled face appeared in front of Shan Yuru.

"Meet senior!"

Shan Yuru hurriedly bowed down and worshiped, feeling extremely happy in her heart.

The frontier of humanity!

She may be safe.

"Although you have soared to the Upper Realm, I have to tell you that this may be a very cruel thing for you."

The old man was expressionless and said.

"Isn't this the Immortal Realm?"

Shan Yuru hurriedly asked.

In the Nether, there are too many myths and legends that ascend to the Upper Realm and become immortals and gods.

"There has never been any upper realm, only an incomparably cruel and dark upper realm."

The old man's old voice directly broke Shan Yuru's last illusion.

The upper realm was completely different from the immortal realm she imagined, and even two diametrically opposed environments.

"Maybe whether it is Pang Ban or other Ascensions, their encounter in the Upper Realm is not an accident, but a bloody reality."

Shan Yuru only felt chills all over her body.

Before the Sorcerer Pang Ban, there must have been quite a few Ascensions.

Those who ascended also held the good wishes of ascending to the upper realm and reaching the immortal realm.

As a result, they may not even understand the situation in the Upper Realm, and they will fall in the Upper Realm.

"Senior, what is the strength of our clan's upper realm?"

Shan Yuru was extremely concerned and said.

If the Terran is strong enough, she can completely protect under the Terrans.

She has already reached the highest realm of Zhenda, and without using any temptation means, she is so rich and beautiful, which is enough to captivate the world and make life endlessly lingering.

"What is the strength of the Terrans?"

The old man, who had not changed his expression all the time, had a miserable smile on his face.

"Below the imperial clan, all are ants!"

"My Dayu tribe is also one of the top tribes among the many tribes of the Terran race, and it has encountered dozens of extinction crises since its establishment thousands of years ago."

The old man quickly collected his mood and just glanced at Shan Yuru with pity.

"In the Nether, the Terrans are the strongest force, and even other races besides the Terrans have not even been born with wisdom."

"You may subconsciously think that the Terrans are also one of the powerful forces in the Upper Realm, and I can only tell you now that the Terrans can be said to be one of the weakest races in the Upper Realm."

"The Terrans are more like food raised by demons."

The old man spoke of the harsh reality of the Terrans in the Upper Realm.

"Then why is the strength of the Terrans so strong in the Nether~?"

Shan Yuru only felt that her scalp was numb, obviously unable to accept such a reality, and quickly asked.

"Moreover, the Terrans are so weak, why can they survive in the Upper Realm?"

Shan Yuru seemed to want to ask all the doubts in her heart in one breath.

"Why is the strength of the Terrans so strong in the Nether? Perhaps the strength of the demons is too strong, and once they are born, they will be excluded to the upper realm. "

The old man obviously couldn't answer that question either.

"As for why the Terran strength can survive in the Upper Realm? Of course, because the Terrans also have some strong people, they secretly shelter the Terrans. "

"At the same time, because the Terrans are weak and have a strong ability to reproduce, many demons are reluctant to exterminate the Terrans."

"Even if you haven't grown food, you should know something."

"If you see food that is easy to survive and is highly productive, are you willing to exterminate them?"

The old man directly sent out soul torture.

Shan Yuru: ".

At this moment, Shan Yuru was extremely regretful!

She shouldn't have been so hesitant.

She should be like that monk in Tianzhu and directly abolish the cultivation.

She is the leader of the Heavenly Mandate Sect in the Nether, and the members of the Heavenly Mandate Sect are all over the world, and even if they cannot successfully seize the world, they can become a decisive force that affects the world.

As a result, flying to the Upper Realm may be reduced to food.

Even if her charm is amazing, it depends on the object used.

If it is those demons who do not understand aesthetics at all, I am afraid that she will also become food.

"That's right!"

"To tell you one thing, as an ascension, you can survive in the Dayu tribe for ten years, and after ten years, you will have to leave the Dayu tribe."

"Only by reaching the Demon God level, that is, the realm above the Heavenly and Human Realm, you are eligible to join the Terran tribe."

In such a cruel and dark environment in the Upper Realm, warmth and soft-heartedness will only cost lives.

Therefore, the Terrans also pursue an iron-blooded policy.

"Thank you, senior."

Shan Yuru showed a smile that was uglier than crying, and her voice was hoarse, and said.


She can only stay in the Dayu tribe for ten years, and ten years must leave the Dayu tribe and wander outside alone.

Although the old man didn't say much, Shan Yuru probably had some guesses about the outside environment.

The Ascension of the Heavenly and Human Realm is probably an ant-like existence in the Upper Realm, and any demon can kill the Heavenly Human Realm.

Ten years later, how much can her strength be improved?

In this case, if she leaves the Dayu tribe, I am afraid that her fate will not be much different from the previous few Ascensions.

"Let's go, I'll take you to the inheritance land of the Dayu tribe, from which you can choose any exercise and supreme school."

The old man said and flew towards the Dayu tribe with Shan Yuru, entering a place where dense exercises and supreme learning were recorded.

Even the top tribes of the Terran race may be destroyed at any time, so the major tribes of the Terran are all open to all the exercises and supreme learning.

Even if one day the tribe is destroyed, as long as some people escape by chance, the tribe can still have another day to rebuild.

Moreover, the Terrans are weak, and if the inheritance is restricted, I am afraid that the Terrans will never be strong.

Every Terran in the Upper Realm has a dream, that is, to let the Terran also give birth to an emperor-level Demon God-level powerhouse.

Otherwise, the Terrans will always be food for other races. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


100,000 years!

Million years!

None of this will change!

"Is this the Upper Realm? How could the Terrans be so miserable? It turned out to be food from another race? "

"I'm not flying up! I don't soar in this life, it's really terrible! "

"Compared to the upper realm, the lower realm we are in is the real immortal realm."

"It's terrible! In the eyes of some demons in the upper realm, the Terrans turned out to be high-yield food, if one day, these demons descended to the lower realm, wouldn't we all be reduced to food? "

In the Nether, everyone saw the scene after Shan Yuru flew to the Upper Realm through the scene on the void.

Through the conversation between Shan Yuru and the old man of the Dayu tribe, they all deeply felt the icy upper realm.

In the Upper Realm, the Terrans are like chickens and ducks in captivity of the Nether Terrans.

Even more terrifying, these chickens and ducks are wise and know their situation.

How terrible and cold is this?

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "This may be the reality!" Who stipulates that the upper realm is the immortal realm, and who stipulates that the Terran race must be the strongest race? "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "The upper realm of the Hongwu Emperor's world may be a microcosm of the other upper realms of the heavens. "

Huashan sent Yue to the head: "Zhang Zhenren, I feel that you are too pessimistic, in the world where Qin Yu was before, the situation of the Terran will definitely be much better." "

Huashan sent Yue in charge: "Especially Qin Yu, he is the son of Heaven's destiny, and he is destined to become the controller of Hongmeng in the future." "

Huashan sent Yue to be in charge: "Qin Yu, as a Terran, can grow to the control of Hongmeng, which shows that the world where Qin Yu is located, the environment of the Terran is definitely not bad. "

Great Qin Zulong: "Xu also feels that the upper realm of the heavens and realms will not be so dark, then the willow god is an immortal king giant cultivated by immortal roots, doesn't it also shelter the human race?" "

The master of the Flower Shifting Palace: "That milk-eating baby in the stone village is also the son of destiny, and he will also become an emperor in the future, and if he comes to the world he is in, the situation of the Terran race will not be too bad." "

The chatting masses are also caught up in arguments.

Obviously, most people believe that although the upper realm of the heavens and realms is not all immortal realms, at least it will not be like the upper realm of the cloud-covered world.

In their eyes, there are even some deformities in the rainy world.

Immortal cultivator: "The horror of the world where the milk baby is located is much more terrifying than the upper realm of the world where Zhu Yuanzhang is located." "

Ye Hao secretly shook his head.

In the eyes of the chattering masses, the upper realm of the rainy world is already hell.

However, if they knew the situation of the Perfect World, I am afraid that they would be even more shocked.

At the end of the realm sea, the four Dark Quasi-Immortal Emperors and Corpse Immortal Emperors of the Ultimate Ancient Land can only be regarded as small bosses.

Even the damage caused by these small bosses makes the ruined world of one side become a sea of boundaries.

On top of this, there are even more terrifying weird plateaus.

Every time the weird plateau is sacrificed, the dead creatures can be called hundreds of millions, and the shattered world is even more difficult to count.

The world will help the Lord: "??? "。

Great Qin Zulong: "??? "。

Flower Shifting Palace Master: "Even more terrifying than the upper realm of Hongwu Emperor's world?" And such a world? "

Xiao Li Feidao: "Then how did the milk baby become an emperor?" "

The chattering crowd was all stunned, looking shocked.

A world that is darker than the rainy world realm, they simply can't fathom.

Immortal cultivator: "There are not only such worlds, but there are many more. "

Immortal cultivator: "You may come into contact in the future." "

Ascension World, Tomb World, Demon World, and more.

Immortal cultivator: "However, there are still more normal worlds. "

Rainbow Cat Shaoxiao: "It's really lucky to live in a normal world. "

The world will help the master: "The old man used to think that there were several old monsters in his world, which were very dangerous, and now he feels that it is not a big deal." "

Graphic designer: "Although there are many aliens outside the earth, at least these aliens are not terrifying enough to enslave the universe at will. "

Xiahou Swordsman: "I suddenly feel a lot better, there may be many thousand-year-old demons in my world, 10,000-year-old demons, at least now the Terrans can still live peacefully, I must quickly improve my strength and rise rapidly." "

The chatter crowd felt numb and looked shocked.

Among the heavens and realms, there are many Upper Realms that are even more terrifying than the rainy cloud-turning world.

Then the world they live in, even if there are some dangers, does not seem to be a big deal.

Great Qin Zulong: "Can we help a bunch of Terrans in the Upper Realm?" "

The world will help the Lord: "??? "。

The world will help the master: "The Terrans are also too miserable, and the old man also feels that he should do something." "

When Xiongba saw Yue Zheng's words, he thought that he had seen it wrong, but he quickly reacted.

Ying Zheng wants to trigger the group mission of the world realm!

Huashan Pai Yue was in charge: "As fellow Terrans, I feel that we should lend a hand." "

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "For the Terrans!" We should act! "

Graphic designer: "For the sake of the Terrans, we should act, but how do we act?" Mushroom bombs should not kill emperor-level gods and demons. "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "In the points mall, we should be able to find the answer. "

Whether to trigger a group quest or to help the Terrans, the chatter masses feel like they should act.

"Ding-dong! Trigger group missions and change the fate of the Terrans. "

"Seeing the miserable fate of the Terrans in the world where Emperor Hongwu is located, as a person who practices martial arts, although his own strength is weak, you feel that you should also do something to change the miserable fate of the Terrans."

"Everyone can participate in this task, and the greater the contribution in the process of completing the task, the more rewards will be given to assign the task (too good to Zhao)."

"The Tianxia Gang Lord, as the dark and evil camp of the chat group, his contributions are calculated separately, and rewards are distributed separately."

At this moment, the crisp voice of the group system sounded in the ears of the chatting masses.

Huashan Paiyue was in charge: "Hahaha trigger group mission!" Or perform group tasks together. "

Heaven and Earth Association Chief Helmsman Chen: "I feel that you are happy too early, the difficulty of this group mission is too high, I am afraid it will be difficult for us to make any contribution." "

Luding Ji World, although Chen Jinnan also had a smile on his face, he was not too happy.

The upper realm of the rainy cloud-turning world involves an eighth-order martial artist, which is three realms higher than the Heavenly Human Realm!

Coupled with the fact that there are many seventh-order martial artists and sixth-order martial artists in the upper realm, even if they are counted in the realm of immortal cultivation, I am afraid it will be difficult for them to have any performance in the upper realm.

Master Wing Chun Yip: "This mission is indeed very difficult, but I believe we will be able to figure it out. "

As for whether the group task can be completed, Ip Man is not worried at all.

With the presence of the Great Immortal, it is easy to complete the task.

The only thing he worries about is whether they can come up with a good way to contribute more in the process of completing the group mission, and get more rewards in the near future.

Xiao Li Feidao: "What is the way for everyone, say it and discuss it together, don't hide it, this time the group task needs everyone to work together." "

The world will help the Lord: ".

"Damn it!"

Xiongba's face was livid, gritting his teeth, and said.

The chat group actually divided him into a separate camp, that is, even if Daxian completed the group task and the other group members could hold their thighs, he would have no chance.

Great Qin Zulong: "If you want to change the fate of the Terran race, you must have the ability to deal with eighth-order warriors. "

Great Qin Zulong: "It's better for everyone to help Shu establish Yun Chaoji together." "

Great Qin Zulong: "If you are not willing to establish a group member of the Yun Dynasty, you can let your forces nominally submit to Great Qin." "

Great Qin Zulong: "In this case, Xuan's strength may be able to break through to the Yuan Infant Realm, and maybe it will be able to match an eighth-order martial artist." "。

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