The world will help the Lord: "You are thinking about fart eating!" "

Huashan sent Yue to the head: "Your Majesty, let's change the plan." "

Give luck to Yingzheng, they are afraid that they are crazy?

Princess Changping: "We may be able to enter the Upper Realm and secretly transport the Terrans of the Upper Realm to the Nether." "

The chatting masses opened their brains one after another, wanting to come up with a brilliant plan.

Qiao Feng, the leader of the gang: "Then how about letting the Terrans of the Upper Realm establish the Yun Dynasty?" If the Terrans of the Upper Realm can establish the Yun Dynasty, they may be able to give birth to a strong person comparable to an eighth-order warrior. "

Great Qin Zulong: "Not to mention how long it takes to establish the Yun Dynasty, just the movement of establishing the Yun Dynasty is enough to alarm those powerful demons in the Upper Realm. "

Great Qin Zulong: "If in the process of establishing the Yun Dynasty, it is attacked by a powerful demon god, and the entire Yun Dynasty suffers from the luck of qi, maybe a large number of strong people of the Terran race will fall." "

Ying Zheng obviously had a deep understanding of the establishment of the Yun Dynasty, and did not hesitate to point out its flaws.

Luck is also luck, and defeat is also luck.

If luck is strong, the gods and demons will be easy.

When luck declines, everything stops.

Guo Jing: "It's best for us to think of a way to deal directly with eighth-order martial artists, only in this way can we prescribe the right medicine." "

Emperor Hongwu: "How powerful the eighth-order martial artist is, we don't know ah, how does it compare to the Jiedan Realm?" How does it compare to the Yuan Infant Realm? "

Xiahou Swordsman: "Emperor Hongwu and I, as well as Bai Xiaofei, entered the chat group together, perhaps the boundaries of our three worlds are very similar." "

Xiahou Swordsman: "An eighth-order martial artist is comparable to the top demon in my world?" "

The chatter was very difficult for the masses.

Even if the martial arts realm is the most 453-high hero in the chat group, his martial arts realm is only in the middle of the Heavenly and Human Realm.

And in the upper realm of the rainy and cloudy world, the strongest is a warrior who has reached the eighth order.

With their strength, it was impossible to guess what level of combat power an eighth-order warrior had reached.

Without knowing how powerful the eighth-order warriors were, they couldn't even make an effective method.

If the strength of an eighth-order martial artist is miscalculated, even if it seems to be a perfect plan, it will become worthless.

Immortal cultivator: "An eighth-order martial artist already possesses the combat power of the Yuan Infant Realm. "

Ye Hao gave a definite answer to the chat masses.

He is in a very good mood now.

This time the group mission is definitely a group mission with great rewards.

Therefore, he intends to see the performance of the chat masses and come up with some brilliant plan.

Xiao Li Feidao: "Thank you Daxian, the eighth-order martial artist actually has the combat power of the Yuan Infant Realm, and in the points mall, the current immortal cultivation resources have also reached the Jiedan realm, and they cannot directly kill the eighth-order martial artist." "

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helm Master Chen: "Thank you Great Immortal, then we only need to consider one question now, how can we threaten the Yuan Infant Realm powerhouse." "

Chef Gao of the canteen: "We don't need to consider our own strength, either through the cultivation resources in the points mall, or through Xia Houwei or the powerhouses in Bai Xiaofei's world." "

In the mythical world, the official of Kyushu State quickly gave a direction to the think tank equipped by Gao Yao.

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "If there are also powerhouses of the eighth-order realm in Bai Xiaofei's world or Xia Houwei's world, we may be able to ask them for help." "

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "Or, we can look for those immortal cultivation resources for restrained warriors in the Points Mall. "

Master Wing Chun Ye: "We can look for those cultivation resources at the peak level of the Jiedan Realm in the Points Mall, and there are some cultivation resources that can threaten ordinary Yuan Infant Realm immortal cultivators. "

Master Wing Chun Ye: "The world boundary of the upper realm is only the eighth-order realm, and it must have just stepped into the eighth-order realm. "

Master Wing Chun Ye: "Perhaps these immortal cultivation resources that can threaten ordinary Yuan Infant Realm cultivators can threaten eighth-order martial artists. "

Because this is related to the contribution of the group task.

So, every group member was very positive.

Whether or not your opinion is adopted, at least you have made some contribution.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist "graphic designer, Xiahou swordsman, is there a particularly dangerous place in your world, suspected of being able to threaten the powerhouses of the eighth-order realm?" "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "If there is such a place, we can also establish a false immortal realm and attract all these eighth-order warriors to this dangerous place." "

Zhang Sanfeng said his own way.

Although the cultivation resources in the points mall only reached the level of the Jiedan Realm at the highest.

However, some immortal cultivation resources are also treasures for the eighth-order martial artists in the realm of the cloud-turning world, and they may be able to improve their strength.

They can completely sneak into the upper realm of the rainy cloud-turning world, and then use the formation to establish a special teleportation array.

At the same time, open the permission to enter the corpse brother world or the Qiannu ghost world in the rainy cloud world.

The eighth-order powerhouses of the realm of the rainy cloud-turning world are attracted by the resources of immortal cultivation, and once they step into the teleportation array, they will be teleported to the corpse brother world or the Qiannu ghost world.

If the teleportation location is dangerous enough, they may be able to kill several eighth-order warriors from the cloud-turning world.

Even if you kill one of the emperor-level gods and demons, it will have a big impact on changing the fate of the Terran race.

Graphic designer: "Zhang Zhenren, I didn't find such a place. "

Bai Xiaofei had nothing to hide.

The success rate of this program is indeed very high.

However, the prerequisite for success is that there is a dangerous place in the corpse brother world that threatens the eighth-order warriors.

Otherwise, teleporting the eighth-order warrior of the rainy cloud world to the corpse brother world, then for the corpse brother world, the absolute (BGAC) is a great disaster.

The darkness in the rainy world may repeat itself in the corpse brother world.

Xiahou Swordsman: "Zhang Zhenren, I don't know such a place either." "

Xia Houwei refused without thinking.

The stakes are simply too high.

Even if there is such a dangerous place in the Qiannu Ghost World, in case the eighth-order warriors of the rainy cloud world are simultaneously teleported to the Qiannu Ghost World.

As long as a few escape, then the pattern of Qiannu's ghost world will be completely broken.

Even the eighth-order warriors of the rainy cloud world and the demons of the Qiannu Ghost World, they directly joined the stream. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Then it will bring unimaginable terrible disasters to the Qiannu Ghost World.

Great Qin Zulong: "Graphic designer, Xiahou swordsman, can you be sure that there is a strong person in your world that is comparable to an eighth-order martial artist?" "

Great Qin Zulong: "We can find a way to teleport these powerhouses who are comparable to eighth-order martial artists to the upper realm of the Hongwu Emperor's world." "

Great Qin Zulong: "Anyway, the Upper Realm is dark enough, then we will let the Upper Realm be completely chaotic." "

Great Qin Zulong: "If you can find a way to teleport a few Terran powerhouses comparable to emperor-level gods and demons, then the fate of the Upper Realm Terran of Hongwu Emperor will definitely change a lot." "

With the help of Ghost Guzi, Xunzi, Donghuang Taiyi and others, Huan Zheng modified Zhang Sanfeng's plan.

Not to mention Bai Xiaofei and Xia Houwei, it was him, if there was a dangerous place in the Great Qin World that could threaten the emperor-level gods and demons, he would not dare to teleport the emperor-level gods and demons of the cloud-shaking world to his world.

Because these emperor-level gods and demons are too dangerous, too crazy, and too dark.

The opposite is different.

If he can teleport his world to the upper realm of the rainy and cloud-turning world, I am afraid that both Bai Xiaofei and Xia Houwei are willing to try.

Failed, and there is nothing to lose.

If successful, they will not only make no small contribution to the group mission.

Moreover, he also teleported the top powerhouses of his own world to other worlds, and also made himself safer.

Graphic designer: "This scheme is indeed very good, but I don't know who are the eighth-order powerhouses in my world." "

"Those aliens in the Gates of Hell, the Six-Winged Saint Lord among them, and the Demon Patriarch Satan, they should not have reached the level comparable to the eighth-order warriors."

Bai Xiaofei shook his head.

From the darkness and cruelty of the Upper Realm, you can see the horror of emperor-level gods and demons.

Great Qin Zulong: "In the gates of hell in your world, aren't there two super powerhouses, the Six-Winged Saint Lord and Satan?" "

Great Qin Zulong: "One percent of their strength has reached the super god level, you say, will their strength have reached the peak of the seventh order?" "

Great Qin Zulong: "If they are sent to the upper realm of the Hongwu Emperor's world, will they break through to a higher level?" "

Insights from different worlds!

For the higher level of the strong, the more precious.

Great Qin Zulong: "There are also 10,000-year demons in the Xiahouwei world, since there are 10,000-year demons, there must be tens of thousands of years of demons, and even hundreds of thousands of years of demons." "

Great Qin Zulong: "Whether or not they can match the emperor-level gods and demons, we may be able to teleport them to the upper realm of the Hongwu Emperor world." "

Great Qin Zulong: "Demons and warriors restrain each other, if there are really demons comparable to emperor-level gods and demons in the Xiahouwei world, then eighth-order warriors are unimaginable supplements for them." "

Great Qin Zulong: "They may find a way to devour the emperor-level gods and demons, triggering the killing of the two camps." "

On Zhang Sanfeng's original proposal, Ying Zheng carried out a certain upgrade.

Guo Jing: "Can this be?" We want to find a way to lower the world boundary of the upper realm of Hongwu Emperor's world? "

Guo Jing thought about the martial arts situation in the Condor World.

Since the death of Hong Qigong, Ouyang Feng and other top masters in the world, no martial geniuses have been born in the rivers and lakes, and the rivers and lakes have begun to decline.

Graphic designer: "We secretly use the Gathering Spirit Array to steal the aura of the upper realm and let the upper realm heaven and earth decline?" "

They can completely use the third-order top spirit gathering array to attract the aura of the upper realm to their respective worlds, and whether they can succeed or not, their world will gain great benefits.

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