Da Qin Zulong: "This plan is good, it's really good." "

Without any hesitation, Ying Zheng agreed to Bai Xiaofei's plan.

He was about to establish the Yun Dynasty, and the higher the boundaries of the world, the stronger the national fortune of Daqin.

At the same time, the more strength he grows, the more ~ he has.

If the Great Qin World absorbs the heaven and earth spiritual energy of the realm of the rainy and cloud-turning world, he will be promoted.

The world boundary can be the world of a sixth-order martial artist, a seventh-order martial artist, then the benefits he can obtain are too huge.

"Maybe there is a chance to break through to the Yuan Infant Realm!"

Ying Zheng's eyes revealed incomparable heat, and his heart was surging, like endless magma.

Whether or not the rest of the chat group accepts the plan, he will not hesitate to implement it.

Even if it affects the completion of the group mission, it is completely worth it.

The stronger the Great Qin World, the stronger the luck of the Yun Dynasty he established.

The stronger his strength will be!

It's a complete positive cycle.

Space station navigator: "I also agree that whether this plan succeeds or fails, there is no harm to us." "

"If my world obtains a large amount of Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi, everyone's cultivation speed will be faster."

As the current person in charge of the earth, Liu Peiqiang agreed to Bai Xiaofei's plan without thinking.

The whole people of the wandering earth world practice martial arts, because there are enough sun essence qi to completely cultivate Xuanwu Zhengong.

However, if the wandering earth obtains a huge amount of heaven and earth aura, the world boundary will increase, and the speed of the whole people's martial arts training will definitely become faster and faster.

In this way, everyone may be able to live a normal life on earth.

"If the world boundary is raised, I wonder if it will have a certain impact on the sun?"

Liu Peiqiang said secretly.

In the mythical world, there are rules of time and space, in the world of wind and clouds, there are rules of heaven and earth, and in the world of rain and clouds.

Then the wandering earth world may also have its own rules or heavenly ways.

Previously, the world level was too low for world consciousness to have any effect on the sun.

When the world level rises and the world consciousness becomes stronger, can the sun return to its normal state?

Although Liu Peiqiang already had some confidence in his cultivation to become a Jinwu at the level of the Jiedan Realm.

However, it is definitely good that the solar crisis can be resolved sooner.

Chef Gao: "I also agree with this plan, this plan is absolutely harmless." "

The mythical world only has a meager heaven and earth aura.

Similar to the wandering earth world, the people of Kyushu in the mythical world practice martial arts.

It is a pity that the world level is too low, which limits the speed of martial arts training for all people.

The upper realm of the rainy cloud-turning world is a world that can carry eighth-order warriors.

If the mythical world can obtain a large amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy from the rainy and cloudy world, it will be of great benefit to the whole people to practice martial arts or to the world itself.

Princess Changping: "I also agree. "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "If the plan goes well, I am afraid that each of us will be able to improve the world level." "

Master Wing Chun Yip: "I also support this plan. "

All the group members of the world that were low-level worlds, they agreed to Bai Xiaofei's plan without any hesitation.

If successful, this scheme is absolutely effective for group tasks.

Even if the plan fails, their world will be able to obtain a large amount of heaven and earth energy.

In this case, they do not have any reason to hesitate.

"What should the old man do?"

Xiongba's face was gloomy and incomparably entangled.

Although he wanted to cultivate the Demon Dao more, it did not mean that he had completely given up establishing the Yun Dynasty.

If the Emperor established the Yun Dynasty, his strength increased sharply, far above the members of other groups.

Moreover, in the future, the speed of improvement in the strength of the government will still be amazing.

Then he probably also has to consider establishing the Yun Dynasty.

The level of the Fengyun World is higher than the level of the Daqin World, and the development potential is even greater.

"If I also use the Gathering Spirit Array to absorb a large amount of Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi from the Upper Realm into my world, it will indeed be of great benefit to the world."

"If you establish the Yun Dynasty in the future, you will definitely get more luck and improve your strength even more."

"However, if the world level is improved, the strength of Emperor Shitian and Xiao Sanxiao will also increase."

This is where Xiongba is most entangled.

If there were no two old monsters in the Fengyun World, Di Shitian and Xiao Sanxiao, Xiongba would not hesitate to support Bai Xiaofei's plan.

For group members of a chat group, the higher the level of the world, the greater the benefit for them.

Even if the luck dynasty is not established, it is only the blessing of heaven and earth qi luck, the higher the world level, the more heaven and earth qi luck blessings will definitely be obtained.

Xiahou Swordsman: "I need to think about it." "

For Xia Houwei, the Qiannu Ghost World is already a very dangerous world.

If the level of the Qiannu Ghost World is not as high as the upper realm level of the Cloud-Turning World, after obtaining a large amount of Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi, maybe the world boundary will be raised.

It can be imagined that the strength of the demons and monsters in the Qiannu Ghost World will also increase.

Especially those demons and monsters whose strength realm has reached the world boundary, their strength may break through to a new realm.

Once the strength of demons and demons breaks through to a new level, their destructive power will also be greatly improved.

If you are unlucky, you may die in the aftermath of this demon and monster battle.

Graphic designer: "Since most of the group members agree, let's get moving." "

Graphic designer: "After all, time is limited, so if you prepare early, you will be able to get Reiki early." "

Bai Xiaofei did not have Xia Houwei's worries.

The corpse brother world is a cosmic world, even if it absorbs spiritual energy from the upper realm of the rainy cloud-turning world, it is absorbed into the earth.

Even if the world level is raised, it is also the earth level of the corpse brother world.

Great Qin Zulong: "The Spirit Gathering Array definitely uses the third-order top Spirit Gathering Array. "

Great Qin Zulong: "In order to prevent the powerful demon god of the upper realm from detecting the movement of the Gathering Spirit Array, it is best to use the third-order top heavenly machine talisman. "

Great Qin Zulong: "In the world of the Great Immortal, many immortal cultivators whose strength has reached the Yuan Infant Realm have not reached the level of a third-grade Heavenly Mechanic, let alone the Demon God of the Upper Realm. "

In order to speed up the implementation of the plan, Ying Zheng first said the plan he had in mind.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "When opening the world permission, you must not fully open the world permission." "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "In case the Gathering Spirit Array is detected by the Demon God of the Upper Realm when absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, it will also enter the Gathering Spirit Array." "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Even entering our world through the Gathering Spirit Array would be troublesome. "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Don't say emperor-level gods and demons, it is king-level gods and demons, ordinary gods and demons entering our world, it is also a disaster." "

Zhang Sanfeng said the hidden dangers.

There are too many powerful demons in the upper realm, and even if there is a heavenly machine talisman to cover it, there is no guarantee that the Gathering Spirit Array will not be discovered.

Therefore, they must ensure that after the Gathering Spirit Array is discovered, the powerful demons of the Upper Realm will not enter their world.

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "That's right, we only need the heaven and earth energy of the upper realm. "

Space station navigator: "It is necessary to strengthen the defense of the Spirit Gathering Array, the third-order top Spirit Gathering Array is not cheap at all, if it is destroyed, the loss will be great." "

Although the Great Immortals allowed them to advance some immortal cultivation resources in advance when performing group missions.

However, the points worth these immortal cultivation resources, they will have to repay later.

And since this scheme can be used in the upper realm of the cloudy world.

Then it can also be used in other advanced worlds.

This scheme can be used for a long time to absorb the heaven and earth spiritual energy of the high-level world and use it to upgrade their world level.

If you only use the Spirit Gathering Array once in the upper realm of the rainy cloud-turning world, and the Spirit Gathering Array is scrapped, then the loss will be too great.

Qiao Feng, the leader of the gang: "If you add another set of third-order top defensive formations to protect the Gathering Spirit Array, how many points will you have to invest?" "

For the Ying Zheng who intends to establish the Yun Dynasty, no matter how many points are invested, it is worth it to absorb the heaven and earth spiritual energy of the world realm that has turned over the clouds.

Because, the stronger the Daqin world, as a government that dominates the earth, the more luck and strength.

Everyone else is different!

The world level of other group members becomes higher, and for group members, they can indeed obtain certain benefits.

However, this benefit is definitely not worth investing hundreds of thousands of points, or even millions of points. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Once they invest so many points, the points they have earned need to be repaid to Daisen in the next period of time.

They don't have any points to improve their strength at all.

And the chat group is now in the era of great changes, and the Zhengzheng is about to establish the Yun Dynasty, and the lowest strength is also the early stage of the Jiedan Realm.

Ip Man is using ghost soldiers to cultivate the Demon Dao, and before long, Ip Man will probably also become a cultivator at the Foundation Building Realm level.

For these group members who found their own path of cultivation, the next period of time was the period of their strength explosion.

If its own strength has been stagnant, then the strength gap between it and these group members will be completely widened.

Guo Jing: "How about using a third-order top defensive talisman?" "

Compared to the third-order top defensive formation, the price of the third-order top defensive talisman is much cheaper.

After all, the former can be used many times for a long time, while the latter is only a one-time use charm.

Shifting Flower Palace Master: "There is no cheap third-order immortal cultivation resource, even if it is a third-order top defense talisman, it is a treasure that costs more than 100,000 points." "

Emperor Hongwu: "We have a way, since we are worried that these powerful demon gods threaten the Gathering Spirit Array, we might as well attract all those top demon gods in the upper realm to one place." "

Zhu Yuanzhang just thought about it, and also chose to support the chatting masses to weaken the world boundaries of the upper realm.

The upper boundary is too strong, and he can't control the upper realm for a long time.

If the Upper Realm weakens, he may be able to control the Upper Realm in advance.

If the Yun Dynasty he established could unify the lower and upper realms, even if the level of the upper realm fell, he would probably be able to reach the Yuan Infant Realm.

Although the chatting masses absorb Aura from the Upper Realm, it will cause some damage to his world.

However, as long as his strength is strong enough, he can easily get more heaven and earth energy from other worlds to replenish the losses of the cloud-turning world.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Emperor Hongwu's suggestion is very good, we can use things that attract the Upper Realm Demon Gods to attract them all to the same place, so that they don't have the energy to think about other worlds for the time being." "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "For example, the alien technology of Bai Xiaofei's world, such as the ghost of the prefecture who went to Xiahouwei world." "

At present, in the chat group, only the three new people who have joined are in a special world.

Even the Fengyun World where Xiongba was located before was very ordinary compared to the three worlds of Corpse Brother World, Qiannu Ghost World and Rainy Cloud World.

Therefore, if you want to come up with something that attracts the realm demon god of the rainy cloud-turning world, you can only find it from the corpse brother world and the Qiannu ghost world.

Great Qin Zulong: "First catch some ghosts in Xiahouwei's world, we are in a fixed area far away from the Gathering Spirit Array, and we will continuously put the Yin Difference in the Difu." "

Great Qin Zulong: "These prefecture yin chaos have the imprint of the reincarnation of the prefecture, which will definitely attract a large number of demon gods in the upper realm. "

Huashan sent Yue in charge: "The prefecture of Xiahouwei World has been upgraded by the Great Immortal once, if the prefecture is wantonly attacked, I am afraid it will cause bad changes." "

Huashan sent Yue to the head: "Aren't there some demons and monsters who occupy the mountains in the prefecture as kings?" We can catch them. "

Huashan sent Yue to the head: "Moreover, if we give them the real Yin Qifu, in case there really is an emperor-level demon god who studies something and breaks through the boundaries of the world, we will be in trouble." "

Space station navigator: "In that case, we don't need to put in the alien technology of Bai Xiaofei, and throw some dilapidated aircraft carriers casually, which is enough to arouse the curiosity of some demon gods." "

Soon, the chattering crowd discussed a relatively complete plan.

"I wonder what will happen?"

Ye Hao looked at everything in front of him with interest.

At the same time, he also let his doppelganger in the fairy world purchase immortal cultivation resources at the level of the Yuan Infant Realm and the Transformation God Realm.

Once the establishment of the Yun Dynasty is successful, there are only three grade cultivation immortal resources in the points mall, which can no longer meet the transactions of group members.

"Buzz~", "Buzz~", "Buzz~"

At the same time, some people in the chat group entered the world of clouds.

Some people entered the Qiannu Ghost World and arrested some demons and monsters who were contaminated with the breath of reincarnation of the earthly mansion.

"Let's get started!"

In less than half an hour, Zhaoyue, Ye Man, Zhang Sanfeng and the others returned from the Qiannu Ghost World.

"Since this is the case, the old way will first break the void and enter the upper realm to find a safe place."

Zhang Sanfeng had a third-order defensive talisman attached to his body, allowing the chat group to completely cover their heavenly machine and aura and began to shatter the void.

With a third-order defensive talisman, even if he encounters danger in the upper realm, he has enough time to teleport back to the nether through the chat group.

[Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist priest started live broadcast. ] 】

[Da Qin Zulong entered the live broadcast room. ] 】

[The world will help the Lord enter the live broadcast room. ] 】

[Xiao Li Feidao entered the live broadcast room. ] 】

The chatting crowd entered the live broadcast room one after another, wanting to know the situation of Zhang Sanfeng's ascension location.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Luck is not bad, although I encountered a powerful demon, but with the heavenly machine and aura of the chat group, the old Dao successfully dodged it." "

The upper realm is too dangerous, Zhang Sanfeng does not dare to open his mouth and communicate directly with everyone in the live broadcast room.

Great Qin Zulong: "The troublesome thing now is how to put those demons and monsters with the breath of the earth?" How can you attract those powerful demon gods faster? "

This task must not be allowed to be done by Zhang Sanfeng, because it is too dangerous.

Even with the protection of a third-order defensive talisman, it could not guarantee Zhang Sanfeng's absolute safety.

Graphic designer: "I do have a suggestion. "

Graphic designer: "I asked the official to provide ten super nuclear weapons, and then detonate them together, first creating movement to attract some demon gods." "

Graphic designer: "Then we put some aircraft carriers and various technological weapons in this area, and then put some underground ghosts." "

Graphic designer: "We can also leave some false information in the aircraft carrier, that is, we are from other parallel time and space." "

Graphic designer: "Because I accidentally fell into the Void Vortex and fell into this world." "

As an otaku, novels, anime, and manga, Bai Xiaofei has read them all, and he came up with a brain-opening idea very much.

Graphic designer: "The gods and demons of the upper realm will definitely not be able to resist probing the surrounding void, as well as searching for the hundreds of millions of those demons and monsters to verify the authenticity of the information we left behind." "

Graphic designer: "In this way, we will be able to hold some demon gods for a while." "

Bai Xiaofei said his plan.

He wanted to rely on the movements created by the super nuclear weapon to alarm the demon gods of the upper realm.

Coupled with the various technological weapons in the explosion area, as well as the demons and monsters that are contaminated with the breath of the prefecture, it will definitely make the demon gods of the upper realm suspicious.

Space station navigator: "Ten super nuclear weapons are too few, and last time, the mushroom bombs that we officially prepared to use to blow up the moon could also be used to detonate together." "

Space Warfare Navigator: "Try to move as loudly as possible and attract all the top gods and demons." "

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "My side can also provide hundreds of mushroom bombs." "

Graphic designer: "Then I'll add more." "

Soon, more than 20,000 mushroom bullets and super mushroom bullets were all sent to Zhang Sanfeng's hands.

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