The world is cloudy.

Upper bound.

"At the speed at which the third-order top spirit gathering array swallows the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, if it can last for a day and replace it with spirit stones, it will definitely be millions, or even more."

Gao Yao held a third-order defensive talisman and hid underground, looking nervously at the Gathering Spirit Array, and his heart was fiery and apprehensive.

With every breath, the third-order top spirit gathering array swallowed a huge amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy from the rainy cloud-turning world and poured into the mythical world.

If these heaven and earth auras were to be refined by him, I am afraid it would take decades, or even hundreds of years.

"The world I am in is only the most ordinary world, swallowing the same heaven and earth aura, my world level must have improved a lot."

"With my help, the world has gained such great benefits, shouldn't it give me some rewards?"

Gao is very much looking forward to it.

He is the great benefactor of the mythical world!

Shouldn't the rules of time and space in the mythical world know Entu?

Even hundreds of children of destiny are far from being comparable to the great benefactors of his world.

"Since I can help the world improve once, there must be a chance in the future, and the logic of the rules of time and space should understand my importance, right?"

Gao is a little uncertain.

After all, the rules of space-time are just a collection of rules, and everything obeys its own rules.

The rules of time and space are not a thoughtful, intelligent living being.

Therefore, Gao Yao cannot grasp what the rules of time and space will do.

"Not to mention anything else, the rules of time and space should give me a lot of luck, and it should also make it easier for me to understand the rules of heaven and earth."

This is the result of the discussion of the chat masses.

This is the reward that the will of the respective world may give them.

"In addition, half of the spiritual energy absorbed by the Spirit Gathering Array this time entered the time and space of the Qin Dynasty, which can be regarded as the completion of the previous promise to Qin Shi Huang."

"Qin Shi Huang knows that after I put a large amount of spiritual energy into the Great Qin Time and Space, I am afraid that it will give me more benefits."

Compared with modern society, Gao Yao liked the Qin Dynasty more.

Because, his actions in the Qin Dynasty were almost unrestrained.

In modern society, there are all kinds of online news, and if he does a little thing, it will spread throughout Kyushu, which makes him restrained.

18 "What's going on?" "

The next moment, Gao Yao's face changed drastically, and he looked at the Gathering Spirit Array with a shocked expression.

The speed at which the Spirit Gathering Array swallowed Spiritual Qi increased several times in an instant, and even continued to increase.

Although the third-order top spirit gathering array was not fully operational.

However, it seems that there is an additional formation operator, allowing the Gathering Spirit Array to change from passive operation to active operation.

The power is completely incomparable.

"The speed at which the Gathering Spirit Array absorbs the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is already ten times that of before, what is going on?"

Gao Yao's scalp was numb, and the figure hiding underground shivered.

This is so perverse.

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "There was a big problem with my Gathering Spirit Array, I don't know what happened, and the speed of absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth suddenly increased tenfold." "

Gao wanted to contact the other group members as soon as possible, wanting to know the situation of the other group members gathering the spirit array.

He was pretty sure that something was wrong with his Spirit Gathering Array.

An unknown existence made the Gathering Spirit Array run.

Great Qin Zulong: "??? "。

Xiao Li Feidao: "??? "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "The old Dao's Spirit Gathering Array is now very normal, did you not fully activate the Spirit Gathering Array before, and now the Spirit Gathering Array is beginning to operate normally?" "

Zhang Sanfeng was a little skeptical.

Space Station Navigator: "My Spirit Gathering Array is also very normal. "

Liu Peiqiang looked at the endless flow of heaven and earth spiritual energy into the wandering earth world, and his face couldn't help but show a strong smile.

This is the aura of heaven and earth.

Once enough heaven and earth spiritual energy poured into the wandering earth world, the earth would definitely become an extraordinary planet.


The next moment, the smile on Liu Peiqiang's face instantly froze, and his eyes looked at his Spirit Gathering Array in horror.

A vague blue transparent planet appeared directly at the core of the formation of the Gathering Spirit Array, frantically urging the Gathering Spirit Array to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Liu Peiqiang's speed at which the Spirit Gathering Array absorbed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth skyrocketed nearly tenfold in an instant.

The Earth of the wandering earth world is in danger of destruction under the solar crisis.

One can imagine how crazy the will of the earth in the wandering earth world is after finding the opportunity to raise itself to a higher level and have more power to deal with the solar crisis.

He directly mobilized all the origins and urged the Gathering Spirit Array to absorb the heaven and earth spiritual energy of the realm of the rainy and cloudy world, and enter the earth of the wandering earth world.

[The space station navigator sent a screenshot.] 】

Space station navigator: "My Spirit Gathering Array also has problems, and I also see a special existence that affects the Spirit Gathering Array. "

Space station navigator: "If I'm not mistaken, secretly manipulating the existence of the High Spirit Gathering Array is very similar to controlling the existence of my Spirit Gathering Array." "

Space station navigator: "They should be the will of the world." "

Liu Peiqiang looked at the core of the Gathering Spirit Array formation, which was very similar to the earth, but the appearance was much smaller, but it revealed the energy ball of majesty and nobility, and said his guess.

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "This is the world will to feel a large amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy pouring in, so the direction through the heaven and earth spiritual energy influx is also entering the upper realm?" "

When the chat masses opened the world permission, they only restricted the cloudy world, and did not restrict their respective worlds.

Master Wing Chun Ye: "The speed at which my Spirit Gathering Array swallows Spiritual Qi is also accelerating, and it seems that the world will of my world is also a move." "

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helmsman Chen: "The speed at which my Spirit Gathering Array absorbs the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi is also accelerating. "

The lower the level of the world where the chattering masses live, the more their world will reacts first.

The heaven and earth aura of the rainy and cloudy world is a very high-level energy for the world will of the mythical world, the wandering earth world, and the Ip Man world.

As long as they absorb enough Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi, they will be able to quickly evolve and raise the boundaries of the world.

How can the world will of these worlds fail to act in such a situation?

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "My Spirit Gathering Array is also speeding up the speed of absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. "

Guo Jing: "My Spirit Gathering Array is also speeding up the absorption of Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi. "

Qiao Feng, the leader of the gang: "It seems that all the world will of our world can't help but personally take action." "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "It's best for everyone to try to communicate with the will of the world, the movement of the Gathering Spirit Array has increased a lot under their influence." "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "In case the World Will of the Upper Realm, or the powerful demon gods of the Upper Realm, attack them, it will definitely hit them hard." "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "We must be ready to retreat at any time." "

The addition of the will of the world has accelerated the speed of the Gathering Spirit Array to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, which is indeed a good thing.

Again, this is also a big problem.

In the event that the world will of their world is severely damaged or even wiped out in the upper realm, the world they are in does not know what terrible changes will happen.

Immortal cultivator: "In order to break through the shackles of the world, those emperor-level demon gods in the upper realm have tried to hit heaven and earth many times, and the world will at this time has been staring at those emperor-level demon gods. "

Immortal Cultivator: "You don't have to worry about the World Will of the Upper Realm for the time being. "

Ye Hao immediately saw the situation in the world boundary.

Those emperor-level demon gods in the upper realm are all immortal, and in the long years, they have made too many attempts to break through the shackles of the world.

Although these attempts did not severely damage the world will of the world.

However, it also has a certain impact on the cloudy world.

According to Ye Hao's deduction, the emperor-level gods and demons will break through the boundaries of the world in about five hundred years.

The reason why this situation occurs is because the will of the world has gradually been unable to suppress many emperor-level gods and demons under the continuous weakening of emperor-level gods and demons.

"It's spectacular!"

Ye Hao reminded the chattering masses that his eyes turned to the Gathering Spirit Array, and he couldn't help but praise.

The energy of heaven and earth in the upper realm is like a huge reservoir, and the world where the group members live is like a desert or an arid river.

The Gathering Spirit Array is like an open dam, constantly absorbing water from the reservoir.

Ye Hao could clearly see the seventeen Spirit Gathering Arrays, like seventeen dams, constantly releasing water to the upper realm of the rainy and cloudy world.

The influence of the third-order top Spirit Gathering Array in the realm of the rainy and cloudy world is a radius of hundreds of thousands of li.

Without the influence of the will of the world, the energy storm formed by the heaven and earth spiritual energy absorbed by the third-order top spirit gathering array was full of ten thousand zhang, like an invisible sacred mountain.

After the World Will began to control the Gathering Spirit Array, the energy storm reached tens of thousands of zhang. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Among them, the world will of the corpse brother world and the world will of the Qiannu Ghost World, under their operation, the third-order top spirit gathering array has operated to the limit.

The energy storm formed by these two Spirit Gathering Arrays was hundreds of thousands of zhang, running through the firmament and towering over the stars.

"Obviously, these world wills perceive the powerful will of the cloud-covered world."

"Otherwise, instead of just absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, I am afraid that they will directly rob the origin of heaven and earth."

"They will even find a way to integrate the upper realm of the rainy world into their world."

The world in which the members of the group live, the world will of these worlds, all devoid of wisdom and feelings.

There is only basic operation rule logic, in which raising the world to a higher level is the key to the operation of rule logic.

The reason why the world gave birth to a child of destiny or gave birth to calamities again and again is that the will of the world wants to raise the world level.

Now he suddenly sensed a high-level world, and he might absorb the heaven and earth energy of this high-level world to strengthen himself.

How can the world will of these worlds fail to act?

"However, if you want to reduce the world level of the Upper Realm by absorbing the heaven and earth energy of the Upper Realm, and achieve the goal of weakening the emperor-level gods and demons, I'm afraid it won't work."

Ye Hao whispered and said.

If the energy of heaven and earth is lost to a certain extent, the will of the world in the upper realm will will definitely react.

"Fortunately, when they thought of opening the world permission, they only let the heaven and earth aura of the upper realm enter their world."

"Otherwise, I'm afraid that the will of the upper realm will directly enter the world of the group members."

"Refine the worlds of the wandering earth world and the world of Ip Man, and become your own nether realm, and use it to strengthen your own will."

Once the world will of the rainy world refines the world of several group members, it can quickly strengthen itself.

At that time, the world will of the rainy world will be able to suppress the emperor-level demon god.

Maybe it can also raise some world boundaries.

"However, the plan of the group members was also successful."

Ye Hao's gaze fell on the area where the mushroom bomb exploded, with a playful look on his face.

Not to mention that more than 20,000 mushroom bombs exploded together, even if 200,000 mushroom bombs exploded together, they could not cause any damage to the emperor-level gods and demons.

However, the movement of the explosion did alarm many emperor-level gods and demons.

Especially seeing the nuclear radiation left behind after the explosion of the mushroom bomb, these emperor-level demon gods were a little puzzled.

It's a whole new power.

If it was just that, these emperor-level demon gods would at most remove a part of the area that was irradiated and go back to study slowly.

After they discovered aircraft carriers, spaceships, fighter jets and other technological weapons, they became somewhat curious about the cause of the explosion.

After finding those demons and demons that were contaminated with the breath of the prefecture, these emperor-level gods and demons were already extremely solemn about the cause of the explosion.

"These demons come from a perfect prefecture and belong to the old demon of Montenegro?"

"The Black Mountain Old Demon is a Yin Mountain in the prefecture, with ten thousand years of cultivation?"

"Outside the prefecture is the human world, where ordinary people live, demons? Monk? There are no gods and demons at all? "

"These demons and monsters that are tainted with the breath of the prefect may come from other worlds?"

As more and more demons and monsters were caught contaminated with the aura of the prefecture, these emperor-level gods and demons were also shocked.

Are there other worlds besides theirs?

"When we entered the prefectures of other worlds to capture demons and monsters, we encountered the 810 vortex storm of time and space, and fell into a new world..."

When there were emperor-level demon gods through scientific and technological equipment and obtained the lies compiled by the chat masses, these emperor-level gods and demons could no longer bear it and began to compete for scientific and technological equipment, as well as demons and ghosts.

This is information about other worlds!

Although it is not yet possible to determine the authenticity of the information.

However, technological equipment is something they have never seen before.

As for the demons and monsters that were contaminated with the breath of the prefecture, they were even more shaken.

In order to break through the boundaries of the world before, these emperor-level gods and demons had also tried to establish an underground mansion.

Just a complete failure.

And on these demons and monsters who are contaminated with the breath of the Qiannu Ghost World, they perceive the cycle of life and death, the dark and sacred breath.

This aura was incomparably deep and vast, completely beyond the power controlled by emperor-level gods and demons.

This is also the reason why the chat masses compiled it, it seems very absurd, and even there are loopholes, these emperor-level gods and demons are still half-believed.

Because, the breath of the prefecture is likely to be the breath beyond the limits of their world.

If it weren't for the fact that there were many worlds outside the world, it was too amazing and bizarre, and these emperor-level gods and demons would probably have believed ninety percent.

As for wanting these emperor-level gods and demons to fully believe, it was completely impossible to rely on just some evidence and information.

Unless they see the existence of other worlds with their own eyes, they will remain suspicious.

Although the emperor-level gods and demons have reached the world limit, they can be called the strongest in the world, and they are immortal.

However, emperor-level gods and demons are not immortal.

In the past years, the fallen emperor-level gods and demons were not one or two.

It's more than the palm of your hand.

In the past years, emperor-level gods and demons who easily believed in others had already corrected this shortcoming.

Or has already fallen.

"Is there something special about the explosion that happened before?"

The movement of more than 20,000 mushroom bombs exploding only alarmed several emperor-level gods and demons.

Most of the emperor-level gods and demons did not go to the area where the explosion occurred.

However, as the emperor-level gods and demons who went to the explosion area actually fought, the other emperor-level gods and demons could no longer hold back and went to the explosion area one after another.

After knowing the information found in the explosion area, these emperor-level gods and demons who came behind also joined the team of demons and demons who competed for scientific and technological equipment and contaminated the atmosphere of the prefecture.

Therefore, the battle that broke out between the emperor-level gods and demons became more and more intense.

However, when these emperor-level gods and demons fought, they all controlled the power and did not allow the power to destroy the explosion area.

Because there may be their way to break through the boundaries of the world.

There are even ways to detach them from the world.

Even if the most ferocious and violent emperor-level gods and demons, they try to maintain restraint.

There are worlds beyond the world, and even more than one world.

Once they control the way to enter other worlds, their future will be incomparably brilliant and vast.

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