"It's really a cold world."

Ye Hao's divine sense scanned the emperor-level gods and demons in the explosion area, and shook his head slightly.

When these emperor-level gods and demons searched the explosion area, all the creatures they encountered were all killed by them.

There were no surprises.

Like other worlds, if there is any chance place, some weak cultivators still have the opportunity to participate.

And in the upper realm of the rainy and cloudy world, not to mention the sixth-order and seventh-order demon beasts, it is the father and son of the emperor-level god and demon like the True Dragon Emperor, if he dares to approach, he will also be wiped out.

The True Dragon Emperor's parents and sons die dozens of times a year.

In the upper realm of the rainy and cloudy world, only emperor-level gods and demons can control their own destiny.

"Change the fate of the Terrans in the Upper Realm?"

However, Ye Hao quickly turned his attention to the group task.

He wanted to kill these emperor-level gods and demons, but it was just a matter of turning his hands.

"Enhance the strength of the Terrans?"

This is the easiest way to change the fate of the Terrans.

With Ye Hao's current strength, it is a very simple matter for the human race to have several emperor-level god and demon level powerhouses.

Then destroy the other emperor-level gods and demons, and the Terrans will become the most powerful race in the Upper Realm.

Just by doing so, with the passage of time, these human eighth-order warriors may also become emperor-level demon gods in the past.

They may do even more crazy things in order to break through the boundaries of the world.

"Below the imperial clan, all other races are ants."

"Similarly, below the emperor-level gods and demons, they are all ants."

After the birth of the emperor-level demon god of the Terrans, the status of the Terrans may be similar to that of the dragons.

After there is only one emperor clan in the entire upper realm, it is only a super version of the dragon clan.

Doing so is certainly enough for group tasks.

And the number of points awarded may exceed 10 million points.

However, this did not meet Ye Hao's expectations.

He felt more perfect.

"Since it is to change the fate of the Terrans, let the Terrans stand at the peak of the rainy and cloudy world, above all races~."

Ye Hao quickly had an idea.

"Six realms of reincarnation!"

Ye Hao recited the six-character mantra, and in the depths of the void of the upper realm, six huge black holes were formed.

Then, with these six huge black holes as the center, a dark and sacred huge space filled with the mystery of the cycle of life and death was instantly formed.

This side of the space is a hundred times larger than the Upper Realm, and the world boundary has reached the level of a peak cultivator of the Combined Body Realm.

The prefecture is cohesive and successful!

"In the future, the Terrans will all be clergy of the prefecture, assisting the prefecture to run the six reincarnations."

"As long as they meet the rules of the six reincarnation runs, they can even easily hook the souls of emperor-level gods and demons."

"And the clergy of the prefecture have the blessings of six reincarnations, and they can at least reach the level of gods and demons."

Ye Hao's method is very clear.

He wants the human race to become a supreme race beyond the upper realm, reincarnation will not be extinguished, and the human race will not be destroyed.

"However, the prefecture will not be opened for the time being."

On the one hand, Ye Hao intends to give the chatting masses a chance to perform.

On the other hand, Ye Hao wanted to see if the chat masses could also trigger new group tasks.

"The earth of the wandering earth world has been upgraded, and the energy of heaven and earth is enough to give birth to a warrior at the peak of the heavenly realm."

"The will of the earth in the Ip Man world has also been upgraded, although it cannot give birth to a strong person in the innate realm, but it is already able to possess a part of the power of the innate realm."

"Even the world boundaries of Qiannu's Ghost World and Corpse Brother World have been improved to a certain extent."

Ye Hao's expression flashed with a trace of reminiscence.


Never mind! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

He seems to have only been in the chat group for a few months.

He went from being a small cultivator of the Qi Refining Realm to an immortal cultivator who was able to suppress the peak cultivators of the Combined Body Realm.

And the strength of the chat masses has also improved a lot.

Now even their world has improved.

At this time, there was no ordinary world in the world where the group members were located, at least it was also a martial arts world that could cultivate to the peak of the Houtian Realm.

"Ding-dong! The Shattered Void mission is completed and 10 million points are rewarded. "

"Immortal cultivators get 9 million points, and Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist gets 1 million points."

Just as Ye Hao was observing the changes in the world of the group members, the prompt of the group system sounded.

"Immortal cultivators are chat group administrators who trigger bonus points*2 permissions and get 18 million points."

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Thank you to the Great Immortal, kneel to the Great Immortal!" Lao Dao is also the first time to receive a generous reward of 1 million points. "

Zhang Sanfeng originally had a strong smile on his face because of the promotion of the world level of the Yitian World, and a smile directly blossomed on his face at this time.

1 million points!

This is a huge number that he could not have imagined before.

Now just follow the Great Immortal to perform a group mission and get such a huge number of points.

Xiao Li flying knife: "It's sour!" "

Heaven and Earth Society Chen General Helm Lord: "It's sour!" "

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "It's sour!" "

When the chatting masses saw Zhang Sanfeng's words, they felt even more uncomfortable than swallowing a hundred lemons.

1 million points!

Zhang Sanfeng, can he spend it all?

Xiahou Swordsman: "My Gathering Spirit Array is imprisoned. "

Xia Houwei was originally still envious and jealous of Zhang Sanfeng, but he suddenly noticed the change in the Gathering Spirit Array in front of him, and his face changed drastically.

Although the Gathering Spirit Array was still running, it could no longer absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Obviously, the will of the upper realm made a move, directly imprisoning the heaven and earth spiritual energy around the Gathering Spirit Array, preventing the heaven and earth spiritual energy from flowing to the location where the Gathering Spirit Array was located.

Graphic designer: "My Spirit Gathering Array can't absorb Aura either. "

The world will help the Lord: "The same is true of the old man's world. "

The higher the world, the more it is suppressed by the world will of the cloud-turning world.

"The Gathering Spirit Array is too little help to change the fate of the Terrans, maybe I can pass on the (Li Nuo Zhao) Sacred Heart Technique to the Terrans."

"If all the Terrans can live forever, then give them enough time, and they may be able to give birth to emperor-level gods and demons."

Xiongba gritted his teeth and purchased the Sacred Heart Recipe on the Points Mall.

Then he controls hundreds of robots purchased from the corpse brother world and travels in all directions to find the tribe of Terrans.

As long as the Sacred Heart Secret is sent to a certain Terran tribe, it will also change the fate of this Terran tribe.

"There is no system for awakening powers in the Upper Realm, and I may be able to spread the system of powers to the Terrans in the Upper Realm."

Xiongba is in action, and Bai Xiaofei is also in action.

They can't improve the peak combat power of the Upper Realm Terrans, but they can indirectly increase the strength of the Terrans.

【Ding-dong! New people join the group! 】

【Ding-dong! New people join the group! 】

At this moment, the crisp prompt tone of the group system sounded in the ears of the chattering masses.

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