Wuxia chat group.

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helmsman Chen: "Stupid, my whole person is shocked and stupid, why did the Great Immortal suddenly upload so many top immortal cultivation resources?" "

Xiao Li Feidao: "I used to feel that I had obtained 3 million points, I felt rich, and now I feel so poor." "

Emperor Hongwu: "This time, the highest level of the goods uploaded by the Great Immortal corresponds to the Mahayana Realm, that is, the eight-grade cultivation immortal resources. "

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "Against the sky, it is really against the sky, and the many immortal cultivation resources uploaded by the immortal are really beyond imagination." "

The relics that Ye Hao's doppelganger found in the fairy world, as long as the treasures were of little use to Ye Hao, he uploaded all to the points mall.

From the soul of the demon path master, the various exercises, techniques, and various immortal cultivation experiences searched, Ye Hao also uploaded all of them to the points mall.

At the same time, the Taiyi Gate inheritance obtained in Zhao Shenyang's soul, Ye Hao was also uploaded to the points mall.

Previously, the immortal cultivation resources in the points mall were hundreds of thousands, but now the types of immortal cultivation resources are in the millions, and the "zero zero" or even tens of millions.

Originally, the top-notch immortal cultivation resources had only reached the peak of the Jiedan Realm.

And the current immortal cultivation resources, the highest level directly reached the peak of the Mahayana realm.

It can be imagined that so many top immortal cultivation resources uploaded to the points mall brought a big shock to the chat masses.

Originally, the chatting masses were still excited and cheering for the sudden achievement of millions of points.

After seeing the constantly updated merchandise sundries area, the chatting masses no longer felt rich.

I even feel extremely poor.

In the points mall, not to mention the goods worth millions of points, there are goods worth tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of points.

Huashan Paiyue is in charge: "Earn points, we must find a way to earn points, everyone take action." "

Great Qin Zulong: "Wait another hour, we can act." "

In the Daqin world, the top of Mount Tai, Ying Zheng easily condensed the qi luck of one world, and is fusing the qi luck golden dragon.

The world will of the Daqin world is enhanced because of the victory government, in this case, the world will naturally not resist the establishment of the Yun dynasty and unify the world.

As for the anti-Qin forces, they were all solved before they reached the foot of Mount Tai.

The gap in strength between the two sides is too large.

Among the anti-Qin forces, the strongest is the Great Master.

And among the shadow secret guards of Ying Zheng, basically everyone has reached the realm of great grandmasters, and they are even proficient in the realm of cultivating immortals, and can fly with swords.

The two sides are not at all on the same level.

The world will help the Lord: "Ying Zheng, what are you doing?" "

Xiongba obviously guessed something from Ying Zheng's words.

Space station navigator: "If nothing else, His Majesty should be in the process of establishing the Yun Dynasty, and may even have succeeded." "

Xiahou Swordsman: "In other words, a cultivator of the Jiedan Realm will soon be born in the chat group?" "

Xiao Li Feidao: "I'm afraid it's not an ordinary Jiedan Realm cultivator, relying on the heaven and earth energy absorbed in the world realm of Hongwu Emperor, I'm afraid that the potential of the world where His Majesty is located will increase again." "

Graphic designer: "The chat group changes too quickly, and if you can't keep up, you can really be completely outdated." "

Bai Xiaofei felt a huge pressure.

He knows very well that the breakthrough of the victorious government is only the beginning, and the strength of the rest of the chat group may also usher in a big explosion.

"Is the other Qin Shi Huang about to break through to the Jiedan Realm?"

In the legendary world of the Son of Heaven, Qin Shihuang relied on the elixir to not only adjust his state to the best state, but also solved the side effects of the reverse training of the Hun Tianbaojian.

At this time, his martial arts realm directly stepped on the peak of the Heavenly and Human Realm.

However, Qin Shi Huang was very clear that he could not defeat the Jiedan Realm level at all.

"Xu must also speed up!"

Qin Shi Huang did not focus on improving the realm of immortal cultivation, but planned to continue to improve the realm of martial arts.

If he raised the martial arts realm to a sixth-order martial artist, then with his strength, it would be enough to sweep away all the top martial artists in the Daqin realm.

Whether it was Liu Bang or Xiang Yu, he could easily kill.

After solving all the hidden dangers of Daqin, he can establish the Yun Dynasty.

With the strength of Daqin, once he established the Yun Dynasty, he would definitely be able to set foot in the Jiedan Realm.

Qin Shi Huang did not have any hesitation at all, he chose the same cultivation path as Ying Zheng and established the Yun Dynasty.

Shifting Flower Palace Master: "Successfully breaking through to the Foundation Building Realm, there are still some gaps with Your Majesty. "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "The old Dao has just broken through to the Foundation Building Realm, and his strength is still too weak. "

Master Wing Chun Yip: "I just washed 100,000 devils in blood, and luckily broke through to the foundation building realm. "

As the chatting masses announced their strength one by one, those group members who were still in the Qi Refining Realm cultivators.

They even feel that it becomes extremely difficult to breathe.

In the past, the strength gap in the martial arts realm, the chat masses can not care.

However, a big realm gap in the Immortal Cultivation Realm made the other group members who had not yet broken through to the Foundation Building Realm extremely depressed.

Princess Changping: "I chose to follow the path of faith, and I have now broken through to the late stage of the Foundation Building Realm." "

Ah Jiu found that he was not suitable for establishing the Yun Dynasty or cultivating the Demon Dao, but chose to believe in the Feng Shen.

Although the strength of believing in the sealing of gods, compared to other cultivation methods, the combat power is relatively weak.

However, Ah Jiu found that this was the most suitable cultivation method for her.

With the previous ruling foundation, it won't be long before Ah Jiu will be able to transform tens of millions of believers in Daming.

Xiahou Swordsman: "You also broke through to the Foundation Building Realm, or even in the late stage of Foundation Building Realm?" "

In Xia Houwei's eyes, A Jiu is a tail car, one of the people with the weakest sense of existence in the chat group.

As a result, he never expected that the other party would silently break through to the late stage of the Foundation Building Realm...

Master Wing Chun Yip: "It seems that I am going to speed up and kill all the hundreds of thousands of devils in Kyushu Country first." "

Ip Man also felt extremely surprised. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Xiao Li Feidao: "In other words, once Her Majesty transforms most of the population of Daming over 100 million into her own disciples, won't she soon become a cultivator at the level of the Jiedan Realm?" "

Surpassed by the government, the chatting masses can still comfort themselves.

Now even the hanging tail car of the chat group is unknowingly breaking through to the late stage of foundation building, how can everyone accept this?

Great Qin Zulong: "When the Yun Dynasty ceremony is over, I will try to trigger the group mission of Qin Shi Huang or Xiongba No. 2 World, and I hope that everyone can participate in the group mission together at that time." "

Ying Zheng's words made the chatter's hearts heavy, and their faces changed drastically.

Whether it is the Fengyun Comic World or the Tianzi Legendary World, all of them have masters of the Heavenly and Human Realm level.

If it is just the cultivation of the Qi Refining Realm, if you are not careful, you may be killed by the martial artist of the Heavenly Human Realm.

If they buy the Foundation Building Realm or the Jiedan Realm Defense Talisman, will the mission reward points they earn be repaid?

Even with Daxian participating in group missions together, the situation is completely different now.

The strength between the chatting masses was completely opened, and when the rewards were distributed before, the difference would not be big.

Now it may be several times, or even dozens of times the gap.

"A new era of chat groups has arrived, so behave."

In the peerless double pride world, Ye Hao hugged Yueyue, looked at the conversation of the chattering masses, and secretly said.

The further back you go, the bigger the change in the chat group.

The change in the strength of the chatting masses is just the beginning.

After the change in strength, the impact will also come quickly.

If you never find your own cultivation path, and only cultivate according to the immortal cultivation method of Chang 4.7 rule, you will not be able to catch up with other group members at all.

"Yue Buqun is decisive enough!"

Ye Hao suddenly noticed that Yue Buqun of the Snow Leopard World was frantically slaughtering devils.

Yue Buqun spent 10,000 points to purchase mission cards, not to earn group mission rewards.

He used the mission world opened by the mission card as a resource for his cultivation of the Demon Dao.

Before obtaining the mission of the Snow Leopard World, Yue Buqun had already spent 30,000 points to purchase the mission card.

Once he determined that the mission world was not safe, he even spent points to purchase immortal cultivation resources and quickly completed the group mission and left.

And the snow leopard world is a completely ordinary world, and even in the World War II period, Yue Buqun directly opened the killing mode.

Immortal cultivator: "Yue Buqun, you are doing well, continue to cheer." "

Ye Hao spoke up with encouragement.

The larger the brain hole of the group member, the easier it is to trigger the group task.

Chatting masses: "??? "。

What did Yue Buqun do to get the praise of the Great Immortal? .

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