Great Qin Zulong: "Head Yue, what are you doing?" "

The world of Daqin, who was immersed in the rapidly improving strength, looked at Ye Hao's words, and was directly stunned.

As the first group member to step out of his own cultivation path and soon to set foot in the Jiedan Realm, the Great Immortal didn't say anything.

Now he actually opened his mouth to praise Yue Buqun.

How can this Yue Buqun be virtuous?

The world will help the master: "Yue Buqun, do you have any new ideas, why don't you share them with us?" It's so undeserved! "

Xiongba opened his mouth and threw it over directly with a set of moral kidnapping Dafa.

Space station navigator: "Yue Zhangmen, 10,000 points to buy your idea." "

Coming from the modern world, Liu Peiqiang is well aware of the importance of intellectual property.

In the past, chat groups were all poor, and it was okay to share any inspiration and ideas with each other.

It's different now.

Especially after experiencing the group mission of the cloud-turning world, except for Qin Shihuang and Xiongba No. 2, who just joined the chat group, everyone else has at least 1 million points.

In this case, some benefits should be given to group members who can provide new ideas, new ideas.

Graphic design: "I support Brother Liu's suggestion, and I am also willing to pay 10,000 points to buy Yue's creativity." "

Bai Xiaofei also did not have any hesitation.

Although I don't know what Yue Buqun is doing.

However, Yue Buqun's practice was obviously extraordinary.

Qin Shi Huang: "Shu also gives 10,000 points, if others are not willing, you send me a red envelope alone." "

After the group mission of the rainy and cloudy world was completed, he uploaded all the martial arts goods collected by Daqin to the points mall.

At this time, he also had hundreds of thousands of points24

For the idea of buying Yue Buqun with 10,000 points, Qin Shihuang did not feel expensive.

He understands the importance of talent.

If Yue Buqun's ideas and ideas were useful to him, they would definitely be worth more than 10,000 points.

Even if it is useless for him, it has reference value, at least it will not lose money.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "The old Taoist also supports this trading method, and the division is reasonable." "

[Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist priest sent a red envelope to the head of Huashan Paiyue. 】

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "If you feel that the price is too low, you can say another price, and if it feels suitable, you accept this red envelope." "


In the Snow Leopard World, Yue Buqun, who was indiscriminately harvesting a division devil, looked at the words of the chatting masses, and his expression froze.

He originally planned to kill all the ghosts of this division, so he would show his operation in the chat group and let the chat crowd know his wisdom and tricks.

He didn't expect that he would have a chance to get points.

【Ding-dong! The head of Huashan Paiyue received the red envelope. 】

[Huashan sent the head of Yue to send a red envelope to the hundred-year-old Taoist priest of Wudang. 】

Without any hesitation, Yue Buqun accepted Zhang Sanfeng's red envelope.

As long as half of the chat group buys his creative idea, he can earn 100,000 points.

In the past and now, 100,000 points is not a small amount.

Unless he performs group tasks with Daxian and holds Daxian's thigh, he has obtained a group mission that is rewarded with more than 100,000 points.

If he performs group tasks by himself, or teams up with others in the chat group to complete group tasks, he has never been rewarded with more than 100,000 points.

[Great Qin Zulong sent a red envelope to the head of Huashan Paiyue. 】

[Xiao Li Feidao sent a red envelope to the head of Huashan Paiyue. 】

[Heaven and Earth Society, Chief Helmsman Chen sent a red envelope to the head of Huashan Paiyue. 】

Seeing this, the chatter did not have any hesitation, and everyone sent Yue Buqun a red envelope of 10,000 points.

"Hahaha blood earns 180,000 points."

Yue Buqun was extremely excited, and quickly received all the red envelopes.

At first, he also intended to hide his thoughts and ideas.

However, after careful consideration, Yue Buqun knew that his thoughts were not too extraordinary.

It won't be long before the rest of the chat group will find out as well.

Therefore, he only plans to pretend to be a big force in the chat group before the rest of the chat group finds out.

However, being able to earn 180,000 points now is definitely an unexpected surprise.

[Huashan Paiyue head started the live broadcast. ] 】

Huashan sent Yue in charge: "Since everyone has paid points, then Yue will broadcast live for everyone to watch." "

[Da Qin Zulong entered the live broadcast room. ] 】

[Emperor Hongwu entered the live broadcast room. 】

[The master of the Flower Shifting Palace entered the live broadcast room. ] 】

"Everyone also knows that the path of cultivation I chose is the Demon Dao."

"It's a pity that there are too few goals in my world that meet the goal of cultivating the Demon Dao, only a few tens of thousands of boko."

"So, I set my sights on other worlds."

Yue Buqun said, looking proud.

"Everyone should remember that there is a special item in the points mall, the mission card."

"Either activate a group mission in your own world, or open a mission at random, the world is not limited, the difficulty is not limited." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Yue Buqun pointed to the devils in front of him, one by one, neatly arranged, with a strong smile on his face.

"I bought the mission card not to get points at all, but to find a world suitable for cultivating the Demon Dao."

"The world I am currently in is a very suitable world, an ordinary technological world in the era of World War II."

"I directly used a second-grade psychedelic array, including a division of devils, and then controlled them to assemble."

Because, the group task only had one day, Yue Buqun naturally couldn't let himself lose money.

Therefore, in order to increase the efficiency of harvesting, he directly used the formation to gather all the ghosts of a division together.

"With my current strength, there is no problem in harvesting several ghost divisions a day."

"As my strength improves higher and higher, maybe one day, I will be able to easily harvest millions, or even tens of millions of devils."

Not only did he collect points, but he was also able to pretend that Yue Buqun didn't have any hiding from his thoughts.

"Boss Yue, your idea is very good and wonderful! I was very impressed. "

Ying Zheng said with a smile on his face and said excitedly.

Yue Buqun could enter other worlds through the mission card and practice the Demon Dao Technique.

He can also enter other worlds through the mission card, and the abduction should be to invite the powerhouses of other worlds to join Daqin.

For example, if he enters a martial arts world similar to the rain and cloud-turning world, he can invite the top experts such as the magician Pang Ban and the rainy sword and wave to join Daqin.

At the same time, you can also invite Cihang Jingzhai, Magic Master Palace, Jingnian Zen Buddhism, Nujiao Gang and other sects to join Daqin.

If there is enough time, he can even move hundreds of thousands of people from the most prosperous cities in the world, such as Yangzhou and Suzhou, to Daqin.

In this way, Daqin will quickly become stronger.

"Yue Buqun, your idea is very brilliant, no wonder you can get the praise of the great immortal, the old man admires."

If Xiongba was still hesitating to establish the Yun Dynasty before, he was still cultivating the Demon Dao.

At this time, he no longer had any hesitation.

Magic Road!

Because, Xiongba feels that the magic path is more suitable for him.

He can completely imitate Yue Buqun's thinking, buy a mission card, and after determining that the mission world is not dangerous, he can choose a devil-like target and harvest.

"Ip Man admires!"

Ye Man's face was complicated, and he sighed faintly.

Compared to Yue Buqun, his speed of harvesting devils was too slow.

How could he not have thought of using the formation to gather the ghosts of a division or a brigade together for a unified harvest.

Otherwise, he would have already solved the hundreds of thousands of devils in the territory of Kyushu Country.

"Okay, everything that needs to be said is with everyone, I'm going to continue."

After Yue Buqun finished speaking, he closed the live broadcast room.

He spent 4 points to buy four mission cards, and only this time the Snow Leopard World was the most suitable for cultivating the Demon Dao.

He may break through to the Foundation Building Realm at any time, and once he breaks through to the Foundation Building Realm, his harvesting speed will definitely be faster.

The 550 gang leader of the World Society: "Hahaha old man is also going to act." "

Xiongba hurriedly entered the points mall and began to buy mission cards.

Before, he was about to break through to the Jiedan Realm, and he was a little overwhelmed.

Now he doesn't have that concern.

Heaven and Earth Society's general helmsman: "The current cultivation path of the chat group, there is the establishment of the Yun Dynasty, the way of demons, the way of faith, and the way of bloodline, I don't know if there are other options?" "

Chen Jinnan hesitated for a long time, and finally favored the Demon Dao.

It's just that he still wants to see if there is a more suitable cultivation path for him.

Heaven and Earth Society Chen General Helm Lord: "Xiao Li Feidao, Flower Transfer Palace Lord, Canteen Gao Chef, Guo Jing, Qiao Feng, Gang Master Qiao Feng, Rainbow Cat Shaoxiao, graphic designer, Xiahou Swordsman, what cultivation path have you all determined?" "

Except for the two newcomers, Chen Jinnan's people were all group members who did not explain what cultivation path they planned to choose.

Xiahou Swordsman: "I choose the Royal Beast Master, I plan to buy a Royal Beast Magic Weapon to capture the demons and monsters of my world, so as to control them to fight for me." "

"With Yan Chixia helping me, I should be able to catch quite a few thousand-year-old demons soon."

Xia Houwei felt that if he could control the ten thousand-year-old demons, his strength in the chat group was definitely not weak.

"Imperial Beast Master?"

When the rest of the chat group heard this, their brows furrowed slightly.

The world they are in is not as advanced as the Xiahouwei world, and there are many thousand-year-old demons and 10,000-year demons.

If they choose to become a Royal Beast Master, they need to purchase not only the Royal Beast Magic Weapon, but also the Spirit Beast Demon Beast.

Too many points are required.

The Imperial Beast Master is more suitable for group members from the advanced world.

Graphic designer: "I plan to be the new corpse king." "

Bai Xiaofei spoke his mind.

He also intends to obtain the genes of the undead skeleton and then devour the genes of various creatures in the heavens and realms.

Whether it was a special species in nature, an immortal cultivation race, or a species with other characteristics, he planned to devour the fusion.

He wants to take the path of genetic immortal cultivation.

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