Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "Can the undead body devour the genes of a true dragon, phoenix, and unicorn?" "

For the method of gene cultivation of immortals, Gao has to be a little moved.

Although his current talent is the best in the mythical world.

However, in his chat group, his cultivation talent can only be regarded as average now.

The corpse king dragon of the corpse brother world is right, and his undead skeleton can devour the genes of various creatures.

Even tardigrades, cosmic overlord-level alien creatures can be devoured.

With an undead skeleton, even if the corpse king dragon right is sealed for a thousand years, it is only a little weak.

If you give the Corpse King Dragon some time, it is very easy to become a super god-level powerhouse.

If the undead skeleton can even devour the genes of the top races such as the dragon race, phoenix race, and golden crow race in the immortal cultivation world, then what terrifying height will the talent of the undead skeleton grow to?

Graphic designer: "At present, the low-realm immortal cultivation races can be devoured, I wonder if as the strength of these races increases, will the undead skeleton continue to devour?" "

Bai Xiaofei did not hide it.

If the rest of the chat group also chose to cultivate the undead skull, he could sell it for a high price.

Rainbow Cat Shaoxiao: "I really envy you, you are all sure of the cultivation path, I still don't know what cultivation path to choose." "

Although Rainbow Cat has his own father, White Cat, as a staff officer.

However, what cultivation path to let the rainbow cat choose is completely beyond the white cat's cognition.

Qiao Feng, the leader of the gang: "I didn't think about it well. "

Guo Jing: "I didn't think about it either. "

Xiao Li Feidao: "Alas~ I didn't think about it well." "

As the rest of the chat group determined their cultivation path, and their strength increased rapidly, the group members who had not yet determined their cultivation path all felt great pressure.

However, choosing a path of cultivation is not a casual matter.

Like Ying Zheng, he chose to establish the Yun Dynasty because he really felt that he was suitable for this path of cultivation.

Like Yue Buqun chose the Demon Dao, it could be seen from his operation that Yue Buqun was really suitable for cultivating the Demon Dao.

If you rashly choose a cultivation path that you don't like, the cultivation speed in the early stage may be similar to that of other group members.

However, as the realm improves, if it is really not suitable to take the chosen path of cultivation, then the speed of cultivation will become slower and slower.

Qiao Feng, the leader of the gang: "Actually, I want to practice martial arts, and with the support of immortal cultivation resources, the cultivation speed of martial arts is actually not slow. "

Qiao Feng, the leader of the Gang Gang: "It's just that the top martial arts exercises in the chat group now are only the exercises of those emperor-level gods and demons. "

Qiao Feng actually prefers the hard-hitting martial arts.

It's just that the highest level of the current martial arts exercises in the chat group is an eighth-order martial artist.

If there is no higher-level martial arts practice in the future, then his martial artist path will be directly cut off.

At that time, if you want to cultivate immortals again, the gap with other group members will be too great.

Flower Shifting Palace Master: "I do know a few cultivation paths to quickly improve my strength, but I don't know if you can accept it." "

The Lord of the Shifting Flower Palace: "One is the method of seizing the sacrifice, directly taking away the body of a top race in the Foundation Building Realm, or even the Jiedan Realm." "

The master of the Flower Shifting Palace: "One is the method of evil gods, directly impersonating the gods of many believers such as Buddha, God, and Taoist Ancestor, and seizing the power of their faith. "

The master of the Shifting Flower Palace: "A cultivation immortal cultivation technique that cultivates the devouring class, devours the golden pill, devours the Yuan Baby, and devours the Yuan God to improve strength." "

Yueyue said a series of methods one after another.

These were some of the cultivation methods she heard from Ye Hao when she had in-depth communication with Ye Hao.

If you want to quickly improve your strength in a short period of time, unless you have massive immortal cultivation resources.

Otherwise, you can only go to the left side of the door.

Moreover, there are various costs to pay for these side roads, or there are various hidden dangers or side effects.

Otherwise, in many world of immortal cultivation, it would not be traditional immortal cultivation that dominated the mainstream.

"I wonder if I can take multiple cultivation paths at the same time?"

Xiongba sees the path of the demon path, and at the same time, he is also very interested in the path of the evil god.

In the world of Fengyun, Xiao Li Feidao World, Lu Ding Ji World and other group members, there are a large number of believers in gods such as Buddha, God, Dao Ancestor and so on.

And, in these worlds, these gods are false.

If you practice the method of evil gods, you can easily obtain the power of faith of these false gods.

"Unfortunately, none of them are suitable for me."

In the Condor World, Guo Jing looked helpless.

He prefers to follow the path of integrity.

However, the path of cultivation is almost too slow.

As for establishing the Yun Dynasty, or cultivating the bloodline path, it was not the cultivation path he wanted.

Great Qin Zulong: "If you can't determine the path of cultivation for the time being, you can wait." "

Great Qin Zulong: "The Great Immortal uploaded a huge amount of immortal cultivation resources in the chat group, maybe among these immortal cultivation resources, there is a cultivation path suitable for you." "

Great Qin Zulong: "However, Xu is going to start trying to trigger the group mission." "

In the world of Daqin, Ying Zheng stood in the air, looking at the firmament, feeling that his body seemed to have the power to burn mountains and boil the sea, and his expression was intoxicated.

"The middle stage of the Jiedan Realm is so powerful, so how powerful should the Yuan Infant Realm and the Transformation God Realm be?"

"How powerful should Cheng Immortal be?"

Incomparable yearning for government.

So, he needs enough points.

Every time a new person enters the chat group, they try to trigger a new task.

This time, Qin Shi Huang and Xiongba No. 2 entered the chat group, and they have not yet tried to trigger the group task. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Princess Changping: "Then let's start." "

In the world of the Blue Blood Sword, A Jiu's face turned red with excitement.

She was originally just a small transparent in the chat group, and after choosing to believe in the way of sealing gods, her strength has already stepped into the late stage of foundation building.

Such strength, in the chat group, is definitely a top-notch existence.

Xiahou Swordsman: "Then let's start!" "

In the Qiannu Ghost World, Xia Houwei looked at a thousand-year-old fox spirit controlled by the Hundred Demon Pagoda with a look of ecstasy.

The thousand-year-old fox spirit may not be as good as the thousand-year-old tree spirit tree demon grandmother, but it is comparable to the top in terms of illusion.

With this thousand-year-old fox spirit as a hole card, his combat effectiveness has greatly increased.

And that's just the beginning.

As long as he gives Yan Chixia to improve the resources of cultivation immortals, with Yan Chixia's strength, he will definitely be able to catch more demons and monsters.

Then he can control more demons and monsters.

And he was able to get back and improve his strength quickly by controlling so many demons and monsters.

Similar to A Jiu, Xia Houwei's presence in the chat group is also relatively weak.

Now that he has the opportunity to express himself and improve his status in the chat group, Xia Houwei will definitely not miss it.

Qin Shi Huang: "You want to trigger the group task, how do you want to trigger it?" "

The world will help the lord No. 2: "~ If there is anything that needs the cooperation of the old man, the old man will definitely cooperate." "

Qin Shi Huang and Xiongba No. 2 were very active.

Once the group task is triggered, they will definitely be able to participate.

Watching the other people in the chat area rely on points to quickly improve their strength, they are also very envious and jealous.

They also want to earn a lot of points that they can use to quickly improve their strength.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "The two newcomers this time are not only powerful, but also have a very high status, and it is a little difficult to trigger group missions on them." "

Huashan Pai Yue was in charge: "Like Xiongba No. 2 is about to face the killing opportunity of the Sword Saint, that is also he destroyed Wushuang City first, and we can't trigger the group mission from it at all." "

Graphic designer: "It's not good that the strength of newcomers is too strong, almost standing at the peak of life, and they can't trigger group tasks from it." "

The World Will Help Lord No. 2: "How about Di Shitian who hunted my world?" He's a madman, should we do it for Skywalk? "

Finding that the chatting masses were not very interested in triggering their own world, Xiongba No. 2 couldn't help but take the initiative to speak.

"That terrifying existence who can spy on the world line is an eighth-order martial artist, comparable to a cultivator in the Yuan Infant Realm."

"In other words, Emperor Shitian's strength should be similar to that of a Jiedan Realm level cultivator?"

In the world of Daqin, when Ying Zheng heard this, he quickly analyzed.

He has the realm of the middle level of the Jiedan realm, and although his strength is rapidly improved by qi luck, he is not very familiar with the power control of this realm.

However, relying on the immortal cultivation resources purchased with points, the dragon vein that condenses the luck of heaven and earth is constantly strengthened.

The dragon vein in his hands was enough to be comparable to the top-level magic weapon of the Jiedan Realm.

"If in the world of Xiongba No. 2, Emperor Shitian was also defeated in the hands of Wu Invincible, then I should be able to deal with Emperor Shitian now."

He quickly made a decision.

Great Qin Zulong: "Emperor Shi Tian has harmed for a thousand years, this kind of traitor, we must kill it and replace Tianxing Dao." "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "A madman like Emperor Shitian is too dangerous to the world, and we should indeed suppress it." "

Xiahou Swordsman: "It is my duty to punish treachery and eliminate evil." "

Group members who felt that they had the strength to participate spoke one after another.

Emperor Shitian's strength is definitely not as good as Da Ri Rulai, or even far inferior to Da Ri Rulai, at most, he is a seventh-order martial artist.

Da Qin Zulong: "Xiongba No. 2, you open the world permission, we enter it, we must suppress the evil demon like Emperor Shitian." "

"Ding-dong! Trigger group missions, kill Emperor Shitian for Tianxingdao, and destroy all forces of Emperor Shitian. "

"The higher the completion of the mission, the greater the reward."

"All group members can participate in this mission, and task rewards will be distributed according to everyone's contribution."

At this moment, the crisp prompt of the group system sounded.

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